<?php use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; /** * This class is in charge of building the final page. * (This is basically a wrapper around RainTPL which pre-fills some fields.) * $p = new PageBuilder(); * $p->assign('myfield','myvalue'); * $p->renderPage('mytemplate'); */ class PageBuilder { /** * @var RainTPL RainTPL instance. */ private $tpl; /** * @var ConfigManager $conf Configuration Manager instance. */ protected $conf; /** * @var LinkDB $linkDB instance. */ protected $linkDB; /** * PageBuilder constructor. * $tpl is initialized at false for lazy loading. * * @param ConfigManager $conf Configuration Manager instance (reference). * @param LinkDB $linkDB instance. */ public function __construct(&$conf, $linkDB = null) { $this->tpl = false; $this->conf = $conf; $this->linkDB = $linkDB; } /** * Initialize all default tpl tags. */ private function initialize() { $this->tpl = new RainTPL(); try { $version = ApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( shaarli_version, $this->conf->get('resource.update_check'), $this->conf->get('updates.check_updates_interval'), $this->conf->get('updates.check_updates'), isLoggedIn(), $this->conf->get('updates.check_updates_branch') ); $this->tpl->assign('newVersion', escape($version)); $this->tpl->assign('versionError', ''); } catch (Exception $exc) { logm($this->conf->get('resource.log'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $exc->getMessage()); $this->tpl->assign('newVersion', ''); $this->tpl->assign('versionError', escape($exc->getMessage())); } $this->tpl->assign('feedurl', escape(index_url($_SERVER))); $searchcrits = ''; // Search criteria if (!empty($_GET['searchtags'])) { $searchcrits .= '&searchtags=' . urlencode($_GET['searchtags']); } if (!empty($_GET['searchterm'])) { $searchcrits .= '&searchterm=' . urlencode($_GET['searchterm']); } $this->tpl->assign('searchcrits', $searchcrits); $this->tpl->assign('source', index_url($_SERVER)); $this->tpl->assign('version', shaarli_version); $this->tpl->assign('scripturl', index_url($_SERVER)); $this->tpl->assign('privateonly', !empty($_SESSION['privateonly'])); // Show only private links? $this->tpl->assign('pagetitle', $this->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli')); if ($this->conf->exists('general.header_link')) { $this->tpl->assign('titleLink', $this->conf->get('general.header_link')); } $this->tpl->assign('shaarlititle', $this->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli')); $this->tpl->assign('openshaarli', $this->conf->get('security.open_shaarli', false)); $this->tpl->assign('showatom', $this->conf->get('feed.show_atom', true)); $this->tpl->assign('feed_type', $this->conf->get('feed.show_atom', true) !== false ? 'atom' : 'rss'); $this->tpl->assign('hide_timestamps', $this->conf->get('privacy.hide_timestamps', false)); $this->tpl->assign('token', getToken($this->conf)); if ($this->linkDB !== null) { $this->tpl->assign('tags', $this->linkDB->linksCountPerTag()); } // To be removed with a proper theme configuration. $this->tpl->assign('conf', $this->conf); } /** * The following assign() method is basically the same as RainTPL (except lazy loading) * * @param string $placeholder Template placeholder. * @param mixed $value Value to assign. */ public function assign($placeholder, $value) { if ($this->tpl === false) { $this->initialize(); } $this->tpl->assign($placeholder, $value); } /** * Assign an array of data to the template builder. * * @param array $data Data to assign. * * @return false if invalid data. */ public function assignAll($data) { if ($this->tpl === false) { $this->initialize(); } if (empty($data) || !is_array($data)){ return false; } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->assign($key, $value); } return true; } /** * Render a specific page (using a template file). * e.g. $pb->renderPage('picwall'); * * @param string $page Template filename (without extension). */ public function renderPage($page) { if ($this->tpl === false) { $this->initialize(); } $this->tpl->draw($page); } /** * Render a 404 page (uses the template : tpl/404.tpl) * usage : $PAGE->render404('The link was deleted') * * @param string $message A messate to display what is not found */ public function render404($message = 'The page you are trying to reach does not exist or has been deleted.') { header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found'); $this->tpl->assign('error_message', $message); $this->renderPage('404'); } }