<?php /** * Data storage for links. * * This object behaves like an associative array. * * Example: * $myLinks = new LinkDB(); * echo $myLinks['20110826_161819']['title']; * foreach ($myLinks as $link) * echo $link['title'].' at url '.$link['url'].'; description:'.$link['description']; * * Available keys: * - description: description of the entry * - linkdate: date of the creation of this entry, in the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS * (e.g.'20110914_192317') * - private: Is this link private? 0=no, other value=yes * - tags: tags attached to this entry (separated by spaces) * - title Title of the link * - url URL of the link. Can be absolute or relative. * Relative URLs are permalinks (e.g.'?m-ukcw') * * Implements 3 interfaces: * - ArrayAccess: behaves like an associative array; * - Countable: there is a count() method; * - Iterator: usable in foreach () loops. */ class LinkDB implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess { // Links are stored as a PHP serialized string private $_datastore; // Datastore PHP prefix protected static $phpPrefix = '<?php /* '; // Datastore PHP suffix protected static $phpSuffix = ' */ ?>'; // List of links (associative array) // - key: link date (e.g. "20110823_124546"), // - value: associative array (keys: title, description...) private $_links; // List of all recorded URLs (key=url, value=linkdate) // for fast reserve search (url-->linkdate) private $_urls; // List of linkdate keys (for the Iterator interface implementation) private $_keys; // Position in the $this->_keys array (for the Iterator interface) private $_position; // Is the user logged in? (used to filter private links) private $_loggedIn; // Hide public links private $_hidePublicLinks; /** * Creates a new LinkDB * * Checks if the datastore exists; else, attempts to create a dummy one. * * @param $isLoggedIn is the user logged in? */ function __construct($datastore, $isLoggedIn, $hidePublicLinks) { $this->_datastore = $datastore; $this->_loggedIn = $isLoggedIn; $this->_hidePublicLinks = $hidePublicLinks; $this->_checkDB(); $this->_readDB(); } /** * Countable - Counts elements of an object */ public function count() { return count($this->_links); } /** * ArrayAccess - Assigns a value to the specified offset */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { // TODO: use exceptions instead of "die" if (!$this->_loggedIn) { die('You are not authorized to add a link.'); } if (empty($value['linkdate']) || empty($value['url'])) { die('Internal Error: A link should always have a linkdate and URL.'); } if (empty($offset)) { die('You must specify a key.'); } $this->_links[$offset] = $value; $this->_urls[$value['url']]=$offset; } /** * ArrayAccess - Whether or not an offset exists */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return array_key_exists($offset, $this->_links); } /** * ArrayAccess - Unsets an offset */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { if (!$this->_loggedIn) { // TODO: raise an exception die('You are not authorized to delete a link.'); } $url = $this->_links[$offset]['url']; unset($this->_urls[$url]); unset($this->_links[$offset]); } /** * ArrayAccess - Returns the value at specified offset */ public function offsetGet($offset) { return isset($this->_links[$offset]) ? $this->_links[$offset] : null; } /** * Iterator - Returns the current element */ function current() { return $this->_links[$this->_keys[$this->_position]]; } /** * Iterator - Returns the key of the current element */ function key() { return $this->_keys[$this->_position]; } /** * Iterator - Moves forward to next element */ function next() { ++$this->_position; } /** * Iterator - Rewinds the Iterator to the first element * * Entries are sorted by date (latest first) */ function rewind() { $this->_keys = array_keys($this->_links); rsort($this->_keys); $this->_position = 0; } /** * Iterator - Checks if current position is valid */ function valid() { return isset($this->_keys[$this->_position]); } /** * Checks if the DB directory and file exist * * If no DB file is found, creates a dummy DB. */ private function _checkDB() { if (file_exists($this->_datastore)) { return; } // Create a dummy database for example $this->_links = array(); $link = array( 'title'=>' Shaarli: the personal, minimalist, super-fast, no-database delicious clone', 'url'=>'https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/wiki', 'description'=>'Welcome to Shaarli! This is your first public bookmark. To edit or delete me, you must first login. To learn how to use Shaarli, consult the link "Help/documentation" at the bottom of this page. You use the community supported version of the original Shaarli project, by Sebastien Sauvage.', 'private'=>0, 'linkdate'=> date('Ymd_His'), 'tags'=>'opensource software' ); $this->_links[$link['linkdate']] = $link; $link = array( 'title'=>'My secret stuff... - Pastebin.com', 'url'=>'http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?8434b27936c09649#bR7XsXhoTiLcqCpQbmOpBi3rq2zzQUC5hBI7ZT1O3x8=', 'description'=>'Shhhh! I\'m a private link only YOU can see. You can delete me too.', 'private'=>1, 'linkdate'=> date('Ymd_His', strtotime('-1 minute')), 'tags'=>'secretstuff' ); $this->_links[$link['linkdate']] = $link; // Write database to disk // TODO: raise an exception if the file is not write-able file_put_contents( $this->_datastore, self::$phpPrefix.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->_links))).self::$phpSuffix ); } /** * Reads database from disk to memory */ private function _readDB() { // Public links are hidden and user not logged in => nothing to show if ($this->_hidePublicLinks && !$this->_loggedIn) { $this->_links = array(); return; } // Read data // Note that gzinflate is faster than gzuncompress. // See: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gzdeflate.php#96439 $this->_links = array(); if (file_exists($this->_datastore)) { $this->_links = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode( substr(file_get_contents($this->_datastore), strlen(self::$phpPrefix), -strlen(self::$phpSuffix))))); } // If user is not logged in, filter private links. if (!$this->_loggedIn) { $toremove = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { if ($link['private'] != 0) { $toremove[] = $link['linkdate']; } } foreach ($toremove as $linkdate) { unset($this->_links[$linkdate]); } } // Keep the list of the mapping URLs-->linkdate up-to-date. $this->_urls = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { $this->_urls[$link['url']] = $link['linkdate']; } // Escape links data foreach($this->_links as &$link) { sanitizeLink($link); } } /** * Saves the database from memory to disk * * @param string $pageCacheDir page cache directory */ public function savedb($pageCacheDir) { if (!$this->_loggedIn) { // TODO: raise an Exception instead die('You are not authorized to change the database.'); } file_put_contents( $this->_datastore, self::$phpPrefix.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->_links))).self::$phpSuffix ); invalidateCaches($pageCacheDir); } /** * Returns the link for a given URL, or False if it does not exist. * * @param string $url URL to search for * * @return mixed the existing link if it exists, else 'false' */ public function getLinkFromUrl($url) { if (isset($this->_urls[$url])) { return $this->_links[$this->_urls[$url]]; } return false; } /** * Returns the list of links corresponding to a full-text search * * Searches: * - in the URLs, title and description; * - are case-insensitive. * * Example: * print_r($mydb->filterFulltext('hollandais')); * * mb_convert_case($val, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') * - allows to perform searches on Unicode text * - see https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/75 for examples */ public function filterFulltext($searchterms) { // FIXME: explode(' ',$searchterms) and perform a AND search. // FIXME: accept double-quotes to search for a string "as is"? $filtered = array(); $search = mb_convert_case($searchterms, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'); $keys = array('title', 'description', 'url', 'tags'); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { $found = false; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (strpos(mb_convert_case($link[$key], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'), $search) !== false) { $found = true; } } if ($found) { $filtered[$link['linkdate']] = $link; } } krsort($filtered); return $filtered; } /** * Returns the list of links associated with a given list of tags * * You can specify one or more tags, separated by space or a comma, e.g. * print_r($mydb->filterTags('linux programming')); */ public function filterTags($tags, $casesensitive=false) { // Same as above, we use UTF-8 conversion to handle various graphemes (i.e. cyrillic, or greek) // FIXME: is $casesensitive ever true? $t = str_replace( ',', ' ', ($casesensitive ? $tags : mb_convert_case($tags, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8')) ); $searchtags = explode(' ', $t); $filtered = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $l) { $linktags = explode( ' ', ($casesensitive ? $l['tags']:mb_convert_case($l['tags'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8')) ); if (count(array_intersect($linktags, $searchtags)) == count($searchtags)) { $filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l; } } krsort($filtered); return $filtered; } /** * Returns the list of articles for a given day, chronologically sorted * * Day must be in the form 'YYYYMMDD' (e.g. '20120125'), e.g. * print_r($mydb->filterDay('20120125')); */ public function filterDay($day) { if (! checkDateFormat('Ymd', $day)) { throw new Exception('Invalid date format'); } $filtered = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $l) { if (startsWith($l['linkdate'], $day)) { $filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l; } } ksort($filtered); return $filtered; } /** * Returns the article corresponding to a smallHash */ public function filterSmallHash($smallHash) { $filtered = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $l) { if ($smallHash == smallHash($l['linkdate'])) { // Yes, this is ugly and slow $filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l; return $filtered; } } return $filtered; } /** * Returns the list of all tags * Output: associative array key=tags, value=0 */ public function allTags() { $tags = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { foreach (explode(' ', $link['tags']) as $tag) { if (!empty($tag)) { $tags[$tag] = (empty($tags[$tag]) ? 1 : $tags[$tag] + 1); } } } // Sort tags by usage (most used tag first) arsort($tags); return $tags; } /** * Returns the list of days containing articles (oldest first) * Output: An array containing days (in format YYYYMMDD). */ public function days() { $linkDays = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->_links) as $day) { $linkDays[substr($day, 0, 8)] = 0; } $linkDays = array_keys($linkDays); sort($linkDays); return $linkDays; } }