- Changed: HTML generation moved to RainTPL templates (in the tpl/ directory).
- Added: Better check on URL parameters (patch by gege2061).
- Changed: Better detection of HTTPS (patch by gege2061).
- Changed: In RSS/ATOM feeds, the GUID is now the permalink instead of the final URL (patch by gege2061).
- Changed: Jerrywham CSS patch included.
- Changed: Multiple spaces are now respected in description. Thus you can use Shaarli as a personal pastebin (for posting source code, for example). I also added a max-height and overflow:auto so that content can be scrolled if too large.
- Corrected: Tab order changed in login screen.
- Corrected: Permalinks now work even if additional parameters have been added (eg. /?E8Yj2Q&utm_source=blablabla…)
- Corrected: user.css is included only if the file is present (This prevent a useless CSS include which makes a harmless but useless 404 error.).
- Removed: Page time generation was removed.