* Link datastore tests
namespace Shaarli\Bookmark;
use DateTime;
use ReferenceLinkDB;
use ReflectionClass;
use Shaarli;
require_once 'application/feed/Cache.php';
require_once 'application/Utils.php';
require_once 'tests/utils/ReferenceLinkDB.php';
* Unitary tests for LinkDB
class LinkDBTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
// datastore to test write operations
protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php';
* @var ReferenceLinkDB instance.
protected static $refDB = null;
* @var LinkDB public LinkDB instance.
protected static $publicLinkDB = null;
* @var LinkDB private LinkDB instance.
protected static $privateLinkDB = null;
* Instantiates public and private LinkDBs with test data
* The reference datastore contains public and private links that
* will be used to test LinkDB's methods:
* - access filtering (public/private),
* - link searches:
* - by day,
* - by tag,
* - by text,
* - etc.
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
self::$refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB();
self::$publicLinkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false);
self::$privateLinkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
* Resets test data for each test
protected function setUp()
if (file_exists(self::$testDatastore)) {
* Allows to test LinkDB's private methods
* @see
* https://sebastian-bergmann.de/archives/881-Testing-Your-Privates.html
* http://stackoverflow.com/a/2798203
protected static function getMethod($name)
$class = new ReflectionClass('Shaarli\Bookmark\LinkDB');
$method = $class->getMethod($name);
return $method;
* Instantiate LinkDB objects - logged in user
public function testConstructLoggedIn()
new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
* Instantiate LinkDB objects - logged out or public instance
public function testConstructLoggedOut()
new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false);
* Attempt to instantiate a LinkDB whereas the datastore is not writable
* @expectedException Shaarli\Exceptions\IOException
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Error accessing "null"/
public function testConstructDatastoreNotWriteable()
new LinkDB('null/store.db', false, false);
* The DB doesn't exist, ensure it is created with dummy content
public function testCheckDBNew()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false);
$checkDB = self::getMethod('check');
$checkDB->invokeArgs($linkDB, array());
// ensure the correct data has been written
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, filesize(self::$testDatastore));
* The DB exists, don't do anything
public function testCheckDBLoad()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false);
$datastoreSize = filesize(self::$testDatastore);
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $datastoreSize);
$checkDB = self::getMethod('check');
$checkDB->invokeArgs($linkDB, array());
// ensure the datastore is left unmodified
* Load an empty DB
public function testReadEmptyDB()
file_put_contents(self::$testDatastore, '<?php /* S7QysKquBQA= */ ?>');
$emptyDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false);
$this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($emptyDB));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($emptyDB));
* Load public links from the DB
public function testReadPublicDB()
* Load public and private links from the DB
public function testReadPrivateDB()
* Save the links to the DB
public function testSave()
$testDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
$dbSize = sizeof($testDB);
$link = array(
'id' => 42,
'title' => 'an additional link',
'url' => 'http://dum.my',
'description' => 'One more',
'private' => 0,
'created' => DateTime::createFromFormat(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, '20150518_190000'),
'tags' => 'unit test'
$testDB[$link['id']] = $link;
$testDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
$this->assertEquals($dbSize + 1, sizeof($testDB));
* Count existing links
public function testCount()
* Count existing links - public links hidden
public function testCountHiddenPublic()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, true);
* List the days for which links have been posted
public function testDays()
array('20100309', '20100310', '20121206', '20121207', '20130614', '20150310'),
array('20100309', '20100310', '20121206', '20121207', '20130614', '20141125', '20150310'),
* The URL corresponds to an existing entry in the DB
public function testGetKnownLinkFromURL()
$link = self::$publicLinkDB->getLinkFromUrl('http://mediagoblin.org/');
$this->assertNotEquals(false, $link);
'A free software media publishing platform',
* The URL is not in the DB
public function testGetUnknownLinkFromURL()
* Lists all tags
public function testAllTags()
'web' => 3,
'cartoon' => 2,
'gnu' => 2,
'dev' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'-exclude' => 1,
'hashtag' => 2,
// The DB contains a link with `sTuff` and another one with `stuff` tag.
// They need to be grouped with the first case found - order by date DESC: `sTuff`.
'sTuff' => 2,
'ut' => 1,
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 3,
'gnu' => 2,
'dev' => 2,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'sTuff' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'hashtag' => 2,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
'ut' => 1,
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 2,
'gnu' => 1,
'dev' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'hashtag' => 1,
'web' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
self::$privateLinkDB->linksCountPerTag(['web'], 'private')
* Test filter with string.
public function testFilterString()
$tags = 'dev cartoon';
$request = array('searchtags' => $tags);
count(self::$privateLinkDB->filterSearch($request, true, false))
* Test filter with string.
public function testFilterArray()
$tags = array('dev', 'cartoon');
$request = array('searchtags' => $tags);
count(self::$privateLinkDB->filterSearch($request, true, false))
* Test hidden tags feature:
* tags starting with a dot '.' are only visible when logged in.
public function testHiddenTags()
$tags = '.hidden';
$request = array('searchtags' => $tags);
count(self::$privateLinkDB->filterSearch($request, true, false))
count(self::$publicLinkDB->filterSearch($request, true, false))
* Test filterHash() with a valid smallhash.
public function testFilterHashValid()
$request = smallHash('20150310_114651');
$request = smallHash('20150310_114633' . 8);
* Test filterHash() with an invalid smallhash.
* @expectedException \Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\LinkNotFoundException
public function testFilterHashInValid1()
$request = 'blabla';
* Test filterHash() with an empty smallhash.
* @expectedException \Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\LinkNotFoundException
public function testFilterHashInValid()
* Test reorder with asc/desc parameter.
public function testReorderLinksDesc()
$stickyIds = [11, 10];
$standardIds = [42, 4, 9, 1, 0, 7, 6, 8, 41];
$linkIds = array_merge($stickyIds, $standardIds);
$cpt = 0;
foreach (self::$privateLinkDB as $key => $value) {
$this->assertEquals($linkIds[$cpt++], $key);
$linkIds = array_merge(array_reverse($stickyIds), array_reverse($standardIds));
$cpt = 0;
foreach (self::$privateLinkDB as $key => $value) {
$this->assertEquals($linkIds[$cpt++], $key);
* Test rename tag with a valid value present in multiple links
public function testRenameTagMultiple()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
$res = $linkDB->renameTag('cartoon', 'Taz');
$this->assertEquals(3, count($res));
$this->assertContains(' Taz ', $linkDB[4]['tags']);
$this->assertContains(' Taz ', $linkDB[1]['tags']);
$this->assertContains(' Taz ', $linkDB[0]['tags']);
* Test rename tag with a valid value
public function testRenameTagCaseSensitive()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
$res = $linkDB->renameTag('sTuff', 'Taz');
$this->assertEquals(1, count($res));
$this->assertEquals('Taz', $linkDB[41]['tags']);
* Test rename tag with invalid values
public function testRenameTagInvalid()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, false, false);
$this->assertFalse($linkDB->renameTag('', 'test'));
$this->assertFalse($linkDB->renameTag('', ''));
// tag non existent
$this->assertEquals([], $linkDB->renameTag('test', ''));
$this->assertEquals([], $linkDB->renameTag('test', 'retest'));
* Test delete tag with a valid value
public function testDeleteTag()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
$res = $linkDB->renameTag('cartoon', null);
$this->assertEquals(3, count($res));
$this->assertNotContains('cartoon', $linkDB[4]['tags']);
* Test linksCountPerTag all tags without filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagAllNoFilter()
$expected = [
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 3,
'dev' => 2,
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'sTuff' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
'ut' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
$tags = self::$privateLinkDB->linksCountPerTag();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag all tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagAllWithFilter()
$expected = [
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'stuff' => 1,
'web' => 1,
$tags = self::$privateLinkDB->linksCountPerTag(['gnu']);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag public tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagPublicWithFilter()
$expected = [
'gnu' => 2,
'hashtag' => 2,
'-exclude' => 1,
'.hidden' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'stuff' => 1,
'web' => 1,
$tags = self::$privateLinkDB->linksCountPerTag(['gnu'], 'public');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Test linksCountPerTag public tags with filter.
* Equal occurrences should be sorted alphabetically.
public function testCountLinkPerTagPrivateWithFilter()
$expected = [
'cartoon' => 1,
'dev' => 1,
'tag1' => 1,
'tag2' => 1,
'tag3' => 1,
'tag4' => 1,
$tags = self::$privateLinkDB->linksCountPerTag(['dev'], 'private');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $tags, var_export($tags, true));
* Make sure that bookmarks with the same timestamp have a consistent order:
* if their creation date is equal, bookmarks are sorted by ID DESC.
public function testConsistentOrder()
$nextId = 42;
$creation = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190807_130444');
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
$linkDB[$nextId + $i] = [
'id' => $nextId + $i,
'url' => 'http://'. $i,
'created' => $creation,
'title' => true,
'description' => true,
'tags' => true,
// Check 4 new links 4 times
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) {
$linkDB = new LinkDB(self::$testDatastore, true, false);
$count = 3;
foreach ($linkDB as $link) {
$this->assertEquals($nextId + $count, $link['id']);
$this->assertEquals('http://'. $count, $link['url']);
if (--$count < 0) {