path: root/plugins/markdown/markdown.php
blob: 3630ef14aa91540a0b06d4c965806fe3390be746 (plain) (tree)


 * Plugin Markdown.
 * Shaare's descriptions are parsed with Markdown.

require_once 'Parsedown.php';

 * Parse linklist descriptions.
 * @param array $data linklist data.
 * @return mixed linklist data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML).
function hook_markdown_render_linklist($data)
    foreach ($data['links'] as &$value) {
        $value['description'] = process_markdown($value['description']);

    return $data;

 * Parse daily descriptions.
 * @param array $data daily data.
 * @return mixed daily data parsed in markdown (and converted to HTML).
function hook_markdown_render_daily($data)
    // Manipulate columns data
    foreach ($data['cols'] as &$value) {
        foreach ($value as &$value2) {
            $value2['formatedDescription'] = process_markdown($value2['formatedDescription']);

    return $data;

 * When link list is displayed, include markdown CSS.
 * @param array $data includes data.
 * @return mixed - includes data with markdown CSS file added.
function hook_markdown_render_includes($data)
    if ($data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_LINKLIST
        || $data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_DAILY
        || $data['_PAGE_'] == Router::$PAGE_EDITLINK
    ) {
        $data['css_files'][] = PluginManager::$PLUGINS_PATH . '/markdown/markdown.css';

    return $data;

 * Hook render_editlink.
 * Adds an help link to markdown syntax.
 * @param array $data data passed to plugin
 * @return array altered $data.
function hook_markdown_render_editlink($data)
    // Load help HTML into a string
    $data['edit_link_plugin'][] = file_get_contents(PluginManager::$PLUGINS_PATH .'/markdown/help.html');
    return $data;

 * Remove HTML links auto generated by Shaarli core system.
 * Keeps HREF attributes.
 * @param string $description input description text.
 * @return string $description without HTML links.
function reverse_text2clickable($description)
    return preg_replace('!<a +href="([^ ]*)">[^ ]+</a>!m', '$1', $description);

 * Remove <br> tag to let markdown handle it.
 * @param string $description input description text.
 * @return string $description without <br> tags.
function reverse_nl2br($description)
    return preg_replace('!<br */?>!im', '', $description);

 * Remove HTML spaces '&nbsp;' auto generated by Shaarli core system.
 * @param string $description input description text.
 * @return string $description without HTML links.
function reverse_space2nbsp($description)
    return preg_replace('/(^| )&nbsp;/m', '$1 ', $description);

 * Remove '&gt;' at start of line auto generated by Shaarli core system
 * to allow markdown blockquotes.
 * @param string $description input description text.
 * @return string $description without HTML links.
function reset_quote_tags($description)
    return preg_replace('/^( *)&gt; /m', '$1> ', $description);

 * Render shaare contents through Markdown parser.
 *   1. Remove HTML generated by Shaarli core.
 *   2. Generate markdown descriptions.
 *   3. Wrap description in 'markdown' CSS class.
 * @param string $description input description text.
 * @return string HTML processed $description.
function process_markdown($description)
    $parsedown = new Parsedown();

    $processedDescription = $description;
    $processedDescription = reverse_text2clickable($processedDescription);
    $processedDescription = reverse_nl2br($processedDescription);
    $processedDescription = reverse_space2nbsp($processedDescription);
    $processedDescription = reset_quote_tags($processedDescription);
    $processedDescription = $parsedown
    $processedDescription = '<div class="markdown">'. $processedDescription . '</div>';

    return $processedDescription;