From 15c0b25d011f37e7c20aeca9eaf461f78285b8d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alex Pilon Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:24:37 -0500 Subject: deps: Updated via: go get and go mod tidy --- vendor/ | 353 ++ vendor/ | 304 ++ vendor/ | 49 + vendor/ | 174 + vendor/ | 16 + vendor/ | 103 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/diagnostic_text.go | 168 + vendor/ | 24 + vendor/ | 1 + .../ | 25 + vendor/ | 46 + vendor/ | 37 + vendor/ | 44 + .../ | 68 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/didyoumean.go | 24 + .../ | 7 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/expression.go | 1275 +++++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/expression_ops.go | 258 + .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/expression_template.go | 192 + .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/expression_vars.go | 76 + .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/expression_vars_gen.go | 99 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/file.go | 20 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/generate.go | 9 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/keywords.go | 21 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/navigation.go | 41 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/node.go | 22 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/parser.go | 1836 +++++++ .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/parser_template.go | 728 +++ .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/parser_traversal.go | 159 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/peeker.go | 212 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/public.go | 171 + .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/scan_string_lit.go | 301 ++ .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/scan_string_lit.rl | 105 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/scan_tokens.go | 5443 ++++++++++++++++++++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/scan_tokens.rl | 376 ++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/ | 923 ++++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/structure.go | 379 ++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/token.go | 272 + .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/token_type_string.go | 69 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/unicode2ragel.rb | 335 ++ .../hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/unicode_derived.rl | 2135 ++++++++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/variables.go | 86 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/hclsyntax/walk.go | 77 + vendor/ | 121 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/json/didyoumean.go | 33 + vendor/ | 8 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/json/navigation.go | 70 + .../ | 491 ++ .../ | 25 + .../ | 94 + .../ | 293 ++ vendor/ | 405 ++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/json/structure.go | 616 +++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/json/tokentype_string.go | 29 + vendor/ | 226 + vendor/ | 147 + vendor/ | 262 + .../ | 148 + vendor/ | 21 + vendor/ | 691 +++ .../ | 40 + vendor/ | 151 + vendor/ | 352 ++ .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcl/traversal_for_expr.go | 121 + .../hashicorp/hcl2/hcldec/block_labels.go | 21 + vendor/ | 36 + vendor/ | 12 + vendor/ | 23 + vendor/ | 78 + vendor/ | 36 + vendor/ | 998 ++++ .../ | 34 + .../ | 123 + 73 files changed, 22768 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ create mode 100644 vendor/ (limited to 'vendor/') diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82b4de9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 + +1. Definitions + +1.1. “Contributor” + + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the + creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. “Contributor Version” + + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a + Contributor and that particular Contributor’s Contribution. + +1.3. “Contribution” + + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. “Covered Software” + + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the + notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and + Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions + thereof. + +1.5. “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses” + means + + a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in + Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of version + 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of a + Secondary License. + +1.6. “Executable Form” + + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. “Larger Work” + + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a separate + file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. “License” + + means this document. + +1.9. “Licensable” + + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at the + time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the rights conveyed by + this License. + +1.10. “Modifications” + + means any of the following: + + a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, deletion + from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or + + b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software. + +1.11. “Patent Claims” of a Contributor + + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, process, + and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such Contributor that + would be infringed, but for the grant of the License, by the making, + using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import, or transfer of + either its Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +1.12. “Secondary License” + + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser + General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public + License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses. + +1.13. “Source Code Form” + + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. “You” (or “Your”) + + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, “You” includes any entity that controls, is + controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this + definition, “control” means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause + the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the + outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity. + + +2. License Grants and Conditions + +2.1. Grants + + Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, + non-exclusive license: + + a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or as + part of a Larger Work; and + + b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for + sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its Contributions + or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + + The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution become + effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first distributes + such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + + The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under this + License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the distribution + or licensing of Covered Software under this License. Notwithstanding Section + 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a Contributor: + + a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or + + b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party’s + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + + c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of its + Contributions. + + This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or + logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with the + notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + + No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to + distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this License + (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if permitted + under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + + Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its Contributions + are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to grant the + rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + + This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under applicable + copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + + Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in + Section 2.1. + + +3. Responsibilities + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + + All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any + Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under the + terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source Code Form + of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this License, and how + they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not attempt to alter or + restrict the recipients’ rights in the Source Code Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + + If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + + a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form, + as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the + Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by + reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost + of distribution to the recipient; and + + b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this License, + or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the license for + the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the recipients’ + rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + + You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, + provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for the + Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered Software + with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the Covered + Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this License permits + You to additionally distribute such Covered Software under the terms of + such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of the Larger Work may, at + their option, further distribute the Covered Software under the terms of + either this License or such Secondary License(s). + +3.4. Notices + + You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices (including + copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or limitations + of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the Covered + Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the extent + required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + + You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, + indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered + Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf + of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any such + warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by You + alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any + liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, + indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional + disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any + jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation + + If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License + with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute, judicial + order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of this License + to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the limitations and the code + they affect. Such description must be placed in a text file included with all + distributions of the Covered Software under this License. Except to the + extent prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be + sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to + understand it. + +5. Termination + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You + fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant, + then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor + are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor + explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing basis, + if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by some + reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into compliance. + Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are reinstated on an + ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the non-compliance by + some reasonable means, this is the first time You have received notice of + non-compliance with this License from such Contributor, and You become + compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent + infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, counter-claims, + and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version directly or + indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to You by any and + all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section 2.1 of this License + shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user + license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been + validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to + termination shall survive termination. + +6. Disclaimer of Warranty + + Covered Software is provided under this License on an “as is” basis, without + warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including, + without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free of defects, + merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire + risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. + Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You (not any + Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or + correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this + License. No use of any Covered Software is authorized under this License + except under this disclaimer. + +7. Limitation of Liability + + Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including + negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who + distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any + direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any + character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of + goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been + informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability + shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from such + party’s negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. + Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or + consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not apply to You. + +8. Litigation + + Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts of + a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of business + and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that jurisdiction, without + reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing in this Section shall + prevent a party’s ability to bring cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous + + This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject matter + hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such + provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it + enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a + contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not be used to construe + this License against a Contributor. + + +10. Versions of the License + +10.1. New Versions + + Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section + 10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or + publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a + distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + + You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version of + the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, or + under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license + steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + + If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to + create a new license for such software, you may create and use a modified + version of this License if you rename the license and remove any + references to the name of the license steward (except to note that such + modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary Licenses + If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With + Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the + notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice + + This Source Code Form is subject to the + terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. + 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not + distributed with this file, You can + obtain one at + + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, then +You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a relevant +directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses” Notice + + This Source Code Form is “Incompatible + With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by + the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a149a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +package gohcl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +// DecodeBody extracts the configuration within the given body into the given +// value. This value must be a non-nil pointer to either a struct or +// a map, where in the former case the configuration will be decoded using +// struct tags and in the latter case only attributes are allowed and their +// values are decoded into the map. +// +// The given EvalContext is used to resolve any variables or functions in +// expressions encountered while decoding. This may be nil to require only +// constant values, for simple applications that do not support variables or +// functions. +// +// The returned diagnostics should be inspected with its HasErrors method to +// determine if the populated value is valid and complete. If error diagnostics +// are returned then the given value may have been partially-populated but +// may still be accessed by a careful caller for static analysis and editor +// integration use-cases. +func DecodeBody(body hcl.Body, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, val interface{}) hcl.Diagnostics { + rv := reflect.ValueOf(val) + if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("target value must be a pointer, not %s", rv.Type().String())) + } + + return decodeBodyToValue(body, ctx, rv.Elem()) +} + +func decodeBodyToValue(body hcl.Body, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, val reflect.Value) hcl.Diagnostics { + et := val.Type() + switch et.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct: + return decodeBodyToStruct(body, ctx, val) + case reflect.Map: + return decodeBodyToMap(body, ctx, val) + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("target value must be pointer to struct or map, not %s", et.String())) + } +} + +func decodeBodyToStruct(body hcl.Body, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, val reflect.Value) hcl.Diagnostics { + schema, partial := ImpliedBodySchema(val.Interface()) + + var content *hcl.BodyContent + var leftovers hcl.Body + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + if partial { + content, leftovers, diags = body.PartialContent(schema) + } else { + content, diags = body.Content(schema) + } + if content == nil { + return diags + } + + tags := getFieldTags(val.Type()) + + if tags.Remain != nil { + fieldIdx := *tags.Remain + field := val.Type().Field(fieldIdx) + fieldV := val.Field(fieldIdx) + switch { + case bodyType.AssignableTo(field.Type): + fieldV.Set(reflect.ValueOf(leftovers)) + case attrsType.AssignableTo(field.Type): + attrs, attrsDiags := leftovers.JustAttributes() + if len(attrsDiags) > 0 { + diags = append(diags, attrsDiags...) + } + fieldV.Set(reflect.ValueOf(attrs)) + default: + diags = append(diags, decodeBodyToValue(leftovers, ctx, fieldV)...) + } + } + + for name, fieldIdx := range tags.Attributes { + attr := content.Attributes[name] + field := val.Type().Field(fieldIdx) + fieldV := val.Field(fieldIdx) + + if attr == nil { + if !exprType.AssignableTo(field.Type) { + continue + } + + // As a special case, if the target is of type hcl.Expression then + // we'll assign an actual expression that evalues to a cty null, + // so the caller can deal with it within the cty realm rather + // than within the Go realm. + synthExpr := hcl.StaticExpr(cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType), body.MissingItemRange()) + fieldV.Set(reflect.ValueOf(synthExpr)) + continue + } + + switch { + case attrType.AssignableTo(field.Type): + fieldV.Set(reflect.ValueOf(attr)) + case exprType.AssignableTo(field.Type): + fieldV.Set(reflect.ValueOf(attr.Expr)) + default: + diags = append(diags, DecodeExpression( + attr.Expr, ctx, fieldV.Addr().Interface(), + )...) + } + } + + blocksByType := content.Blocks.ByType() + + for typeName, fieldIdx := range tags.Blocks { + blocks := blocksByType[typeName] + field := val.Type().Field(fieldIdx) + + ty := field.Type + isSlice := false + isPtr := false + if ty.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + isSlice = true + ty = ty.Elem() + } + if ty.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + isPtr = true + ty = ty.Elem() + } + + if len(blocks) > 1 && !isSlice { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", typeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Only one %s block is allowed. Another was defined at %s.", + typeName, blocks[0].DefRange.String(), + ), + Subject: &blocks[1].DefRange, + }) + continue + } + + if len(blocks) == 0 { + if isSlice || isPtr { + val.Field(fieldIdx).Set(reflect.Zero(field.Type)) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Missing %s block", typeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("A %s block is required.", typeName), + Subject: body.MissingItemRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + continue + } + + switch { + + case isSlice: + elemType := ty + if isPtr { + elemType = reflect.PtrTo(ty) + } + sli := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(elemType), len(blocks), len(blocks)) + + for i, block := range blocks { + if isPtr { + v := reflect.New(ty) + diags = append(diags, decodeBlockToValue(block, ctx, v.Elem())...) + sli.Index(i).Set(v) + } else { + diags = append(diags, decodeBlockToValue(block, ctx, sli.Index(i))...) + } + } + + val.Field(fieldIdx).Set(sli) + + default: + block := blocks[0] + if isPtr { + v := reflect.New(ty) + diags = append(diags, decodeBlockToValue(block, ctx, v.Elem())...) + val.Field(fieldIdx).Set(v) + } else { + diags = append(diags, decodeBlockToValue(block, ctx, val.Field(fieldIdx))...) + } + + } + + } + + return diags +} + +func decodeBodyToMap(body hcl.Body, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, v reflect.Value) hcl.Diagnostics { + attrs, diags := body.JustAttributes() + if attrs == nil { + return diags + } + + mv := reflect.MakeMap(v.Type()) + + for k, attr := range attrs { + switch { + case attrType.AssignableTo(v.Type().Elem()): + mv.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k), reflect.ValueOf(attr)) + case exprType.AssignableTo(v.Type().Elem()): + mv.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k), reflect.ValueOf(attr.Expr)) + default: + ev := reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()) + diags = append(diags, DecodeExpression(attr.Expr, ctx, ev.Interface())...) + mv.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k), ev.Elem()) + } + } + + v.Set(mv) + + return diags +} + +func decodeBlockToValue(block *hcl.Block, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, v reflect.Value) hcl.Diagnostics { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + ty := v.Type() + + switch { + case blockType.AssignableTo(ty): + v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(block)) + case bodyType.AssignableTo(ty): + v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(block.Body)) + case attrsType.AssignableTo(ty): + attrs, attrsDiags := block.Body.JustAttributes() + if len(attrsDiags) > 0 { + diags = append(diags, attrsDiags...) + } + v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(attrs)) + default: + diags = append(diags, decodeBodyToValue(block.Body, ctx, v)...) + + if len(block.Labels) > 0 { + blockTags := getFieldTags(ty) + for li, lv := range block.Labels { + lfieldIdx := blockTags.Labels[li].FieldIndex + v.Field(lfieldIdx).Set(reflect.ValueOf(lv)) + } + } + + } + + return diags +} + +// DecodeExpression extracts the value of the given expression into the given +// value. This value must be something that gocty is able to decode into, +// since the final decoding is delegated to that package. +// +// The given EvalContext is used to resolve any variables or functions in +// expressions encountered while decoding. This may be nil to require only +// constant values, for simple applications that do not support variables or +// functions. +// +// The returned diagnostics should be inspected with its HasErrors method to +// determine if the populated value is valid and complete. If error diagnostics +// are returned then the given value may have been partially-populated but +// may still be accessed by a careful caller for static analysis and editor +// integration use-cases. +func DecodeExpression(expr hcl.Expression, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, val interface{}) hcl.Diagnostics { + srcVal, diags := expr.Value(ctx) + + convTy, err := gocty.ImpliedType(val) + if err != nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsuitable DecodeExpression target: %s", err)) + } + + srcVal, err = convert.Convert(srcVal, convTy) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unsuitable value type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unsuitable value: %s", err.Error()), + Subject: expr.StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: expr.Range().Ptr(), + }) + return diags + } + + err = gocty.FromCtyValue(srcVal, val) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unsuitable value type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unsuitable value: %s", err.Error()), + Subject: expr.StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: expr.Range().Ptr(), + }) + } + + return diags +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8500214 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// Package gohcl allows decoding HCL configurations into Go data structures. +// +// It provides a convenient and concise way of describing the schema for +// configuration and then accessing the resulting data via native Go +// types. +// +// A struct field tag scheme is used, similar to other decoding and +// unmarshalling libraries. The tags are formatted as in the following example: +// +// ThingType string `hcl:"thing_type,attr"` +// +// Within each tag there are two comma-separated tokens. The first is the +// name of the corresponding construct in configuration, while the second +// is a keyword giving the kind of construct expected. The following +// kind keywords are supported: +// +// attr (the default) indicates that the value is to be populated from an attribute +// block indicates that the value is to populated from a block +// label indicates that the value is to populated from a block label +// remain indicates that the value is to be populated from the remaining body after populating other fields +// +// "attr" fields may either be of type *hcl.Expression, in which case the raw +// expression is assigned, or of any type accepted by gocty, in which case +// gocty will be used to assign the value to a native Go type. +// +// "block" fields may be of type *hcl.Block or hcl.Body, in which case the +// corresponding raw value is assigned, or may be a struct that recursively +// uses the same tags. Block fields may also be slices of any of these types, +// in which case multiple blocks of the corresponding type are decoded into +// the slice. +// +// "label" fields are considered only in a struct used as the type of a field +// marked as "block", and are used sequentially to capture the labels of +// the blocks being decoded. In this case, the name token is used only as +// an identifier for the label in diagnostic messages. +// +// "remain" can be placed on a single field that may be either of type +// hcl.Body or hcl.Attributes, in which case any remaining body content is +// placed into this field for delayed processing. If no "remain" field is +// present then any attributes or blocks not matched by another valid tag +// will cause an error diagnostic. +// +// Broadly-speaking this package deals with two types of error. The first is +// errors in the configuration itself, which are returned as diagnostics +// written with the configuration author as the target audience. The second +// is bugs in the calling program, such as invalid struct tags, which are +// surfaced via panics since there can be no useful runtime handling of such +// errors and they should certainly not be returned to the user as diagnostics. +package gohcl diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88164cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +package gohcl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "sort" + "strings" + + "" +) + +// ImpliedBodySchema produces a hcl.BodySchema derived from the type of the +// given value, which must be a struct value or a pointer to one. If an +// inappropriate value is passed, this function will panic. +// +// The second return argument indicates whether the given struct includes +// a "remain" field, and thus the returned schema is non-exhaustive. +// +// This uses the tags on the fields of the struct to discover how each +// field's value should be expressed within configuration. If an invalid +// mapping is attempted, this function will panic. +func ImpliedBodySchema(val interface{}) (schema *hcl.BodySchema, partial bool) { + ty := reflect.TypeOf(val) + + if ty.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + ty = ty.Elem() + } + + if ty.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("given value must be struct, not %T", val)) + } + + var attrSchemas []hcl.AttributeSchema + var blockSchemas []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema + + tags := getFieldTags(ty) + + attrNames := make([]string, 0, len(tags.Attributes)) + for n := range tags.Attributes { + attrNames = append(attrNames, n) + } + sort.Strings(attrNames) + for _, n := range attrNames { + idx := tags.Attributes[n] + optional := tags.Optional[n] + field := ty.Field(idx) + + var required bool + + switch { + case field.Type.AssignableTo(exprType): + // If we're decoding to hcl.Expression then absense can be + // indicated via a null value, so we don't specify that + // the field is required during decoding. + required = false + case field.Type.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && !optional: + required = true + default: + required = false + } + + attrSchemas = append(attrSchemas, hcl.AttributeSchema{ + Name: n, + Required: required, + }) + } + + blockNames := make([]string, 0, len(tags.Blocks)) + for n := range tags.Blocks { + blockNames = append(blockNames, n) + } + sort.Strings(blockNames) + for _, n := range blockNames { + idx := tags.Blocks[n] + field := ty.Field(idx) + fty := field.Type + if fty.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + fty = fty.Elem() + } + if fty.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + fty = fty.Elem() + } + if fty.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + panic(fmt.Sprintf( + "hcl 'block' tag kind cannot be applied to %s field %s: struct required", field.Type.String(), field.Name, + )) + } + ftags := getFieldTags(fty) + var labelNames []string + if len(ftags.Labels) > 0 { + labelNames = make([]string, len(ftags.Labels)) + for i, l := range ftags.Labels { + labelNames[i] = l.Name + } + } + + blockSchemas = append(blockSchemas, hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ + Type: n, + LabelNames: labelNames, + }) + } + + partial = tags.Remain != nil + schema = &hcl.BodySchema{ + Attributes: attrSchemas, + Blocks: blockSchemas, + } + return schema, partial +} + +type fieldTags struct { + Attributes map[string]int + Blocks map[string]int + Labels []labelField + Remain *int + Optional map[string]bool +} + +type labelField struct { + FieldIndex int + Name string +} + +func getFieldTags(ty reflect.Type) *fieldTags { + ret := &fieldTags{ + Attributes: map[string]int{}, + Blocks: map[string]int{}, + Optional: map[string]bool{}, + } + + ct := ty.NumField() + for i := 0; i < ct; i++ { + field := ty.Field(i) + tag := field.Tag.Get("hcl") + if tag == "" { + continue + } + + comma := strings.Index(tag, ",") + var name, kind string + if comma != -1 { + name = tag[:comma] + kind = tag[comma+1:] + } else { + name = tag + kind = "attr" + } + + switch kind { + case "attr": + ret.Attributes[name] = i + case "block": + ret.Blocks[name] = i + case "label": + ret.Labels = append(ret.Labels, labelField{ + FieldIndex: i, + Name: name, + }) + case "remain": + if ret.Remain != nil { + panic("only one 'remain' tag is permitted") + } + idx := i // copy, because this loop will continue assigning to i + ret.Remain = &idx + case "optional": + ret.Attributes[name] = i + ret.Optional[name] = true + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid hcl field tag kind %q on %s %q", kind, field.Type.String(), field.Name)) + } + } + + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a94f275 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +package gohcl + +import ( + "reflect" + + "" +) + +var victimExpr hcl.Expression +var victimBody hcl.Body + +var exprType = reflect.TypeOf(&victimExpr).Elem() +var bodyType = reflect.TypeOf(&victimBody).Elem() +var blockType = reflect.TypeOf((*hcl.Block)(nil)) +var attrType = reflect.TypeOf((*hcl.Attribute)(nil)) +var attrsType = reflect.TypeOf(hcl.Attributes(nil)) diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ecf744 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +// DiagnosticSeverity represents the severity of a diagnostic. +type DiagnosticSeverity int + +const ( + // DiagInvalid is the invalid zero value of DiagnosticSeverity + DiagInvalid DiagnosticSeverity = iota + + // DiagError indicates that the problem reported by a diagnostic prevents + // further progress in parsing and/or evaluating the subject. + DiagError + + // DiagWarning indicates that the problem reported by a diagnostic warrants + // user attention but does not prevent further progress. It is most + // commonly used for showing deprecation notices. + DiagWarning +) + +// Diagnostic represents information to be presented to a user about an +// error or anomoly in parsing or evaluating configuration. +type Diagnostic struct { + Severity DiagnosticSeverity + + // Summary and detail contain the English-language description of the + // problem. Summary is a terse description of the general problem and + // detail is a more elaborate, often-multi-sentence description of + // the probem and what might be done to solve it. + Summary string + Detail string + Subject *Range + Context *Range +} + +// Diagnostics is a list of Diagnostic instances. +type Diagnostics []*Diagnostic + +// error implementation, so that diagnostics can be returned via APIs +// that normally deal in vanilla Go errors. +// +// This presents only minimal context about the error, for compatibility +// with usual expectations about how errors will present as strings. +func (d *Diagnostic) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s; %s", d.Subject, d.Summary, d.Detail) +} + +// error implementation, so that sets of diagnostics can be returned via +// APIs that normally deal in vanilla Go errors. +func (d Diagnostics) Error() string { + count := len(d) + switch { + case count == 0: + return "no diagnostics" + case count == 1: + return d[0].Error() + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("%s, and %d other diagnostic(s)", d[0].Error(), count-1) + } +} + +// Append appends a new error to a Diagnostics and return the whole Diagnostics. +// +// This is provided as a convenience for returning from a function that +// collects and then returns a set of diagnostics: +// +// return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ ... }) +// +// Note that this modifies the array underlying the diagnostics slice, so +// must be used carefully within a single codepath. It is incorrect (and rude) +// to extend a diagnostics created by a different subsystem. +func (d Diagnostics) Append(diag *Diagnostic) Diagnostics { + return append(d, diag) +} + +// Extend concatenates the given Diagnostics with the receiver and returns +// the whole new Diagnostics. +// +// This is similar to Append but accepts multiple diagnostics to add. It has +// all the same caveats and constraints. +func (d Diagnostics) Extend(diags Diagnostics) Diagnostics { + return append(d, diags...) +} + +// HasErrors returns true if the receiver contains any diagnostics of +// severity DiagError. +func (d Diagnostics) HasErrors() bool { + for _, diag := range d { + if diag.Severity == DiagError { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +// A DiagnosticWriter emits diagnostics somehow. +type DiagnosticWriter interface { + WriteDiagnostic(*Diagnostic) error + WriteDiagnostics(Diagnostics) error +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfa473a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "bufio" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + + wordwrap "" +) + +type diagnosticTextWriter struct { + files map[string]*File + wr io.Writer + width uint + color bool +} + +// NewDiagnosticTextWriter creates a DiagnosticWriter that writes diagnostics +// to the given writer as formatted text. +// +// It is designed to produce text appropriate to print in a monospaced font +// in a terminal of a particular width, or optionally with no width limit. +// +// The given width may be zero to disable word-wrapping of the detail text +// and truncation of source code snippets. +// +// If color is set to true, the output will include VT100 escape sequences to +// color-code the severity indicators. It is suggested to turn this off if +// the target writer is not a terminal. +func NewDiagnosticTextWriter(wr io.Writer, files map[string]*File, width uint, color bool) DiagnosticWriter { + return &diagnosticTextWriter{ + files: files, + wr: wr, + width: width, + color: color, + } +} + +func (w *diagnosticTextWriter) WriteDiagnostic(diag *Diagnostic) error { + if diag == nil { + return errors.New("nil diagnostic") + } + + var colorCode, highlightCode, resetCode string + if w.color { + switch diag.Severity { + case DiagError: + colorCode = "\x1b[31m" + case DiagWarning: + colorCode = "\x1b[33m" + } + resetCode = "\x1b[0m" + highlightCode = "\x1b[1;4m" + } + + var severityStr string + switch diag.Severity { + case DiagError: + severityStr = "Error" + case DiagWarning: + severityStr = "Warning" + default: + // should never happen + severityStr = "???????" + } + + fmt.Fprintf(w.wr, "%s%s%s: %s\n\n", colorCode, severityStr, resetCode, diag.Summary) + + if diag.Subject != nil { + snipRange := *diag.Subject + highlightRange := snipRange + if diag.Context != nil { + // Show enough of the source code to include both the subject + // and context ranges, which overlap in all reasonable + // situations. + snipRange = RangeOver(snipRange, *diag.Context) + } + // We can't illustrate an empty range, so we'll turn such ranges into + // single-character ranges, which might not be totally valid (may point + // off the end of a line, or off the end of the file) but are good + // enough for the bounds checks we do below. + if snipRange.Empty() { + snipRange.End.Byte++ + snipRange.End.Column++ + } + if highlightRange.Empty() { + highlightRange.End.Byte++ + highlightRange.End.Column++ + } + + file := w.files[diag.Subject.Filename] + if file == nil || file.Bytes == nil { + fmt.Fprintf(w.wr, " on %s line %d:\n (source code not available)\n\n", diag.Subject.Filename, diag.Subject.Start.Line) + } else { + + var contextLine string + if diag.Subject != nil { + contextLine = contextString(file, diag.Subject.Start.Byte) + if contextLine != "" { + contextLine = ", in " + contextLine + } + } + + fmt.Fprintf(w.wr, " on %s line %d%s:\n", diag.Subject.Filename, diag.Subject.Start.Line, contextLine) + + src := file.Bytes + sc := NewRangeScanner(src, diag.Subject.Filename, bufio.ScanLines) + + for sc.Scan() { + lineRange := sc.Range() + if !lineRange.Overlaps(snipRange) { + continue + } + + beforeRange, highlightedRange, afterRange := lineRange.PartitionAround(highlightRange) + if highlightedRange.Empty() { + fmt.Fprintf(w.wr, "%4d: %s\n", lineRange.Start.Line, sc.Bytes()) + } else { + before := beforeRange.SliceBytes(src) + highlighted := highlightedRange.SliceBytes(src) + after := afterRange.SliceBytes(src) + fmt.Fprintf( + w.wr, "%4d: %s%s%s%s%s\n", + lineRange.Start.Line, + before, + highlightCode, highlighted, resetCode, + after, + ) + } + + } + + w.wr.Write([]byte{'\n'}) + } + } + + if diag.Detail != "" { + detail := diag.Detail + if w.width != 0 { + detail = wordwrap.WrapString(detail, w.width) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w.wr, "%s\n\n", detail) + } + + return nil +} + +func (w *diagnosticTextWriter) WriteDiagnostics(diags Diagnostics) error { + for _, diag := range diags { + err := w.WriteDiagnostic(diag) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func contextString(file *File, offset int) string { + type contextStringer interface { + ContextString(offset int) string + } + + if cser, ok := file.Nav.(contextStringer); ok { + return cser.ContextString(offset) + } + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c128334 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "" +) + +// nameSuggestion tries to find a name from the given slice of suggested names +// that is close to the given name and returns it if found. If no suggestion +// is close enough, returns the empty string. +// +// The suggestions are tried in order, so earlier suggestions take precedence +// if the given string is similar to two or more suggestions. +// +// This function is intended to be used with a relatively-small number of +// suggestions. It's not optimized for hundreds or thousands of them. +func nameSuggestion(given string, suggestions []string) string { + for _, suggestion := range suggestions { + dist := levenshtein.Distance(given, suggestion, nil) + if dist < 3 { // threshold determined experimentally + return suggestion + } + } + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01318c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package hcl diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..915910a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "" + "" +) + +// An EvalContext provides the variables and functions that should be used +// to evaluate an expression. +type EvalContext struct { + Variables map[string]cty.Value + Functions map[string]function.Function + parent *EvalContext +} + +// NewChild returns a new EvalContext that is a child of the receiver. +func (ctx *EvalContext) NewChild() *EvalContext { + return &EvalContext{parent: ctx} +} + +// Parent returns the parent of the receiver, or nil if the receiver has +// no parent. +func (ctx *EvalContext) Parent() *EvalContext { + return ctx.parent +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6963fba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package hcl + +// ExprCall tests if the given expression is a function call and, +// if so, extracts the function name and the expressions that represent +// the arguments. If the given expression is not statically a function call, +// error diagnostics are returned. +// +// A particular Expression implementation can support this function by +// offering a method called ExprCall that takes no arguments and returns +// *StaticCall. This method should return nil if a static call cannot +// be extracted. Alternatively, an implementation can support +// UnwrapExpression to delegate handling of this function to a wrapped +// Expression object. +func ExprCall(expr Expression) (*StaticCall, Diagnostics) { + type exprCall interface { + ExprCall() *StaticCall + } + + physExpr := UnwrapExpressionUntil(expr, func(expr Expression) bool { + _, supported := expr.(exprCall) + return supported + }) + + if exC, supported := physExpr.(exprCall); supported { + if call := exC.ExprCall(); call != nil { + return call, nil + } + } + return nil, Diagnostics{ + &Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expression", + Detail: "A static function call is required.", + Subject: expr.StartRange().Ptr(), + }, + } +} + +// StaticCall represents a function call that was extracted statically from +// an expression using ExprCall. +type StaticCall struct { + Name string + NameRange Range + Arguments []Expression + ArgsRange Range +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d05cca0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package hcl + +// ExprList tests if the given expression is a static list construct and, +// if so, extracts the expressions that represent the list elements. +// If the given expression is not a static list, error diagnostics are +// returned. +// +// A particular Expression implementation can support this function by +// offering a method called ExprList that takes no arguments and returns +// []Expression. This method should return nil if a static list cannot +// be extracted. Alternatively, an implementation can support +// UnwrapExpression to delegate handling of this function to a wrapped +// Expression object. +func ExprList(expr Expression) ([]Expression, Diagnostics) { + type exprList interface { + ExprList() []Expression + } + + physExpr := UnwrapExpressionUntil(expr, func(expr Expression) bool { + _, supported := expr.(exprList) + return supported + }) + + if exL, supported := physExpr.(exprList); supported { + if list := exL.ExprList(); list != nil { + return list, nil + } + } + return nil, Diagnostics{ + &Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expression", + Detail: "A static list expression is required.", + Subject: expr.StartRange().Ptr(), + }, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d1ce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package hcl + +// ExprMap tests if the given expression is a static map construct and, +// if so, extracts the expressions that represent the map elements. +// If the given expression is not a static map, error diagnostics are +// returned. +// +// A particular Expression implementation can support this function by +// offering a method called ExprMap that takes no arguments and returns +// []KeyValuePair. This method should return nil if a static map cannot +// be extracted. Alternatively, an implementation can support +// UnwrapExpression to delegate handling of this function to a wrapped +// Expression object. +func ExprMap(expr Expression) ([]KeyValuePair, Diagnostics) { + type exprMap interface { + ExprMap() []KeyValuePair + } + + physExpr := UnwrapExpressionUntil(expr, func(expr Expression) bool { + _, supported := expr.(exprMap) + return supported + }) + + if exM, supported := physExpr.(exprMap); supported { + if pairs := exM.ExprMap(); pairs != nil { + return pairs, nil + } + } + return nil, Diagnostics{ + &Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expression", + Detail: "A static map expression is required.", + Subject: expr.StartRange().Ptr(), + }, + } +} + +// KeyValuePair represents a pair of expressions that serve as a single item +// within a map or object definition construct. +type KeyValuePair struct { + Key Expression + Value Expression +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d5d205 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +package hcl + +type unwrapExpression interface { + UnwrapExpression() Expression +} + +// UnwrapExpression removes any "wrapper" expressions from the given expression, +// to recover the representation of the physical expression given in source +// code. +// +// Sometimes wrapping expressions are used to modify expression behavior, e.g. +// in extensions that need to make some local variables available to certain +// sub-trees of the configuration. This can make it difficult to reliably +// type-assert on the physical AST types used by the underlying syntax. +// +// Unwrapping an expression may modify its behavior by stripping away any +// additional constraints or capabilities being applied to the Value and +// Variables methods, so this function should generally only be used prior +// to operations that concern themselves with the static syntax of the input +// configuration, and not with the effective value of the expression. +// +// Wrapper expression types must support unwrapping by implementing a method +// called UnwrapExpression that takes no arguments and returns the embedded +// Expression. Implementations of this method should peel away only one level +// of wrapping, if multiple are present. This method may return nil to +// indicate _dynamically_ that no wrapped expression is available, for +// expression types that might only behave as wrappers in certain cases. +func UnwrapExpression(expr Expression) Expression { + for { + unwrap, wrapped := expr.(unwrapExpression) + if !wrapped { + return expr + } + innerExpr := unwrap.UnwrapExpression() + if innerExpr == nil { + return expr + } + expr = innerExpr + } +} + +// UnwrapExpressionUntil is similar to UnwrapExpression except it gives the +// caller an opportunity to test each level of unwrapping to see each a +// particular expression is accepted. +// +// This could be used, for example, to unwrap until a particular other +// interface is satisfied, regardless of wrap wrapping level it is satisfied +// at. +// +// The given callback function must return false to continue wrapping, or +// true to accept and return the proposed expression given. If the callback +// function rejects even the final, physical expression then the result of +// this function is nil. +func UnwrapExpressionUntil(expr Expression, until func(Expression) bool) Expression { + for { + if until(expr) { + return expr + } + unwrap, wrapped := expr.(unwrapExpression) + if !wrapped { + return nil + } + expr = unwrap.UnwrapExpression() + if expr == nil { + return nil + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccc1c0a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "" +) + +// nameSuggestion tries to find a name from the given slice of suggested names +// that is close to the given name and returns it if found. If no suggestion +// is close enough, returns the empty string. +// +// The suggestions are tried in order, so earlier suggestions take precedence +// if the given string is similar to two or more suggestions. +// +// This function is intended to be used with a relatively-small number of +// suggestions. It's not optimized for hundreds or thousands of them. +func nameSuggestion(given string, suggestions []string) string { + for _, suggestion := range suggestions { + dist := levenshtein.Distance(given, suggestion, nil) + if dist < 3 { // threshold determined experimentally + return suggestion + } + } + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..617bc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// Package hclsyntax contains the parser, AST, etc for HCL's native language, +// as opposed to the JSON variant. +// +// In normal use applications should rarely depend on this package directly, +// instead preferring the higher-level interface of the main hcl package and +// its companion package hclparse. +package hclsyntax diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfc7cd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +// Expression is the abstract type for nodes that behave as HCL expressions. +type Expression interface { + Node + + // The hcl.Expression methods are duplicated here, rather than simply + // embedded, because both Node and hcl.Expression have a Range method + // and so they conflict. + + Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) + Variables() []hcl.Traversal + StartRange() hcl.Range +} + +// Assert that Expression implements hcl.Expression +var assertExprImplExpr hcl.Expression = Expression(nil) + +// LiteralValueExpr is an expression that just always returns a given value. +type LiteralValueExpr struct { + Val cty.Value + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *LiteralValueExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + // Literal values have no child nodes +} + +func (e *LiteralValueExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return e.Val, nil +} + +func (e *LiteralValueExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *LiteralValueExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +// Implementation for hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr. +func (e *LiteralValueExpr) AsTraversal() hcl.Traversal { + // This one's a little weird: the contract for AsTraversal is to interpret + // an expression as if it were traversal syntax, and traversal syntax + // doesn't have the special keywords "null", "true", and "false" so these + // are expected to be treated like variables in that case. + // Since our parser already turned them into LiteralValueExpr by the time + // we get here, we need to undo this and infer the name that would've + // originally led to our value. + // We don't do anything for any other values, since they don't overlap + // with traversal roots. + + if e.Val.IsNull() { + // In practice the parser only generates null values of the dynamic + // pseudo-type for literals, so we can safely assume that any null + // was orignally the keyword "null". + return hcl.Traversal{ + hcl.TraverseRoot{ + Name: "null", + SrcRange: e.SrcRange, + }, + } + } + + switch e.Val { + case cty.True: + return hcl.Traversal{ + hcl.TraverseRoot{ + Name: "true", + SrcRange: e.SrcRange, + }, + } + case cty.False: + return hcl.Traversal{ + hcl.TraverseRoot{ + Name: "false", + SrcRange: e.SrcRange, + }, + } + default: + // No traversal is possible for any other value. + return nil + } +} + +// ScopeTraversalExpr is an Expression that retrieves a value from the scope +// using a traversal. +type ScopeTraversalExpr struct { + Traversal hcl.Traversal + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *ScopeTraversalExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + // Scope traversals have no child nodes +} + +func (e *ScopeTraversalExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return e.Traversal.TraverseAbs(ctx) +} + +func (e *ScopeTraversalExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *ScopeTraversalExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +// Implementation for hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr. +func (e *ScopeTraversalExpr) AsTraversal() hcl.Traversal { + return e.Traversal +} + +// RelativeTraversalExpr is an Expression that retrieves a value from another +// value using a _relative_ traversal. +type RelativeTraversalExpr struct { + Source Expression + Traversal hcl.Traversal + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *RelativeTraversalExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + // Scope traversals have no child nodes +} + +func (e *RelativeTraversalExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + src, diags := e.Source.Value(ctx) + ret, travDiags := e.Traversal.TraverseRel(src) + diags = append(diags, travDiags...) + return ret, diags +} + +func (e *RelativeTraversalExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *RelativeTraversalExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +// Implementation for hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr. +func (e *RelativeTraversalExpr) AsTraversal() hcl.Traversal { + // We can produce a traversal only if our source can. + st, diags := hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr(e.Source) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return nil + } + + ret := make(hcl.Traversal, len(st)+len(e.Traversal)) + copy(ret, st) + copy(ret[len(st):], e.Traversal) + return ret +} + +// FunctionCallExpr is an Expression that calls a function from the EvalContext +// and returns its result. +type FunctionCallExpr struct { + Name string + Args []Expression + + // If true, the final argument should be a tuple, list or set which will + // expand to be one argument per element. + ExpandFinal bool + + NameRange hcl.Range + OpenParenRange hcl.Range + CloseParenRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *FunctionCallExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + for i, arg := range e.Args { + e.Args[i] = w(arg).(Expression) + } +} + +func (e *FunctionCallExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + var f function.Function + exists := false + hasNonNilMap := false + thisCtx := ctx + for thisCtx != nil { + if thisCtx.Functions == nil { + thisCtx = thisCtx.Parent() + continue + } + hasNonNilMap = true + f, exists = thisCtx.Functions[e.Name] + if exists { + break + } + thisCtx = thisCtx.Parent() + } + + if !exists { + if !hasNonNilMap { + return cty.DynamicVal, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Function calls not allowed", + Detail: "Functions may not be called here.", + Subject: e.Range().Ptr(), + }, + } + } + + avail := make([]string, 0, len(ctx.Functions)) + for name := range ctx.Functions { + avail = append(avail, name) + } + suggestion := nameSuggestion(e.Name, avail) + if suggestion != "" { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggestion) + } + + return cty.DynamicVal, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Call to unknown function", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("There is no function named %q.%s", e.Name, suggestion), + Subject: &e.NameRange, + Context: e.Range().Ptr(), + }, + } + } + + params := f.Params() + varParam := f.VarParam() + + args := e.Args + if e.ExpandFinal { + if len(args) < 1 { + // should never happen if the parser is behaving + panic("ExpandFinal set on function call with no arguments") + } + expandExpr := args[len(args)-1] + expandVal, expandDiags := expandExpr.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, expandDiags...) + if expandDiags.HasErrors() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + switch { + case expandVal.Type().IsTupleType() || expandVal.Type().IsListType() || expandVal.Type().IsSetType(): + if expandVal.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expanding argument value", + Detail: "The expanding argument (indicated by ...) must not be null.", + Context: expandExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Subject: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + if !expandVal.IsKnown() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + newArgs := make([]Expression, 0, (len(args)-1)+expandVal.LengthInt()) + newArgs = append(newArgs, args[:len(args)-1]...) + it := expandVal.ElementIterator() + for it.Next() { + _, val := it.Element() + newArgs = append(newArgs, &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: val, + SrcRange: expandExpr.Range(), + }) + } + args = newArgs + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expanding argument value", + Detail: "The expanding argument (indicated by ...) must be of a tuple, list, or set type.", + Context: expandExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Subject: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + } + + if len(args) < len(params) { + missing := params[len(args)] + qual := "" + if varParam != nil { + qual = " at least" + } + return cty.DynamicVal, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Not enough function arguments", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Function %q expects%s %d argument(s). Missing value for %q.", + e.Name, qual, len(params), missing.Name, + ), + Subject: &e.CloseParenRange, + Context: e.Range().Ptr(), + }, + } + } + + if varParam == nil && len(args) > len(params) { + return cty.DynamicVal, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Too many function arguments", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Function %q expects only %d argument(s).", + e.Name, len(params), + ), + Subject: args[len(params)].StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: e.Range().Ptr(), + }, + } + } + + argVals := make([]cty.Value, len(args)) + + for i, argExpr := range args { + var param *function.Parameter + if i < len(params) { + param = ¶ms[i] + } else { + param = varParam + } + + val, argDiags := argExpr.Value(ctx) + if len(argDiags) > 0 { + diags = append(diags, argDiags...) + } + + // Try to convert our value to the parameter type + val, err := convert.Convert(val, param.Type) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid function argument", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Invalid value for %q parameter: %s.", + param.Name, err, + ), + Subject: argExpr.StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + } + + argVals[i] = val + } + + if diags.HasErrors() { + // Don't try to execute the function if we already have errors with + // the arguments, because the result will probably be a confusing + // error message. + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + resultVal, err := f.Call(argVals) + if err != nil { + switch terr := err.(type) { + case function.ArgError: + i := terr.Index + var param *function.Parameter + if i < len(params) { + param = ¶ms[i] + } else { + param = varParam + } + argExpr := e.Args[i] + + // TODO: we should also unpick a PathError here and show the + // path to the deep value where the error was detected. + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid function argument", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Invalid value for %q parameter: %s.", + param.Name, err, + ), + Subject: argExpr.StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Error in function call", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Call to function %q failed: %s.", + e.Name, err, + ), + Subject: e.StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + } + + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + return resultVal, diags +} + +func (e *FunctionCallExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return hcl.RangeBetween(e.NameRange, e.CloseParenRange) +} + +func (e *FunctionCallExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return hcl.RangeBetween(e.NameRange, e.OpenParenRange) +} + +// Implementation for hcl.ExprCall. +func (e *FunctionCallExpr) ExprCall() *hcl.StaticCall { + ret := &hcl.StaticCall{ + Name: e.Name, + NameRange: e.NameRange, + Arguments: make([]hcl.Expression, len(e.Args)), + ArgsRange: hcl.RangeBetween(e.OpenParenRange, e.CloseParenRange), + } + // Need to convert our own Expression objects into hcl.Expression. + for i, arg := range e.Args { + ret.Arguments[i] = arg + } + return ret +} + +type ConditionalExpr struct { + Condition Expression + TrueResult Expression + FalseResult Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *ConditionalExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.Condition = w(e.Condition).(Expression) + e.TrueResult = w(e.TrueResult).(Expression) + e.FalseResult = w(e.FalseResult).(Expression) +} + +func (e *ConditionalExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + trueResult, trueDiags := e.TrueResult.Value(ctx) + falseResult, falseDiags := e.FalseResult.Value(ctx) + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + // Try to find a type that both results can be converted to. + resultType, convs := convert.UnifyUnsafe([]cty.Type{trueResult.Type(), falseResult.Type()}) + if resultType == cty.NilType { + return cty.DynamicVal, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Inconsistent conditional result types", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + // FIXME: Need a helper function for showing natural-language type diffs, + // since this will generate some useless messages in some cases, like + // "These expressions are object and object respectively" if the + // object types don't exactly match. + "The true and false result expressions must have consistent types. The given expressions are %s and %s, respectively.", + trueResult.Type(), falseResult.Type(), + ), + Subject: hcl.RangeBetween(e.TrueResult.Range(), e.FalseResult.Range()).Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }, + } + } + + condResult, condDiags := e.Condition.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, condDiags...) + if condResult.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Null condition", + Detail: "The condition value is null. Conditions must either be true or false.", + Subject: e.Condition.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.UnknownVal(resultType), diags + } + if !condResult.IsKnown() { + return cty.UnknownVal(resultType), diags + } + condResult, err := convert.Convert(condResult, cty.Bool) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect condition type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The condition expression must be of type bool."), + Subject: e.Condition.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.UnknownVal(resultType), diags + } + + if condResult.True() { + diags = append(diags, trueDiags...) + if convs[0] != nil { + var err error + trueResult, err = convs[0](trueResult) + if err != nil { + // Unsafe conversion failed with the concrete result value + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Inconsistent conditional result types", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The true result value has the wrong type: %s.", + err.Error(), + ), + Subject: e.TrueResult.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + trueResult = cty.UnknownVal(resultType) + } + } + return trueResult, diags + } else { + diags = append(diags, falseDiags...) + if convs[1] != nil { + var err error + falseResult, err = convs[1](falseResult) + if err != nil { + // Unsafe conversion failed with the concrete result value + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Inconsistent conditional result types", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The false result value has the wrong type: %s.", + err.Error(), + ), + Subject: e.TrueResult.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + falseResult = cty.UnknownVal(resultType) + } + } + return falseResult, diags + } +} + +func (e *ConditionalExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *ConditionalExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.Condition.StartRange() +} + +type IndexExpr struct { + Collection Expression + Key Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range + OpenRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *IndexExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.Collection = w(e.Collection).(Expression) + e.Key = w(e.Key).(Expression) +} + +func (e *IndexExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + coll, collDiags := e.Collection.Value(ctx) + key, keyDiags := e.Key.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, collDiags...) + diags = append(diags, keyDiags...) + + return hcl.Index(coll, key, &e.SrcRange) +} + +func (e *IndexExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *IndexExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.OpenRange +} + +type TupleConsExpr struct { + Exprs []Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range + OpenRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *TupleConsExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + for i, expr := range e.Exprs { + e.Exprs[i] = w(expr).(Expression) + } +} + +func (e *TupleConsExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var vals []cty.Value + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + vals = make([]cty.Value, len(e.Exprs)) + for i, expr := range e.Exprs { + val, valDiags := expr.Value(ctx) + vals[i] = val + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + } + + return cty.TupleVal(vals), diags +} + +func (e *TupleConsExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *TupleConsExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.OpenRange +} + +// Implementation for hcl.ExprList +func (e *TupleConsExpr) ExprList() []hcl.Expression { + ret := make([]hcl.Expression, len(e.Exprs)) + for i, expr := range e.Exprs { + ret[i] = expr + } + return ret +} + +type ObjectConsExpr struct { + Items []ObjectConsItem + + SrcRange hcl.Range + OpenRange hcl.Range +} + +type ObjectConsItem struct { + KeyExpr Expression + ValueExpr Expression +} + +func (e *ObjectConsExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + for i, item := range e.Items { + e.Items[i].KeyExpr = w(item.KeyExpr).(Expression) + e.Items[i].ValueExpr = w(item.ValueExpr).(Expression) + } +} + +func (e *ObjectConsExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var vals map[string]cty.Value + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + // This will get set to true if we fail to produce any of our keys, + // either because they are actually unknown or if the evaluation produces + // errors. In all of these case we must return DynamicPseudoType because + // we're unable to know the full set of keys our object has, and thus + // we can't produce a complete value of the intended type. + // + // We still evaluate all of the item keys and values to make sure that we + // get as complete as possible a set of diagnostics. + known := true + + vals = make(map[string]cty.Value, len(e.Items)) + for _, item := range e.Items { + key, keyDiags := item.KeyExpr.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, keyDiags...) + + val, valDiags := item.ValueExpr.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + + if keyDiags.HasErrors() { + known = false + continue + } + + if key.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Null value as key", + Detail: "Can't use a null value as a key.", + Subject: item.ValueExpr.Range().Ptr(), + }) + known = false + continue + } + + var err error + key, err = convert.Convert(key, cty.String) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect key type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Can't use this value as a key: %s.", err.Error()), + Subject: item.ValueExpr.Range().Ptr(), + }) + known = false + continue + } + + if !key.IsKnown() { + known = false + continue + } + + keyStr := key.AsString() + + vals[keyStr] = val + } + + if !known { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + return cty.ObjectVal(vals), diags +} + +func (e *ObjectConsExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *ObjectConsExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.OpenRange +} + +// Implementation for hcl.ExprMap +func (e *ObjectConsExpr) ExprMap() []hcl.KeyValuePair { + ret := make([]hcl.KeyValuePair, len(e.Items)) + for i, item := range e.Items { + ret[i] = hcl.KeyValuePair{ + Key: item.KeyExpr, + Value: item.ValueExpr, + } + } + return ret +} + +// ObjectConsKeyExpr is a special wrapper used only for ObjectConsExpr keys, +// which deals with the special case that a naked identifier in that position +// must be interpreted as a literal string rather than evaluated directly. +type ObjectConsKeyExpr struct { + Wrapped Expression +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) literalName() string { + // This is our logic for deciding whether to behave like a literal string. + // We lean on our AbsTraversalForExpr implementation here, which already + // deals with some awkward cases like the expression being the result + // of the keywords "null", "true" and "false" which we'd want to interpret + // as keys here too. + return hcl.ExprAsKeyword(e.Wrapped) +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + // We only treat our wrapped expression as a real expression if we're + // not going to interpret it as a literal. + if e.literalName() == "" { + e.Wrapped = w(e.Wrapped).(Expression) + } +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if ln := e.literalName(); ln != "" { + return cty.StringVal(ln), nil + } + return e.Wrapped.Value(ctx) +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.Wrapped.Range() +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.Wrapped.StartRange() +} + +// Implementation for hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr. +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) AsTraversal() hcl.Traversal { + // We can produce a traversal only if our wrappee can. + st, diags := hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr(e.Wrapped) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return nil + } + + return st +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) UnwrapExpression() Expression { + return e.Wrapped +} + +// ForExpr represents iteration constructs: +// +// tuple = [for i, v in list: upper(v) if i > 2] +// object = {for k, v in map: k => upper(v)} +// object_of_tuples = {for v in list: v.key: v...} +type ForExpr struct { + KeyVar string // empty if ignoring the key + ValVar string + + CollExpr Expression + + KeyExpr Expression // nil when producing a tuple + ValExpr Expression + CondExpr Expression // null if no "if" clause is present + + Group bool // set if the ellipsis is used on the value in an object for + + SrcRange hcl.Range + OpenRange hcl.Range + CloseRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *ForExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + collVal, collDiags := e.CollExpr.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, collDiags...) + + if collVal.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Iteration over null value", + Detail: "A null value cannot be used as the collection in a 'for' expression.", + Subject: e.CollExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + if collVal.Type() == cty.DynamicPseudoType { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + if !collVal.CanIterateElements() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Iteration over non-iterable value", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "A value of type %s cannot be used as the collection in a 'for' expression.", + collVal.Type().FriendlyName(), + ), + Subject: e.CollExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + if !collVal.IsKnown() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + childCtx := ctx.NewChild() + childCtx.Variables = map[string]cty.Value{} + + // Before we start we'll do an early check to see if any CondExpr we've + // been given is of the wrong type. This isn't 100% reliable (it may + // be DynamicVal until real values are given) but it should catch some + // straightforward cases and prevent a barrage of repeated errors. + if e.CondExpr != nil { + if e.KeyVar != "" { + childCtx.Variables[e.KeyVar] = cty.DynamicVal + } + childCtx.Variables[e.ValVar] = cty.DynamicVal + + result, condDiags := e.CondExpr.Value(childCtx) + diags = append(diags, condDiags...) + if result.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Condition is null", + Detail: "The value of the 'if' clause must not be null.", + Subject: e.CondExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + _, err := convert.Convert(result, cty.Bool) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' condition", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The 'if' clause value is invalid: %s.", err.Error()), + Subject: e.CondExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + if condDiags.HasErrors() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + } + + if e.KeyExpr != nil { + // Producing an object + var vals map[string]cty.Value + var groupVals map[string][]cty.Value + if e.Group { + groupVals = map[string][]cty.Value{} + } else { + vals = map[string]cty.Value{} + } + + it := collVal.ElementIterator() + + known := true + for it.Next() { + k, v := it.Element() + if e.KeyVar != "" { + childCtx.Variables[e.KeyVar] = k + } + childCtx.Variables[e.ValVar] = v + + if e.CondExpr != nil { + includeRaw, condDiags := e.CondExpr.Value(childCtx) + diags = append(diags, condDiags...) + if includeRaw.IsNull() { + if known { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Condition is null", + Detail: "The value of the 'if' clause must not be null.", + Subject: e.CondExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + known = false + continue + } + include, err := convert.Convert(includeRaw, cty.Bool) + if err != nil { + if known { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' condition", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The 'if' clause value is invalid: %s.", err.Error()), + Subject: e.CondExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + known = false + continue + } + if !include.IsKnown() { + known = false + continue + } + + if include.False() { + // Skip this element + continue + } + } + + keyRaw, keyDiags := e.KeyExpr.Value(childCtx) + diags = append(diags, keyDiags...) + if keyRaw.IsNull() { + if known { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid object key", + Detail: "Key expression in 'for' expression must not produce a null value.", + Subject: e.KeyExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + known = false + continue + } + if !keyRaw.IsKnown() { + known = false + continue + } + + key, err := convert.Convert(keyRaw, cty.String) + if err != nil { + if known { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid object key", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The key expression produced an invalid result: %s.", err.Error()), + Subject: e.KeyExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + known = false + continue + } + + val, valDiags := e.ValExpr.Value(childCtx) + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + + if e.Group { + k := key.AsString() + groupVals[k] = append(groupVals[k], val) + } else { + k := key.AsString() + if _, exists := vals[k]; exists { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Duplicate object key", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Two different items produced the key %q in this for expression. If duplicates are expected, use the ellipsis (...) after the value expression to enable grouping by key.", + k, + ), + Subject: e.KeyExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } else { + vals[key.AsString()] = val + } + } + } + + if !known { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + if e.Group { + vals = map[string]cty.Value{} + for k, gvs := range groupVals { + vals[k] = cty.TupleVal(gvs) + } + } + + return cty.ObjectVal(vals), diags + + } else { + // Producing a tuple + vals := []cty.Value{} + + it := collVal.ElementIterator() + + known := true + for it.Next() { + k, v := it.Element() + if e.KeyVar != "" { + childCtx.Variables[e.KeyVar] = k + } + childCtx.Variables[e.ValVar] = v + + if e.CondExpr != nil { + includeRaw, condDiags := e.CondExpr.Value(childCtx) + diags = append(diags, condDiags...) + if includeRaw.IsNull() { + if known { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Condition is null", + Detail: "The value of the 'if' clause must not be null.", + Subject: e.CondExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + known = false + continue + } + if !includeRaw.IsKnown() { + // We will eventually return DynamicVal, but we'll continue + // iterating in case there are other diagnostics to gather + // for later elements. + known = false + continue + } + + include, err := convert.Convert(includeRaw, cty.Bool) + if err != nil { + if known { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' condition", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The 'if' clause value is invalid: %s.", err.Error()), + Subject: e.CondExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + known = false + continue + } + + if include.False() { + // Skip this element + continue + } + } + + val, valDiags := e.ValExpr.Value(childCtx) + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + vals = append(vals, val) + } + + if !known { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + return cty.TupleVal(vals), diags + } +} + +func (e *ForExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.CollExpr = w(e.CollExpr).(Expression) + + scopeNames := map[string]struct{}{} + if e.KeyVar != "" { + scopeNames[e.KeyVar] = struct{}{} + } + if e.ValVar != "" { + scopeNames[e.ValVar] = struct{}{} + } + + if e.KeyExpr != nil { + w(ChildScope{ + LocalNames: scopeNames, + Expr: &e.KeyExpr, + }) + } + w(ChildScope{ + LocalNames: scopeNames, + Expr: &e.ValExpr, + }) + if e.CondExpr != nil { + w(ChildScope{ + LocalNames: scopeNames, + Expr: &e.CondExpr, + }) + } +} + +func (e *ForExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *ForExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.OpenRange +} + +type SplatExpr struct { + Source Expression + Each Expression + Item *AnonSymbolExpr + + SrcRange hcl.Range + MarkerRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *SplatExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + sourceVal, diags := e.Source.Value(ctx) + if diags.HasErrors() { + // We'll evaluate our "Each" expression here just to see if it + // produces any more diagnostics we can report. Since we're not + // assigning a value to our AnonSymbolExpr here it will return + // DynamicVal, which should short-circuit any use of it. + _, itemDiags := e.Item.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, itemDiags...) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + if sourceVal.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Splat of null value", + Detail: "Splat expressions (with the * symbol) cannot be applied to null values.", + Subject: e.Source.Range().Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(e.Source.Range(), e.MarkerRange).Ptr(), + }) + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + if !sourceVal.IsKnown() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + // A "special power" of splat expressions is that they can be applied + // both to tuples/lists and to other values, and in the latter case + // the value will be treated as an implicit single-value list. We'll + // deal with that here first. + if !(sourceVal.Type().IsTupleType() || sourceVal.Type().IsListType()) { + sourceVal = cty.ListVal([]cty.Value{sourceVal}) + } + + vals := make([]cty.Value, 0, sourceVal.LengthInt()) + it := sourceVal.ElementIterator() + if ctx == nil { + // we need a context to use our AnonSymbolExpr, so we'll just + // make an empty one here to use as a placeholder. + ctx = ctx.NewChild() + } + isKnown := true + for it.Next() { + _, sourceItem := it.Element() + e.Item.setValue(ctx, sourceItem) + newItem, itemDiags := e.Each.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, itemDiags...) + if itemDiags.HasErrors() { + isKnown = false + } + vals = append(vals, newItem) + } + e.Item.clearValue(ctx) // clean up our temporary value + + if !isKnown { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + + return cty.TupleVal(vals), diags +} + +func (e *SplatExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.Source = w(e.Source).(Expression) + e.Each = w(e.Each).(Expression) +} + +func (e *SplatExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *SplatExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.MarkerRange +} + +// AnonSymbolExpr is used as a placeholder for a value in an expression that +// can be applied dynamically to any value at runtime. +// +// This is a rather odd, synthetic expression. It is used as part of the +// representation of splat expressions as a placeholder for the current item +// being visited in the splat evaluation. +// +// AnonSymbolExpr cannot be evaluated in isolation. If its Value is called +// directly then cty.DynamicVal will be returned. Instead, it is evaluated +// in terms of another node (i.e. a splat expression) which temporarily +// assigns it a value. +type AnonSymbolExpr struct { + SrcRange hcl.Range + values map[*hcl.EvalContext]cty.Value +} + +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if ctx == nil { + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } + val, exists := e.values[ctx] + if !exists { + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } + return val, nil +} + +// setValue sets a temporary local value for the expression when evaluated +// in the given context, which must be non-nil. +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) setValue(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, val cty.Value) { + if e.values == nil { + e.values = make(map[*hcl.EvalContext]cty.Value) + } + if ctx == nil { + panic("can't setValue for a nil EvalContext") + } + e.values[ctx] = val +} + +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) clearValue(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) { + if e.values == nil { + return + } + if ctx == nil { + panic("can't clearValue for a nil EvalContext") + } + delete(e.values, ctx) +} + +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + // AnonSymbolExpr is a leaf node in the tree +} + +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a5da04 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +type Operation struct { + Impl function.Function + Type cty.Type +} + +var ( + OpLogicalOr = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.OrFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + OpLogicalAnd = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.AndFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + OpLogicalNot = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.NotFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + + OpEqual = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.EqualFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + OpNotEqual = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.NotEqualFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + + OpGreaterThan = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.GreaterThanFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + OpGreaterThanOrEqual = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.GreaterThanOrEqualToFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + OpLessThan = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.LessThanFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + OpLessThanOrEqual = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.LessThanOrEqualToFunc, + Type: cty.Bool, + } + + OpAdd = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.AddFunc, + Type: cty.Number, + } + OpSubtract = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.SubtractFunc, + Type: cty.Number, + } + OpMultiply = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.MultiplyFunc, + Type: cty.Number, + } + OpDivide = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.DivideFunc, + Type: cty.Number, + } + OpModulo = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.ModuloFunc, + Type: cty.Number, + } + OpNegate = &Operation{ + Impl: stdlib.NegateFunc, + Type: cty.Number, + } +) + +var binaryOps []map[TokenType]*Operation + +func init() { + // This operation table maps from the operator's token type + // to the AST operation type. All expressions produced from + // binary operators are BinaryOp nodes. + // + // Binary operator groups are listed in order of precedence, with + // the *lowest* precedence first. Operators within the same group + // have left-to-right associativity. + binaryOps = []map[TokenType]*Operation{ + { + TokenOr: OpLogicalOr, + }, + { + TokenAnd: OpLogicalAnd, + }, + { + TokenEqualOp: OpEqual, + TokenNotEqual: OpNotEqual, + }, + { + TokenGreaterThan: OpGreaterThan, + TokenGreaterThanEq: OpGreaterThanOrEqual, + TokenLessThan: OpLessThan, + TokenLessThanEq: OpLessThanOrEqual, + }, + { + TokenPlus: OpAdd, + TokenMinus: OpSubtract, + }, + { + TokenStar: OpMultiply, + TokenSlash: OpDivide, + TokenPercent: OpModulo, + }, + } +} + +type BinaryOpExpr struct { + LHS Expression + Op *Operation + RHS Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *BinaryOpExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.LHS = w(e.LHS).(Expression) + e.RHS = w(e.RHS).(Expression) +} + +func (e *BinaryOpExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + impl := e.Op.Impl // assumed to be a function taking exactly two arguments + params := impl.Params() + lhsParam := params[0] + rhsParam := params[1] + + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + givenLHSVal, lhsDiags := e.LHS.Value(ctx) + givenRHSVal, rhsDiags := e.RHS.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, lhsDiags...) + diags = append(diags, rhsDiags...) + + lhsVal, err := convert.Convert(givenLHSVal, lhsParam.Type) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid operand", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unsuitable value for left operand: %s.", err), + Subject: e.LHS.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + rhsVal, err := convert.Convert(givenRHSVal, rhsParam.Type) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid operand", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unsuitable value for right operand: %s.", err), + Subject: e.RHS.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + + if diags.HasErrors() { + // Don't actually try the call if we have errors already, since the + // this will probably just produce a confusing duplicative diagnostic. + return cty.UnknownVal(e.Op.Type), diags + } + + args := []cty.Value{lhsVal, rhsVal} + result, err := impl.Call(args) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + // FIXME: This diagnostic is useless. + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Operation failed", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Error during operation: %s.", err), + Subject: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.UnknownVal(e.Op.Type), diags + } + + return result, diags +} + +func (e *BinaryOpExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *BinaryOpExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.LHS.StartRange() +} + +type UnaryOpExpr struct { + Op *Operation + Val Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range + SymbolRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *UnaryOpExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.Val = w(e.Val).(Expression) +} + +func (e *UnaryOpExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + impl := e.Op.Impl // assumed to be a function taking exactly one argument + params := impl.Params() + param := params[0] + + givenVal, diags := e.Val.Value(ctx) + + val, err := convert.Convert(givenVal, param.Type) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid operand", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unsuitable value for unary operand: %s.", err), + Subject: e.Val.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + } + + if diags.HasErrors() { + // Don't actually try the call if we have errors already, since the + // this will probably just produce a confusing duplicative diagnostic. + return cty.UnknownVal(e.Op.Type), diags + } + + args := []cty.Value{val} + result, err := impl.Call(args) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + // FIXME: This diagnostic is useless. + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Operation failed", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Error during operation: %s.", err), + Subject: &e.SrcRange, + }) + return cty.UnknownVal(e.Op.Type), diags + } + + return result, diags +} + +func (e *UnaryOpExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *UnaryOpExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.SymbolRange +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1c4727 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +type TemplateExpr struct { + Parts []Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *TemplateExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + for i, part := range e.Parts { + e.Parts[i] = w(part).(Expression) + } +} + +func (e *TemplateExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + buf := &bytes.Buffer{} + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + isKnown := true + + for _, part := range e.Parts { + partVal, partDiags := part.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, partDiags...) + + if partVal.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid template interpolation value", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The expression result is null. Cannot include a null value in a string template.", + ), + Subject: part.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + continue + } + + if !partVal.IsKnown() { + // If any part is unknown then the result as a whole must be + // unknown too. We'll keep on processing the rest of the parts + // anyway, because we want to still emit any diagnostics resulting + // from evaluating those. + isKnown = false + continue + } + + strVal, err := convert.Convert(partVal, cty.String) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid template interpolation value", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Cannot include the given value in a string template: %s.", + err.Error(), + ), + Subject: part.Range().Ptr(), + Context: &e.SrcRange, + }) + continue + } + + buf.WriteString(strVal.AsString()) + } + + if !isKnown { + return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), diags + } + + return cty.StringVal(buf.String()), diags +} + +func (e *TemplateExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *TemplateExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.Parts[0].StartRange() +} + +// TemplateJoinExpr is used to convert tuples of strings produced by template +// constructs (i.e. for loops) into flat strings, by converting the values +// tos strings and joining them. This AST node is not used directly; it's +// produced as part of the AST of a "for" loop in a template. +type TemplateJoinExpr struct { + Tuple Expression +} + +func (e *TemplateJoinExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.Tuple = w(e.Tuple).(Expression) +} + +func (e *TemplateJoinExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tuple, diags := e.Tuple.Value(ctx) + + if tuple.IsNull() { + // This indicates a bug in the code that constructed the AST. + panic("TemplateJoinExpr got null tuple") + } + if tuple.Type() == cty.DynamicPseudoType { + return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), diags + } + if !tuple.Type().IsTupleType() { + // This indicates a bug in the code that constructed the AST. + panic("TemplateJoinExpr got non-tuple tuple") + } + if !tuple.IsKnown() { + return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), diags + } + + buf := &bytes.Buffer{} + it := tuple.ElementIterator() + for it.Next() { + _, val := it.Element() + + if val.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid template interpolation value", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "An iteration result is null. Cannot include a null value in a string template.", + ), + Subject: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + continue + } + if val.Type() == cty.DynamicPseudoType { + return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), diags + } + strVal, err := convert.Convert(val, cty.String) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid template interpolation value", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Cannot include one of the interpolation results into the string template: %s.", + err.Error(), + ), + Subject: e.Range().Ptr(), + }) + continue + } + if !val.IsKnown() { + return cty.UnknownVal(cty.String), diags + } + + buf.WriteString(strVal.AsString()) + } + + return cty.StringVal(buf.String()), diags +} + +func (e *TemplateJoinExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.Tuple.Range() +} + +func (e *TemplateJoinExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.Tuple.StartRange() +} + +// TemplateWrapExpr is used instead of a TemplateExpr when a template +// consists _only_ of a single interpolation sequence. In that case, the +// template's result is the single interpolation's result, verbatim with +// no type conversions. +type TemplateWrapExpr struct { + Wrapped Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +func (e *TemplateWrapExpr) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + e.Wrapped = w(e.Wrapped).(Expression) +} + +func (e *TemplateWrapExpr) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return e.Wrapped.Value(ctx) +} + +func (e *TemplateWrapExpr) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} + +func (e *TemplateWrapExpr) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.SrcRange +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9177092 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +package hclsyntax + +// Generated by expression_vars_get.go. DO NOT EDIT. +// Run 'go generate' on this package to update the set of functions here. + +import ( + "" +) + +func (e *AnonSymbolExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *BinaryOpExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *ConditionalExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *ForExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *FunctionCallExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *IndexExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *LiteralValueExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *ObjectConsExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *ObjectConsKeyExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *RelativeTraversalExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *ScopeTraversalExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *SplatExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *TemplateExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *TemplateJoinExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *TemplateWrapExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *TupleConsExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} + +func (e *UnaryOpExpr) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88f1980 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +// This is a 'go generate'-oriented program for producing the "Variables" +// method on every Expression implementation found within this package. +// All expressions share the same implementation for this method, which +// just wraps the package-level function "Variables" and uses an AST walk +// to do its work. + +// +build ignore + +package main + +import ( + "fmt" + "go/ast" + "go/parser" + "go/token" + "os" + "sort" +) + +func main() { + fs := token.NewFileSet() + pkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(fs, ".", nil, 0) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error while parsing: %s\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + pkg := pkgs["hclsyntax"] + + // Walk all the files and collect the receivers of any "Value" methods + // that look like they are trying to implement Expression. + var recvs []string + for _, f := range pkg.Files { + for _, decl := range f.Decls { + fd, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl) + if !ok { + continue + } + if fd.Name.Name != "Value" { + continue + } + results := fd.Type.Results.List + if len(results) != 2 { + continue + } + valResult := fd.Type.Results.List[0].Type.(*ast.SelectorExpr).X.(*ast.Ident) + diagsResult := fd.Type.Results.List[1].Type.(*ast.SelectorExpr).X.(*ast.Ident) + + if valResult.Name != "cty" && diagsResult.Name != "hcl" { + continue + } + + // If we have a method called Value and it returns something in + // "cty" followed by something in "hcl" then that's specific enough + // for now, even though this is not 100% exact as a correct + // implementation of Value. + + recvTy := fd.Recv.List[0].Type + + switch rtt := recvTy.(type) { + case *ast.StarExpr: + name := rtt.X.(*ast.Ident).Name + recvs = append(recvs, fmt.Sprintf("*%s", name)) + default: + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "don't know what to do with a %T receiver\n", recvTy) + } + + } + } + + sort.Strings(recvs) + + of, err := os.OpenFile("expression_vars.go", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to open output file: %s\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + + fmt.Fprint(of, outputPreamble) + for _, recv := range recvs { + fmt.Fprintf(of, outputMethodFmt, recv) + } + fmt.Fprint(of, "\n") + +} + +const outputPreamble = `package hclsyntax + +// Generated by expression_vars_get.go. DO NOT EDIT. +// Run 'go generate' on this package to update the set of functions here. + +import ( + "" +)` + +const outputMethodFmt = ` + +func (e %s) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + return Variables(e) +}` diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..490c025 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "" +) + +// File is the top-level object resulting from parsing a configuration file. +type File struct { + Body *Body + Bytes []byte +} + +func (f *File) AsHCLFile() *hcl.File { + return &hcl.File{ + Body: f.Body, + Bytes: f.Bytes, + + // TODO: The Nav object, once we have an implementation of it + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..841656a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +package hclsyntax + +//go:generate go run expression_vars_gen.go +//go:generate ruby unicode2ragel.rb --url= -m UnicodeDerived -p ID_Start,ID_Continue -o unicode_derived.rl +//go:generate ragel -Z scan_tokens.rl +//go:generate gofmt -w scan_tokens.go +//go:generate ragel -Z scan_string_lit.rl +//go:generate gofmt -w scan_string_lit.go +//go:generate stringer -type TokenType -output token_type_string.go diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eef8b96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" +) + +type Keyword []byte + +var forKeyword = Keyword([]byte{'f', 'o', 'r'}) +var inKeyword = Keyword([]byte{'i', 'n'}) +var ifKeyword = Keyword([]byte{'i', 'f'}) +var elseKeyword = Keyword([]byte{'e', 'l', 's', 'e'}) +var endifKeyword = Keyword([]byte{'e', 'n', 'd', 'i', 'f'}) +var endforKeyword = Keyword([]byte{'e', 'n', 'd', 'f', 'o', 'r'}) + +func (kw Keyword) TokenMatches(token Token) bool { + if token.Type != TokenIdent { + return false + } + return bytes.Equal([]byte(kw), token.Bytes) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d41b6b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" +) + +type navigation struct { + root *Body +} + +// Implementation of hcled.ContextString +func (n navigation) ContextString(offset int) string { + // We will walk our top-level blocks until we find one that contains + // the given offset, and then construct a representation of the header + // of the block. + + var block *Block + for _, candidate := range n.root.Blocks { + if candidate.Range().ContainsOffset(offset) { + block = candidate + break + } + } + + if block == nil { + return "" + } + + if len(block.Labels) == 0 { + // Easy case! + return block.Type + } + + buf := &bytes.Buffer{} + buf.WriteString(block.Type) + for _, label := range block.Labels { + fmt.Fprintf(buf, " %q", label) + } + return buf.String() +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd426d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "" +) + +// Node is the abstract type that every AST node implements. +// +// This is a closed interface, so it cannot be implemented from outside of +// this package. +type Node interface { + // This is the mechanism by which the public-facing walk functions + // are implemented. Implementations should call the given function + // for each child node and then replace that node with its return value. + // The return value might just be the same node, for non-transforming + // walks. + walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) + + Range() hcl.Range +} + +type internalWalkFunc func(Node) Node diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..002858f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,1836 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "unicode/utf8" + + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +type parser struct { + *peeker + + // set to true if any recovery is attempted. The parser can use this + // to attempt to reduce error noise by suppressing "bad token" errors + // in recovery mode, assuming that the recovery heuristics have failed + // in this case and left the peeker in a wrong place. + recovery bool +} + +func (p *parser) ParseBody(end TokenType) (*Body, hcl.Diagnostics) { + attrs := Attributes{} + blocks := Blocks{} + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + startRange := p.PrevRange() + var endRange hcl.Range + +Token: + for { + next := p.Peek() + if next.Type == end { + endRange = p.NextRange() + p.Read() + break Token + } + + switch next.Type { + case TokenNewline: + p.Read() + continue + case TokenIdent: + item, itemDiags := p.ParseBodyItem() + diags = append(diags, itemDiags...) + switch titem := item.(type) { + case *Block: + blocks = append(blocks, titem) + case *Attribute: + if existing, exists := attrs[titem.Name]; exists { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute redefined", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The attribute %q was already defined at %s. Each attribute may be defined only once.", + titem.Name, existing.NameRange.String(), + ), + Subject: &titem.NameRange, + }) + } else { + attrs[titem.Name] = titem + } + default: + // This should never happen for valid input, but may if a + // syntax error was detected in ParseBodyItem that prevented + // it from even producing a partially-broken item. In that + // case, it would've left at least one error in the diagnostics + // slice we already dealt with above. + // + // We'll assume ParseBodyItem attempted recovery to leave + // us in a reasonable position to try parsing the next item. + continue + } + default: + bad := p.Read() + if !p.recovery { + if bad.Type == TokenOQuote { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid attribute name", + Detail: "Attribute names must not be quoted.", + Subject: &bad.Range, + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute or block definition required", + Detail: "An attribute or block definition is required here.", + Subject: &bad.Range, + }) + } + } + endRange = p.PrevRange() // arbitrary, but somewhere inside the body means better diagnostics + + p.recover(end) // attempt to recover to the token after the end of this body + break Token + } + } + + return &Body{ + Attributes: attrs, + Blocks: blocks, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, endRange), + EndRange: hcl.Range{ + Filename: endRange.Filename, + Start: endRange.End, + End: endRange.End, + }, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) ParseBodyItem() (Node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + ident := p.Read() + if ident.Type != TokenIdent { + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute or block definition required", + Detail: "An attribute or block definition is required here.", + Subject: &ident.Range, + }, + } + } + + next := p.Peek() + + switch next.Type { + case TokenEqual: + return p.finishParsingBodyAttribute(ident) + case TokenOQuote, TokenOBrace, TokenIdent: + return p.finishParsingBodyBlock(ident) + default: + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute or block definition required", + Detail: "An attribute or block definition is required here. To define an attribute, use the equals sign \"=\" to introduce the attribute value.", + Subject: &ident.Range, + }, + } + } + + return nil, nil +} + +func (p *parser) finishParsingBodyAttribute(ident Token) (Node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + eqTok := p.Read() // eat equals token + if eqTok.Type != TokenEqual { + // should never happen if caller behaves + panic("finishParsingBodyAttribute called with next not equals") + } + + var endRange hcl.Range + + expr, diags := p.ParseExpression() + if p.recovery && diags.HasErrors() { + // recovery within expressions tends to be tricky, so we've probably + // landed somewhere weird. We'll try to reset to the start of a body + // item so parsing can continue. + endRange = p.PrevRange() + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + } else { + end := p.Peek() + if end.Type != TokenNewline && end.Type != TokenEOF { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing newline after attribute definition", + Detail: "An attribute definition must end with a newline.", + Subject: &end.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(ident.Range, end.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + endRange = p.PrevRange() + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + } else { + endRange = p.PrevRange() + p.Read() // eat newline + } + } + + return &Attribute{ + Name: string(ident.Bytes), + Expr: expr, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(ident.Range, endRange), + NameRange: ident.Range, + EqualsRange: eqTok.Range, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) finishParsingBodyBlock(ident Token) (Node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var blockType = string(ident.Bytes) + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var labels []string + var labelRanges []hcl.Range + + var oBrace Token + +Token: + for { + tok := p.Peek() + + switch tok.Type { + + case TokenOBrace: + oBrace = p.Read() + break Token + + case TokenOQuote: + label, labelRange, labelDiags := p.parseQuotedStringLiteral() + diags = append(diags, labelDiags...) + labels = append(labels, label) + labelRanges = append(labelRanges, labelRange) + if labelDiags.HasErrors() { + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + return &Block{ + Type: blockType, + Labels: labels, + Body: nil, + + TypeRange: ident.Range, + LabelRanges: labelRanges, + OpenBraceRange: ident.Range, // placeholder + CloseBraceRange: ident.Range, // placeholder + }, diags + } + + case TokenIdent: + tok = p.Read() // eat token + label, labelRange := string(tok.Bytes), tok.Range + labels = append(labels, label) + labelRanges = append(labelRanges, labelRange) + + default: + switch tok.Type { + case TokenEqual: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid block definition", + Detail: "The equals sign \"=\" indicates an attribute definition, and must not be used when defining a block.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(ident.Range, tok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + case TokenNewline: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid block definition", + Detail: "A block definition must have block content delimited by \"{\" and \"}\", starting on the same line as the block header.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(ident.Range, tok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + default: + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid block definition", + Detail: "Either a quoted string block label or an opening brace (\"{\") is expected here.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(ident.Range, tok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + } + + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + + return &Block{ + Type: blockType, + Labels: labels, + Body: nil, + + TypeRange: ident.Range, + LabelRanges: labelRanges, + OpenBraceRange: ident.Range, // placeholder + CloseBraceRange: ident.Range, // placeholder + }, diags + } + } + + // Once we fall out here, the peeker is pointed just after our opening + // brace, so we can begin our nested body parsing. + body, bodyDiags := p.ParseBody(TokenCBrace) + diags = append(diags, bodyDiags...) + cBraceRange := p.PrevRange() + + eol := p.Peek() + if eol.Type == TokenNewline || eol.Type == TokenEOF { + p.Read() // eat newline + } else { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing newline after block definition", + Detail: "A block definition must end with a newline.", + Subject: &eol.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(ident.Range, eol.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recoverAfterBodyItem() + } + + return &Block{ + Type: blockType, + Labels: labels, + Body: body, + + TypeRange: ident.Range, + LabelRanges: labelRanges, + OpenBraceRange: oBrace.Range, + CloseBraceRange: cBraceRange, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) ParseExpression() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return p.parseTernaryConditional() +} + +func (p *parser) parseTernaryConditional() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + // The ternary conditional operator (.. ? .. : ..) behaves somewhat + // like a binary operator except that the "symbol" is itself + // an expression enclosed in two punctuation characters. + // The middle expression is parsed as if the ? and : symbols + // were parentheses. The "rhs" (the "false expression") is then + // treated right-associatively so it behaves similarly to the + // middle in terms of precedence. + + startRange := p.NextRange() + var condExpr, trueExpr, falseExpr Expression + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + condExpr, condDiags := p.parseBinaryOps(binaryOps) + diags = append(diags, condDiags...) + if p.recovery && condDiags.HasErrors() { + return condExpr, diags + } + + questionMark := p.Peek() + if questionMark.Type != TokenQuestion { + return condExpr, diags + } + + p.Read() // eat question mark + + trueExpr, trueDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, trueDiags...) + if p.recovery && trueDiags.HasErrors() { + return condExpr, diags + } + + colon := p.Peek() + if colon.Type != TokenColon { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing false expression in conditional", + Detail: "The conditional operator (...?...:...) requires a false expression, delimited by a colon.", + Subject: &colon.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, colon.Range).Ptr(), + }) + return condExpr, diags + } + + p.Read() // eat colon + + falseExpr, falseDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, falseDiags...) + if p.recovery && falseDiags.HasErrors() { + return condExpr, diags + } + + return &ConditionalExpr{ + Condition: condExpr, + TrueResult: trueExpr, + FalseResult: falseExpr, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, falseExpr.Range()), + }, diags +} + +// parseBinaryOps calls itself recursively to work through all of the +// operator precedence groups, and then eventually calls parseExpressionTerm +// for each operand. +func (p *parser) parseBinaryOps(ops []map[TokenType]*Operation) (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if len(ops) == 0 { + // We've run out of operators, so now we'll just try to parse a term. + return p.parseExpressionWithTraversals() + } + + thisLevel := ops[0] + remaining := ops[1:] + + var lhs, rhs Expression + var operation *Operation + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + // Parse a term that might be the first operand of a binary + // operation or it might just be a standalone term. + // We won't know until we've parsed it and can look ahead + // to see if there's an operator token for this level. + lhs, lhsDiags := p.parseBinaryOps(remaining) + diags = append(diags, lhsDiags...) + if p.recovery && lhsDiags.HasErrors() { + return lhs, diags + } + + // We'll keep eating up operators until we run out, so that operators + // with the same precedence will combine in a left-associative manner: + // a+b+c => (a+b)+c, not a+(b+c) + // + // Should we later want to have right-associative operators, a way + // to achieve that would be to call back up to ParseExpression here + // instead of iteratively parsing only the remaining operators. + for { + next := p.Peek() + var newOp *Operation + var ok bool + if newOp, ok = thisLevel[next.Type]; !ok { + break + } + + // Are we extending an expression started on the previous iteration? + if operation != nil { + lhs = &BinaryOpExpr{ + LHS: lhs, + Op: operation, + RHS: rhs, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(lhs.Range(), rhs.Range()), + } + } + + operation = newOp + p.Read() // eat operator token + var rhsDiags hcl.Diagnostics + rhs, rhsDiags = p.parseBinaryOps(remaining) + diags = append(diags, rhsDiags...) + if p.recovery && rhsDiags.HasErrors() { + return lhs, diags + } + } + + if operation == nil { + return lhs, diags + } + + return &BinaryOpExpr{ + LHS: lhs, + Op: operation, + RHS: rhs, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(lhs.Range(), rhs.Range()), + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) parseExpressionWithTraversals() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + term, diags := p.parseExpressionTerm() + ret := term + +Traversal: + for { + next := p.Peek() + + switch next.Type { + case TokenDot: + // Attribute access or splat + dot := p.Read() + attrTok := p.Peek() + + switch attrTok.Type { + case TokenIdent: + attrTok = p.Read() // eat token + name := string(attrTok.Bytes) + rng := hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, attrTok.Range) + step := hcl.TraverseAttr{ + Name: name, + SrcRange: rng, + } + + ret = makeRelativeTraversal(ret, step, rng) + + case TokenNumberLit: + // This is a weird form we inherited from HIL, allowing numbers + // to be used as attributes as a weird way of writing [n]. + // This was never actually a first-class thing in HIL, but + // HIL tolerated sequences like .0. in its variable names and + // calling applications like Terraform exploited that to + // introduce indexing syntax where none existed. + numTok := p.Read() // eat token + attrTok = numTok + + // This syntax is ambiguous if multiple indices are used in + // succession, like foo.0.1.baz: that actually parses as + // a fractional number 0.1. Since we're only supporting this + // syntax for compatibility with legacy Terraform + // configurations, and Terraform does not tend to have lists + // of lists, we'll choose to reject that here with a helpful + // error message, rather than failing later because the index + // isn't a whole number. + if dotIdx := bytes.IndexByte(numTok.Bytes, '.'); dotIdx >= 0 { + first := numTok.Bytes[:dotIdx] + second := numTok.Bytes[dotIdx+1:] + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid legacy index syntax", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("When using the legacy index syntax, chaining two indexes together is not permitted. Use the proper index syntax instead, like [%s][%s].", first, second), + Subject: &attrTok.Range, + }) + rng := hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, numTok.Range) + step := hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: rng, + } + ret = makeRelativeTraversal(ret, step, rng) + break + } + + numVal, numDiags := p.numberLitValue(numTok) + diags = append(diags, numDiags...) + + rng := hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, numTok.Range) + step := hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: numVal, + SrcRange: rng, + } + + ret = makeRelativeTraversal(ret, step, rng) + + case TokenStar: + // "Attribute-only" splat expression. + // (This is a kinda weird construct inherited from HIL, which + // behaves a bit like a [*] splat except that it is only able + // to do attribute traversals into each of its elements, + // whereas foo[*] can support _any_ traversal. + marker := p.Read() // eat star + trav := make(hcl.Traversal, 0, 1) + var firstRange, lastRange hcl.Range + firstRange = p.NextRange() + for p.Peek().Type == TokenDot { + dot := p.Read() + + if p.Peek().Type == TokenNumberLit { + // Continuing the "weird stuff inherited from HIL" + // theme, we also allow numbers as attribute names + // inside splats and interpret them as indexing + // into a list, for expressions like: + //* + numTok := p.Read() + + // Weird special case if the user writes something + // like*, where 0.0 parses + // as a number. + if dotIdx := bytes.IndexByte(numTok.Bytes, '.'); dotIdx >= 0 { + first := numTok.Bytes[:dotIdx] + second := numTok.Bytes[dotIdx+1:] + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid legacy index syntax", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("When using the legacy index syntax, chaining two indexes together is not permitted. Use the proper index syntax with a full splat expression [*] instead, like [%s][%s].", first, second), + Subject: &attrTok.Range, + }) + trav = append(trav, hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, numTok.Range), + }) + lastRange = numTok.Range + continue + } + + numVal, numDiags := p.numberLitValue(numTok) + diags = append(diags, numDiags...) + trav = append(trav, hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: numVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, numTok.Range), + }) + lastRange = numTok.Range + continue + } + + if p.Peek().Type != TokenIdent { + if !p.recovery { + if p.Peek().Type == TokenStar { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Nested splat expression not allowed", + Detail: "A splat expression (*) cannot be used inside another attribute-only splat expression.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid attribute name", + Detail: "An attribute name is required after a dot.", + Subject: &attrTok.Range, + }) + } + } + p.setRecovery() + continue Traversal + } + + attrTok := p.Read() + trav = append(trav, hcl.TraverseAttr{ + Name: string(attrTok.Bytes), + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, attrTok.Range), + }) + lastRange = attrTok.Range + } + + itemExpr := &AnonSymbolExpr{ + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, marker.Range), + } + var travExpr Expression + if len(trav) == 0 { + travExpr = itemExpr + } else { + travExpr = &RelativeTraversalExpr{ + Source: itemExpr, + Traversal: trav, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(firstRange, lastRange), + } + } + + ret = &SplatExpr{ + Source: ret, + Each: travExpr, + Item: itemExpr, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, lastRange), + MarkerRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, marker.Range), + } + + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid attribute name", + Detail: "An attribute name is required after a dot.", + Subject: &attrTok.Range, + }) + // This leaves the peeker in a bad place, so following items + // will probably be misparsed until we hit something that + // allows us to re-sync. + // + // We will probably need to do something better here eventually + // in order to support autocomplete triggered by typing a + // period. + p.setRecovery() + } + + case TokenOBrack: + // Indexing of a collection. + // This may or may not be a hcl.Traverser, depending on whether + // the key value is something constant. + + open := p.Read() + // TODO: If we have a TokenStar inside our brackets, parse as + // a Splat expression: foo[*].baz[0]. + var close Token + p.PushIncludeNewlines(false) // arbitrary newlines allowed in brackets + keyExpr, keyDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, keyDiags...) + if p.recovery && keyDiags.HasErrors() { + close = p.recover(TokenCBrack) + } else { + close = p.Read() + if close.Type != TokenCBrack && !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing close bracket on index", + Detail: "The index operator must end with a closing bracket (\"]\").", + Subject: &close.Range, + }) + close = p.recover(TokenCBrack) + } + } + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + + if lit, isLit := keyExpr.(*LiteralValueExpr); isLit { + litKey, _ := lit.Value(nil) + rng := hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range) + step := hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: litKey, + SrcRange: rng, + } + ret = makeRelativeTraversal(ret, step, rng) + } else { + rng := hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range) + ret = &IndexExpr{ + Collection: ret, + Key: keyExpr, + + SrcRange: rng, + OpenRange: open.Range, + } + } + + default: + break Traversal + } + } + + return ret, diags +} + +// makeRelativeTraversal takes an expression and a traverser and returns +// a traversal expression that combines the two. If the given expression +// is already a traversal, it is extended in place (mutating it) and +// returned. If it isn't, a new RelativeTraversalExpr is created and returned. +func makeRelativeTraversal(expr Expression, next hcl.Traverser, rng hcl.Range) Expression { + switch texpr := expr.(type) { + case *ScopeTraversalExpr: + texpr.Traversal = append(texpr.Traversal, next) + texpr.SrcRange = hcl.RangeBetween(texpr.SrcRange, rng) + return texpr + case *RelativeTraversalExpr: + texpr.Traversal = append(texpr.Traversal, next) + texpr.SrcRange = hcl.RangeBetween(texpr.SrcRange, rng) + return texpr + default: + return &RelativeTraversalExpr{ + Source: expr, + Traversal: hcl.Traversal{next}, + SrcRange: rng, + } + } +} + +func (p *parser) parseExpressionTerm() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + start := p.Peek() + + switch start.Type { + case TokenOParen: + p.Read() // eat open paren + + p.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + + expr, diags := p.ParseExpression() + if diags.HasErrors() { + // attempt to place the peeker after our closing paren + // before we return, so that the next parser has some + // chance of finding a valid expression. + p.recover(TokenCParen) + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + return expr, diags + } + + close := p.Peek() + if close.Type != TokenCParen { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unbalanced parentheses", + Detail: "Expected a closing parenthesis to terminate the expression.", + Subject: &close.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(start.Range, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + p.setRecovery() + } + + p.Read() // eat closing paren + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + + return expr, diags + + case TokenNumberLit: + tok := p.Read() // eat number token + + numVal, diags := p.numberLitValue(tok) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: numVal, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, diags + + case TokenIdent: + tok := p.Read() // eat identifier token + + if p.Peek().Type == TokenOParen { + return p.finishParsingFunctionCall(tok) + } + + name := string(tok.Bytes) + switch name { + case "true": + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.True, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + case "false": + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.False, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + case "null": + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.NullVal(cty.DynamicPseudoType), + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + default: + return &ScopeTraversalExpr{ + Traversal: hcl.Traversal{ + hcl.TraverseRoot{ + Name: name, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, + }, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + } + + case TokenOQuote, TokenOHeredoc: + open := p.Read() // eat opening marker + closer := p.oppositeBracket(open.Type) + exprs, passthru, _, diags := p.parseTemplateInner(closer) + + closeRange := p.PrevRange() + + if passthru { + if len(exprs) != 1 { + panic("passthru set with len(exprs) != 1") + } + return &TemplateWrapExpr{ + Wrapped: exprs[0], + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, closeRange), + }, diags + } + + return &TemplateExpr{ + Parts: exprs, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, closeRange), + }, diags + + case TokenMinus: + tok := p.Read() // eat minus token + + // Important to use parseExpressionWithTraversals rather than parseExpression + // here, otherwise we can capture a following binary expression into + // our negation. + // e.g. -46+5 should parse as (-46)+5, not -(46+5) + operand, diags := p.parseExpressionWithTraversals() + return &UnaryOpExpr{ + Op: OpNegate, + Val: operand, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(tok.Range, operand.Range()), + SymbolRange: tok.Range, + }, diags + + case TokenBang: + tok := p.Read() // eat bang token + + // Important to use parseExpressionWithTraversals rather than parseExpression + // here, otherwise we can capture a following binary expression into + // our negation. + operand, diags := p.parseExpressionWithTraversals() + return &UnaryOpExpr{ + Op: OpLogicalNot, + Val: operand, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(tok.Range, operand.Range()), + SymbolRange: tok.Range, + }, diags + + case TokenOBrack: + return p.parseTupleCons() + + case TokenOBrace: + return p.parseObjectCons() + + default: + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expression", + Detail: "Expected the start of an expression, but found an invalid expression token.", + Subject: &start.Range, + }) + } + p.setRecovery() + + // Return a placeholder so that the AST is still structurally sound + // even in the presence of parse errors. + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: start.Range, + }, diags + } +} + +func (p *parser) numberLitValue(tok Token) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + // We'll lean on the cty converter to do the conversion, to ensure that + // the behavior is the same as what would happen if converting a + // non-literal string to a number. + numStrVal := cty.StringVal(string(tok.Bytes)) + numVal, err := convert.Convert(numStrVal, cty.Number) + if err != nil { + ret := cty.UnknownVal(cty.Number) + return ret, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid number literal", + // FIXME: not a very good error message, but convert only + // gives us "a number is required", so not much help either. + Detail: "Failed to recognize the value of this number literal.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + } + } + return numVal, nil +} + +// finishParsingFunctionCall parses a function call assuming that the function +// name was already read, and so the peeker should be pointing at the opening +// parenthesis after the name. +func (p *parser) finishParsingFunctionCall(name Token) (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + openTok := p.Read() + if openTok.Type != TokenOParen { + // should never happen if callers behave + panic("finishParsingFunctionCall called with non-parenthesis as next token") + } + + var args []Expression + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var expandFinal bool + var closeTok Token + + // Arbitrary newlines are allowed inside the function call parentheses. + p.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + +Token: + for { + tok := p.Peek() + + if tok.Type == TokenCParen { + closeTok = p.Read() // eat closing paren + break Token + } + + arg, argDiags := p.ParseExpression() + args = append(args, arg) + diags = append(diags, argDiags...) + if p.recovery && argDiags.HasErrors() { + // if there was a parse error in the argument then we've + // probably been left in a weird place in the token stream, + // so we'll bail out with a partial argument list. + p.recover(TokenCParen) + break Token + } + + sep := p.Read() + if sep.Type == TokenCParen { + closeTok = sep + break Token + } + + if sep.Type == TokenEllipsis { + expandFinal = true + + if p.Peek().Type != TokenCParen { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing closing parenthesis", + Detail: "An expanded function argument (with ...) must be immediately followed by closing parentheses.", + Subject: &sep.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(name.Range, sep.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + closeTok = p.recover(TokenCParen) + } else { + closeTok = p.Read() // eat closing paren + } + break Token + } + + if sep.Type != TokenComma { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing argument separator", + Detail: "A comma is required to separate each function argument from the next.", + Subject: &sep.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(name.Range, sep.Range).Ptr(), + }) + closeTok = p.recover(TokenCParen) + break Token + } + + if p.Peek().Type == TokenCParen { + // A trailing comma after the last argument gets us in here. + closeTok = p.Read() // eat closing paren + break Token + } + + } + + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + + return &FunctionCallExpr{ + Name: string(name.Bytes), + Args: args, + + ExpandFinal: expandFinal, + + NameRange: name.Range, + OpenParenRange: openTok.Range, + CloseParenRange: closeTok.Range, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) parseTupleCons() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + open := p.Read() + if open.Type != TokenOBrack { + // Should never happen if callers are behaving + panic("parseTupleCons called without peeker pointing to open bracket") + } + + p.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + defer p.PopIncludeNewlines() + + if forKeyword.TokenMatches(p.Peek()) { + return p.finishParsingForExpr(open) + } + + var close Token + + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var exprs []Expression + + for { + next := p.Peek() + if next.Type == TokenCBrack { + close = p.Read() // eat closer + break + } + + expr, exprDiags := p.ParseExpression() + exprs = append(exprs, expr) + diags = append(diags, exprDiags...) + + if p.recovery && exprDiags.HasErrors() { + // If expression parsing failed then we are probably in a strange + // place in the token stream, so we'll bail out and try to reset + // to after our closing bracket to allow parsing to continue. + close = p.recover(TokenCBrack) + break + } + + next = p.Peek() + if next.Type == TokenCBrack { + close = p.Read() // eat closer + break + } + + if next.Type != TokenComma { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing item separator", + Detail: "Expected a comma to mark the beginning of the next item.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close = p.recover(TokenCBrack) + break + } + + p.Read() // eat comma + + } + + return &TupleConsExpr{ + Exprs: exprs, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + OpenRange: open.Range, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) parseObjectCons() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + open := p.Read() + if open.Type != TokenOBrace { + // Should never happen if callers are behaving + panic("parseObjectCons called without peeker pointing to open brace") + } + + p.PushIncludeNewlines(true) + defer p.PopIncludeNewlines() + + if forKeyword.TokenMatches(p.Peek()) { + return p.finishParsingForExpr(open) + } + + var close Token + + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var items []ObjectConsItem + + for { + next := p.Peek() + if next.Type == TokenNewline { + p.Read() // eat newline + continue + } + + if next.Type == TokenCBrace { + close = p.Read() // eat closer + break + } + + var key Expression + var keyDiags hcl.Diagnostics + key, keyDiags = p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, keyDiags...) + + if p.recovery && keyDiags.HasErrors() { + // If expression parsing failed then we are probably in a strange + // place in the token stream, so we'll bail out and try to reset + // to after our closing brace to allow parsing to continue. + close = p.recover(TokenCBrace) + break + } + + // We wrap up the key expression in a special wrapper that deals + // with our special case that naked identifiers as object keys + // are interpreted as literal strings. + key = &ObjectConsKeyExpr{Wrapped: key} + + next = p.Peek() + if next.Type != TokenEqual && next.Type != TokenColon { + if !p.recovery { + if next.Type == TokenNewline || next.Type == TokenComma { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing item value", + Detail: "Expected an item value, introduced by an equals sign (\"=\").", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing key/value separator", + Detail: "Expected an equals sign (\"=\") to mark the beginning of the item value.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + } + close = p.recover(TokenCBrace) + break + } + + p.Read() // eat equals sign or colon + + value, valueDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, valueDiags...) + + if p.recovery && valueDiags.HasErrors() { + // If expression parsing failed then we are probably in a strange + // place in the token stream, so we'll bail out and try to reset + // to after our closing brace to allow parsing to continue. + close = p.recover(TokenCBrace) + break + } + + items = append(items, ObjectConsItem{ + KeyExpr: key, + ValueExpr: value, + }) + + next = p.Peek() + if next.Type == TokenCBrace { + close = p.Read() // eat closer + break + } + + if next.Type != TokenComma && next.Type != TokenNewline { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing item separator", + Detail: "Expected a newline or comma to mark the beginning of the next item.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close = p.recover(TokenCBrace) + break + } + + p.Read() // eat comma or newline + + } + + return &ObjectConsExpr{ + Items: items, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + OpenRange: open.Range, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) finishParsingForExpr(open Token) (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + introducer := p.Read() + if !forKeyword.TokenMatches(introducer) { + // Should never happen if callers are behaving + panic("finishParsingForExpr called without peeker pointing to 'for' identifier") + } + + var makeObj bool + var closeType TokenType + switch open.Type { + case TokenOBrace: + makeObj = true + closeType = TokenCBrace + case TokenOBrack: + makeObj = false // making a tuple + closeType = TokenCBrack + default: + // Should never happen if callers are behaving + panic("finishParsingForExpr called with invalid open token") + } + + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var keyName, valName string + + if p.Peek().Type != TokenIdent { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "For expression requires variable name after 'for'.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, p.Peek().Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close := p.recover(closeType) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + + valName = string(p.Read().Bytes) + + if p.Peek().Type == TokenComma { + // What we just read was actually the key, then. + keyName = valName + p.Read() // eat comma + + if p.Peek().Type != TokenIdent { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "For expression requires value variable name after comma.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, p.Peek().Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close := p.recover(closeType) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + + valName = string(p.Read().Bytes) + } + + if !inKeyword.TokenMatches(p.Peek()) { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "For expression requires 'in' keyword after names.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, p.Peek().Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close := p.recover(closeType) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + p.Read() // eat 'in' keyword + + collExpr, collDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, collDiags...) + if p.recovery && collDiags.HasErrors() { + close := p.recover(closeType) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + + if p.Peek().Type != TokenColon { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "For expression requires colon after collection expression.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, p.Peek().Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close := p.recover(closeType) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + p.Read() // eat colon + + var keyExpr, valExpr Expression + var keyDiags, valDiags hcl.Diagnostics + valExpr, valDiags = p.ParseExpression() + if p.Peek().Type == TokenFatArrow { + // What we just parsed was actually keyExpr + p.Read() // eat the fat arrow + keyExpr, keyDiags = valExpr, valDiags + + valExpr, valDiags = p.ParseExpression() + } + diags = append(diags, keyDiags...) + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + if p.recovery && (keyDiags.HasErrors() || valDiags.HasErrors()) { + close := p.recover(closeType) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + + group := false + var ellipsis Token + if p.Peek().Type == TokenEllipsis { + ellipsis = p.Read() + group = true + } + + var condExpr Expression + var condDiags hcl.Diagnostics + if ifKeyword.TokenMatches(p.Peek()) { + p.Read() // eat "if" + condExpr, condDiags = p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, condDiags...) + if p.recovery && condDiags.HasErrors() { + close := p.recover(p.oppositeBracket(open.Type)) + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }, diags + } + } + + var close Token + if p.Peek().Type == closeType { + close = p.Read() + } else { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "Extra characters after the end of the 'for' expression.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, p.Peek().Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + close = p.recover(closeType) + } + + if !makeObj { + if keyExpr != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "Key expression is not valid when building a tuple.", + Subject: keyExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + + if group { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "Grouping ellipsis (...) cannot be used when building a tuple.", + Subject: &ellipsis.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + } else { + if keyExpr == nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' expression", + Detail: "Key expression is required when building an object.", + Subject: valExpr.Range().Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + } + + return &ForExpr{ + KeyVar: keyName, + ValVar: valName, + CollExpr: collExpr, + KeyExpr: keyExpr, + ValExpr: valExpr, + CondExpr: condExpr, + Group: group, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + OpenRange: open.Range, + CloseRange: close.Range, + }, diags +} + +// parseQuotedStringLiteral is a helper for parsing quoted strings that +// aren't allowed to contain any interpolations, such as block labels. +func (p *parser) parseQuotedStringLiteral() (string, hcl.Range, hcl.Diagnostics) { + oQuote := p.Read() + if oQuote.Type != TokenOQuote { + return "", oQuote.Range, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid string literal", + Detail: "A quoted string is required here.", + Subject: &oQuote.Range, + }, + } + } + + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + ret := &bytes.Buffer{} + var cQuote Token + +Token: + for { + tok := p.Read() + switch tok.Type { + + case TokenCQuote: + cQuote = tok + break Token + + case TokenQuotedLit: + s, sDiags := p.decodeStringLit(tok) + diags = append(diags, sDiags...) + ret.WriteString(s) + + case TokenTemplateControl, TokenTemplateInterp: + which := "$" + if tok.Type == TokenTemplateControl { + which = "!" + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid string literal", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Template sequences are not allowed in this string. To include a literal %q, double it (as \"%s%s\") to escape it.", + which, which, which, + ), + Subject: &tok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(oQuote.Range, tok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + + case TokenEOF: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unterminated string literal", + Detail: "Unable to find the closing quote mark before the end of the file.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(oQuote.Range, tok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + break Token + + default: + // Should never happen, as long as the scanner is behaving itself + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid string literal", + Detail: "This item is not valid in a string literal.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(oQuote.Range, tok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + p.recover(TokenOQuote) + break Token + + } + + } + + return ret.String(), hcl.RangeBetween(oQuote.Range, cQuote.Range), diags +} + +// decodeStringLit processes the given token, which must be either a +// TokenQuotedLit or a TokenStringLit, returning the string resulting from +// resolving any escape sequences. +// +// If any error diagnostics are returned, the returned string may be incomplete +// or otherwise invalid. +func (p *parser) decodeStringLit(tok Token) (string, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var quoted bool + switch tok.Type { + case TokenQuotedLit: + quoted = true + case TokenStringLit: + quoted = false + default: + panic("decodeQuotedLit can only be used with TokenStringLit and TokenQuotedLit tokens") + } + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + ret := make([]byte, 0, len(tok.Bytes)) + slices := scanStringLit(tok.Bytes, quoted) + + // We will mutate rng constantly as we walk through our token slices below. + // Any diagnostics must take a copy of this rng rather than simply pointing + // to it, e.g. by using rng.Ptr() rather than &rng. + rng := tok.Range + rng.End = rng.Start + +Slices: + for _, slice := range slices { + if len(slice) == 0 { + continue + } + + // Advance the start of our range to where the previous token ended + rng.Start = rng.End + + // Advance the end of our range to after our token. + b := slice + for len(b) > 0 { + adv, ch, _ := textseg.ScanGraphemeClusters(b, true) + rng.End.Byte += adv + switch ch[0] { + case '\r', '\n': + rng.End.Line++ + rng.End.Column = 1 + default: + rng.End.Column++ + } + b = b[adv:] + } + + TokenType: + switch slice[0] { + case '\\': + if !quoted { + // If we're not in quoted mode then just treat this token as + // normal. (Slices can still start with backslash even if we're + // not specifically looking for backslash sequences.) + break TokenType + } + if len(slice) < 2 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid escape sequence", + Detail: "Backslash must be followed by an escape sequence selector character.", + Subject: rng.Ptr(), + }) + break TokenType + } + + switch slice[1] { + + case 'n': + ret = append(ret, '\n') + continue Slices + case 'r': + ret = append(ret, '\r') + continue Slices + case 't': + ret = append(ret, '\t') + continue Slices + case '"': + ret = append(ret, '"') + continue Slices + case '\\': + ret = append(ret, '\\') + continue Slices + case 'u', 'U': + if slice[1] == 'u' && len(slice) != 6 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid escape sequence", + Detail: "The \\u escape sequence must be followed by four hexadecimal digits.", + Subject: rng.Ptr(), + }) + break TokenType + } else if slice[1] == 'U' && len(slice) != 10 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid escape sequence", + Detail: "The \\U escape sequence must be followed by eight hexadecimal digits.", + Subject: rng.Ptr(), + }) + break TokenType + } + + numHex := string(slice[2:]) + num, err := strconv.ParseUint(numHex, 16, 32) + if err != nil { + // Should never happen because the scanner won't match + // a sequence of digits that isn't valid. + panic(err) + } + + r := rune(num) + l := utf8.RuneLen(r) + if l == -1 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid escape sequence", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot encode character U+%04x in UTF-8.", num), + Subject: rng.Ptr(), + }) + break TokenType + } + for i := 0; i < l; i++ { + ret = append(ret, 0) + } + rb := ret[len(ret)-l:] + utf8.EncodeRune(rb, r) + + continue Slices + + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid escape sequence", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The symbol %q is not a valid escape sequence selector.", slice[1:]), + Subject: rng.Ptr(), + }) + ret = append(ret, slice[1:]...) + continue Slices + } + + case '$', '%': + if len(slice) != 3 { + // Not long enough to be our escape sequence, so it's literal. + break TokenType + } + + if slice[1] == slice[0] && slice[2] == '{' { + ret = append(ret, slice[0]) + ret = append(ret, '{') + continue Slices + } + + break TokenType + } + + // If we fall out here or break out of here from the switch above + // then this slice is just a literal. + ret = append(ret, slice...) + } + + return string(ret), diags +} + +// setRecovery turns on recovery mode without actually doing any recovery. +// This can be used when a parser knowingly leaves the peeker in a useless +// place and wants to suppress errors that might result from that decision. +func (p *parser) setRecovery() { + p.recovery = true +} + +// recover seeks forward in the token stream until it finds TokenType "end", +// then returns with the peeker pointed at the following token. +// +// If the given token type is a bracketer, this function will additionally +// count nested instances of the brackets to try to leave the peeker at +// the end of the _current_ instance of that bracketer, skipping over any +// nested instances. This is a best-effort operation and may have +// unpredictable results on input with bad bracketer nesting. +func (p *parser) recover(end TokenType) Token { + start := p.oppositeBracket(end) + p.recovery = true + + nest := 0 + for { + tok := p.Read() + ty := tok.Type + if end == TokenTemplateSeqEnd && ty == TokenTemplateControl { + // normalize so that our matching behavior can work, since + // TokenTemplateControl/TokenTemplateInterp are asymmetrical + // with TokenTemplateSeqEnd and thus we need to count both + // openers if that's the closer we're looking for. + ty = TokenTemplateInterp + } + + switch ty { + case start: + nest++ + case end: + if nest < 1 { + return tok + } + + nest-- + case TokenEOF: + return tok + } + } +} + +// recoverOver seeks forward in the token stream until it finds a block +// starting with TokenType "start", then finds the corresponding end token, +// leaving the peeker pointed at the token after that end token. +// +// The given token type _must_ be a bracketer. For example, if the given +// start token is TokenOBrace then the parser will be left at the _end_ of +// the next brace-delimited block encountered, or at EOF if no such block +// is found or it is unclosed. +func (p *parser) recoverOver(start TokenType) { + end := p.oppositeBracket(start) + + // find the opening bracket first +Token: + for { + tok := p.Read() + switch tok.Type { + case start, TokenEOF: + break Token + } + } + + // Now use our existing recover function to locate the _end_ of the + // container we've found. + p.recover(end) +} + +func (p *parser) recoverAfterBodyItem() { + p.recovery = true + var open []TokenType + +Token: + for { + tok := p.Read() + + switch tok.Type { + + case TokenNewline: + if len(open) == 0 { + break Token + } + + case TokenEOF: + break Token + + case TokenOBrace, TokenOBrack, TokenOParen, TokenOQuote, TokenOHeredoc, TokenTemplateInterp, TokenTemplateControl: + open = append(open, tok.Type) + + case TokenCBrace, TokenCBrack, TokenCParen, TokenCQuote, TokenCHeredoc: + opener := p.oppositeBracket(tok.Type) + for len(open) > 0 && open[len(open)-1] != opener { + open = open[:len(open)-1] + } + if len(open) > 0 { + open = open[:len(open)-1] + } + + case TokenTemplateSeqEnd: + for len(open) > 0 && open[len(open)-1] != TokenTemplateInterp && open[len(open)-1] != TokenTemplateControl { + open = open[:len(open)-1] + } + if len(open) > 0 { + open = open[:len(open)-1] + } + + } + } +} + +// oppositeBracket finds the bracket that opposes the given bracketer, or +// NilToken if the given token isn't a bracketer. +// +// "Bracketer", for the sake of this function, is one end of a matching +// open/close set of tokens that establish a bracketing context. +func (p *parser) oppositeBracket(ty TokenType) TokenType { + switch ty { + + case TokenOBrace: + return TokenCBrace + case TokenOBrack: + return TokenCBrack + case TokenOParen: + return TokenCParen + case TokenOQuote: + return TokenCQuote + case TokenOHeredoc: + return TokenCHeredoc + + case TokenCBrace: + return TokenOBrace + case TokenCBrack: + return TokenOBrack + case TokenCParen: + return TokenOParen + case TokenCQuote: + return TokenOQuote + case TokenCHeredoc: + return TokenOHeredoc + + case TokenTemplateControl: + return TokenTemplateSeqEnd + case TokenTemplateInterp: + return TokenTemplateSeqEnd + case TokenTemplateSeqEnd: + // This is ambigous, but we return Interp here because that's + // what's assumed by the "recover" method. + return TokenTemplateInterp + + default: + return TokenNil + } +} + +func errPlaceholderExpr(rng hcl.Range) Expression { + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.DynamicVal, + SrcRange: rng, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3711067 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,728 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "unicode" + + "" + "" +) + +func (p *parser) ParseTemplate() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return p.parseTemplate(TokenEOF) +} + +func (p *parser) parseTemplate(end TokenType) (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + exprs, passthru, rng, diags := p.parseTemplateInner(end) + + if passthru { + if len(exprs) != 1 { + panic("passthru set with len(exprs) != 1") + } + return &TemplateWrapExpr{ + Wrapped: exprs[0], + SrcRange: rng, + }, diags + } + + return &TemplateExpr{ + Parts: exprs, + SrcRange: rng, + }, diags +} + +func (p *parser) parseTemplateInner(end TokenType) ([]Expression, bool, hcl.Range, hcl.Diagnostics) { + parts, diags := p.parseTemplateParts(end) + tp := templateParser{ + Tokens: parts.Tokens, + SrcRange: parts.SrcRange, + } + exprs, exprsDiags := tp.parseRoot() + diags = append(diags, exprsDiags...) + + passthru := false + if len(parts.Tokens) == 2 { // one real token and one synthetic "end" token + if _, isInterp := parts.Tokens[0].(*templateInterpToken); isInterp { + passthru = true + } + } + + return exprs, passthru, parts.SrcRange, diags +} + +type templateParser struct { + Tokens []templateToken + SrcRange hcl.Range + + pos int +} + +func (p *templateParser) parseRoot() ([]Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var exprs []Expression + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + for { + next := p.Peek() + if _, isEnd := next.(*templateEndToken); isEnd { + break + } + + expr, exprDiags := p.parseExpr() + diags = append(diags, exprDiags...) + exprs = append(exprs, expr) + } + + return exprs, diags +} + +func (p *templateParser) parseExpr() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + next := p.Peek() + switch tok := next.(type) { + + case *templateLiteralToken: + p.Read() // eat literal + return &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.StringVal(tok.Val), + SrcRange: tok.SrcRange, + }, nil + + case *templateInterpToken: + p.Read() // eat interp + return tok.Expr, nil + + case *templateIfToken: + return p.parseIf() + + case *templateForToken: + return p.parseFor() + + case *templateEndToken: + p.Read() // eat erroneous token + return errPlaceholderExpr(tok.SrcRange), hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + // This is a particularly unhelpful diagnostic, so callers + // should attempt to pre-empt it and produce a more helpful + // diagnostic that is context-aware. + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unexpected end of template", + Detail: "The control directives within this template are unbalanced.", + Subject: &tok.SrcRange, + }, + } + + case *templateEndCtrlToken: + p.Read() // eat erroneous token + return errPlaceholderExpr(tok.SrcRange), hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected %s directive", tok.Name()), + Detail: "The control directives within this template are unbalanced.", + Subject: &tok.SrcRange, + }, + } + + default: + // should never happen, because above should be exhaustive + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled template token type %T", next)) + } +} + +func (p *templateParser) parseIf() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + open := p.Read() + openIf, isIf := open.(*templateIfToken) + if !isIf { + // should never happen if caller is behaving + panic("parseIf called with peeker not pointing at if token") + } + + var ifExprs, elseExprs []Expression + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var endifRange hcl.Range + + currentExprs := &ifExprs +Token: + for { + next := p.Peek() + if end, isEnd := next.(*templateEndToken); isEnd { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unexpected end of template", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The if directive at %s is missing its corresponding endif directive.", + openIf.SrcRange, + ), + Subject: &end.SrcRange, + }) + return errPlaceholderExpr(end.SrcRange), diags + } + if end, isCtrlEnd := next.(*templateEndCtrlToken); isCtrlEnd { + p.Read() // eat end directive + + switch end.Type { + + case templateElse: + if currentExprs == &ifExprs { + currentExprs = &elseExprs + continue Token + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unexpected else directive", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Already in the else clause for the if started at %s.", + openIf.SrcRange, + ), + Subject: &end.SrcRange, + }) + + case templateEndIf: + endifRange = end.SrcRange + break Token + + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected %s directive", end.Name()), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Expecting an endif directive for the if started at %s.", + openIf.SrcRange, + ), + Subject: &end.SrcRange, + }) + } + + return errPlaceholderExpr(end.SrcRange), diags + } + + expr, exprDiags := p.parseExpr() + diags = append(diags, exprDiags...) + *currentExprs = append(*currentExprs, expr) + } + + if len(ifExprs) == 0 { + ifExprs = append(ifExprs, &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.StringVal(""), + SrcRange: hcl.Range{ + Filename: openIf.SrcRange.Filename, + Start: openIf.SrcRange.End, + End: openIf.SrcRange.End, + }, + }) + } + if len(elseExprs) == 0 { + elseExprs = append(elseExprs, &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.StringVal(""), + SrcRange: hcl.Range{ + Filename: endifRange.Filename, + Start: endifRange.Start, + End: endifRange.Start, + }, + }) + } + + trueExpr := &TemplateExpr{ + Parts: ifExprs, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(ifExprs[0].Range(), ifExprs[len(ifExprs)-1].Range()), + } + falseExpr := &TemplateExpr{ + Parts: elseExprs, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(elseExprs[0].Range(), elseExprs[len(elseExprs)-1].Range()), + } + + return &ConditionalExpr{ + Condition: openIf.CondExpr, + TrueResult: trueExpr, + FalseResult: falseExpr, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(openIf.SrcRange, endifRange), + }, diags +} + +func (p *templateParser) parseFor() (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + open := p.Read() + openFor, isFor := open.(*templateForToken) + if !isFor { + // should never happen if caller is behaving + panic("parseFor called with peeker not pointing at for token") + } + + var contentExprs []Expression + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var endforRange hcl.Range + +Token: + for { + next := p.Peek() + if end, isEnd := next.(*templateEndToken); isEnd { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unexpected end of template", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The for directive at %s is missing its corresponding endfor directive.", + openFor.SrcRange, + ), + Subject: &end.SrcRange, + }) + return errPlaceholderExpr(end.SrcRange), diags + } + if end, isCtrlEnd := next.(*templateEndCtrlToken); isCtrlEnd { + p.Read() // eat end directive + + switch end.Type { + + case templateElse: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unexpected else directive", + Detail: "An else clause is not expected for a for directive.", + Subject: &end.SrcRange, + }) + + case templateEndFor: + endforRange = end.SrcRange + break Token + + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected %s directive", end.Name()), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Expecting an endfor directive corresponding to the for directive at %s.", + openFor.SrcRange, + ), + Subject: &end.SrcRange, + }) + } + + return errPlaceholderExpr(end.SrcRange), diags + } + + expr, exprDiags := p.parseExpr() + diags = append(diags, exprDiags...) + contentExprs = append(contentExprs, expr) + } + + if len(contentExprs) == 0 { + contentExprs = append(contentExprs, &LiteralValueExpr{ + Val: cty.StringVal(""), + SrcRange: hcl.Range{ + Filename: openFor.SrcRange.Filename, + Start: openFor.SrcRange.End, + End: openFor.SrcRange.End, + }, + }) + } + + contentExpr := &TemplateExpr{ + Parts: contentExprs, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(contentExprs[0].Range(), contentExprs[len(contentExprs)-1].Range()), + } + + forExpr := &ForExpr{ + KeyVar: openFor.KeyVar, + ValVar: openFor.ValVar, + + CollExpr: openFor.CollExpr, + ValExpr: contentExpr, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(openFor.SrcRange, endforRange), + OpenRange: openFor.SrcRange, + CloseRange: endforRange, + } + + return &TemplateJoinExpr{ + Tuple: forExpr, + }, diags +} + +func (p *templateParser) Peek() templateToken { + return p.Tokens[p.pos] +} + +func (p *templateParser) Read() templateToken { + ret := p.Peek() + if _, end := ret.(*templateEndToken); !end { + p.pos++ + } + return ret +} + +// parseTemplateParts produces a flat sequence of "template tokens", which are +// either literal values (with any "trimming" already applied), interpolation +// sequences, or control flow markers. +// +// A further pass is required on the result to turn it into an AST. +func (p *parser) parseTemplateParts(end TokenType) (*templateParts, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var parts []templateToken + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + startRange := p.NextRange() + ltrimNext := false + nextCanTrimPrev := false + var endRange hcl.Range + +Token: + for { + next := p.Read() + if next.Type == end { + // all done! + endRange = next.Range + break + } + + ltrim := ltrimNext + ltrimNext = false + canTrimPrev := nextCanTrimPrev + nextCanTrimPrev = false + + switch next.Type { + case TokenStringLit, TokenQuotedLit: + str, strDiags := p.decodeStringLit(next) + diags = append(diags, strDiags...) + + if ltrim { + str = strings.TrimLeftFunc(str, unicode.IsSpace) + } + + parts = append(parts, &templateLiteralToken{ + Val: str, + SrcRange: next.Range, + }) + nextCanTrimPrev = true + + case TokenTemplateInterp: + // if the opener is ${~ then we want to eat any trailing whitespace + // in the preceding literal token, assuming it is indeed a literal + // token. + if canTrimPrev && len(next.Bytes) == 3 && next.Bytes[2] == '~' && len(parts) > 0 { + prevExpr := parts[len(parts)-1] + if lexpr, ok := prevExpr.(*templateLiteralToken); ok { + lexpr.Val = strings.TrimRightFunc(lexpr.Val, unicode.IsSpace) + } + } + + p.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + expr, exprDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, exprDiags...) + close := p.Peek() + if close.Type != TokenTemplateSeqEnd { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Extra characters after interpolation expression", + Detail: "Expected a closing brace to end the interpolation expression, but found extra characters.", + Subject: &close.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + } else { + p.Read() // eat closing brace + + // If the closer is ~} then we want to eat any leading + // whitespace on the next token, if it turns out to be a + // literal token. + if len(close.Bytes) == 2 && close.Bytes[0] == '~' { + ltrimNext = true + } + } + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + parts = append(parts, &templateInterpToken{ + Expr: expr, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, close.Range), + }) + + case TokenTemplateControl: + // if the opener is %{~ then we want to eat any trailing whitespace + // in the preceding literal token, assuming it is indeed a literal + // token. + if canTrimPrev && len(next.Bytes) == 3 && next.Bytes[2] == '~' && len(parts) > 0 { + prevExpr := parts[len(parts)-1] + if lexpr, ok := prevExpr.(*templateLiteralToken); ok { + lexpr.Val = strings.TrimRightFunc(lexpr.Val, unicode.IsSpace) + } + } + p.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + + kw := p.Peek() + if kw.Type != TokenIdent { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid template directive", + Detail: "A template directive keyword (\"if\", \"for\", etc) is expected at the beginning of a %{ sequence.", + Subject: &kw.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, kw.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + continue Token + } + p.Read() // eat keyword token + + switch { + + case ifKeyword.TokenMatches(kw): + condExpr, exprDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, exprDiags...) + parts = append(parts, &templateIfToken{ + CondExpr: condExpr, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, p.NextRange()), + }) + + case elseKeyword.TokenMatches(kw): + parts = append(parts, &templateEndCtrlToken{ + Type: templateElse, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, p.NextRange()), + }) + + case endifKeyword.TokenMatches(kw): + parts = append(parts, &templateEndCtrlToken{ + Type: templateEndIf, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, p.NextRange()), + }) + + case forKeyword.TokenMatches(kw): + var keyName, valName string + if p.Peek().Type != TokenIdent { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' directive", + Detail: "For directive requires variable name after 'for'.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + continue Token + } + + valName = string(p.Read().Bytes) + + if p.Peek().Type == TokenComma { + // What we just read was actually the key, then. + keyName = valName + p.Read() // eat comma + + if p.Peek().Type != TokenIdent { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' directive", + Detail: "For directive requires value variable name after comma.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + continue Token + } + + valName = string(p.Read().Bytes) + } + + if !inKeyword.TokenMatches(p.Peek()) { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid 'for' directive", + Detail: "For directive requires 'in' keyword after names.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + continue Token + } + p.Read() // eat 'in' keyword + + collExpr, collDiags := p.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, collDiags...) + parts = append(parts, &templateForToken{ + KeyVar: keyName, + ValVar: valName, + CollExpr: collExpr, + + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, p.NextRange()), + }) + + case endforKeyword.TokenMatches(kw): + parts = append(parts, &templateEndCtrlToken{ + Type: templateEndFor, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, p.NextRange()), + }) + + default: + if !p.recovery { + suggestions := []string{"if", "for", "else", "endif", "endfor"} + given := string(kw.Bytes) + suggestion := nameSuggestion(given, suggestions) + if suggestion != "" { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggestion) + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid template control keyword", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a valid template control keyword.%s", given, suggestion), + Subject: &kw.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(next.Range, kw.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + continue Token + + } + + close := p.Peek() + if close.Type != TokenTemplateSeqEnd { + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Extra characters in %s marker", kw.Bytes), + Detail: "Expected a closing brace to end the sequence, but found extra characters.", + Subject: &close.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + p.recover(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + } else { + p.Read() // eat closing brace + + // If the closer is ~} then we want to eat any leading + // whitespace on the next token, if it turns out to be a + // literal token. + if len(close.Bytes) == 2 && close.Bytes[0] == '~' { + ltrimNext = true + } + } + p.PopIncludeNewlines() + + default: + if !p.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unterminated template string", + Detail: "No closing marker was found for the string.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + final := p.recover(end) + endRange = final.Range + break Token + } + } + + if len(parts) == 0 { + // If a sequence has no content, we'll treat it as if it had an + // empty string in it because that's what the user probably means + // if they write "" in configuration. + parts = append(parts, &templateLiteralToken{ + Val: "", + SrcRange: hcl.Range{ + // Range is the zero-character span immediately after the + // opening quote. + Filename: startRange.Filename, + Start: startRange.End, + End: startRange.End, + }, + }) + } + + // Always end with an end token, so the parser can produce diagnostics + // about unclosed items with proper position information. + parts = append(parts, &templateEndToken{ + SrcRange: endRange, + }) + + ret := &templateParts{ + Tokens: parts, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(startRange, endRange), + } + + return ret, diags +} + +type templateParts struct { + Tokens []templateToken + SrcRange hcl.Range +} + +// templateToken is a higher-level token that represents a single atom within +// the template language. Our template parsing first raises the raw token +// stream to a sequence of templateToken, and then transforms the result into +// an expression tree. +type templateToken interface { + templateToken() templateToken +} + +type templateLiteralToken struct { + Val string + SrcRange hcl.Range + isTemplateToken +} + +type templateInterpToken struct { + Expr Expression + SrcRange hcl.Range + isTemplateToken +} + +type templateIfToken struct { + CondExpr Expression + SrcRange hcl.Range + isTemplateToken +} + +type templateForToken struct { + KeyVar string // empty if ignoring key + ValVar string + CollExpr Expression + SrcRange hcl.Range + isTemplateToken +} + +type templateEndCtrlType int + +const ( + templateEndIf templateEndCtrlType = iota + templateElse + templateEndFor +) + +type templateEndCtrlToken struct { + Type templateEndCtrlType + SrcRange hcl.Range + isTemplateToken +} + +func (t *templateEndCtrlToken) Name() string { + switch t.Type { + case templateEndIf: + return "endif" + case templateElse: + return "else" + case templateEndFor: + return "endfor" + default: + // should never happen + panic("invalid templateEndCtrlType") + } +} + +type templateEndToken struct { + SrcRange hcl.Range + isTemplateToken +} + +type isTemplateToken [0]int + +func (t isTemplateToken) templateToken() templateToken { + return t +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ff3ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "" + "" +) + +// ParseTraversalAbs parses an absolute traversal that is assumed to consume +// all of the remaining tokens in the peeker. The usual parser recovery +// behavior is not supported here because traversals are not expected to +// be parsed as part of a larger program. +func (p *parser) ParseTraversalAbs() (hcl.Traversal, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var ret hcl.Traversal + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + // Absolute traversal must always begin with a variable name + varTok := p.Read() + if varTok.Type != TokenIdent { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Variable name required", + Detail: "Must begin with a variable name.", + Subject: &varTok.Range, + }) + return ret, diags + } + + varName := string(varTok.Bytes) + ret = append(ret, hcl.TraverseRoot{ + Name: varName, + SrcRange: varTok.Range, + }) + + for { + next := p.Peek() + + if next.Type == TokenEOF { + return ret, diags + } + + switch next.Type { + case TokenDot: + // Attribute access + dot := p.Read() // eat dot + nameTok := p.Read() + if nameTok.Type != TokenIdent { + if nameTok.Type == TokenStar { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute name required", + Detail: "Splat expressions (.*) may not be used here.", + Subject: &nameTok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(varTok.Range, nameTok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute name required", + Detail: "Dot must be followed by attribute name.", + Subject: &nameTok.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(varTok.Range, nameTok.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + return ret, diags + } + + attrName := string(nameTok.Bytes) + ret = append(ret, hcl.TraverseAttr{ + Name: attrName, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(dot.Range, nameTok.Range), + }) + case TokenOBrack: + // Index + open := p.Read() // eat open bracket + next := p.Peek() + + switch next.Type { + case TokenNumberLit: + tok := p.Read() // eat number + numVal, numDiags := p.numberLitValue(tok) + diags = append(diags, numDiags...) + + close := p.Read() + if close.Type != TokenCBrack { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unclosed index brackets", + Detail: "Index key must be followed by a closing bracket.", + Subject: &close.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + + ret = append(ret, hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: numVal, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }) + + if diags.HasErrors() { + return ret, diags + } + + case TokenOQuote: + str, _, strDiags := p.parseQuotedStringLiteral() + diags = append(diags, strDiags...) + + close := p.Read() + if close.Type != TokenCBrack { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unclosed index brackets", + Detail: "Index key must be followed by a closing bracket.", + Subject: &close.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + + ret = append(ret, hcl.TraverseIndex{ + Key: cty.StringVal(str), + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + }) + + if diags.HasErrors() { + return ret, diags + } + + default: + if next.Type == TokenStar { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Attribute name required", + Detail: "Splat expressions ([*]) may not be used here.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(varTok.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Index value required", + Detail: "Index brackets must contain either a literal number or a literal string.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(varTok.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + } + return ret, diags + } + + default: + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid character", + Detail: "Expected an attribute access or an index operator.", + Subject: &next.Range, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(varTok.Range, next.Range).Ptr(), + }) + return ret, diags + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a4b50e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "path/filepath" + "runtime" + "strings" + + "" +) + +// This is set to true at init() time in tests, to enable more useful output +// if a stack discipline error is detected. It should not be enabled in +// normal mode since there is a performance penalty from accessing the +// runtime stack to produce the traces, but could be temporarily set to +// true for debugging if desired. +var tracePeekerNewlinesStack = false + +type peeker struct { + Tokens Tokens + NextIndex int + + IncludeComments bool + IncludeNewlinesStack []bool + + // used only when tracePeekerNewlinesStack is set + newlineStackChanges []peekerNewlineStackChange +} + +// for use in debugging the stack usage only +type peekerNewlineStackChange struct { + Pushing bool // if false, then popping + Frame runtime.Frame + Include bool +} + +func newPeeker(tokens Tokens, includeComments bool) *peeker { + return &peeker{ + Tokens: tokens, + IncludeComments: includeComments, + + IncludeNewlinesStack: []bool{true}, + } +} + +func (p *peeker) Peek() Token { + ret, _ := p.nextToken() + return ret +} + +func (p *peeker) Read() Token { + ret, nextIdx := p.nextToken() + p.NextIndex = nextIdx + return ret +} + +func (p *peeker) NextRange() hcl.Range { + return p.Peek().Range +} + +func (p *peeker) PrevRange() hcl.Range { + if p.NextIndex == 0 { + return p.NextRange() + } + + return p.Tokens[p.NextIndex-1].Range +} + +func (p *peeker) nextToken() (Token, int) { + for i := p.NextIndex; i < len(p.Tokens); i++ { + tok := p.Tokens[i] + switch tok.Type { + case TokenComment: + if !p.IncludeComments { + // Single-line comment tokens, starting with # or //, absorb + // the trailing newline that terminates them as part of their + // bytes. When we're filtering out comments, we must as a + // special case transform these to newline tokens in order + // to properly parse newline-terminated block items. + + if p.includingNewlines() { + if len(tok.Bytes) > 0 && tok.Bytes[len(tok.Bytes)-1] == '\n' { + fakeNewline := Token{ + Type: TokenNewline, + Bytes: tok.Bytes[len(tok.Bytes)-1 : len(tok.Bytes)], + + // We use the whole token range as the newline + // range, even though that's a little... weird, + // because otherwise we'd need to go count + // characters again in order to figure out the + // column of the newline, and that complexity + // isn't justified when ranges of newlines are + // so rarely printed anyway. + Range: tok.Range, + } + return fakeNewline, i + 1 + } + } + + continue + } + case TokenNewline: + if !p.includingNewlines() { + continue + } + } + + return tok, i + 1 + } + + // if we fall out here then we'll return the EOF token, and leave + // our index pointed off the end of the array so we'll keep + // returning EOF in future too. + return p.Tokens[len(p.Tokens)-1], len(p.Tokens) +} + +func (p *peeker) includingNewlines() bool { + return p.IncludeNewlinesStack[len(p.IncludeNewlinesStack)-1] +} + +func (p *peeker) PushIncludeNewlines(include bool) { + if tracePeekerNewlinesStack { + // Record who called us so that we can more easily track down any + // mismanagement of the stack in the parser. + callers := []uintptr{0} + runtime.Callers(2, callers) + frames := runtime.CallersFrames(callers) + frame, _ := frames.Next() + p.newlineStackChanges = append(p.newlineStackChanges, peekerNewlineStackChange{ + true, frame, include, + }) + } + + p.IncludeNewlinesStack = append(p.IncludeNewlinesStack, include) +} + +func (p *peeker) PopIncludeNewlines() bool { + stack := p.IncludeNewlinesStack + remain, ret := stack[:len(stack)-1], stack[len(stack)-1] + p.IncludeNewlinesStack = remain + + if tracePeekerNewlinesStack { + // Record who called us so that we can more easily track down any + // mismanagement of the stack in the parser. + callers := []uintptr{0} + runtime.Callers(2, callers) + frames := runtime.CallersFrames(callers) + frame, _ := frames.Next() + p.newlineStackChanges = append(p.newlineStackChanges, peekerNewlineStackChange{ + false, frame, ret, + }) + } + + return ret +} + +// AssertEmptyNewlinesStack checks if the IncludeNewlinesStack is empty, doing +// panicking if it is not. This can be used to catch stack mismanagement that +// might otherwise just cause confusing downstream errors. +// +// This function is a no-op if the stack is empty when called. +// +// If newlines stack tracing is enabled by setting the global variable +// tracePeekerNewlinesStack at init time, a full log of all of the push/pop +// calls will be produced to help identify which caller in the parser is +// misbehaving. +func (p *peeker) AssertEmptyIncludeNewlinesStack() { + if len(p.IncludeNewlinesStack) != 1 { + // Should never happen; indicates mismanagement of the stack inside + // the parser. + if p.newlineStackChanges != nil { // only if traceNewlinesStack is enabled above + panic(fmt.Errorf( + "non-empty IncludeNewlinesStack after parse with %d calls unaccounted for:\n%s", + len(p.IncludeNewlinesStack)-1, + formatPeekerNewlineStackChanges(p.newlineStackChanges), + )) + } else { + panic(fmt.Errorf("non-empty IncludeNewlinesStack after parse: %#v", p.IncludeNewlinesStack)) + } + } +} + +func formatPeekerNewlineStackChanges(changes []peekerNewlineStackChange) string { + indent := 0 + var buf bytes.Buffer + for _, change := range changes { + funcName := change.Frame.Function + if idx := strings.LastIndexByte(funcName, '.'); idx != -1 { + funcName = funcName[idx+1:] + } + filename := change.Frame.File + if idx := strings.LastIndexByte(filename, filepath.Separator); idx != -1 { + filename = filename[idx+1:] + } + + switch change.Pushing { + + case true: + buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent)) + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "PUSH %#v (%s at %s:%d)\n", change.Include, funcName, filename, change.Frame.Line) + indent++ + + case false: + indent-- + buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", indent)) + fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "POP %#v (%s at %s:%d)\n", change.Include, funcName, filename, change.Frame.Line) + + } + } + return buf.String() +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf0ee29 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "" +) + +// ParseConfig parses the given buffer as a whole HCL config file, returning +// a *hcl.File representing its contents. If HasErrors called on the returned +// diagnostics returns true, the returned body is likely to be incomplete +// and should therefore be used with care. +// +// The body in the returned file has dynamic type *hclsyntax.Body, so callers +// may freely type-assert this to get access to the full hclsyntax API in +// situations where detailed access is required. However, most common use-cases +// should be served using the hcl.Body interface to ensure compatibility with +// other configurationg syntaxes, such as JSON. +func ParseConfig(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens, diags := LexConfig(src, filename, start) + peeker := newPeeker(tokens, false) + parser := &parser{peeker: peeker} + body, parseDiags := parser.ParseBody(TokenEOF) + diags = append(diags, parseDiags...) + + // Panic if the parser uses incorrect stack discipline with the peeker's + // newlines stack, since otherwise it will produce confusing downstream + // errors. + peeker.AssertEmptyIncludeNewlinesStack() + + return &hcl.File{ + Body: body, + Bytes: src, + + Nav: navigation{ + root: body, + }, + }, diags +} + +// ParseExpression parses the given buffer as a standalone HCL expression, +// returning it as an instance of Expression. +func ParseExpression(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens, diags := LexExpression(src, filename, start) + peeker := newPeeker(tokens, false) + parser := &parser{peeker: peeker} + + // Bare expressions are always parsed in "ignore newlines" mode, as if + // they were wrapped in parentheses. + parser.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + + expr, parseDiags := parser.ParseExpression() + diags = append(diags, parseDiags...) + + next := parser.Peek() + if next.Type != TokenEOF && !parser.recovery { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Extra characters after expression", + Detail: "An expression was successfully parsed, but extra characters were found after it.", + Subject: &next.Range, + }) + } + + parser.PopIncludeNewlines() + + // Panic if the parser uses incorrect stack discipline with the peeker's + // newlines stack, since otherwise it will produce confusing downstream + // errors. + peeker.AssertEmptyIncludeNewlinesStack() + + return expr, diags +} + +// ParseTemplate parses the given buffer as a standalone HCL template, +// returning it as an instance of Expression. +func ParseTemplate(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (Expression, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens, diags := LexTemplate(src, filename, start) + peeker := newPeeker(tokens, false) + parser := &parser{peeker: peeker} + expr, parseDiags := parser.ParseTemplate() + diags = append(diags, parseDiags...) + + // Panic if the parser uses incorrect stack discipline with the peeker's + // newlines stack, since otherwise it will produce confusing downstream + // errors. + peeker.AssertEmptyIncludeNewlinesStack() + + return expr, diags +} + +// ParseTraversalAbs parses the given buffer as a standalone absolute traversal. +// +// Parsing as a traversal is more limited than parsing as an expession since +// it allows only attribute and indexing operations on variables. Traverals +// are useful as a syntax for referring to objects without necessarily +// evaluating them. +func ParseTraversalAbs(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (hcl.Traversal, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens, diags := LexExpression(src, filename, start) + peeker := newPeeker(tokens, false) + parser := &parser{peeker: peeker} + + // Bare traverals are always parsed in "ignore newlines" mode, as if + // they were wrapped in parentheses. + parser.PushIncludeNewlines(false) + + expr, parseDiags := parser.ParseTraversalAbs() + diags = append(diags, parseDiags...) + + parser.PopIncludeNewlines() + + // Panic if the parser uses incorrect stack discipline with the peeker's + // newlines stack, since otherwise it will produce confusing downstream + // errors. + peeker.AssertEmptyIncludeNewlinesStack() + + return expr, diags +} + +// LexConfig performs lexical analysis on the given buffer, treating it as a +// whole HCL config file, and returns the resulting tokens. +// +// Only minimal validation is done during lexical analysis, so the returned +// diagnostics may include errors about lexical issues such as bad character +// encodings or unrecognized characters, but full parsing is required to +// detect _all_ syntax errors. +func LexConfig(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (Tokens, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens := scanTokens(src, filename, start, scanNormal) + diags := checkInvalidTokens(tokens) + return tokens, diags +} + +// LexExpression performs lexical analysis on the given buffer, treating it as +// a standalone HCL expression, and returns the resulting tokens. +// +// Only minimal validation is done during lexical analysis, so the returned +// diagnostics may include errors about lexical issues such as bad character +// encodings or unrecognized characters, but full parsing is required to +// detect _all_ syntax errors. +func LexExpression(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (Tokens, hcl.Diagnostics) { + // This is actually just the same thing as LexConfig, since configs + // and expressions lex in the same way. + tokens := scanTokens(src, filename, start, scanNormal) + diags := checkInvalidTokens(tokens) + return tokens, diags +} + +// LexTemplate performs lexical analysis on the given buffer, treating it as a +// standalone HCL template, and returns the resulting tokens. +// +// Only minimal validation is done during lexical analysis, so the returned +// diagnostics may include errors about lexical issues such as bad character +// encodings or unrecognized characters, but full parsing is required to +// detect _all_ syntax errors. +func LexTemplate(src []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos) (Tokens, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens := scanTokens(src, filename, start, scanTemplate) + diags := checkInvalidTokens(tokens) + return tokens, diags +} + +// ValidIdentifier tests if the given string could be a valid identifier in +// a native syntax expression. +// +// This is useful when accepting names from the user that will be used as +// variable or attribute names in the scope, to ensure that any name chosen +// will be traversable using the variable or attribute traversal syntax. +func ValidIdentifier(s string) bool { + // This is a kinda-expensive way to do something pretty simple, but it + // is easiest to do with our existing scanner-related infrastructure here + // and nobody should be validating identifiers in a tight loop. + tokens := scanTokens([]byte(s), "", hcl.Pos{}, scanIdentOnly) + return len(tokens) == 2 && tokens[0].Type == TokenIdent && tokens[1].Type == TokenEOF +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de1f524 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +// line 1 "scan_string_lit.rl" + +package hclsyntax + +// This file is generated from scan_string_lit.rl. DO NOT EDIT. + +// line 9 "scan_string_lit.go" +var _hclstrtok_actions []byte = []byte{ + 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, +} + +var _hclstrtok_key_offsets []byte = []byte{ + 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 18, + 22, 27, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 57, + 62, 74, 85, 96, 107, 118, 129, 140, + 151, +} + +var _hclstrtok_trans_keys []byte = []byte{ + 128, 191, 128, 191, 128, 191, 10, 13, + 36, 37, 10, 13, 36, 37, 10, 13, + 36, 37, 10, 13, 36, 37, 10, 13, + 36, 37, 123, 10, 13, 36, 37, 10, + 13, 36, 37, 92, 10, 13, 36, 37, + 92, 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, 10, 13, + 36, 37, 92, 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, + 123, 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, 85, 117, + 128, 191, 192, 223, 224, 239, 240, 247, + 248, 255, 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, 48, + 57, 65, 70, 97, 102, 10, 13, 36, + 37, 92, 48, 57, 65, 70, 97, 102, + 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, 48, 57, 65, + 70, 97, 102, 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, + 48, 57, 65, 70, 97, 102, 10, 13, + 36, 37, 92, 48, 57, 65, 70, 97, + 102, 10, 13, 36, 37, 92, 48, 57, + 65, 70, 97, 102, 10, 13, 36, 37, + 92, 48, 57, 65, 70, 97, 102, 10, + 13, 36, 37, 92, 48, 57, 65, 70, + 97, 102, +} + +var _hclstrtok_single_lengths []byte = []byte{ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, + 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, + 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, + 5, +} + +var _hclstrtok_range_lengths []byte = []byte{ + 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, + 3, +} + +var _hclstrtok_index_offsets []byte = []byte{ + 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 11, 16, 21, + 26, 32, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 68, + 74, 82, 91, 100, 109, 118, 127, 136, + 145, +} + +var _hclstrtok_indicies []byte = []byte{ + 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 6, + 7, 8, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 9, + 14, 11, 12, 13, 9, 10, 11, 15, + 13, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 9, + 10, 11, 12, 15, 9, 17, 18, 19, + 20, 21, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, + 22, 0, 24, 25, 26, 27, 22, 23, + 24, 28, 26, 27, 22, 23, 24, 25, + 26, 27, 0, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, + 27, 22, 29, 30, 22, 2, 3, 31, + 22, 0, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, + 32, 32, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, + 33, 33, 33, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, + 27, 34, 34, 34, 22, 23, 24, 25, + 26, 27, 30, 30, 30, 22, 23, 24, + 25, 26, 27, 35, 35, 35, 22, 23, + 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 36, 36, 22, + 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 37, 37, 37, + 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, + 0, 22, +} + +var _hclstrtok_trans_targs []byte = []byte{ + 11, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, + 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 5, 8, + 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 10, 11, + 12, 13, 15, 16, 14, 17, 21, 3, + 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, +} + +var _hclstrtok_trans_actions []byte = []byte{ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, + 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, + 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, +} + +var _hclstrtok_eof_actions []byte = []byte{ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, + 3, 3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, + 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, + 3, +} + +const hclstrtok_start int = 4 +const hclstrtok_first_final int = 4 +const hclstrtok_error int = 0 + +const hclstrtok_en_quoted int = 10 +const hclstrtok_en_unquoted int = 4 + +// line 10 "scan_string_lit.rl" + +func scanStringLit(data []byte, quoted bool) [][]byte { + var ret [][]byte + + // line 61 "scan_string_lit.rl" + + // Ragel state + p := 0 // "Pointer" into data + pe := len(data) // End-of-data "pointer" + ts := 0 + te := 0 + eof := pe + + var cs int // current state + switch { + case quoted: + cs = hclstrtok_en_quoted + default: + cs = hclstrtok_en_unquoted + } + + // Make Go compiler happy + _ = ts + _ = eof + + /*token := func () { + ret = append(ret, data[ts:te]) + }*/ + + // line 154 "scan_string_lit.go" + { + } + + // line 158 "scan_string_lit.go" + { + var _klen int + var _trans int + var _acts int + var _nacts uint + var _keys int + if p == pe { + goto _test_eof + } + if cs == 0 { + goto _out + } + _resume: + _keys = int(_hclstrtok_key_offsets[cs]) + _trans = int(_hclstrtok_index_offsets[cs]) + + _klen = int(_hclstrtok_single_lengths[cs]) + if _klen > 0 { + _lower := int(_keys) + var _mid int + _upper := int(_keys + _klen - 1) + for { + if _upper < _lower { + break + } + + _mid = _lower + ((_upper - _lower) >> 1) + switch { + case data[p] < _hclstrtok_trans_keys[_mid]: + _upper = _mid - 1 + case data[p] > _hclstrtok_trans_keys[_mid]: + _lower = _mid + 1 + default: + _trans += int(_mid - int(_keys)) + goto _match + } + } + _keys += _klen + _trans += _klen + } + + _klen = int(_hclstrtok_range_lengths[cs]) + if _klen > 0 { + _lower := int(_keys) + var _mid int + _upper := int(_keys + (_klen << 1) - 2) + for { + if _upper < _lower { + break + } + + _mid = _lower + (((_upper - _lower) >> 1) & ^1) + switch { + case data[p] < _hclstrtok_trans_keys[_mid]: + _upper = _mid - 2 + case data[p] > _hclstrtok_trans_keys[_mid+1]: + _lower = _mid + 2 + default: + _trans += int((_mid - int(_keys)) >> 1) + goto _match + } + } + _trans += _klen + } + + _match: + _trans = int(_hclstrtok_indicies[_trans]) + cs = int(_hclstrtok_trans_targs[_trans]) + + if _hclstrtok_trans_actions[_trans] == 0 { + goto _again + } + + _acts = int(_hclstrtok_trans_actions[_trans]) + _nacts = uint(_hclstrtok_actions[_acts]) + _acts++ + for ; _nacts > 0; _nacts-- { + _acts++ + switch _hclstrtok_actions[_acts-1] { + case 0: + // line 40 "scan_string_lit.rl" + + // If te is behind p then we've skipped over some literal + // characters which we must now return. + if te < p { + ret = append(ret, data[te:p]) + } + ts = p + + case 1: + // line 48 "scan_string_lit.rl" + + te = p + ret = append(ret, data[ts:te]) + + // line 255 "scan_string_lit.go" + } + } + + _again: + if cs == 0 { + goto _out + } + p++ + if p != pe { + goto _resume + } + _test_eof: + { + } + if p == eof { + __acts := _hclstrtok_eof_actions[cs] + __nacts := uint(_hclstrtok_actions[__acts]) + __acts++ + for ; __nacts > 0; __nacts-- { + __acts++ + switch _hclstrtok_actions[__acts-1] { + case 1: + // line 48 "scan_string_lit.rl" + + te = p + ret = append(ret, data[ts:te]) + + // line 281 "scan_string_lit.go" + } + } + } + + _out: + { + } + } + + // line 89 "scan_string_lit.rl" + + if te < p { + // Collect any leftover literal characters at the end of the input + ret = append(ret, data[te:p]) + } + + // If we fall out here without being in a final state then we've + // encountered something that the scanner can't match, which should + // be impossible (the scanner matches all bytes _somehow_) but we'll + // tolerate it and let the caller deal with it. + if cs < hclstrtok_first_final { + ret = append(ret, data[p:len(data)]) + } + + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8ac117 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + +package hclsyntax + +// This file is generated from scan_string_lit.rl. DO NOT EDIT. +%%{ + # (except you are actually in scan_string_lit.rl here, so edit away!) + + machine hclstrtok; + write data; +}%% + +func scanStringLit(data []byte, quoted bool) [][]byte { + var ret [][]byte + + %%{ + include UnicodeDerived "unicode_derived.rl"; + + UTF8Cont = 0x80 .. 0xBF; + AnyUTF8 = ( + 0x00..0x7F | + 0xC0..0xDF . UTF8Cont | + 0xE0..0xEF . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont | + 0xF0..0xF7 . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont + ); + BadUTF8 = any - AnyUTF8; + + Hex = ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F'); + + # Our goal with this patterns is to capture user intent as best as + # possible, even if the input is invalid. The caller will then verify + # whether each token is valid and generate suitable error messages + # if not. + UnicodeEscapeShort = "\\u" . Hex{0,4}; + UnicodeEscapeLong = "\\U" . Hex{0,8}; + UnicodeEscape = (UnicodeEscapeShort | UnicodeEscapeLong); + SimpleEscape = "\\" . (AnyUTF8 - ('U'|'u'))?; + TemplateEscape = ("$" . ("$" . ("{"?))?) | ("%" . ("%" . ("{"?))?); + Newline = ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n"); + + action Begin { + // If te is behind p then we've skipped over some literal + // characters which we must now return. + if te < p { + ret = append(ret, data[te:p]) + } + ts = p; + } + action End { + te = p; + ret = append(ret, data[ts:te]); + } + + QuotedToken = (UnicodeEscape | SimpleEscape | TemplateEscape | Newline) >Begin %End; + UnquotedToken = (TemplateEscape | Newline) >Begin %End; + QuotedLiteral = (any - ("\\" | "$" | "%" | "\r" | "\n")); + UnquotedLiteral = (any - ("$" | "%" | "\r" | "\n")); + + quoted := (QuotedToken | QuotedLiteral)**; + unquoted := (UnquotedToken | UnquotedLiteral)**; + + }%% + + // Ragel state + p := 0 // "Pointer" into data + pe := len(data) // End-of-data "pointer" + ts := 0 + te := 0 + eof := pe + + var cs int // current state + switch { + case quoted: + cs = hclstrtok_en_quoted + default: + cs = hclstrtok_en_unquoted + } + + // Make Go compiler happy + _ = ts + _ = eof + + /*token := func () { + ret = append(ret, data[ts:te]) + }*/ + + %%{ + write init nocs; + write exec; + }%% + + if te < p { + // Collect any leftover literal characters at the end of the input + ret = append(ret, data[te:p]) + } + + // If we fall out here without being in a final state then we've + // encountered something that the scanner can't match, which should + // be impossible (the scanner matches all bytes _somehow_) but we'll + // tolerate it and let the caller deal with it. + if cs < hclstrtok_first_final { + ret = append(ret, data[p:len(data)]) + } + + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..395e9c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,5443 @@ +// line 1 "scan_tokens.rl" + +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" + + "" +) + +// This file is generated from scan_tokens.rl. DO NOT EDIT. + +// line 15 "scan_tokens.go" +var _hcltok_actions []byte = []byte{ + 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, + 1, 4, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 8, + 1, 9, 1, 10, 1, 11, 1, 12, + 1, 13, 1, 14, 1, 15, 1, 16, + 1, 17, 1, 18, 1, 19, 1, 22, + 1, 23, 1, 24, 1, 25, 1, 26, + 1, 27, 1, 28, 1, 29, 1, 30, + 1, 31, 1, 34, 1, 35, 1, 36, + 1, 37, 1, 38, 1, 39, 1, 40, + 1, 41, 1, 42, 1, 43, 1, 46, + 1, 47, 1, 48, 1, 49, 1, 50, + 1, 51, 1, 52, 1, 58, 1, 59, + 1, 60, 1, 61, 1, 62, 1, 63, + 1, 64, 1, 65, 1, 66, 1, 67, + 1, 68, 1, 69, 1, 70, 1, 71, + 1, 72, 1, 73, 1, 74, 1, 75, + 1, 76, 1, 77, 1, 78, 1, 79, + 1, 80, 1, 81, 1, 82, 1, 83, + 1, 84, 1, 85, 1, 86, 1, 87, + 2, 0, 15, 2, 1, 15, 2, 2, + 24, 2, 2, 28, 2, 3, 24, 2, + 3, 28, 2, 4, 5, 2, 7, 0, + 2, 7, 1, 2, 7, 20, 2, 7, + 21, 2, 7, 32, 2, 7, 33, 2, + 7, 44, 2, 7, 45, 2, 7, 53, + 2, 7, 54, 2, 7, 55, 2, 7, + 56, 2, 7, 57, 3, 7, 2, 20, + 3, 7, 3, 20, +} + +var _hcltok_key_offsets []int16 = []int16{ + 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 14, + 16, 58, 99, 145, 146, 150, 156, 156, + 158, 160, 169, 175, 182, 183, 186, 187, + 191, 196, 205, 209, 213, 221, 223, 225, + 227, 230, 262, 264, 266, 270, 274, 277, + 288, 301, 320, 333, 349, 361, 377, 392, + 413, 423, 435, 446, 460, 475, 485, 497, + 506, 518, 520, 524, 545, 554, 564, 570, + 576, 577, 626, 628, 632, 634, 640, 647, + 655, 662, 665, 671, 675, 679, 681, 685, + 689, 693, 699, 707, 715, 721, 723, 727, + 729, 735, 739, 743, 747, 751, 756, 763, + 769, 771, 773, 777, 779, 785, 789, 793, + 803, 808, 822, 837, 839, 847, 849, 854, + 868, 873, 875, 879, 880, 884, 890, 896, + 906, 916, 927, 935, 938, 941, 945, 949, + 951, 954, 954, 957, 959, 989, 991, 993, + 997, 1002, 1006, 1011, 1013, 1015, 1017, 1026, + 1030, 1034, 1040, 1042, 1050, 1058, 1070, 1073, + 1079, 1083, 1085, 1089, 1109, 1111, 1113, 1124, + 1130, 1132, 1134, 1136, 1140, 1146, 1152, 1154, + 1159, 1163, 1165, 1173, 1191, 1231, 1241, 1245, + 1247, 1249, 1250, 1254, 1258, 1262, 1266, 1270, + 1275, 1279, 1283, 1287, 1289, 1291, 1295, 1305, + 1309, 1311, 1315, 1319, 1323, 1336, 1338, 1340, + 1344, 1346, 1350, 1352, 1354, 1384, 1388, 1392, + 1396, 1399, 1406, 1411, 1422, 1426, 1442, 1456, + 1460, 1465, 1469, 1473, 1479, 1481, 1487, 1489, + 1493, 1495, 1501, 1506, 1511, 1521, 1523, 1525, + 1529, 1533, 1535, 1548, 1550, 1554, 1558, 1566, + 1568, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1578, 1583, 1585, 1587, + 1591, 1593, 1597, 1603, 1623, 1629, 1635, 1637, + 1638, 1648, 1649, 1657, 1664, 1666, 1669, 1671, + 1673, 1675, 1680, 1684, 1688, 1693, 1703, 1713, + 1717, 1721, 1735, 1761, 1771, 1773, 1775, 1778, + 1780, 1783, 1785, 1789, 1791, 1792, 1796, 1798, + 1801, 1808, 1816, 1818, 1820, 1824, 1826, 1832, + 1843, 1846, 1848, 1852, 1857, 1887, 1892, 1894, + 1897, 1902, 1916, 1923, 1937, 1942, 1955, 1959, + 1972, 1977, 1995, 1996, 2005, 2009, 2021, 2026, + 2033, 2040, 2047, 2049, 2053, 2075, 2080, 2081, + 2085, 2087, 2137, 2140, 2151, 2155, 2157, 2163, + 2169, 2171, 2176, 2178, 2182, 2184, 2185, 2187, + 2189, 2195, 2197, 2199, 2203, 2209, 2222, 2224, + 2230, 2234, 2242, 2253, 2261, 2264, 2294, 2300, + 2303, 2308, 2310, 2314, 2318, 2322, 2324, 2331, + 2333, 2342, 2349, 2357, 2359, 2379, 2391, 2395, + 2397, 2415, 2454, 2456, 2460, 2462, 2469, 2473, + 2501, 2503, 2505, 2507, 2509, 2512, 2514, 2518, + 2522, 2524, 2527, 2529, 2531, 2534, 2536, 2538, + 2539, 2541, 2543, 2547, 2551, 2554, 2567, 2569, + 2575, 2579, 2581, 2585, 2589, 2603, 2606, 2615, + 2617, 2621, 2627, 2627, 2629, 2631, 2640, 2646, + 2653, 2654, 2657, 2658, 2662, 2667, 2676, 2680, + 2684, 2692, 2694, 2696, 2698, 2701, 2733, 2735, + 2737, 2741, 2745, 2748, 2759, 2772, 2791, 2804, + 2820, 2832, 2848, 2863, 2884, 2894, 2906, 2917, + 2931, 2946, 2956, 2968, 2977, 2989, 2991, 2995, + 3016, 3025, 3035, 3041, 3047, 3048, 3097, 3099, + 3103, 3105, 3111, 3118, 3126, 3133, 3136, 3142, + 3146, 3150, 3152, 3156, 3160, 3164, 3170, 3178, + 3186, 3192, 3194, 3198, 3200, 3206, 3210, 3214, + 3218, 3222, 3227, 3234, 3240, 3242, 3244, 3248, + 3250, 3256, 3260, 3264, 3274, 3279, 3293, 3308, + 3310, 3318, 3320, 3325, 3339, 3344, 3346, 3350, + 3351, 3355, 3361, 3367, 3377, 3387, 3398, 3406, + 3409, 3412, 3416, 3420, 3422, 3425, 3425, 3428, + 3430, 3460, 3462, 3464, 3468, 3473, 3477, 3482, + 3484, 3486, 3488, 3497, 3501, 3505, 3511, 3513, + 3521, 3529, 3541, 3544, 3550, 3554, 3556, 3560, + 3580, 3582, 3584, 3595, 3601, 3603, 3605, 3607, + 3611, 3617, 3623, 3625, 3630, 3634, 3636, 3644, + 3662, 3702, 3712, 3716, 3718, 3720, 3721, 3725, + 3729, 3733, 3737, 3741, 3746, 3750, 3754, 3758, + 3760, 3762, 3766, 3776, 3780, 3782, 3786, 3790, + 3794, 3807, 3809, 3811, 3815, 3817, 3821, 3823, + 3825, 3855, 3859, 3863, 3867, 3870, 3877, 3882, + 3893, 3897, 3913, 3927, 3931, 3936, 3940, 3944, + 3950, 3952, 3958, 3960, 3964, 3966, 3972, 3977, + 3982, 3992, 3994, 3996, 4000, 4004, 4006, 4019, + 4021, 4025, 4029, 4037, 4039, 4043, 4045, 4046, + 4049, 4054, 4056, 4058, 4062, 4064, 4068, 4074, + 4094, 4100, 4106, 4108, 4109, 4119, 4120, 4128, + 4135, 4137, 4140, 4142, 4144, 4146, 4151, 4155, + 4159, 4164, 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hcltok_en_bareTemplate int = 1550 +const hcltok_en_identOnly int = 1557 +const hcltok_en_main int = 1464 + +// line 16 "scan_tokens.rl" + +func scanTokens(data []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos, mode scanMode) []Token { + f := &tokenAccum{ + Filename: filename, + Bytes: data, + Pos: start, + } + + // line 294 "scan_tokens.rl" + + // Ragel state + p := 0 // "Pointer" into data + pe := len(data) // End-of-data "pointer" + ts := 0 + te := 0 + act := 0 + eof := pe + var stack []int + var top int + + var cs int // current state + switch mode { + case scanNormal: + cs = hcltok_en_main + case scanTemplate: + cs = hcltok_en_bareTemplate + case scanIdentOnly: + cs = hcltok_en_identOnly + default: + panic("invalid scanMode") + } + + braces := 0 + var retBraces []int // stack of brace levels that cause us to use fret + var heredocs []heredocInProgress // stack of heredocs we're currently processing + + // line 329 "scan_tokens.rl" + + // Make Go compiler happy + _ = ts + _ = te + _ = act + _ = eof + + token := func(ty TokenType) { + f.emitToken(ty, ts, te) + } + selfToken := func() { + b := data[ts:te] + if len(b) != 1 { + // should never happen + panic("selfToken only works for single-character tokens") + } + f.emitToken(TokenType(b[0]), ts, te) + } + + // line 4372 "scan_tokens.go" + { + top = 0 + ts = 0 + te = 0 + act = 0 + } + + // line 4380 "scan_tokens.go" + { + var _klen int + var _trans int + var _acts int + var _nacts uint + var _keys int + if p == pe { + goto _test_eof + } + if cs == 0 { + goto _out + } + _resume: + _acts = int(_hcltok_from_state_actions[cs]) + _nacts = uint(_hcltok_actions[_acts]) + _acts++ + for ; _nacts > 0; _nacts-- { + _acts++ + switch _hcltok_actions[_acts-1] { + case 6: + // line 1 "NONE" + + ts = p + + // line 4404 "scan_tokens.go" + } + } + + _keys = int(_hcltok_key_offsets[cs]) + _trans = int(_hcltok_index_offsets[cs]) + + _klen = int(_hcltok_single_lengths[cs]) + if _klen > 0 { + _lower := int(_keys) + var _mid int + _upper := int(_keys + _klen - 1) + for { + if _upper < _lower { + break + } + + _mid = _lower + ((_upper - _lower) >> 1) + switch { + case data[p] < _hcltok_trans_keys[_mid]: + _upper = _mid - 1 + case data[p] > _hcltok_trans_keys[_mid]: + _lower = _mid + 1 + default: + _trans += int(_mid - int(_keys)) + goto _match + } + } + _keys += _klen + _trans += _klen + } + + _klen = int(_hcltok_range_lengths[cs]) + if _klen > 0 { + _lower := int(_keys) + var _mid int + _upper := int(_keys + (_klen << 1) - 2) + for { + if _upper < _lower { + break + } + + _mid = _lower + (((_upper - _lower) >> 1) & ^1) + switch { + case data[p] < _hcltok_trans_keys[_mid]: + _upper = _mid - 2 + case data[p] > _hcltok_trans_keys[_mid+1]: + _lower = _mid + 2 + default: + _trans += int((_mid - int(_keys)) >> 1) + goto _match + } + } + _trans += _klen + } + + _match: + _trans = int(_hcltok_indicies[_trans]) + _eof_trans: + cs = int(_hcltok_trans_targs[_trans]) + + if _hcltok_trans_actions[_trans] == 0 { + goto _again + } + + _acts = int(_hcltok_trans_actions[_trans]) + _nacts = uint(_hcltok_actions[_acts]) + _acts++ + for ; _nacts > 0; _nacts-- { + _acts++ + switch _hcltok_actions[_acts-1] { + case 0: + // line 218 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p-- + + case 1: + // line 219 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p-- + + case 2: + // line 224 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p-- + + case 3: + // line 225 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p-- + + case 7: + // line 1 "NONE" + + te = p + 1 + + case 8: + // line 155 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenTemplateInterp) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 9: + // line 165 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenTemplateControl) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 10: + // line 79 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenCQuote) + top-- + cs = stack[top] + { + stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] + } + goto _again + + } + case 11: + // line 239 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenInvalid) + } + case 12: + // line 240 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 13: + // line 155 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenTemplateInterp) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 14: + // line 165 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenTemplateControl) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 15: + // line 238 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenQuotedLit) + } + case 16: + // line 239 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenInvalid) + } + case 17: + // line 240 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 18: + // line 238 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p = (te) - 1 + { + token(TokenQuotedLit) + } + case 19: + // line 240 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p = (te) - 1 + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 20: + // line 143 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 10 + case 21: + // line 248 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 11 + case 22: + // line 155 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenTemplateInterp) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 23: + // line 165 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenTemplateControl) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 24: + // line 106 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + // This action is called specificially when a heredoc literal + // ends with a newline character. + + // This might actually be our end marker. + topdoc := &heredocs[len(heredocs)-1] + if topdoc.StartOfLine { + maybeMarker := bytes.TrimSpace(data[ts:te]) + if bytes.Equal(maybeMarker, topdoc.Marker) { + // We actually emit two tokens here: the end-of-heredoc + // marker first, and then separately the newline that + // follows it. This then avoids issues with the closing + // marker consuming a newline that would normally be used + // to mark the end of an attribute definition. + // We might have either a \n sequence or an \r\n sequence + // here, so we must handle both. + nls := te - 1 + nle := te + te-- + if data[te-1] == '\r' { + // back up one more byte + nls-- + te-- + } + token(TokenCHeredoc) + ts = nls + te = nle + token(TokenNewline) + heredocs = heredocs[:len(heredocs)-1] + top-- + cs = stack[top] + { + stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] + } + goto _again + + } + } + + topdoc.StartOfLine = true + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 25: + // line 248 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 26: + // line 155 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenTemplateInterp) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 27: + // line 165 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenTemplateControl) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 28: + // line 143 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + // This action is called when a heredoc literal _doesn't_ end + // with a newline character, e.g. because we're about to enter + // an interpolation sequence. + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 29: + // line 248 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 30: + // line 143 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p = (te) - 1 + { + // This action is called when a heredoc literal _doesn't_ end + // with a newline character, e.g. because we're about to enter + // an interpolation sequence. + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 31: + // line 1 "NONE" + + switch act { + case 0: + { + cs = 0 + goto _again + } + case 10: + { + p = (te) - 1 + + // This action is called when a heredoc literal _doesn't_ end + // with a newline character, e.g. because we're about to enter + // an interpolation sequence. + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 11: + { + p = (te) - 1 + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + } + + case 32: + // line 151 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 14 + case 33: + // line 255 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 15 + case 34: + // line 155 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenTemplateInterp) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 35: + // line 165 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenTemplateControl) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 36: + // line 151 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 37: + // line 255 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 38: + // line 155 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenTemplateInterp) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 39: + // line 165 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenTemplateControl) + braces++ + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces) + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false + } + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1464 + goto _again + } + } + case 40: + // line 151 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 41: + // line 255 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 42: + // line 151 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p = (te) - 1 + { + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 43: + // line 1 "NONE" + + switch act { + case 0: + { + cs = 0 + goto _again + } + case 14: + { + p = (te) - 1 + + token(TokenStringLit) + } + case 15: + { + p = (te) - 1 + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + } + + case 44: + // line 259 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 16 + case 45: + // line 260 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 17 + case 46: + // line 260 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 47: + // line 261 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenInvalid) + } + case 48: + // line 259 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenIdent) + } + case 49: + // line 260 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + p-- + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 50: + // line 259 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p = (te) - 1 + { + token(TokenIdent) + } + case 51: + // line 260 "scan_tokens.rl" + + p = (te) - 1 + { + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + case 52: + // line 1 "NONE" + + switch act { + case 16: + { + p = (te) - 1 + token(TokenIdent) + } + case 17: + { + p = (te) - 1 + token(TokenBadUTF8) + } + } + + case 53: + // line 267 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 21 + case 54: + // line 269 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 22 + case 55: + // line 280 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 32 + case 56: + // line 290 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 38 + case 57: + // line 291 "scan_tokens.rl" + + act = 39 + case 58: + // line 269 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenComment) + } + case 59: + // line 270 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenNewline) + } + case 60: + // line 272 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenEqualOp) + } + case 61: + // line 273 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenNotEqual) + } + case 62: + // line 274 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenGreaterThanEq) + } + case 63: + // line 275 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenLessThanEq) + } + case 64: + // line 276 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenAnd) + } + case 65: + // line 277 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenOr) + } + case 66: + // line 278 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenEllipsis) + } + case 67: + // line 279 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenFatArrow) + } + case 68: + // line 280 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + selfToken() + } + case 69: + // line 175 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenOBrace) + braces++ + } + case 70: + // line 180 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + if len(retBraces) > 0 && retBraces[len(retBraces)-1] == braces { + token(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + braces-- + retBraces = retBraces[0 : len(retBraces)-1] + top-- + cs = stack[top] + { + stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] + } + goto _again + + } else { + token(TokenCBrace) + braces-- + } + } + case 71: + // line 192 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + // Only consume from the retBraces stack and return if we are at + // a suitable brace nesting level, otherwise things will get + // confused. (Not entering this branch indicates a syntax error, + // which we will catch in the parser.) + if len(retBraces) > 0 && retBraces[len(retBraces)-1] == braces { + token(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + braces-- + retBraces = retBraces[0 : len(retBraces)-1] + top-- + cs = stack[top] + { + stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] + } + goto _again + + } else { + // We intentionally generate a TokenTemplateSeqEnd here, + // even though the user apparently wanted a brace, because + // we want to allow the parser to catch the incorrect use + // of a ~} to balance a generic opening brace, rather than + // a template sequence. + token(TokenTemplateSeqEnd) + braces-- + } + } + case 72: + // line 74 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenOQuote) + { + stack = append(stack, 0) + stack[top] = cs + top++ + cs = 1515 + goto _again + } + } + case 73: + // line 84 "scan_tokens.rl" + + te = p + 1 + { + token(TokenOHeredoc) + // the token is currently the whole heredoc introducer, like + // < 0; _nacts-- { + _acts++ + switch _hcltok_actions[_acts-1] { + case 4: + // line 1 "NONE" + + ts = 0 + + case 5: + // line 1 "NONE" + + act = 0 + + // line 5252 "scan_tokens.go" + } + } + + if cs == 0 { + goto _out + } + p++ + if p != pe { + goto _resume + } + _test_eof: + { + } + if p == eof { + if _hcltok_eof_trans[cs] > 0 { + _trans = int(_hcltok_eof_trans[cs] - 1) + goto _eof_trans + } + } + + _out: + { + } + } + + // line 352 "scan_tokens.rl" + + // If we fall out here without being in a final state then we've + // encountered something that the scanner can't match, which we'll + // deal with as an invalid. + if cs < hcltok_first_final { + if mode == scanTemplate && len(stack) == 0 { + // If we're scanning a bare template then any straggling + // top-level stuff is actually literal string, rather than + // invalid. This handles the case where the template ends + // with a single "$" or "%", which trips us up because we + // want to see another character to decide if it's a sequence + // or an escape. + f.emitToken(TokenStringLit, ts, len(data)) + } else { + f.emitToken(TokenInvalid, ts, len(data)) + } + } + + // We always emit a synthetic EOF token at the end, since it gives the + // parser position information for an "unexpected EOF" diagnostic. + f.emitToken(TokenEOF, len(data), len(data)) + + return f.Tokens +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83ef65b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ + +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "bytes" + + "" +) + +// This file is generated from scan_tokens.rl. DO NOT EDIT. +%%{ + # (except you are actually in scan_tokens.rl here, so edit away!) + + machine hcltok; + write data; +}%% + +func scanTokens(data []byte, filename string, start hcl.Pos, mode scanMode) []Token { + f := &tokenAccum{ + Filename: filename, + Bytes: data, + Pos: start, + } + + %%{ + include UnicodeDerived "unicode_derived.rl"; + + UTF8Cont = 0x80 .. 0xBF; + AnyUTF8 = ( + 0x00..0x7F | + 0xC0..0xDF . UTF8Cont | + 0xE0..0xEF . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont | + 0xF0..0xF7 . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont . UTF8Cont + ); + BrokenUTF8 = any - AnyUTF8; + + NumberLitContinue = (digit|'.'|('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? digit); + NumberLit = digit ("" | (NumberLitContinue - '.') | (NumberLitContinue* (NumberLitContinue - '.'))); + Ident = (ID_Start | '_') (ID_Continue | '-')*; + + # Symbols that just represent themselves are handled as a single rule. + SelfToken = "[" | "]" | "(" | ")" | "." | "," | "*" | "/" | "%" | "+" | "-" | "=" | "<" | ">" | "!" | "?" | ":" | "\n" | "&" | "|" | "~" | "^" | ";" | "`"; + + EqualOp = "=="; + NotEqual = "!="; + GreaterThanEqual = ">="; + LessThanEqual = "<="; + LogicalAnd = "&&"; + LogicalOr = "||"; + + Ellipsis = "..."; + FatArrow = "=>"; + + Newline = '\r' ? '\n'; + EndOfLine = Newline; + + BeginStringTmpl = '"'; + BeginHeredocTmpl = '<<' ('-')? Ident Newline; + + Comment = ( + ("#" (any - EndOfLine)* EndOfLine) | + ("//" (any - EndOfLine)* EndOfLine) | + ("/*" any* "*/") + ); + + # Note: hclwrite assumes that only ASCII spaces appear between tokens, + # and uses this assumption to recreate the spaces between tokens by + # looking at byte offset differences. This means it will produce + # incorrect results in the presence of tabs, but that's acceptable + # because the canonical style (which hclwrite itself can impose + # automatically is to never use tabs). + Spaces = (' ' | 0x09)+; + + action beginStringTemplate { + token(TokenOQuote); + fcall stringTemplate; + } + + action endStringTemplate { + token(TokenCQuote); + fret; + } + + action beginHeredocTemplate { + token(TokenOHeredoc); + // the token is currently the whole heredoc introducer, like + // < 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false; + } + fcall main; + } + + action beginTemplateControl { + token(TokenTemplateControl); + braces++; + retBraces = append(retBraces, braces); + if len(heredocs) > 0 { + heredocs[len(heredocs)-1].StartOfLine = false; + } + fcall main; + } + + action openBrace { + token(TokenOBrace); + braces++; + } + + action closeBrace { + if len(retBraces) > 0 && retBraces[len(retBraces)-1] == braces { + token(TokenTemplateSeqEnd); + braces--; + retBraces = retBraces[0:len(retBraces)-1] + fret; + } else { + token(TokenCBrace); + braces--; + } + } + + action closeTemplateSeqEatWhitespace { + // Only consume from the retBraces stack and return if we are at + // a suitable brace nesting level, otherwise things will get + // confused. (Not entering this branch indicates a syntax error, + // which we will catch in the parser.) + if len(retBraces) > 0 && retBraces[len(retBraces)-1] == braces { + token(TokenTemplateSeqEnd); + braces--; + retBraces = retBraces[0:len(retBraces)-1] + fret; + } else { + // We intentionally generate a TokenTemplateSeqEnd here, + // even though the user apparently wanted a brace, because + // we want to allow the parser to catch the incorrect use + // of a ~} to balance a generic opening brace, rather than + // a template sequence. + token(TokenTemplateSeqEnd); + braces--; + } + } + + TemplateInterp = "${" ("~")?; + TemplateControl = "%{" ("~")?; + EndStringTmpl = '"'; + StringLiteralChars = (AnyUTF8 - ("\r"|"\n")); + TemplateStringLiteral = ( + ('$' ^'{' %{ fhold; }) | + ('%' ^'{' %{ fhold; }) | + ('\\' StringLiteralChars) | + (StringLiteralChars - ("$" | '%' | '"')) + )+; + HeredocStringLiteral = ( + ('$' ^'{' %{ fhold; }) | + ('%' ^'{' %{ fhold; }) | + (StringLiteralChars - ("$" | '%')) + )*; + BareStringLiteral = ( + ('$' ^'{') | + ('%' ^'{') | + (StringLiteralChars - ("$" | '%')) + )* Newline?; + + stringTemplate := |* + TemplateInterp => beginTemplateInterp; + TemplateControl => beginTemplateControl; + EndStringTmpl => endStringTemplate; + TemplateStringLiteral => { token(TokenQuotedLit); }; + AnyUTF8 => { token(TokenInvalid); }; + BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8); }; + *|; + + heredocTemplate := |* + TemplateInterp => beginTemplateInterp; + TemplateControl => beginTemplateControl; + HeredocStringLiteral EndOfLine => heredocLiteralEOL; + HeredocStringLiteral => heredocLiteralMidline; + BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8); }; + *|; + + bareTemplate := |* + TemplateInterp => beginTemplateInterp; + TemplateControl => beginTemplateControl; + BareStringLiteral => bareTemplateLiteral; + BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8); }; + *|; + + identOnly := |* + Ident => { token(TokenIdent) }; + BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8) }; + AnyUTF8 => { token(TokenInvalid) }; + *|; + + main := |* + Spaces => {}; + NumberLit => { token(TokenNumberLit) }; + Ident => { token(TokenIdent) }; + + Comment => { token(TokenComment) }; + Newline => { token(TokenNewline) }; + + EqualOp => { token(TokenEqualOp); }; + NotEqual => { token(TokenNotEqual); }; + GreaterThanEqual => { token(TokenGreaterThanEq); }; + LessThanEqual => { token(TokenLessThanEq); }; + LogicalAnd => { token(TokenAnd); }; + LogicalOr => { token(TokenOr); }; + Ellipsis => { token(TokenEllipsis); }; + FatArrow => { token(TokenFatArrow); }; + SelfToken => { selfToken() }; + + "{" => openBrace; + "}" => closeBrace; + + "~}" => closeTemplateSeqEatWhitespace; + + BeginStringTmpl => beginStringTemplate; + BeginHeredocTmpl => beginHeredocTemplate; + + BrokenUTF8 => { token(TokenBadUTF8) }; + AnyUTF8 => { token(TokenInvalid) }; + *|; + + }%% + + // Ragel state + p := 0 // "Pointer" into data + pe := len(data) // End-of-data "pointer" + ts := 0 + te := 0 + act := 0 + eof := pe + var stack []int + var top int + + var cs int // current state + switch mode { + case scanNormal: + cs = hcltok_en_main + case scanTemplate: + cs = hcltok_en_bareTemplate + case scanIdentOnly: + cs = hcltok_en_identOnly + default: + panic("invalid scanMode") + } + + braces := 0 + var retBraces []int // stack of brace levels that cause us to use fret + var heredocs []heredocInProgress // stack of heredocs we're currently processing + + %%{ + prepush { + stack = append(stack, 0); + } + postpop { + stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]; + } + }%% + + // Make Go compiler happy + _ = ts + _ = te + _ = act + _ = eof + + token := func (ty TokenType) { + f.emitToken(ty, ts, te) + } + selfToken := func () { + b := data[ts:te] + if len(b) != 1 { + // should never happen + panic("selfToken only works for single-character tokens") + } + f.emitToken(TokenType(b[0]), ts, te) + } + + %%{ + write init nocs; + write exec; + }%% + + // If we fall out here without being in a final state then we've + // encountered something that the scanner can't match, which we'll + // deal with as an invalid. + if cs < hcltok_first_final { + if mode == scanTemplate && len(stack) == 0 { + // If we're scanning a bare template then any straggling + // top-level stuff is actually literal string, rather than + // invalid. This handles the case where the template ends + // with a single "$" or "%", which trips us up because we + // want to see another character to decide if it's a sequence + // or an escape. + f.emitToken(TokenStringLit, ts, len(data)) + } else { + f.emitToken(TokenInvalid, ts, len(data)) + } + } + + // We always emit a synthetic EOF token at the end, since it gives the + // parser position information for an "unexpected EOF" diagnostic. + f.emitToken(TokenEOF, len(data), len(data)) + + return f.Tokens +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49b9a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,923 @@ +# HCL Native Syntax Specification + +This is the specification of the syntax and semantics of the native syntax +for HCL. HCL is a system for defining configuration languages for applications. +The HCL information model is designed to support multiple concrete syntaxes +for configuration, but this native syntax is considered the primary format +and is optimized for human authoring and maintenence, as opposed to machine +generation of configuration. + +The language consists of three integrated sub-languages: + +* The _structural_ language defines the overall heirarchical configuration + structure, and is a serialization of HCL bodies, blocks and attributes. + +* The _expression_ language is used to express attribute values, either as + literals or as derivations of other values. + +* The _template_ language is used to compose values together into strings, + as one of several types of expression in the expression language. + +In normal use these three sub-languages are used together within configuration +files to describe an overall configuration, with the structural language +being used at the top level. The expression and template languages can also +be used in isolation, to implement features such as REPLs, debuggers, and +integration into more limited HCL syntaxes such as the JSON profile. + +## Syntax Notation + +Within this specification a semi-formal notation is used to illustrate the +details of syntax. This notation is intended for human consumption rather +than machine consumption, with the following conventions: + +* A naked name starting with an uppercase letter is a global production, + common to all of the syntax specifications in this document. +* A naked name starting with a lowercase letter is a local production, + meaningful only within the specification where it is defined. +* Double and single quotes (`"` and `'`) are used to mark literal character + sequences, which may be either punctuation markers or keywords. +* The default operator for combining items, which has no punctuation, + is concatenation. +* The symbol `|` indicates that any one of its left and right operands may + be present. +* The `*` symbol indicates zero or more repetitions of the item to its left. +* The `?` symbol indicates zero or one of the item to its left. +* Parentheses (`(` and `)`) are used to group items together to apply + the `|`, `*` and `?` operators to them collectively. + +The grammar notation does not fully describe the language. The prose may +augment or conflict with the illustrated grammar. In case of conflict, prose +has priority. + +## Source Code Representation + +Source code is unicode text expressed in the UTF-8 encoding. The language +itself does not perform unicode normalization, so syntax features such as +identifiers are sequences of unicode code points and so e.g. a precombined +accented character is distinct from a letter associated with a combining +accent. (String literals have some special handling with regard to Unicode +normalization which will be covered later in the relevant section.) + +UTF-8 encoded Unicode byte order marks are not permitted. Invalid or +non-normalized UTF-8 encoding is always a parse error. + +## Lexical Elements + +### Comments and Whitespace + +Comments and Whitespace are recognized as lexical elements but are ignored +except as described below. + +Whitespace is defined as a sequence of zero or more space characters +(U+0020). Newline sequences (either U+000A or U+000D followed by U+000A) +are _not_ considered whitespace but are ignored as such in certain contexts. + +Horizontal tab characters (U+0009) are not considered to be whitespace and +are not valid within HCL native syntax. + +Comments serve as program documentation and come in two forms: + +* _Line comments_ start with either the `//` or `#` sequences and end with + the next newline sequence. A line comments is considered equivalent to a + newline sequence. + +* _Inline comments_ start with the `/*` sequence and end with the `*/` + sequence, and may have any characters within except the ending sequence. + An inline comments is considered equivalent to a whitespace sequence. + +Comments and whitespace cannot begin within within other comments, or within +template literals except inside an interpolation sequence or template directive. + +### Identifiers + +Identifiers name entities such as blocks, attributes and expression variables. +Identifiers are interpreted as per [UAX #31][UAX31] Section 2. Specifically, +their syntax is defined in terms of the `ID_Start` and `ID_Continue` +character properties as follows: + +```ebnf +Identifier = ID_Start (ID_Continue | '-')*; +``` + +The Unicode specification provides the normative requirements for identifier +parsing. Non-normatively, the spirit of this specification is that `ID_Start` +consists of Unicode letter and certain unambiguous punctuation tokens, while +`ID_Continue` augments that set with Unicode digits, combining marks, etc. + +The dash character `-` is additionally allowed in identifiers, even though +that is not part of the unicode `ID_Continue` definition. This is to allow +attribute names and block type names to contain dashes, although underscores +as word separators are considered the idiomatic usage. + +[UAX31]: "Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax" + +### Keywords + +There are no globally-reserved words, but in some contexts certain identifiers +are reserved to function as keywords. These are discussed further in the +relevant documentation sections that follow. In such situations, the +identifier's role as a keyword supersedes any other valid interpretation that +may be possible. Outside of these specific situations, the keywords have no +special meaning and are interpreted as regular identifiers. + +### Operators and Delimiters + +The following character sequences represent operators, delimiters, and other +special tokens: + +``` ++ && == < : { [ ( ${ +- || != > ? } ] ) %{ +* ! <= = . +/ >= => , +% ... +``` + +### Numeric Literals + +A numeric literal is a decimal representation of a +real number. It has an integer part, a fractional part, +and an exponent part. + +```ebnf +NumericLit = decimal+ ("." decimal+)? (expmark decimal+)?; +decimal = '0' .. '9'; +expmark = ('e' | 'E') ("+" | "-")?; +``` + +## Structural Elements + +The structural language consists of syntax representing the following +constructs: + +* _Attributes_, which assign a value to a specified name. +* _Blocks_, which create a child body annotated by a type and optional labels. +* _Body Content_, which consists of a collection of attributes and blocks. + +These constructs correspond to the similarly-named concepts in the +language-agnostic HCL information model. + +```ebnf +ConfigFile = Body; +Body = (Attribute | Block)*; +Attribute = Identifier "=" Expression Newline; +Block = Identifier (StringLit|Identifier)* "{" Newline Body "}" Newline; +``` + +### Configuration Files + +A _configuration file_ is a sequence of characters whose top-level is +interpreted as a Body. + +### Bodies + +A _body_ is a collection of associated attributes and blocks. The meaning of +this association is defined by the calling application. + +### Attribute Definitions + +An _attribute definition_ assigns a value to a particular attribute name within +a body. Each distinct attribute name may be defined no more than once within a +single body. + +The attribute value is given as an expression, which is retained literally +for later evaluation by the calling application. + +### Blocks + +A _block_ creates a child body that is annotated with a block _type_ and +zero or more block _labels_. Blocks create a structural heirachy which can be +interpreted by the calling application. + +Block labels can either be quoted literal strings or naked identifiers. + +## Expressions + +The expression sub-language is used within attribute definitions to specify +values. + +```ebnf +Expression = ( + ExprTerm | + Operation | + Conditional +); +``` + +### Types + +The value types used within the expression language are those defined by the +syntax-agnostic HCL information model. An expression may return any valid +type, but only a subset of the available types have first-class syntax. +A calling application may make other types available via _variables_ and +_functions_. + +### Expression Terms + +Expression _terms_ are the operands for unary and binary expressions, as well +as acting as expressions in their own right. + +```ebnf +ExprTerm = ( + LiteralValue | + CollectionValue | + TemplateExpr | + VariableExpr | + FunctionCall | + ForExpr | + ExprTerm Index | + ExprTerm GetAttr | + ExprTerm Splat | + "(" Expression ")" +); +``` + +The productions for these different term types are given in their corresponding +sections. + +Between the `(` and `)` characters denoting a sub-expression, newline +characters are ignored as whitespace. + +### Literal Values + +A _literal value_ immediately represents a particular value of a primitive +type. + +```ebnf +LiteralValue = ( + NumericLit | + "true" | + "false" | + "null" +); +``` + +* Numeric literals represent values of type _number_. +* The `true` and `false` keywords represent values of type _bool_. +* The `null` keyword represents a null value of the dynamic pseudo-type. + +String literals are not directly available in the expression sub-language, but +are available via the template sub-language, which can in turn be incorporated +via _template expressions_. + +### Collection Values + +A _collection value_ combines zero or more other expressions to produce a +collection value. + +```ebnf +CollectionValue = tuple | object; +tuple = "[" ( + (Expression ("," Expression)* ","?)? +) "]"; +object = "{" ( + (objectelem ("," objectelem)* ","?)? +) "}"; +objectelem = (Identifier | Expression) "=" Expression; +``` + +Only tuple and object values can be directly constructed via native syntax. +Tuple and object values can in turn be converted to list, set and map values +with other operations, which behaves as defined by the syntax-agnostic HCL +information model. + +When specifying an object element, an identifier is interpreted as a literal +attribute name as opposed to a variable reference. To populate an item key +from a variable, use parentheses to disambiguate: + +* `{foo = "baz"}` is interpreted as an attribute literally named `foo`. +* `{(foo) = "baz"}` is interpreted as an attribute whose name is taken + from the variable named `foo`. + +Between the open and closing delimiters of these sequences, newline sequences +are ignored as whitespace. + +There is a syntax ambiguity between _for expressions_ and collection values +whose first element is a reference to a variable named `for`. The +_for expression_ interpretation has priority, so to produce a tuple whose +first element is the value of a variable named `for`, or an object with a +key named `for`, use paretheses to disambiguate: + +* `[for, foo, baz]` is a syntax error. +* `[(for), foo, baz]` is a tuple whose first element is the value of variable + `for`. +* `{for: 1, baz: 2}` is a syntax error. +* `{(for): 1, baz: 2}` is an object with an attribute literally named `for`. +* `{baz: 2, for: 1}` is equivalent to the previous example, and resolves the + ambiguity by reordering. + +### Template Expressions + +A _template expression_ embeds a program written in the template sub-language +as an expression. Template expressions come in two forms: + +* A _quoted_ template expression is delimited by quote characters (`"`) and + defines a template as a single-line expression with escape characters. +* A _heredoc_ template expression is introduced by a `<<` sequence and + defines a template via a multi-line sequence terminated by a user-chosen + delimiter. + +In both cases the template interpolation and directive syntax is available for +use within the delimiters, and any text outside of these special sequences is +interpreted as a literal string. + +In _quoted_ template expressions any literal string sequences within the +template behave in a special way: literal newline sequences are not permitted +and instead _escape sequences_ can be included, starting with the +backslash `\`: + +``` + \n Unicode newline control character + \r Unicode carriage return control character + \t Unicode tab control character + \" Literal quote mark, used to prevent interpretation as end of string + \\ Literal backslash, used to prevent interpretation as escape sequence + \uNNNN Unicode character from Basic Multilingual Plane (NNNN is four hexadecimal digits) + \UNNNNNNNN Unicode character from supplementary planes (NNNNNNNN is eight hexadecimal digits) +``` + +The _heredoc_ template expression type is introduced by either `<<` or `<<-`, +followed by an identifier. The template expression ends when the given +identifier subsequently appears again on a line of its own. + +If a heredoc template is introduced with the `<<-` symbol, any literal string +at the start of each line is analyzed to find the minimum number of leading +spaces, and then that number of prefix spaces is removed from all line-leading +literal strings. The final closing marker may also have an arbitrary number +of spaces preceding it on its line. + +```ebnf +TemplateExpr = quotedTemplate | heredocTemplate; +quotedTemplate = (as defined in prose above); +heredocTemplate = ( + ("<<" | "<<-") Identifier Newline + (content as defined in prose above) + Identifier Newline +); +``` + +A quoted template expression containing only a single literal string serves +as a syntax for defining literal string _expressions_. In certain contexts +the template syntax is restricted in this manner: + +```ebnf +StringLit = '"' (quoted literals as defined in prose above) '"'; +``` + +The `StringLit` production permits the escape sequences discussed for quoted +template expressions as above, but does _not_ permit template interpolation +or directive sequences. + +### Variables and Variable Expressions + +A _variable_ is a value that has been assigned a symbolic name. Variables are +made available for use in expressions by the calling application, by populating +the _global scope_ used for expression evaluation. + +Variables can also be created by expressions themselves, which always creates +a _child scope_ that incorporates the variables from its parent scope but +(re-)defines zero or more names with new values. + +The value of a variable is accessed using a _variable expression_, which is +a standalone `Identifier` whose name corresponds to a defined variable: + +```ebnf +VariableExpr = Identifier; +``` + +Variables in a particular scope are immutable, but child scopes may _hide_ +a variable from an ancestor scope by defining a new variable of the same name. +When looking up variables, the most locally-defined variable of the given name +is used, and ancestor-scoped variables of the same name cannot be accessed. + +No direct syntax is provided for declaring or assigning variables, but other +expression constructs implicitly create child scopes and define variables as +part of their evaluation. + +### Functions and Function Calls + +A _function_ is an operation that has been assigned a symbolic name. Functions +are made available for use in expressions by the calling application, by +populating the _function table_ used for expression evaluation. + +The namespace of functions is distinct from the namespace of variables. A +function and a variable may share the same name with no implication that they +are in any way related. + +A function can be executed via a _function call_ expression: + +```ebnf +FunctionCall = Identifier "(" arguments ")"; +Arguments = ( + () || + (Expression ("," Expression)* ("," | "...")?) +); +``` + +The definition of functions and the semantics of calling them are defined by +the language-agnostic HCL information model. The given arguments are mapped +onto the function's _parameters_ and the result of a function call expression +is the return value of the named function when given those arguments. + +If the final argument expression is followed by the ellipsis symbol (`...`), +the final argument expression must evaluate to either a list or tuple value. +The elements of the value are each mapped to a single parameter of the +named function, beginning at the first parameter remaining after all other +argument expressions have been mapped. + +Within the parentheses that delimit the function arguments, newline sequences +are ignored as whitespace. + +### For Expressions + +A _for expression_ is a construct for constructing a collection by projecting +the items from another collection. + +```ebnf +ForExpr = forTupleExpr | forObjectExpr; +forTupleExpr = "[" forIntro Expression forCond? "]"; +forObjectExpr = "{" forIntro Expression "=>" Expression "..."? forCond? "}"; +forIntro = "for" Identifier ("," Identifier)? "in" Expression ":"; +forCond = "if" Expression; +``` + +The punctuation used to delimit a for expression decide whether it will produce +a tuple value (`[` and `]`) or an object value (`{` and `}`). + +The "introduction" is equivalent in both cases: the keyword `for` followed by +either one or two identifiers separated by a comma which define the temporary +variable names used for iteration, followed by the keyword `in` and then +an expression that must evaluate to a value that can be iterated. The +introduction is then terminated by the colon (`:`) symbol. + +If only one identifier is provided, it is the name of a variable that will +be temporarily assigned the value of each element during iteration. If both +are provided, the first is the key and the second is the value. + +Tuple, object, list, map, and set types are iterable. The type of collection +used defines how the key and value variables are populated: + +* For tuple and list types, the _key_ is the zero-based index into the + sequence for each element, and the _value_ is the element value. The + elements are visited in index order. +* For object and map types, the _key_ is the string attribute name or element + key, and the _value_ is the attribute or element value. The elements are + visited in the order defined by a lexicographic sort of the attribute names + or keys. +* For set types, the _key_ and _value_ are both the element value. The elements + are visited in an undefined but consistent order. + +The expression after the colon and (in the case of object `for`) the expression +after the `=>` are both evaluated once for each element of the source +collection, in a local scope that defines the key and value variable names +specified. + +The results of evaluating these expressions for each input element are used +to populate an element in the new collection. In the case of tuple `for`, the +single expression becomes an element, appending values to the tuple in visit +order. In the case of object `for`, the pair of expressions is used as an +attribute name and value respectively, creating an element in the resulting +object. + +In the case of object `for`, it is an error if two input elements produce +the same result from the attribute name expression, since duplicate +attributes are not possible. If the ellipsis symbol (`...`) appears +immediately after the value experssion, this activates the grouping mode in +which each value in the resulting object is a _tuple_ of all of the values +that were produced against each distinct key. + +* `[for v in ["a", "b"]: v]` returns `["a", "b"]`. +* `[for i, v in ["a", "b"]: i]` returns `[0, 1]`. +* `{for i, v in ["a", "b"]: v => i}` returns `{a = 0, b = 1}`. +* `{for i, v in ["a", "a", "b"]: k => v}` produces an error, because attribute + `a` is defined twice. +* `{for i, v in ["a", "a", "b"]: v => i...}` returns `{a = [0, 1], b = [2]}`. + +If the `if` keyword is used after the element expression(s), it applies an +additional predicate that can be used to conditionally filter elements from +the source collection from consideration. The expression following `if` is +evaluated once for each source element, in the same scope used for the +element expression(s). It must evaluate to a boolean value; if `true`, the +element will be evaluated as normal, while if `false` the element will be +skipped. + +* `[for i, v in ["a", "b", "c"]: v if i < 2]` returns `["a", "b"]`. + +If the collection value, element expression(s) or condition expression return +unknown values that are otherwise type-valid, the result is a value of the +dynamic pseudo-type. + +### Index Operator + +The _index_ operator returns the value of a single element of a collection +value. It is a postfix operator and can be applied to any value that has +a tuple, object, map, or list type. + +```ebnf +Index = "[" Expression "]"; +``` + +The expression delimited by the brackets is the _key_ by which an element +will be looked up. + +If the index operator is applied to a value of tuple or list type, the +key expression must be an non-negative integer number representing the +zero-based element index to access. If applied to a value of object or map +type, the key expression must be a string representing the attribute name +or element key. If the given key value is not of the appropriate type, a +conversion is attempted using the conversion rules from the HCL +syntax-agnostic information model. + +An error is produced if the given key expression does not correspond to +an element in the collection, either because it is of an unconvertable type, +because it is outside the range of elements for a tuple or list, or because +the given attribute or key does not exist. + +If either the collection or the key are an unknown value of an +otherwise-suitable type, the return value is an unknown value whose type +matches what type would be returned given known values, or a value of the +dynamic pseudo-type if type information alone cannot determine a suitable +return type. + +Within the brackets that delimit the index key, newline sequences are ignored +as whitespace. + +### Attribute Access Operator + +The _attribute access_ operator returns the value of a single attribute in +an object value. It is a postfix operator and can be applied to any value +that has an object type. + +```ebnf +GetAttr = "." Identifier; +``` + +The given identifier is interpreted as the name of the attribute to access. +An error is produced if the object to which the operator is applied does not +have an attribute with the given name. + +If the object is an unknown value of a type that has the attribute named, the +result is an unknown value of the attribute's type. + +### Splat Operators + +The _splat operators_ allow convenient access to attributes or elements of +elements in a tuple, list, or set value. + +There are two kinds of "splat" operator: + +* The _attribute-only_ splat operator supports only attribute lookups into + the elements from a list, but supports an arbitrary number of them. + +* The _full_ splat operator additionally supports indexing into the elements + from a list, and allows any combination of attribute access and index + operations. + +```ebnf +Splat = attrSplat | fullSplat; +attrSplat = "." "*" GetAttr*; +fullSplat = "[" "*" "]" (GetAttr | Index)*; +``` + +The splat operators can be thought of as shorthands for common operations that +could otherwise be performed using _for expressions_: + +* `tuple.*[0]` is approximately equivalent to + `[for v in tuple:][0]`. +* `tuple[*][0]` is approximately equivalent to + `[for v in tuple:[0]]` + +Note the difference in how the trailing index operator is interpreted in +each case. This different interpretation is the key difference between the +_attribute-only_ and _full_ splat operators. + +Splat operators have one additional behavior compared to the equivalent +_for expressions_ shown above: if a splat operator is applied to a value that +is _not_ of tuple, list, or set type, the value is coerced automatically into +a single-value list of the value type: + +* `any_object.*.id` is equivalent to `[]`, assuming that `any_object` + is a single object. +* `any_number.*` is equivalent to `[any_number]`, assuming that `any_number` + is a single number. + +If the left operand of a splat operator is an unknown value of any type, the +result is a value of the dynamic pseudo-type. + +### Operations + +Operations apply a particular operator to either one or two expression terms. + +```ebnf +Operation = unaryOp | binaryOp; +unaryOp = ("-" | "!") ExprTerm; +binaryOp = ExprTerm binaryOperator ExprTerm; +binaryOperator = compareOperator | arithmeticOperator | logicOperator; +compareOperator = "==" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="; +arithmeticOperator = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"; +logicOperator = "&&" | "||" | "!"; +``` + +The unary operators have the highest precedence. + +The binary operators are grouped into the following precedence levels: + +``` +Level Operators + 6 * / % + 5 + - + 4 > >= < <= + 3 == != + 2 && + 1 || +``` + +Higher values of "level" bind tighter. Operators within the same precedence +level have left-to-right associativity. For example, `x / y * z` is equivalent +to `(x / y) * z`. + +### Comparison Operators + +Comparison operators always produce boolean values, as a result of testing +the relationship between two values. + +The two equality operators apply to values of any type: + +``` +a == b equal +a != b not equal +``` + +Two values are equal if the are of identical types and their values are +equal as defined in the HCL syntax-agnostic information model. The equality +operators are commutative and opposite, such that `(a == b) == !(a != b)` +and `(a == b) == (b == a)` for all values `a` and `b`. + +The four numeric comparison operators apply only to numbers: + +``` +a < b less than +a <= b less than or equal to +a > b greater than +a >= b greater than or equal to +``` + +If either operand of a comparison operator is a correctly-typed unknown value +or a value of the dynamic pseudo-type, the result is an unknown boolean. + +### Arithmetic Operators + +Arithmetic operators apply only to number values and always produce number +values as results. + +``` +a + b sum (addition) +a - b difference (subtraction) +a * b product (multiplication) +a / b quotient (division) +a % b remainder (modulo) +-a negation +``` + +Arithmetic operations are considered to be performed in an arbitrary-precision +number space. + +If either operand of an arithmetic operator is an unknown number or a value +of the dynamic pseudo-type, the result is an unknown number. + +### Logic Operators + +Logic operators apply only to boolean values and always produce boolean values +as results. + +``` +a && b logical AND +a || b logical OR +!a logical NOT +``` + +If either operand of a logic operator is an unknown bool value or a value +of the dynamic pseudo-type, the result is an unknown bool value. + +### Conditional Operator + +The conditional operator allows selecting from one of two expressions based on +the outcome of a boolean expression. + +```ebnf +Conditional = Expression "?" Expression ":" Expression; +``` + +The first expression is the _predicate_, which is evaluated and must produce +a boolean result. If the predicate value is `true`, the result of the second +expression is the result of the conditional. If the predicate value is +`false`, the result of the third expression is the result of the conditional. + +The second and third expressions must be of the same type or must be able to +unify into a common type using the type unification rules defined in the +HCL syntax-agnostic information model. This unified type is the result type +of the conditional, with both expressions converted as necessary to the +unified type. + +If the predicate is an unknown boolean value or a value of the dynamic +pseudo-type then the result is an unknown value of the unified type of the +other two expressions. + +If either the second or third expressions produce errors when evaluated, +these errors are passed through only if the erroneous expression is selected. +This allows for expressions such as +`length(some_list) > 0 ? some_list[0] : default` (given some suitable `length` +function) without producing an error when the predicate is `false`. + +## Templates + +The template sub-language is used within template expressions to concisely +combine strings and other values to produce other strings. It can also be +used in isolation as a standalone template language. + +```ebnf +Template = ( + TemplateLiteral | + TemplateInterpolation | + TemplateDirective +)* +TemplateDirective = TemplateIf | TemplateFor; +``` + +A template behaves like an expression that always returns a string value. +The different elements of the template are evaluated and combined into a +single string to return. If any of the elements produce an unknown string +or a value of the dynamic pseudo-type, the result is an unknown string. + +An important use-case for standalone templates is to enable the use of +expressions in alternative HCL syntaxes where a native expression grammar is +not available. For example, the HCL JSON profile treats the values of JSON +strings as standalone templates when attributes are evaluated in expression +mode. + +### Template Literals + +A template literal is a literal sequence of characters to include in the +resulting string. When the template sub-language is used standalone, a +template literal can contain any unicode character, with the exception +of the sequences that introduce interpolations and directives, and for the +sequences that escape those introductions. + +The interpolation and directive introductions are escaped by doubling their +leading characters. The `${` sequence is escaped as `$${` and the `%{` +sequence is escaped as `%%{`. + +When the template sub-language is embedded in the expression language via +_template expressions_, additional constraints and transforms are applied to +template literalsas described in the definition of template expressions. + +The value of a template literal can be modified by _strip markers_ in any +interpolations or directives that are adjacent to it. A strip marker is +a tilde (`~`) placed immediately after the opening `{` or before the closing +`}` of a template sequence: + +* `hello ${~ "world" }` produces `"helloworld"`. +* `%{ if true ~} hello %{~ endif }` produces `"hello"`. + +When a strip marker is present, any spaces adjacent to it in the corresponding +string literal (if any) are removed before producing the final value. Space +characters are interpreted as per Unicode's definition. + +Stripping is done at syntax level rather than value level. Values returned +by interpolations or directives are not subject to stripping: + +* `${"hello" ~}${" world"}` produces `"hello world"`, and not `"helloworld"`, + because the space is not in a template literal directly adjacent to the + strip marker. + +### Template Interpolations + +An _interpolation sequence_ evaluates an expression (written in the +expression sub-language), converts the result to a string value, and +replaces itself with the resulting string. + +```ebnf +TemplateInterpolation = ("${" | "${~") Expression ("}" | "~}"; +``` + +If the expression result cannot be converted to a string, an error is +produced. + +### Template If Directive + +The template `if` directive is the template equivalent of the +_conditional expression_, allowing selection of one of two sub-templates based +on the value of a predicate expression. + +```ebnf +TemplateIf = ( + ("%{" | "%{~") "if" Expression ("}" | "~}") + Template + ( + ("%{" | "%{~") "else" ("}" | "~}") + Template + )? + ("%{" | "%{~") "endif" ("}" | "~}") +); +``` + +The evaluation of the `if` directive is equivalent to the conditional +expression, with the following exceptions: + +* The two sub-templates always produce strings, and thus the result value is + also always a string. +* The `else` clause may be omitted, in which case the conditional's third + expression result is implied to be the empty string. + +### Template For Directive + +The template `for` directive is the template equivalent of the _for expression_, +producing zero or more copies of its sub-template based on the elements of +a collection. + +```ebnf +TemplateFor = ( + ("%{" | "%{~") "for" Identifier ("," Identifier) "in" Expression ("}" | "~}") + Template + ("%{" | "%{~") "endfor" ("}" | "~}") +); +``` + +The evaluation of the `for` directive is equivalent to the _for expression_ +when producing a tuple, with the following exceptions: + +* The sub-template always produces a string. +* There is no equivalent of the "if" clause on the for expression. +* The elements of the resulting tuple are all converted to strings and + concatenated to produce a flat string result. + +### Template Interpolation Unwrapping + +As a special case, a template that consists only of a single interpolation, +with no surrounding literals, directives or other interpolations, is +"unwrapped". In this case, the result of the interpolation expression is +returned verbatim, without conversion to string. + +This special case exists primarily to enable the native template language +to be used inside strings in alternative HCL syntaxes that lack a first-class +template or expression syntax. Unwrapping allows arbitrary expressions to be +used to populate attributes when strings in such languages are interpreted +as templates. + +* `${true}` produces the boolean value `true` +* `${"${true}"}` produces the boolean value `true`, because both the inner + and outer interpolations are subject to unwrapping. +* `hello ${true}` produces the string `"hello true"` +* `${""}${true}` produces the string `"true"` because there are two + interpolation sequences, even though one produces an empty result. +* `%{ for v in [true] }${v}%{ endif }` produces the string `true` because + the presence of the `for` directive circumvents the unwrapping even though + the final result is a single value. + +In some contexts this unwrapping behavior may be circumvented by the calling +application, by converting the final template result to string. This is +necessary, for example, if a standalone template is being used to produce +the direct contents of a file, since the result in that case must always be a +string. + +## Static Analysis + +The HCL static analysis operations are implemented for some expression types +in the native syntax, as described in the following sections. + +A goal for static analysis of the native syntax is for the interpretation to +be as consistent as possible with the dynamic evaluation interpretation of +the given expression, though some deviations are intentionally made in order +to maximize the potential for analysis. + +### Static List + +The tuple construction syntax can be interpreted as a static list. All of +the expression elements given are returned as the static list elements, +with no further interpretation. + +### Static Map + +The object construction syntax can be interpreted as a static map. All of the +key/value pairs given are returned as the static pairs, with no further +interpretation. + +The usual requirement that an attribute name be interpretable as a string +does not apply to this static analyis, allowing callers to provide map-like +constructs with different key types by building on the map syntax. + +### Static Call + +The function call syntax can be interpreted as a static call. The called +function name is returned verbatim and the given argument expressions are +returned as the static arguments, with no further interpretation. + +### Static Traversal + +A variable expression and any attached attribute access operations and +constant index operations can be interpreted as a static traversal. + +The keywords `true`, `false` and `null` can also be interpreted as +static traversals, behaving as if they were references to variables of those +names, to allow callers to redefine the meaning of those keywords in certain +contexts. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d69f65b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + + "" +) + +// AsHCLBlock returns the block data expressed as a *hcl.Block. +func (b *Block) AsHCLBlock() *hcl.Block { + lastHeaderRange := b.TypeRange + if len(b.LabelRanges) > 0 { + lastHeaderRange = b.LabelRanges[len(b.LabelRanges)-1] + } + + return &hcl.Block{ + Type: b.Type, + Labels: b.Labels, + Body: b.Body, + + DefRange: hcl.RangeBetween(b.TypeRange, lastHeaderRange), + TypeRange: b.TypeRange, + LabelRanges: b.LabelRanges, + } +} + +// Body is the implementation of hcl.Body for the HCL native syntax. +type Body struct { + Attributes Attributes + Blocks Blocks + + // These are used with PartialContent to produce a "remaining items" + // body to return. They are nil on all bodies fresh out of the parser. + hiddenAttrs map[string]struct{} + hiddenBlocks map[string]struct{} + + SrcRange hcl.Range + EndRange hcl.Range // Final token of the body, for reporting missing items +} + +// Assert that *Body implements hcl.Body +var assertBodyImplBody hcl.Body = &Body{} + +func (b *Body) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + b.Attributes = w(b.Attributes).(Attributes) + b.Blocks = w(b.Blocks).(Blocks) +} + +func (b *Body) Range() hcl.Range { + return b.SrcRange +} + +func (b *Body) Content(schema *hcl.BodySchema) (*hcl.BodyContent, hcl.Diagnostics) { + content, remainHCL, diags := b.PartialContent(schema) + + // No we'll see if anything actually remains, to produce errors about + // extraneous items. + remain := remainHCL.(*Body) + + for name, attr := range b.Attributes { + if _, hidden := remain.hiddenAttrs[name]; !hidden { + var suggestions []string + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + if _, defined := content.Attributes[attrS.Name]; defined { + continue + } + suggestions = append(suggestions, attrS.Name) + } + suggestion := nameSuggestion(name, suggestions) + if suggestion != "" { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggestion) + } else { + // Is there a block of the same name? + for _, blockS := range schema.Blocks { + if blockS.Type == name { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean to define a block of type %q?", name) + break + } + } + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unsupported attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("An attribute named %q is not expected here.%s", name, suggestion), + Subject: &attr.NameRange, + }) + } + } + + for _, block := range b.Blocks { + blockTy := block.Type + if _, hidden := remain.hiddenBlocks[blockTy]; !hidden { + var suggestions []string + for _, blockS := range schema.Blocks { + suggestions = append(suggestions, blockS.Type) + } + suggestion := nameSuggestion(blockTy, suggestions) + if suggestion != "" { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggestion) + } else { + // Is there an attribute of the same name? + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + if attrS.Name == blockTy { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean to define attribute %q?", blockTy) + break + } + } + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unsupported block type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Blocks of type %q are not expected here.%s", blockTy, suggestion), + Subject: &block.TypeRange, + }) + } + } + + return content, diags +} + +func (b *Body) PartialContent(schema *hcl.BodySchema) (*hcl.BodyContent, hcl.Body, hcl.Diagnostics) { + attrs := make(hcl.Attributes) + var blocks hcl.Blocks + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + hiddenAttrs := make(map[string]struct{}) + hiddenBlocks := make(map[string]struct{}) + + if b.hiddenAttrs != nil { + for k, v := range b.hiddenAttrs { + hiddenAttrs[k] = v + } + } + if b.hiddenBlocks != nil { + for k, v := range b.hiddenBlocks { + hiddenBlocks[k] = v + } + } + + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + name := attrS.Name + attr, exists := b.Attributes[name] + _, hidden := hiddenAttrs[name] + if hidden || !exists { + if attrS.Required { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing required attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The attribute %q is required, but no definition was found.", attrS.Name), + Subject: b.MissingItemRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + continue + } + + hiddenAttrs[name] = struct{}{} + attrs[name] = attr.AsHCLAttribute() + } + + blocksWanted := make(map[string]hcl.BlockHeaderSchema) + for _, blockS := range schema.Blocks { + blocksWanted[blockS.Type] = blockS + } + + for _, block := range b.Blocks { + if _, hidden := hiddenBlocks[block.Type]; hidden { + continue + } + blockS, wanted := blocksWanted[block.Type] + if !wanted { + continue + } + + if len(block.Labels) > len(blockS.LabelNames) { + name := block.Type + if len(blockS.LabelNames) == 0 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Extraneous label for %s", name), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "No labels are expected for %s blocks.", name, + ), + Subject: block.LabelRanges[0].Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(block.TypeRange, block.OpenBraceRange).Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Extraneous label for %s", name), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Only %d labels (%s) are expected for %s blocks.", + len(blockS.LabelNames), strings.Join(blockS.LabelNames, ", "), name, + ), + Subject: block.LabelRanges[len(blockS.LabelNames)].Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(block.TypeRange, block.OpenBraceRange).Ptr(), + }) + } + continue + } + + if len(block.Labels) < len(blockS.LabelNames) { + name := block.Type + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Missing %s for %s", blockS.LabelNames[len(block.Labels)], name), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "All %s blocks must have %d labels (%s).", + name, len(blockS.LabelNames), strings.Join(blockS.LabelNames, ", "), + ), + Subject: &block.OpenBraceRange, + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(block.TypeRange, block.OpenBraceRange).Ptr(), + }) + continue + } + + blocks = append(blocks, block.AsHCLBlock()) + } + + // We hide blocks only after we've processed all of them, since otherwise + // we can't process more than one of the same type. + for _, blockS := range schema.Blocks { + hiddenBlocks[blockS.Type] = struct{}{} + } + + remain := &Body{ + Attributes: b.Attributes, + Blocks: b.Blocks, + + hiddenAttrs: hiddenAttrs, + hiddenBlocks: hiddenBlocks, + + SrcRange: b.SrcRange, + EndRange: b.EndRange, + } + + return &hcl.BodyContent{ + Attributes: attrs, + Blocks: blocks, + + MissingItemRange: b.MissingItemRange(), + }, remain, diags +} + +func (b *Body) JustAttributes() (hcl.Attributes, hcl.Diagnostics) { + attrs := make(hcl.Attributes) + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + if len(b.Blocks) > 0 { + example := b.Blocks[0] + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected %s block", example.Type), + Detail: "Blocks are not allowed here.", + Context: &example.TypeRange, + }) + // we will continue processing anyway, and return the attributes + // we are able to find so that certain analyses can still be done + // in the face of errors. + } + + if b.Attributes == nil { + return attrs, diags + } + + for name, attr := range b.Attributes { + if _, hidden := b.hiddenAttrs[name]; hidden { + continue + } + attrs[name] = attr.AsHCLAttribute() + } + + return attrs, diags +} + +func (b *Body) MissingItemRange() hcl.Range { + return b.EndRange +} + +// Attributes is the collection of attribute definitions within a body. +type Attributes map[string]*Attribute + +func (a Attributes) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + for k, attr := range a { + a[k] = w(attr).(*Attribute) + } +} + +// Range returns the range of some arbitrary point within the set of +// attributes, or an invalid range if there are no attributes. +// +// This is provided only to complete the Node interface, but has no practical +// use. +func (a Attributes) Range() hcl.Range { + // An attributes doesn't really have a useful range to report, since + // it's just a grouping construct. So we'll arbitrarily take the + // range of one of the attributes, or produce an invalid range if we have + // none. In practice, there's little reason to ask for the range of + // an Attributes. + for _, attr := range a { + return attr.Range() + } + return hcl.Range{ + Filename: "", + } +} + +// Attribute represents a single attribute definition within a body. +type Attribute struct { + Name string + Expr Expression + + SrcRange hcl.Range + NameRange hcl.Range + EqualsRange hcl.Range +} + +func (a *Attribute) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + a.Expr = w(a.Expr).(Expression) +} + +func (a *Attribute) Range() hcl.Range { + return a.SrcRange +} + +// AsHCLAttribute returns the block data expressed as a *hcl.Attribute. +func (a *Attribute) AsHCLAttribute() *hcl.Attribute { + return &hcl.Attribute{ + Name: a.Name, + Expr: a.Expr, + + Range: a.SrcRange, + NameRange: a.NameRange, + } +} + +// Blocks is the list of nested blocks within a body. +type Blocks []*Block + +func (bs Blocks) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + for i, block := range bs { + bs[i] = w(block).(*Block) + } +} + +// Range returns the range of some arbitrary point within the list of +// blocks, or an invalid range if there are no blocks. +// +// This is provided only to complete the Node interface, but has no practical +// use. +func (bs Blocks) Range() hcl.Range { + if len(bs) > 0 { + return bs[0].Range() + } + return hcl.Range{ + Filename: "", + } +} + +// Block represents a nested block structure +type Block struct { + Type string + Labels []string + Body *Body + + TypeRange hcl.Range + LabelRanges []hcl.Range + OpenBraceRange hcl.Range + CloseBraceRange hcl.Range +} + +func (b *Block) walkChildNodes(w internalWalkFunc) { + b.Body = w(b.Body).(*Body) +} + +func (b *Block) Range() hcl.Range { + return hcl.RangeBetween(b.TypeRange, b.CloseBraceRange) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcaa15f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +package hclsyntax + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" + "" +) + +// Token represents a sequence of bytes from some HCL code that has been +// tagged with a type and its range within the source file. +type Token struct { + Type TokenType + Bytes []byte + Range hcl.Range +} + +// Tokens is a slice of Token. +type Tokens []Token + +// TokenType is an enumeration used for the Type field on Token. +type TokenType rune + +const ( + // Single-character tokens are represented by their own character, for + // convenience in producing these within the scanner. However, the values + // are otherwise arbitrary and just intended to be mnemonic for humans + // who might see them in debug output. + + TokenOBrace TokenType = '{' + TokenCBrace TokenType = '}' + TokenOBrack TokenType = '[' + TokenCBrack TokenType = ']' + TokenOParen TokenType = '(' + TokenCParen TokenType = ')' + TokenOQuote TokenType = '«' + TokenCQuote TokenType = '»' + TokenOHeredoc TokenType = 'H' + TokenCHeredoc TokenType = 'h' + + TokenStar TokenType = '*' + TokenSlash TokenType = '/' + TokenPlus TokenType = '+' + TokenMinus TokenType = '-' + TokenPercent TokenType = '%' + + TokenEqual TokenType = '=' + TokenEqualOp TokenType = '≔' + TokenNotEqual TokenType = '≠' + TokenLessThan TokenType = '<' + TokenLessThanEq TokenType = '≤' + TokenGreaterThan TokenType = '>' + TokenGreaterThanEq TokenType = '≥' + + TokenAnd TokenType = '∧' + TokenOr TokenType = '∨' + TokenBang TokenType = '!' + + TokenDot TokenType = '.' + TokenComma TokenType = ',' + + TokenEllipsis TokenType = '…' + TokenFatArrow TokenType = '⇒' + + TokenQuestion TokenType = '?' + TokenColon TokenType = ':' + + TokenTemplateInterp TokenType = '∫' + TokenTemplateControl TokenType = 'λ' + TokenTemplateSeqEnd TokenType = '∎' + + TokenQuotedLit TokenType = 'Q' // might contain backslash escapes + TokenStringLit TokenType = 'S' // cannot contain backslash escapes + TokenNumberLit TokenType = 'N' + TokenIdent TokenType = 'I' + + TokenComment TokenType = 'C' + + TokenNewline TokenType = '\n' + TokenEOF TokenType = '␄' + + // The rest are not used in the language but recognized by the scanner so + // we can generate good diagnostics in the parser when users try to write + // things that might work in other languages they are familiar with, or + // simply make incorrect assumptions about the HCL language. + + TokenBitwiseAnd TokenType = '&' + TokenBitwiseOr TokenType = '|' + TokenBitwiseNot TokenType = '~' + TokenBitwiseXor TokenType = '^' + TokenStarStar TokenType = '➚' + TokenBacktick TokenType = '`' + TokenSemicolon TokenType = ';' + TokenTabs TokenType = '␉' + TokenInvalid TokenType = '�' + TokenBadUTF8 TokenType = '💩' + + // TokenNil is a placeholder for when a token is required but none is + // available, e.g. when reporting errors. The scanner will never produce + // this as part of a token stream. + TokenNil TokenType = '\x00' +) + +func (t TokenType) GoString() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("hclsyntax.%s", t.String()) +} + +type scanMode int + +const ( + scanNormal scanMode = iota + scanTemplate + scanIdentOnly +) + +type tokenAccum struct { + Filename string + Bytes []byte + Pos hcl.Pos + Tokens []Token +} + +func (f *tokenAccum) emitToken(ty TokenType, startOfs, endOfs int) { + // Walk through our buffer to figure out how much we need to adjust + // the start pos to get our end pos. + + start := f.Pos + start.Column += startOfs - f.Pos.Byte // Safe because only ASCII spaces can be in the offset + start.Byte = startOfs + + end := start + end.Byte = endOfs + b := f.Bytes[startOfs:endOfs] + for len(b) > 0 { + advance, seq, _ := textseg.ScanGraphemeClusters(b, true) + if (len(seq) == 1 && seq[0] == '\n') || (len(seq) == 2 && seq[0] == '\r' && seq[1] == '\n') { + end.Line++ + end.Column = 1 + } else { + end.Column++ + } + b = b[advance:] + } + + f.Pos = end + + f.Tokens = append(f.Tokens, Token{ + Type: ty, + Bytes: f.Bytes[startOfs:endOfs], + Range: hcl.Range{ + Filename: f.Filename, + Start: start, + End: end, + }, + }) +} + +type heredocInProgress struct { + Marker []byte + StartOfLine bool +} + +// checkInvalidTokens does a simple pass across the given tokens and generates +// diagnostics for tokens that should _never_ appear in HCL source. This +// is intended to avoid the need for the parser to have special support +// for them all over. +// +// Returns a diagnostics with no errors if everything seems acceptable. +// Otherwise, returns zero or more error diagnostics, though tries to limit +// repetition of the same information. +func checkInvalidTokens(tokens Tokens) hcl.Diagnostics { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + toldBitwise := 0 + toldExponent := 0 + toldBacktick := 0 + toldSemicolon := 0 + toldTabs := 0 + toldBadUTF8 := 0 + + for _, tok := range tokens { + switch tok.Type { + case TokenBitwiseAnd, TokenBitwiseOr, TokenBitwiseXor, TokenBitwiseNot: + if toldBitwise < 4 { + var suggestion string + switch tok.Type { + case TokenBitwiseAnd: + suggestion = " Did you mean boolean AND (\"&&\")?" + case TokenBitwiseOr: + suggestion = " Did you mean boolean OR (\"&&\")?" + case TokenBitwiseNot: + suggestion = " Did you mean boolean NOT (\"!\")?" + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unsupported operator", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Bitwise operators are not supported.%s", suggestion), + Subject: &tok.Range, + }) + toldBitwise++ + } + case TokenStarStar: + if toldExponent < 1 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unsupported operator", + Detail: "\"**\" is not a supported operator. Exponentiation is not supported as an operator.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + }) + + toldExponent++ + } + case TokenBacktick: + // Only report for alternating (even) backticks, so we won't report both start and ends of the same + // backtick-quoted string. + if toldExponent < 4 && (toldExponent%2) == 0 { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid character", + Detail: "The \"`\" character is not valid. To create a multi-line string, use the \"heredoc\" syntax, like \"< +# +# This script uses the unicode spec to generate a Ragel state machine +# that recognizes unicode alphanumeric characters. It generates 5 +# character classes: uupper, ulower, ualpha, udigit, and ualnum. +# Currently supported encodings are UTF-8 [default] and UCS-4. +# +# Usage: unicode2ragel.rb [options] +# -e, --encoding [ucs4 | utf8] Data encoding +# -h, --help Show this message +# +# This script was originally written as part of the Ferret search +# engine library. +# +# Author: Rakan El-Khalil + +require 'optparse' +require 'open-uri' + +ENCODINGS = [ :utf8, :ucs4 ] +ALPHTYPES = { :utf8 => "byte", :ucs4 => "rune" } +DEFAULT_CHART_URL = "" +DEFAULT_MACHINE_NAME= "WChar" + +### +# Display vars & default option + +TOTAL_WIDTH = 80 +RANGE_WIDTH = 23 +@encoding = :utf8 +@chart_url = DEFAULT_CHART_URL +machine_name = DEFAULT_MACHINE_NAME +properties = [] +@output = $stdout + +### +# Option parsing + +cli_opts = do |opts| + opts.on("-e", "--encoding [ucs4 | utf8]", "Data encoding") do |o| + @encoding = o.downcase.to_sym + end + opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do + puts opts + exit + end + opts.on("-u", "--url URL", "URL to process") do |o| + @chart_url = o + end + opts.on("-m", "--machine MACHINE_NAME", "Machine name") do |o| + machine_name = o + end + opts.on("-p", "--properties x,y,z", Array, "Properties to add to machine") do |o| + properties = o + end + opts.on("-o", "--output FILE", "output file") do |o| + @output =, "w+") + end +end + +cli_opts.parse(ARGV) +unless ENCODINGS.member? @encoding + puts "Invalid encoding: #{@encoding}" + puts cli_opts + exit +end + +## +# Downloads the document at url and yields every alpha line's hex +# range and description. + +def each_alpha( url, property ) + open( url ) do |file| + file.each_line do |line| + next if line =~ /^#/; + next if line !~ /; #{property} #/; + + range, description = line.split(/;/) + range.strip! + description.gsub!(/.*#/, '').strip! + + if range =~ /\.\./ + start, stop = range.split '..' + else start = stop = range + end + + yield start.hex .. stop.hex, description + end + end +end + +### +# Formats to hex at minimum width + +def to_hex( n ) + r = "%0X" % n + r = "0#{r}" unless (r.length % 2).zero? + r +end + +### +# UCS4 is just a straight hex conversion of the unicode codepoint. + +def to_ucs4( range ) + rangestr = "0x" + to_hex(range.begin) + rangestr << "..0x" + to_hex(range.end) if range.begin != range.end + [ rangestr ] +end + +## +# 0x00 - 0x7f -> 0zzzzzzz[7] +# 0x80 - 0x7ff -> 110yyyyy[5] 10zzzzzz[6] +# 0x800 - 0xffff -> 1110xxxx[4] 10yyyyyy[6] 10zzzzzz[6] +# 0x010000 - 0x10ffff -> 11110www[3] 10xxxxxx[6] 10yyyyyy[6] 10zzzzzz[6] + +UTF8_BOUNDARIES = [0x7f, 0x7ff, 0xffff, 0x10ffff] + +def to_utf8_enc( n ) + r = 0 + if n <= 0x7f + r = n + elsif n <= 0x7ff + y = 0xc0 | (n >> 6) + z = 0x80 | (n & 0x3f) + r = y << 8 | z + elsif n <= 0xffff + x = 0xe0 | (n >> 12) + y = 0x80 | (n >> 6) & 0x3f + z = 0x80 | n & 0x3f + r = x << 16 | y << 8 | z + elsif n <= 0x10ffff + w = 0xf0 | (n >> 18) + x = 0x80 | (n >> 12) & 0x3f + y = 0x80 | (n >> 6) & 0x3f + z = 0x80 | n & 0x3f + r = w << 24 | x << 16 | y << 8 | z + end + + to_hex(r) +end + +def from_utf8_enc( n ) + n = n.hex + r = 0 + if n <= 0x7f + r = n + elsif n <= 0xdfff + y = (n >> 8) & 0x1f + z = n & 0x3f + r = y << 6 | z + elsif n <= 0xefffff + x = (n >> 16) & 0x0f + y = (n >> 8) & 0x3f + z = n & 0x3f + r = x << 10 | y << 6 | z + elsif n <= 0xf7ffffff + w = (n >> 24) & 0x07 + x = (n >> 16) & 0x3f + y = (n >> 8) & 0x3f + z = n & 0x3f + r = w << 18 | x << 12 | y << 6 | z + end + r +end + +### +# Given a range, splits it up into ranges that can be continuously +# encoded into utf8. Eg: 0x00 .. 0xff => [0x00..0x7f, 0x80..0xff] +# This is not strictly needed since the current [5.1] unicode standard +# doesn't have ranges that straddle utf8 boundaries. This is included +# for completeness as there is no telling if that will ever change. + +def utf8_ranges( range ) + ranges = [] + UTF8_BOUNDARIES.each do |max| + if range.begin <= max + if range.end <= max + ranges << range + return ranges + end + + ranges << (range.begin .. max) + range = (max + 1) .. range.end + end + end + ranges +end + +def build_range( start, stop ) + size = start.size/2 + left = size - 1 + return [""] if size < 1 + + a = start[0..1] + b = stop[0..1] + + ### + # Shared prefix + + if a == b + return build_range(start[2..-1], stop[2..-1]).map do |elt| + "0x#{a} " + elt + end + end + + ### + # Unshared prefix, end of run + + return ["0x#{a}..0x#{b} "] if + + ### + # Unshared prefix, not end of run + # Range can be 0x123456..0x56789A + # Which is equivalent to: + # 0x123456 .. 0x12FFFF + # 0x130000 .. 0x55FFFF + # 0x560000 .. 0x56789A + + ret = [] + ret << build_range(start, a + "FF" * left) + + ### + # Only generate middle range if need be. + + if a.hex+1 != b.hex + max = to_hex(b.hex - 1) + max = "FF" if b == "FF" + ret << "0x#{to_hex(a.hex+1)}..0x#{max} " + "0x00..0xFF " * left + end + + ### + # Don't generate last range if it is covered by first range + + ret << build_range(b + "00" * left, stop) unless b == "FF" + ret.flatten! +end + +def to_utf8( range ) + utf8_ranges( range ).map do |r| + begin_enc = to_utf8_enc(r.begin) + end_enc = to_utf8_enc(r.end) + build_range begin_enc, end_enc + end.flatten! +end + +## +# Perform a 3-way comparison of the number of codepoints advertised by +# the unicode spec for the given range, the originally parsed range, +# and the resulting utf8 encoded range. + +def count_codepoints( code ) + code.split(' ').inject(1) do |acc, elt| + if elt =~ /0x(.+)\.\.0x(.+)/ + if @encoding == :utf8 + acc * (from_utf8_enc($2) - from_utf8_enc($1) + 1) + else + acc * ($2.hex - $1.hex + 1) + end + else + acc + end + end +end + +def is_valid?( range, desc, codes ) + spec_count = 1 + spec_count = $1.to_i if desc =~ /\[(\d+)\]/ + range_count = range.end - range.begin + 1 + + sum = codes.inject(0) { |acc, elt| acc + count_codepoints(elt) } + sum == spec_count and sum == range_count +end + +## +# Generate the state maching to stdout + +def generate_machine( name, property ) + pipe = " " + @output.puts " #{name} = " + each_alpha( @chart_url, property ) do |range, desc| + + codes = (@encoding == :ucs4) ? to_ucs4(range) : to_utf8(range) + + #raise "Invalid encoding of range #{range}: #{codes.inspect}" unless + # is_valid? range, desc, codes + + range_width = { |a| a.size }.max + range_width = RANGE_WIDTH if range_width < RANGE_WIDTH + + desc_width = TOTAL_WIDTH - RANGE_WIDTH - 11 + desc_width -= (range_width - RANGE_WIDTH) if range_width > RANGE_WIDTH + + if desc.size > desc_width + desc = desc[0..desc_width - 4] + "..." + end + + codes.each_with_index do |r, idx| + desc = "" unless + code = "%-#{range_width}s" % r + @output.puts " #{pipe} #{code} ##{desc}" + pipe = "|" + end + end + @output.puts " ;" + @output.puts "" +end + +@output.puts < 0 && ret[0] == '.' { + ret = ret[1:] + } + return ret +} + +func navigationStepsRev(v node, offset int) []string { + switch tv := v.(type) { + case *objectVal: + // Do any of our properties have an object that contains the target + // offset? + for _, attr := range tv.Attrs { + k := attr.Name + av := attr.Value + + switch av.(type) { + case *objectVal, *arrayVal: + // okay + default: + continue + } + + if av.Range().ContainsOffset(offset) { + return append(navigationStepsRev(av, offset), "."+k) + } + } + case *arrayVal: + // Do any of our elements contain the target offset? + for i, elem := range tv.Values { + + switch elem.(type) { + case *objectVal, *arrayVal: + // okay + default: + continue + } + + if elem.Range().ContainsOffset(offset) { + return append(navigationStepsRev(elem, offset), fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", i)) + } + } + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..246fd1c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,491 @@ +package json + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "math/big" + + "" +) + +func parseFileContent(buf []byte, filename string) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tokens := scan(buf, pos{ + Filename: filename, + Pos: hcl.Pos{ + Byte: 0, + Line: 1, + Column: 1, + }, + }) + p := newPeeker(tokens) + node, diags := parseValue(p) + if len(diags) == 0 && p.Peek().Type != tokenEOF { + diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Extraneous data after value", + Detail: "Extra characters appear after the JSON value.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } + return node, diags +} + +func parseValue(p *peeker) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tok := p.Peek() + + wrapInvalid := func(n node, diags hcl.Diagnostics) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if n != nil { + return n, diags + } + return invalidVal{tok.Range}, diags + } + + switch tok.Type { + case tokenBraceO: + return wrapInvalid(parseObject(p)) + case tokenBrackO: + return wrapInvalid(parseArray(p)) + case tokenNumber: + return wrapInvalid(parseNumber(p)) + case tokenString: + return wrapInvalid(parseString(p)) + case tokenKeyword: + return wrapInvalid(parseKeyword(p)) + case tokenBraceC: + return wrapInvalid(nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing attribute value", + Detail: "A JSON value must start with a brace, a bracket, a number, a string, or a keyword.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + }) + case tokenBrackC: + return wrapInvalid(nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing array element value", + Detail: "A JSON value must start with a brace, a bracket, a number, a string, or a keyword.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + }) + case tokenEOF: + return wrapInvalid(nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing value", + Detail: "The JSON data ends prematurely.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + }) + default: + return wrapInvalid(nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid start of value", + Detail: "A JSON value must start with a brace, a bracket, a number, a string, or a keyword.", + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + }) + } +} + +func tokenCanStartValue(tok token) bool { + switch tok.Type { + case tokenBraceO, tokenBrackO, tokenNumber, tokenString, tokenKeyword: + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +func parseObject(p *peeker) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + open := p.Read() + attrs := []*objectAttr{} + + // recover is used to shift the peeker to what seems to be the end of + // our object, so that when we encounter an error we leave the peeker + // at a reasonable point in the token stream to continue parsing. + recover := func(tok token) { + open := 1 + for { + switch tok.Type { + case tokenBraceO: + open++ + case tokenBraceC: + open-- + if open <= 1 { + return + } + case tokenEOF: + // Ran out of source before we were able to recover, + // so we'll bail here and let the caller deal with it. + return + } + tok = p.Read() + } + } + +Token: + for { + if p.Peek().Type == tokenBraceC { + break Token + } + + keyNode, keyDiags := parseValue(p) + diags = diags.Extend(keyDiags) + if keyNode == nil { + return nil, diags + } + + keyStrNode, ok := keyNode.(*stringVal) + if !ok { + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid object attribute name", + Detail: "A JSON object attribute name must be a string", + Subject: keyNode.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + + key := keyStrNode.Value + + colon := p.Read() + if colon.Type != tokenColon { + recover(colon) + + if colon.Type == tokenBraceC || colon.Type == tokenComma { + // Catch common mistake of using braces instead of brackets + // for an object. + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing object value", + Detail: "A JSON object attribute must have a value, introduced by a colon.", + Subject: &colon.Range, + }) + } + + if colon.Type == tokenEquals { + // Possible confusion with native HCL syntax. + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing attribute value colon", + Detail: "JSON uses a colon as its name/value delimiter, not an equals sign.", + Subject: &colon.Range, + }) + } + + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing attribute value colon", + Detail: "A colon must appear between an object attribute's name and its value.", + Subject: &colon.Range, + }) + } + + valNode, valDiags := parseValue(p) + diags = diags.Extend(valDiags) + if valNode == nil { + return nil, diags + } + + attrs = append(attrs, &objectAttr{ + Name: key, + Value: valNode, + NameRange: keyStrNode.SrcRange, + }) + + switch p.Peek().Type { + case tokenComma: + comma := p.Read() + if p.Peek().Type == tokenBraceC { + // Special error message for this common mistake + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Trailing comma in object", + Detail: "JSON does not permit a trailing comma after the final attribute in an object.", + Subject: &comma.Range, + }) + } + continue Token + case tokenEOF: + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unclosed object", + Detail: "No closing brace was found for this JSON object.", + Subject: &open.Range, + }) + case tokenBrackC: + // Consume the bracket anyway, so that we don't return with the peeker + // at a strange place. + p.Read() + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Mismatched braces", + Detail: "A JSON object must be closed with a brace, not a bracket.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + case tokenBraceC: + break Token + default: + recover(p.Read()) + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing attribute seperator comma", + Detail: "A comma must appear between each attribute declaration in an object.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } + + } + + close := p.Read() + return &objectVal{ + Attrs: attrs, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + OpenRange: open.Range, + CloseRange: close.Range, + }, diags +} + +func parseArray(p *peeker) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + open := p.Read() + vals := []node{} + + // recover is used to shift the peeker to what seems to be the end of + // our array, so that when we encounter an error we leave the peeker + // at a reasonable point in the token stream to continue parsing. + recover := func(tok token) { + open := 1 + for { + switch tok.Type { + case tokenBrackO: + open++ + case tokenBrackC: + open-- + if open <= 1 { + return + } + case tokenEOF: + // Ran out of source before we were able to recover, + // so we'll bail here and let the caller deal with it. + return + } + tok = p.Read() + } + } + +Token: + for { + if p.Peek().Type == tokenBrackC { + break Token + } + + valNode, valDiags := parseValue(p) + diags = diags.Extend(valDiags) + if valNode == nil { + return nil, diags + } + + vals = append(vals, valNode) + + switch p.Peek().Type { + case tokenComma: + comma := p.Read() + if p.Peek().Type == tokenBrackC { + // Special error message for this common mistake + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Trailing comma in array", + Detail: "JSON does not permit a trailing comma after the final attribute in an array.", + Subject: &comma.Range, + }) + } + continue Token + case tokenColon: + recover(p.Read()) + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid array value", + Detail: "A colon is not used to introduce values in a JSON array.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + case tokenEOF: + recover(p.Read()) + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Unclosed object", + Detail: "No closing bracket was found for this JSON array.", + Subject: &open.Range, + }) + case tokenBraceC: + recover(p.Read()) + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Mismatched brackets", + Detail: "A JSON array must be closed with a bracket, not a brace.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + case tokenBrackC: + break Token + default: + recover(p.Read()) + return nil, diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing attribute seperator comma", + Detail: "A comma must appear between each value in an array.", + Subject: p.Peek().Range.Ptr(), + }) + } + + } + + close := p.Read() + return &arrayVal{ + Values: vals, + SrcRange: hcl.RangeBetween(open.Range, close.Range), + OpenRange: open.Range, + }, diags +} + +func parseNumber(p *peeker) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tok := p.Read() + + // Use encoding/json to validate the number syntax. + // TODO: Do this more directly to produce better diagnostics. + var num json.Number + err := json.Unmarshal(tok.Bytes, &num) + if err != nil { + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid JSON number", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("There is a syntax error in the given JSON number."), + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + } + } + + f, _, err := big.ParseFloat(string(num), 10, 512, big.ToNearestEven) + if err != nil { + // Should never happen if above passed, since JSON numbers are a subset + // of what big.Float can parse... + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid JSON number", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("There is a syntax error in the given JSON number."), + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + } + } + + return &numberVal{ + Value: f, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil +} + +func parseString(p *peeker) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tok := p.Read() + var str string + err := json.Unmarshal(tok.Bytes, &str) + + if err != nil { + var errRange hcl.Range + if serr, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok { + errOfs := serr.Offset + errPos := tok.Range.Start + errPos.Byte += int(errOfs) + + // TODO: Use the byte offset to properly count unicode + // characters for the column, and mark the whole of the + // character that was wrong as part of our range. + errPos.Column += int(errOfs) + + errEndPos := errPos + errEndPos.Byte++ + errEndPos.Column++ + + errRange = hcl.Range{ + Filename: tok.Range.Filename, + Start: errPos, + End: errEndPos, + } + } else { + errRange = tok.Range + } + + var contextRange *hcl.Range + if errRange != tok.Range { + contextRange = &tok.Range + } + + // FIXME: Eventually we should parse strings directly here so + // we can produce a more useful error message in the face fo things + // such as invalid escapes, etc. + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid JSON string", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("There is a syntax error in the given JSON string."), + Subject: &errRange, + Context: contextRange, + }, + } + } + + return &stringVal{ + Value: str, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil +} + +func parseKeyword(p *peeker) (node, hcl.Diagnostics) { + tok := p.Read() + s := string(tok.Bytes) + + switch s { + case "true": + return &booleanVal{ + Value: true, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + case "false": + return &booleanVal{ + Value: false, + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + case "null": + return &nullVal{ + SrcRange: tok.Range, + }, nil + case "undefined", "NaN", "Infinity": + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid JSON keyword", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The JavaScript identifier %q cannot be used in JSON.", s), + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + } + default: + var dym string + if suggest := keywordSuggestion(s); suggest != "" { + dym = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggest) + } + + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid JSON keyword", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("%q is not a valid JSON keyword.%s", s, dym), + Subject: &tok.Range, + }, + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc7bbf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package json + +type peeker struct { + tokens []token + pos int +} + +func newPeeker(tokens []token) *peeker { + return &peeker{ + tokens: tokens, + pos: 0, + } +} + +func (p *peeker) Peek() token { + return p.tokens[p.pos] +} + +func (p *peeker) Read() token { + ret := p.tokens[p.pos] + if ret.Type != tokenEOF { + p.pos++ + } + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2728aa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +package json + +import ( + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "os" + + "" +) + +// Parse attempts to parse the given buffer as JSON and, if successful, returns +// a hcl.File for the HCL configuration represented by it. +// +// This is not a generic JSON parser. Instead, it deals only with the profile +// of JSON used to express HCL configuration. +// +// The returned file is valid only if the returned diagnostics returns false +// from its HasErrors method. If HasErrors returns true, the file represents +// the subset of data that was able to be parsed, which may be none. +func Parse(src []byte, filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + rootNode, diags := parseFileContent(src, filename) + + switch rootNode.(type) { + case *objectVal, *arrayVal: + // okay + default: + diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Root value must be object", + Detail: "The root value in a JSON-based configuration must be either a JSON object or a JSON array of objects.", + Subject: rootNode.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + + // Since we've already produced an error message for this being + // invalid, we'll return an empty placeholder here so that trying to + // extract content from our root body won't produce a redundant + // error saying the same thing again in more general terms. + fakePos := hcl.Pos{ + Byte: 0, + Line: 1, + Column: 1, + } + fakeRange := hcl.Range{ + Filename: filename, + Start: fakePos, + End: fakePos, + } + rootNode = &objectVal{ + Attrs: []*objectAttr{}, + SrcRange: fakeRange, + OpenRange: fakeRange, + } + } + + file := &hcl.File{ + Body: &body{ + val: rootNode, + }, + Bytes: src, + Nav: navigation{rootNode}, + } + return file, diags +} + +// ParseFile is a convenience wrapper around Parse that first attempts to load +// data from the given filename, passing the result to Parse if successful. +// +// If the file cannot be read, an error diagnostic with nil context is returned. +func ParseFile(filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + f, err := os.Open(filename) + if err != nil { + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Failed to open file", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The file %q could not be opened.", filename), + }, + } + } + defer f.Close() + + src, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f) + if err != nil { + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Failed to read file", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The file %q was opened, but an error occured while reading it.", filename), + }, + } + } + + return Parse(src, filename) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a8378b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +package json + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" + "" +) + +//go:generate stringer -type tokenType scanner.go +type tokenType rune + +const ( + tokenBraceO tokenType = '{' + tokenBraceC tokenType = '}' + tokenBrackO tokenType = '[' + tokenBrackC tokenType = ']' + tokenComma tokenType = ',' + tokenColon tokenType = ':' + tokenKeyword tokenType = 'K' + tokenString tokenType = 'S' + tokenNumber tokenType = 'N' + tokenEOF tokenType = '␄' + tokenInvalid tokenType = 0 + tokenEquals tokenType = '=' // used only for reminding the user of JSON syntax +) + +type token struct { + Type tokenType + Bytes []byte + Range hcl.Range +} + +// scan returns the primary tokens for the given JSON buffer in sequence. +// +// The responsibility of this pass is to just mark the slices of the buffer +// as being of various types. It is lax in how it interprets the multi-byte +// token types keyword, string and number, preferring to capture erroneous +// extra bytes that we presume the user intended to be part of the token +// so that we can generate more helpful diagnostics in the parser. +func scan(buf []byte, start pos) []token { + var tokens []token + p := start + for { + if len(buf) == 0 { + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenEOF, + Bytes: nil, + Range: posRange(p, p), + }) + return tokens + } + + buf, p = skipWhitespace(buf, p) + + if len(buf) == 0 { + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenEOF, + Bytes: nil, + Range: posRange(p, p), + }) + return tokens + } + + start = p + + first := buf[0] + switch { + case first == '{' || first == '}' || first == '[' || first == ']' || first == ',' || first == ':' || first == '=': + p.Pos.Column++ + p.Pos.Byte++ + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenType(first), + Bytes: buf[0:1], + Range: posRange(start, p), + }) + buf = buf[1:] + case first == '"': + var tokBuf []byte + tokBuf, buf, p = scanString(buf, p) + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenString, + Bytes: tokBuf, + Range: posRange(start, p), + }) + case byteCanStartNumber(first): + var tokBuf []byte + tokBuf, buf, p = scanNumber(buf, p) + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenNumber, + Bytes: tokBuf, + Range: posRange(start, p), + }) + case byteCanStartKeyword(first): + var tokBuf []byte + tokBuf, buf, p = scanKeyword(buf, p) + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenKeyword, + Bytes: tokBuf, + Range: posRange(start, p), + }) + default: + tokens = append(tokens, token{ + Type: tokenInvalid, + Bytes: buf[:1], + Range: start.Range(1, 1), + }) + // If we've encountered an invalid then we might as well stop + // scanning since the parser won't proceed beyond this point. + return tokens + } + } +} + +func byteCanStartNumber(b byte) bool { + switch b { + // We are slightly more tolerant than JSON requires here since we + // expect the parser will make a stricter interpretation of the + // number bytes, but we specifically don't allow 'e' or 'E' here + // since we want the scanner to treat that as the start of an + // invalid keyword instead, to produce more intelligible error messages. + case '-', '+', '.', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +func scanNumber(buf []byte, start pos) ([]byte, []byte, pos) { + // The scanner doesn't check that the sequence of digit-ish bytes is + // in a valid order. The parser must do this when decoding a number + // token. + var i int + p := start +Byte: + for i = 0; i < len(buf); i++ { + switch buf[i] { + case '-', '+', '.', 'e', 'E', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column++ + default: + break Byte + } + } + return buf[:i], buf[i:], p +} + +func byteCanStartKeyword(b byte) bool { + switch { + // We allow any sequence of alphabetical characters here, even though + // JSON is more constrained, so that we can collect what we presume + // the user intended to be a single keyword and then check its validity + // in the parser, where we can generate better diagnostics. + // So e.g. we want to be able to say: + // unrecognized keyword "True". Did you mean "true"? + case b >= 'a' || b <= 'z' || b >= 'A' || b <= 'Z': + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +func scanKeyword(buf []byte, start pos) ([]byte, []byte, pos) { + var i int + p := start +Byte: + for i = 0; i < len(buf); i++ { + b := buf[i] + switch { + case (b >= 'a' && b <= 'z') || (b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') || b == '_': + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column++ + default: + break Byte + } + } + return buf[:i], buf[i:], p +} + +func scanString(buf []byte, start pos) ([]byte, []byte, pos) { + // The scanner doesn't validate correct use of escapes, etc. It pays + // attention to escapes only for the purpose of identifying the closing + // quote character. It's the parser's responsibility to do proper + // validation. + // + // The scanner also doesn't specifically detect unterminated string + // literals, though they can be identified in the parser by checking if + // the final byte in a string token is the double-quote character. + + // Skip the opening quote symbol + i := 1 + p := start + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column++ + escaping := false +Byte: + for i < len(buf) { + b := buf[i] + + switch { + case b == '\\': + escaping = !escaping + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column++ + i++ + case b == '"': + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column++ + i++ + if !escaping { + break Byte + } + escaping = false + case b < 32: + break Byte + default: + // Advance by one grapheme cluster, so that we consider each + // grapheme to be a "column". + // Ignoring error because this scanner cannot produce errors. + advance, _, _ := textseg.ScanGraphemeClusters(buf[i:], true) + + p.Pos.Byte += advance + p.Pos.Column++ + i += advance + + escaping = false + } + } + return buf[:i], buf[i:], p +} + +func skipWhitespace(buf []byte, start pos) ([]byte, pos) { + var i int + p := start +Byte: + for i = 0; i < len(buf); i++ { + switch buf[i] { + case ' ': + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column++ + case '\n': + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column = 1 + p.Pos.Line++ + case '\r': + // For the purpose of line/column counting we consider a + // carriage return to take up no space, assuming that it will + // be paired up with a newline (on Windows, for example) that + // will account for both of them. + p.Pos.Byte++ + case '\t': + // We arbitrarily count a tab as if it were two spaces, because + // we need to choose _some_ number here. This means any system + // that renders code on-screen with markers must itself treat + // tabs as a pair of spaces for rendering purposes, or instead + // use the byte offset and back into its own column position. + p.Pos.Byte++ + p.Pos.Column += 2 + default: + break Byte + } + } + return buf[i:], p +} + +type pos struct { + Filename string + Pos hcl.Pos +} + +func (p *pos) Range(byteLen, charLen int) hcl.Range { + start := p.Pos + end := p.Pos + end.Byte += byteLen + end.Column += charLen + return hcl.Range{ + Filename: p.Filename, + Start: start, + End: end, + } +} + +func posRange(start, end pos) hcl.Range { + return hcl.Range{ + Filename: start.Filename, + Start: start.Pos, + End: end.Pos, + } +} + +func (t token) GoString() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("json.token{json.%s, []byte(%q), %#v}", t.Type, t.Bytes, t.Range) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b33c7f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ +# HCL JSON Syntax Specification + +This is the specification for the JSON serialization for hcl. HCL is a system +for defining configuration languages for applications. The HCL information +model is designed to support multiple concrete syntaxes for configuration, +and this JSON-based format complements [the native syntax](../hclsyntax/ +by being easy to machine-generate, whereas the native syntax is oriented +towards human authoring and maintenence. + +This syntax is defined in terms of JSON as defined in +[RFC7159]( As such it inherits the JSON +grammar as-is, and merely defines a specific methodology for interpreting +JSON constructs into HCL structural elements and expressions. + +This mapping is defined such that valid JSON-serialized HCL input can be +_produced_ using standard JSON implementations in various programming languages. +_Parsing_ such JSON has some additional constraints not beyond what is normally +supported by JSON parsers, so a specialized parser may be required that +is able to: + +* Preserve the relative ordering of properties defined in an object. +* Preserve multiple definitions of the same property name. +* Preserve numeric values to the precision required by the number type + in [the HCL syntax-agnostic information model](../ +* Retain source location information for parsed tokens/constructs in order + to produce good error messages. + +## Structural Elements + +[The HCL syntax-agnostic information model](../ defines a _body_ as an +abstract container for attribute definitions and child blocks. A body is +represented in JSON as either a single JSON object or a JSON array of objects. + +Body processing is in terms of JSON object properties, visited in the order +they appear in the input. Where a body is represented by a single JSON object, +the properties of that object are visited in order. Where a body is +represented by a JSON array, each of its elements are visited in order and +each element has its properties visited in order. If any element of the array +is not a JSON object then the input is erroneous. + +When a body is being processed in the _dynamic attributes_ mode, the allowance +of a JSON array in the previous paragraph does not apply and instead a single +JSON object is always required. + +As defined in the language-agnostic model, body processing is in terms +of a schema which provides context for interpreting the body's content. For +JSON bodies, the schema is crucial to allow differentiation of attribute +definitions and block definitions, both of which are represented via object +properties. + +The special property name `"//"`, when used in an object representing a HCL +body, is parsed and ignored. A property with this name can be used to +include human-readable comments. (This special property name is _not_ +processed in this way for any _other_ HCL constructs that are represented as +JSON objects.) + +### Attributes + +Where the given schema describes an attribute with a given name, the object +property with the matching name — if present — serves as the attribute's +definition. + +When a body is being processed in the _dynamic attributes_ mode, each object +property serves as an attribute definition for the attribute whose name +matches the property name. + +The value of an attribute definition property is interpreted as an _expression_, +as described in a later section. + +Given a schema that calls for an attribute named "foo", a JSON object like +the following provides a definition for that attribute: + +```json +{ + "foo": "bar baz" +} +``` + +### Blocks + +Where the given schema describes a block with a given type name, each object +property with the matching name serves as a definition of zero or more blocks +of that type. + +Processing of child blocks is in terms of nested JSON objects and arrays. +If the schema defines one or more _labels_ for the block type, a nested JSON +object or JSON array of objects is required for each labelling level. These +are flattened to a single ordered sequence of object properties using the +same algorithm as for body content as defined above. Each object property +serves as a label value at the corresponding level. + +After any labelling levels, the next nested value is either a JSON object +representing a single block body, or a JSON array of JSON objects that each +represent a single block body. Use of an array accommodates the definition +of multiple blocks that have identical type and labels. + +Given a schema that calls for a block type named "foo" with no labels, the +following JSON objects are all valid definitions of zero or more blocks of this +type: + +```json +{ + "foo": { + "child_attr": "baz" + } +} +``` + +```json +{ + "foo": [ + { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + { + "child_attr": "boz" + } + ] +} +``` +```json +{ + "foo": [] +} +``` + +The first of these defines a single child block of type "foo". The second +defines _two_ such blocks. The final example shows a degenerate definition +of zero blocks, though generators should prefer to omit the property entirely +in this scenario. + +Given a schema that calls for a block type named "foo" with _two_ labels, the +extra label levels must be represented as objects or arrays of objects as in +the following examples: + +```json +{ + "foo": { + "bar": { + "baz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + "boz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + } + }, + "boz": { + "baz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + } + } +} +``` + +```json +{ + "foo": { + "bar": { + "baz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + "boz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + } + }, + "boz": { + "baz": [ + { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + { + "child_attr": "boz" + } + ] + } + } +} +``` + +```json +{ + "foo": [ + { + "bar": { + "baz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + "boz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + } + }, + }, + { + "bar": { + "baz": [ + { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + { + "child_attr": "boz" + } + ] + } + } + ] +} +``` + +```json +{ + "foo": { + "bar": { + "baz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + "boz": { + "child_attr": "baz" + } + }, + "bar": { + "baz": [ + { + "child_attr": "baz" + }, + { + "child_attr": "boz" + } + ] + } + } +} +``` + +Arrays can be introduced at either the label definition or block body +definition levels to define multiple definitions of the same block type +or labels while preserving order. + +A JSON HCL parser _must_ support duplicate definitions of the same property +name within a single object, preserving all of them and the relative ordering +between them. The array-based forms are also required so that JSON HCL +configurations can be produced with JSON producing libraries that are not +able to preserve property definition order and multiple definitions of +the same property. + +## Expressions + +JSON lacks a native expression syntax, so the HCL JSON syntax instead defines +a mapping for each of the JSON value types, including a special mapping for +strings that allows optional use of arbitrary expressions. + +### Objects + +When interpreted as an expression, a JSON object represents a value of a HCL +object type. + +Each property of the JSON object represents an attribute of the HCL object type. +The property name string given in the JSON input is interpreted as a string +expression as described below, and its result is converted to string as defined +by the syntax-agnostic information model. If such a conversion is not possible, +an error is produced and evaluation fails. + +An instance of the constructed object type is then created, whose values +are interpreted by again recursively applying the mapping rules defined in +this section to each of the property values. + +If any evaluated property name strings produce null values, an error is +produced and evaluation fails. If any produce _unknown_ values, the _entire +object's_ result is an unknown value of the dynamic pseudo-type, signalling +that the type of the object cannot be determined. + +It is an error to define the same property name multiple times within a single +JSON object interpreted as an expression. In full expression mode, this +constraint applies to the name expression results after conversion to string, +rather than the raw string that may contain interpolation expressions. + +### Arrays + +When interpreted as an expression, a JSON array represents a value of a HCL +tuple type. + +Each element of the JSON array represents an element of the HCL tuple type. +The tuple type is constructed by enumerationg the JSON array elements, creating +for each an element whose type is the result of recursively applying the +expression mapping rules. Correspondance is preserved between the array element +indices and the tuple element indices. + +An instance of the constructed tuple type is then created, whose values are +interpreted by again recursively applying the mapping rules defined in this +section. + +### Numbers + +When interpreted as an expression, a JSON number represents a HCL number value. + +HCL numbers are arbitrary-precision decimal values, so a JSON HCL parser must +be able to translate exactly the value given to a number of corresponding +precision, within the constraints set by the HCL syntax-agnostic information +model. + +In practice, off-the-shelf JSON serializers often do not support customizing the +processing of numbers, and instead force processing as 32-bit or 64-bit +floating point values. + +A _producer_ of JSON HCL that uses such a serializer can provide numeric values +as JSON strings where they have precision too great for representation in the +serializer's chosen numeric type in situations where the result will be +converted to number (using the standard conversion rules) by a calling +application. + +Alternatively, for expressions that are evaluated in full expression mode an +embedded template interpolation can be used to faithfully represent a number, +such as `"${1e150}"`, which will then be evaluated by the underlying HCL native +syntax expression evaluator. + +### Boolean Values + +The JSON boolean values `true` and `false`, when interpreted as expressions, +represent the corresponding HCL boolean values. + +### The Null Value + +The JSON value `null`, when interpreted as an expression, represents a +HCL null value of the dynamic pseudo-type. + +### Strings + +When intepreted as an expression, a JSON string may be interpreted in one of +two ways depending on the evaluation mode. + +If evaluating in literal-only mode (as defined by the syntax-agnostic +information model) the literal string is intepreted directly as a HCL string +value, by directly using the exact sequence of unicode characters represented. +Template interpolations and directives MUST NOT be processed in this mode, +allowing any characters that appear as introduction sequences to pass through +literally: + +```json +"Hello world! Template sequences like ${ are not intepreted here." +``` + +When evaluating in full expression mode (again, as defined by the syntax- +agnostic information model) the literal string is instead interpreted as a +_standalone template_ in the HCL Native Syntax. The expression evaluation +result is then the direct result of evaluating that template with the current +variable scope and function table. + +```json +"Hello, ${name}! Template sequences are interpreted in full expression mode." +``` + +In particular the _Template Interpolation Unwrapping_ requirement from the +HCL native syntax specification must be implemented, allowing the use of +single-interpolation templates to represent expressions that would not +otherwise be representable in JSON, such as the following example where +the result must be a number, rather than a string representation of a number: + +```json +"${ a + b }" +``` + +## Static Analysis + +The HCL static analysis operations are implemented for JSON values that +represent expressions, as described in the following sections. + +Due to the limited expressive power of the JSON syntax alone, use of these +static analyses functions rather than normal expression evaluation is used +as additional context for how a JSON value is to be interpreted, which means +that static analyses can result in a different interpretation of a given +expression than normal evaluation. + +### Static List + +An expression interpreted as a static list must be a JSON array. Each of the +values in the array is interpreted as an expression and returned. + +### Static Map + +An expression interpreted as a static map must be a JSON object. Each of the +key/value pairs in the object is presented as a pair of expressions. Since +object property names are always strings, evaluating the key expression with +a non-`nil` evaluation context will evaluate any template sequences given +in the property name. + +### Static Call + +An expression interpreted as a static call must be a string. The content of +the string is interpreted as a native syntax expression (not a _template_, +unlike normal evaluation) and then the static call analysis is delegated to +that expression. + +If the original expression is not a string or its contents cannot be parsed +as a native syntax expression then static call analysis is not supported. + +### Static Traversal + +An expression interpreted as a static traversal must be a string. The content +of the string is interpreted as a native syntax expression (not a _template_, +unlike normal evaluation) and then static traversal analysis is delegated +to that expression. + +If the original expression is not a string or its contents cannot be parsed +as a native syntax expression then static call analysis is not supported. + diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28dcf52 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,616 @@ +package json + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +// body is the implementation of "Body" used for files processed with the JSON +// parser. +type body struct { + val node + + // If non-nil, the keys of this map cause the corresponding attributes to + // be treated as non-existing. This is used when Body.PartialContent is + // called, to produce the "remaining content" Body. + hiddenAttrs map[string]struct{} +} + +// expression is the implementation of "Expression" used for files processed +// with the JSON parser. +type expression struct { + src node +} + +func (b *body) Content(schema *hcl.BodySchema) (*hcl.BodyContent, hcl.Diagnostics) { + content, newBody, diags := b.PartialContent(schema) + + hiddenAttrs := newBody.(*body).hiddenAttrs + + var nameSuggestions []string + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + if _, ok := hiddenAttrs[attrS.Name]; !ok { + // Only suggest an attribute name if we didn't use it already. + nameSuggestions = append(nameSuggestions, attrS.Name) + } + } + for _, blockS := range schema.Blocks { + // Blocks can appear multiple times, so we'll suggest their type + // names regardless of whether they've already been used. + nameSuggestions = append(nameSuggestions, blockS.Type) + } + + jsonAttrs, attrDiags := b.collectDeepAttrs(b.val, nil) + diags = append(diags, attrDiags...) + + for _, attr := range jsonAttrs { + k := attr.Name + if k == "//" { + // Ignore "//" keys in objects representing bodies, to allow + // their use as comments. + continue + } + + if _, ok := hiddenAttrs[k]; !ok { + suggestion := nameSuggestion(k, nameSuggestions) + if suggestion != "" { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggestion) + } + + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Extraneous JSON object property", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("No attribute or block type is named %q.%s", k, suggestion), + Subject: &attr.NameRange, + Context: attr.Range().Ptr(), + }) + } + } + + return content, diags +} + +func (b *body) PartialContent(schema *hcl.BodySchema) (*hcl.BodyContent, hcl.Body, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + jsonAttrs, attrDiags := b.collectDeepAttrs(b.val, nil) + diags = append(diags, attrDiags...) + + usedNames := map[string]struct{}{} + if b.hiddenAttrs != nil { + for k := range b.hiddenAttrs { + usedNames[k] = struct{}{} + } + } + + content := &hcl.BodyContent{ + Attributes: map[string]*hcl.Attribute{}, + Blocks: nil, + + MissingItemRange: b.MissingItemRange(), + } + + // Create some more convenient data structures for our work below. + attrSchemas := map[string]hcl.AttributeSchema{} + blockSchemas := map[string]hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{} + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + attrSchemas[attrS.Name] = attrS + } + for _, blockS := range schema.Blocks { + blockSchemas[blockS.Type] = blockS + } + + for _, jsonAttr := range jsonAttrs { + attrName := jsonAttr.Name + if _, used := b.hiddenAttrs[attrName]; used { + continue + } + + if attrS, defined := attrSchemas[attrName]; defined { + if existing, exists := content.Attributes[attrName]; exists { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Duplicate attribute definition", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The attribute %q was already defined at %s.", attrName, existing.Range), + Subject: &jsonAttr.NameRange, + Context: jsonAttr.Range().Ptr(), + }) + continue + } + + content.Attributes[attrS.Name] = &hcl.Attribute{ + Name: attrS.Name, + Expr: &expression{src: jsonAttr.Value}, + Range: hcl.RangeBetween(jsonAttr.NameRange, jsonAttr.Value.Range()), + NameRange: jsonAttr.NameRange, + } + usedNames[attrName] = struct{}{} + + } else if blockS, defined := blockSchemas[attrName]; defined { + bv := jsonAttr.Value + blockDiags := b.unpackBlock(bv, blockS.Type, &jsonAttr.NameRange, blockS.LabelNames, nil, nil, &content.Blocks) + diags = append(diags, blockDiags...) + usedNames[attrName] = struct{}{} + } + + // We ignore anything that isn't defined because that's the + // PartialContent contract. The Content method will catch leftovers. + } + + // Make sure we got all the required attributes. + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + if !attrS.Required { + continue + } + if _, defined := content.Attributes[attrS.Name]; !defined { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing required attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The attribute %q is required, but no definition was found.", attrS.Name), + Subject: b.MissingItemRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + } + + unusedBody := &body{ + val: b.val, + hiddenAttrs: usedNames, + } + + return content, unusedBody, diags +} + +// JustAttributes for JSON bodies interprets all properties of the wrapped +// JSON object as attributes and returns them. +func (b *body) JustAttributes() (hcl.Attributes, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + attrs := make(map[string]*hcl.Attribute) + + obj, ok := b.val.(*objectVal) + if !ok { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect JSON value type", + Detail: "A JSON object is required here, defining the attributes for this block.", + Subject: b.val.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + return attrs, diags + } + + for _, jsonAttr := range obj.Attrs { + name := jsonAttr.Name + if name == "//" { + // Ignore "//" keys in objects representing bodies, to allow + // their use as comments. + continue + } + + if _, hidden := b.hiddenAttrs[name]; hidden { + continue + } + + if existing, exists := attrs[name]; exists { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Duplicate attribute definition", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The attribute %q was already defined at %s.", name, existing.Range), + Subject: &jsonAttr.NameRange, + }) + continue + } + + attrs[name] = &hcl.Attribute{ + Name: name, + Expr: &expression{src: jsonAttr.Value}, + Range: hcl.RangeBetween(jsonAttr.NameRange, jsonAttr.Value.Range()), + NameRange: jsonAttr.NameRange, + } + } + + // No diagnostics possible here, since the parser already took care of + // finding duplicates and every JSON value can be a valid attribute value. + return attrs, diags +} + +func (b *body) MissingItemRange() hcl.Range { + switch tv := b.val.(type) { + case *objectVal: + return tv.CloseRange + case *arrayVal: + return tv.OpenRange + default: + // Should not happen in correct operation, but might show up if the + // input is invalid and we are producing partial results. + return tv.StartRange() + } +} + +func (b *body) unpackBlock(v node, typeName string, typeRange *hcl.Range, labelsLeft []string, labelsUsed []string, labelRanges []hcl.Range, blocks *hcl.Blocks) (diags hcl.Diagnostics) { + if len(labelsLeft) > 0 { + labelName := labelsLeft[0] + jsonAttrs, attrDiags := b.collectDeepAttrs(v, &labelName) + diags = append(diags, attrDiags...) + + if len(jsonAttrs) == 0 { + diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Missing block label", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("At least one object property is required, whose name represents the %s block's %s.", typeName, labelName), + Subject: v.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + return + } + labelsUsed := append(labelsUsed, "") + labelRanges := append(labelRanges, hcl.Range{}) + for _, p := range jsonAttrs { + pk := p.Name + labelsUsed[len(labelsUsed)-1] = pk + labelRanges[len(labelRanges)-1] = p.NameRange + diags = append(diags, b.unpackBlock(p.Value, typeName, typeRange, labelsLeft[1:], labelsUsed, labelRanges, blocks)...) + } + return + } + + // By the time we get here, we've peeled off all the labels and we're ready + // to deal with the block's actual content. + + // need to copy the label slices because their underlying arrays will + // continue to be mutated after we return. + labels := make([]string, len(labelsUsed)) + copy(labels, labelsUsed) + labelR := make([]hcl.Range, len(labelRanges)) + copy(labelR, labelRanges) + + switch tv := v.(type) { + case *objectVal: + // Single instance of the block + *blocks = append(*blocks, &hcl.Block{ + Type: typeName, + Labels: labels, + Body: &body{ + val: tv, + }, + + DefRange: tv.OpenRange, + TypeRange: *typeRange, + LabelRanges: labelR, + }) + case *arrayVal: + // Multiple instances of the block + for _, av := range tv.Values { + *blocks = append(*blocks, &hcl.Block{ + Type: typeName, + Labels: labels, + Body: &body{ + val: av, // might be mistyped; we'll find out when content is requested for this body + }, + + DefRange: tv.OpenRange, + TypeRange: *typeRange, + LabelRanges: labelR, + }) + } + default: + diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect JSON value type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Either a JSON object or a JSON array is required, representing the contents of one or more %q blocks.", typeName), + Subject: v.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + return +} + +// collectDeepAttrs takes either a single object or an array of objects and +// flattens it into a list of object attributes, collecting attributes from +// all of the objects in a given array. +// +// Ordering is preserved, so a list of objects that each have one property +// will result in those properties being returned in the same order as the +// objects appeared in the array. +// +// This is appropriate for use only for objects representing bodies or labels +// within a block. +// +// The labelName argument, if non-null, is used to tailor returned error +// messages to refer to block labels rather than attributes and child blocks. +// It has no other effect. +func (b *body) collectDeepAttrs(v node, labelName *string) ([]*objectAttr, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var attrs []*objectAttr + + switch tv := v.(type) { + + case *objectVal: + attrs = append(attrs, tv.Attrs...) + + case *arrayVal: + for _, ev := range tv.Values { + switch tev := ev.(type) { + case *objectVal: + attrs = append(attrs, tev.Attrs...) + default: + if labelName != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect JSON value type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("A JSON object is required here, to specify %s labels for this block.", *labelName), + Subject: ev.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect JSON value type", + Detail: "A JSON object is required here, to define attributes and child blocks.", + Subject: ev.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + } + } + + default: + if labelName != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect JSON value type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Either a JSON object or JSON array of objects is required here, to specify %s labels for this block.", *labelName), + Subject: v.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + } else { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect JSON value type", + Detail: "Either a JSON object or JSON array of objects is required here, to define attributes and child blocks.", + Subject: v.StartRange().Ptr(), + }) + } + } + + return attrs, diags +} + +func (e *expression) Value(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + switch v := e.src.(type) { + case *stringVal: + if ctx != nil { + // Parse string contents as a HCL native language expression. + // We only do this if we have a context, so passing a nil context + // is how the caller specifies that interpolations are not allowed + // and that the string should just be returned verbatim. + templateSrc := v.Value + expr, diags := hclsyntax.ParseTemplate( + []byte(templateSrc), + v.SrcRange.Filename, + + // This won't produce _exactly_ the right result, since + // the hclsyntax parser can't "see" any escapes we removed + // while parsing JSON, but it's better than nothing. + hcl.Pos{ + Line: v.SrcRange.Start.Line, + + // skip over the opening quote mark + Byte: v.SrcRange.Start.Byte + 1, + Column: v.SrcRange.Start.Column + 1, + }, + ) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + val, evalDiags := expr.Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, evalDiags...) + return val, diags + } + + return cty.StringVal(v.Value), nil + case *numberVal: + return cty.NumberVal(v.Value), nil + case *booleanVal: + return cty.BoolVal(v.Value), nil + case *arrayVal: + vals := []cty.Value{} + for _, jsonVal := range v.Values { + val, _ := (&expression{src: jsonVal}).Value(ctx) + vals = append(vals, val) + } + return cty.TupleVal(vals), nil + case *objectVal: + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + attrs := map[string]cty.Value{} + attrRanges := map[string]hcl.Range{} + known := true + for _, jsonAttr := range v.Attrs { + // In this one context we allow keys to contain interpolation + // experessions too, assuming we're evaluating in interpolation + // mode. This achieves parity with the native syntax where + // object expressions can have dynamic keys, while block contents + // may not. + name, nameDiags := (&expression{src: &stringVal{ + Value: jsonAttr.Name, + SrcRange: jsonAttr.NameRange, + }}).Value(ctx) + val, valDiags := (&expression{src: jsonAttr.Value}).Value(ctx) + diags = append(diags, nameDiags...) + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + + var err error + name, err = convert.Convert(name, cty.String) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid object key expression", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot use this expression as an object key: %s.", err), + Subject: &jsonAttr.NameRange, + }) + continue + } + if name.IsNull() { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid object key expression", + Detail: "Cannot use null value as an object key.", + Subject: &jsonAttr.NameRange, + }) + continue + } + if !name.IsKnown() { + // This is a bit of a weird case, since our usual rules require + // us to tolerate unknowns and just represent the result as + // best we can but if we don't know the key then we can't + // know the type of our object at all, and thus we must turn + // the whole thing into cty.DynamicVal. This is consistent with + // how this situation is handled in the native syntax. + // We'll keep iterating so we can collect other errors in + // subsequent attributes. + known = false + continue + } + nameStr := name.AsString() + if _, defined := attrs[nameStr]; defined { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Duplicate object attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("An attribute named %q was already defined at %s.", nameStr, attrRanges[nameStr]), + Subject: &jsonAttr.NameRange, + }) + continue + } + attrs[nameStr] = val + attrRanges[nameStr] = jsonAttr.NameRange + } + if !known { + // We encountered an unknown key somewhere along the way, so + // we can't know what our type will eventually be. + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + return cty.ObjectVal(attrs), diags + default: + // Default to DynamicVal so that ASTs containing invalid nodes can + // still be partially-evaluated. + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } +} + +func (e *expression) Variables() []hcl.Traversal { + var vars []hcl.Traversal + + switch v := e.src.(type) { + case *stringVal: + templateSrc := v.Value + expr, diags := hclsyntax.ParseTemplate( + []byte(templateSrc), + v.SrcRange.Filename, + + // This won't produce _exactly_ the right result, since + // the hclsyntax parser can't "see" any escapes we removed + // while parsing JSON, but it's better than nothing. + hcl.Pos{ + Line: v.SrcRange.Start.Line, + + // skip over the opening quote mark + Byte: v.SrcRange.Start.Byte + 1, + Column: v.SrcRange.Start.Column + 1, + }, + ) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return vars + } + return expr.Variables() + + case *arrayVal: + for _, jsonVal := range v.Values { + vars = append(vars, (&expression{src: jsonVal}).Variables()...) + } + case *objectVal: + for _, jsonAttr := range v.Attrs { + vars = append(vars, (&expression{src: jsonAttr.Value}).Variables()...) + } + } + + return vars +} + +func (e *expression) Range() hcl.Range { + return e.src.Range() +} + +func (e *expression) StartRange() hcl.Range { + return e.src.StartRange() +} + +// Implementation for hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr. +func (e *expression) AsTraversal() hcl.Traversal { + // In JSON-based syntax a traversal is given as a string containing + // traversal syntax as defined by hclsyntax.ParseTraversalAbs. + + switch v := e.src.(type) { + case *stringVal: + traversal, diags := hclsyntax.ParseTraversalAbs([]byte(v.Value), v.SrcRange.Filename, v.SrcRange.Start) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return nil + } + return traversal + default: + return nil + } +} + +// Implementation for hcl.ExprCall. +func (e *expression) ExprCall() *hcl.StaticCall { + // In JSON-based syntax a static call is given as a string containing + // an expression in the native syntax that also supports ExprCall. + + switch v := e.src.(type) { + case *stringVal: + expr, diags := hclsyntax.ParseExpression([]byte(v.Value), v.SrcRange.Filename, v.SrcRange.Start) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return nil + } + + call, diags := hcl.ExprCall(expr) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return nil + } + + return call + default: + return nil + } +} + +// Implementation for hcl.ExprList. +func (e *expression) ExprList() []hcl.Expression { + switch v := e.src.(type) { + case *arrayVal: + ret := make([]hcl.Expression, len(v.Values)) + for i, node := range v.Values { + ret[i] = &expression{src: node} + } + return ret + default: + return nil + } +} + +// Implementation for hcl.ExprMap. +func (e *expression) ExprMap() []hcl.KeyValuePair { + switch v := e.src.(type) { + case *objectVal: + ret := make([]hcl.KeyValuePair, len(v.Attrs)) + for i, jsonAttr := range v.Attrs { + ret[i] = hcl.KeyValuePair{ + Key: &expression{src: &stringVal{ + Value: jsonAttr.Name, + SrcRange: jsonAttr.NameRange, + }}, + Value: &expression{src: jsonAttr.Value}, + } + } + return ret + default: + return nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbcce5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Code generated by "stringer -type tokenType scanner.go"; DO NOT EDIT. + +package json + +import "strconv" + +const _tokenType_name = "tokenInvalidtokenCommatokenColontokenEqualstokenKeywordtokenNumbertokenStringtokenBrackOtokenBrackCtokenBraceOtokenBraceCtokenEOF" + +var _tokenType_map = map[tokenType]string{ + 0: _tokenType_name[0:12], + 44: _tokenType_name[12:22], + 58: _tokenType_name[22:32], + 61: _tokenType_name[32:43], + 75: _tokenType_name[43:55], + 78: _tokenType_name[55:66], + 83: _tokenType_name[66:77], + 91: _tokenType_name[77:88], + 93: _tokenType_name[88:99], + 123: _tokenType_name[99:110], + 125: _tokenType_name[110:121], + 9220: _tokenType_name[121:129], +} + +func (i tokenType) String() string { + if str, ok := _tokenType_map[i]; ok { + return str + } + return "tokenType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca2b728 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "fmt" +) + +// MergeFiles combines the given files to produce a single body that contains +// configuration from all of the given files. +// +// The ordering of the given files decides the order in which contained +// elements will be returned. If any top-level attributes are defined with +// the same name across multiple files, a diagnostic will be produced from +// the Content and PartialContent methods describing this error in a +// user-friendly way. +func MergeFiles(files []*File) Body { + var bodies []Body + for _, file := range files { + bodies = append(bodies, file.Body) + } + return MergeBodies(bodies) +} + +// MergeBodies is like MergeFiles except it deals directly with bodies, rather +// than with entire files. +func MergeBodies(bodies []Body) Body { + if len(bodies) == 0 { + // Swap out for our singleton empty body, to reduce the number of + // empty slices we have hanging around. + return emptyBody + } + + // If any of the given bodies are already merged bodies, we'll unpack + // to flatten to a single mergedBodies, since that's conceptually simpler. + // This also, as a side-effect, eliminates any empty bodies, since + // empties are merged bodies with no inner bodies. + var newLen int + var flatten bool + for _, body := range bodies { + if children, merged := body.(mergedBodies); merged { + newLen += len(children) + flatten = true + } else { + newLen++ + } + } + + if !flatten { // not just newLen == len, because we might have mergedBodies with single bodies inside + return mergedBodies(bodies) + } + + if newLen == 0 { + // Don't allocate a new empty when we already have one + return emptyBody + } + + new := make([]Body, 0, newLen) + for _, body := range bodies { + if children, merged := body.(mergedBodies); merged { + new = append(new, children...) + } else { + new = append(new, body) + } + } + return mergedBodies(new) +} + +var emptyBody = mergedBodies([]Body{}) + +// EmptyBody returns a body with no content. This body can be used as a +// placeholder when a body is required but no body content is available. +func EmptyBody() Body { + return emptyBody +} + +type mergedBodies []Body + +// Content returns the content produced by applying the given schema to all +// of the merged bodies and merging the result. +// +// Although required attributes _are_ supported, they should be used sparingly +// with merged bodies since in this case there is no contextual information +// with which to return good diagnostics. Applications working with merged +// bodies may wish to mark all attributes as optional and then check for +// required attributes afterwards, to produce better diagnostics. +func (mb mergedBodies) Content(schema *BodySchema) (*BodyContent, Diagnostics) { + // the returned body will always be empty in this case, because mergedContent + // will only ever call Content on the child bodies. + content, _, diags := mb.mergedContent(schema, false) + return content, diags +} + +func (mb mergedBodies) PartialContent(schema *BodySchema) (*BodyContent, Body, Diagnostics) { + return mb.mergedContent(schema, true) +} + +func (mb mergedBodies) JustAttributes() (Attributes, Diagnostics) { + attrs := make(map[string]*Attribute) + var diags Diagnostics + + for _, body := range mb { + thisAttrs, thisDiags := body.JustAttributes() + + if len(thisDiags) != 0 { + diags = append(diags, thisDiags...) + } + + if thisAttrs != nil { + for name, attr := range thisAttrs { + if existing := attrs[name]; existing != nil { + diags = diags.Append(&Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Duplicate attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Attribute %q was already assigned at %s", + name, existing.NameRange.String(), + ), + Subject: &attr.NameRange, + }) + continue + } + + attrs[name] = attr + } + } + } + + return attrs, diags +} + +func (mb mergedBodies) MissingItemRange() Range { + if len(mb) == 0 { + // Nothing useful to return here, so we'll return some garbage. + return Range{ + Filename: "", + } + } + + // arbitrarily use the first body's missing item range + return mb[0].MissingItemRange() +} + +func (mb mergedBodies) mergedContent(schema *BodySchema, partial bool) (*BodyContent, Body, Diagnostics) { + // We need to produce a new schema with none of the attributes marked as + // required, since _any one_ of our bodies can contribute an attribute value. + // We'll separately check that all required attributes are present at + // the end. + mergedSchema := &BodySchema{ + Blocks: schema.Blocks, + } + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + mergedAttrS := attrS + mergedAttrS.Required = false + mergedSchema.Attributes = append(mergedSchema.Attributes, mergedAttrS) + } + + var mergedLeftovers []Body + content := &BodyContent{ + Attributes: map[string]*Attribute{}, + } + + var diags Diagnostics + for _, body := range mb { + var thisContent *BodyContent + var thisLeftovers Body + var thisDiags Diagnostics + + if partial { + thisContent, thisLeftovers, thisDiags = body.PartialContent(mergedSchema) + } else { + thisContent, thisDiags = body.Content(mergedSchema) + } + + if thisLeftovers != nil { + mergedLeftovers = append(mergedLeftovers) + } + if len(thisDiags) != 0 { + diags = append(diags, thisDiags...) + } + + if thisContent.Attributes != nil { + for name, attr := range thisContent.Attributes { + if existing := content.Attributes[name]; existing != nil { + diags = diags.Append(&Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Duplicate attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Attribute %q was already assigned at %s", + name, existing.NameRange.String(), + ), + Subject: &attr.NameRange, + }) + continue + } + content.Attributes[name] = attr + } + } + + if len(thisContent.Blocks) != 0 { + content.Blocks = append(content.Blocks, thisContent.Blocks...) + } + } + + // Finally, we check for required attributes. + for _, attrS := range schema.Attributes { + if !attrS.Required { + continue + } + + if content.Attributes[attrS.Name] == nil { + // We don't have any context here to produce a good diagnostic, + // which is why we warn in the Content docstring to minimize the + // use of required attributes on merged bodies. + diags = diags.Append(&Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Missing required attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The attribute %q is required, but was not assigned.", + attrS.Name, + ), + }) + } + } + + leftoverBody := MergeBodies(mergedLeftovers) + return content, leftoverBody, diags +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4e30b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" + "" +) + +// Index is a helper function that performs the same operation as the index +// operator in the HCL expression language. That is, the result is the +// same as it would be for collection[key] in a configuration expression. +// +// This is exported so that applications can perform indexing in a manner +// consistent with how the language does it, including handling of null and +// unknown values, etc. +// +// Diagnostics are produced if the given combination of values is not valid. +// Therefore a pointer to a source range must be provided to use in diagnostics, +// though nil can be provided if the calling application is going to +// ignore the subject of the returned diagnostics anyway. +func Index(collection, key cty.Value, srcRange *Range) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + if collection.IsNull() { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Attempt to index null value", + Detail: "This value is null, so it does not have any indices.", + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + if key.IsNull() { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid index", + Detail: "Can't use a null value as an indexing key.", + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + ty := collection.Type() + kty := key.Type() + if kty == cty.DynamicPseudoType || ty == cty.DynamicPseudoType { + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } + + switch { + + case ty.IsListType() || ty.IsTupleType() || ty.IsMapType(): + var wantType cty.Type + switch { + case ty.IsListType() || ty.IsTupleType(): + wantType = cty.Number + case ty.IsMapType(): + wantType = cty.String + default: + // should never happen + panic("don't know what key type we want") + } + + key, keyErr := convert.Convert(key, wantType) + if keyErr != nil { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid index", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: %s.", + keyErr.Error(), + ), + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + + has := collection.HasIndex(key) + if !has.IsKnown() { + if ty.IsTupleType() { + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } else { + return cty.UnknownVal(ty.ElementType()), nil + } + } + if has.False() { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid index", + Detail: "The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.", + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + + return collection.Index(key), nil + + case ty.IsObjectType(): + key, keyErr := convert.Convert(key, cty.String) + if keyErr != nil { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid index", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: %s.", + keyErr.Error(), + ), + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + if !collection.IsKnown() { + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } + if !key.IsKnown() { + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + } + + attrName := key.AsString() + + if !ty.HasAttribute(attrName) { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid index", + Detail: "The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.", + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + + return collection.GetAttr(attrName), nil + + default: + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid index", + Detail: "This value does not have any indices.", + Subject: srcRange, + }, + } + } + +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a4b329 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +package hcl + +import "fmt" + +// Pos represents a single position in a source file, by addressing the +// start byte of a unicode character encoded in UTF-8. +// +// Pos is generally used only in the context of a Range, which then defines +// which source file the position is within. +type Pos struct { + // Line is the source code line where this position points. Lines are + // counted starting at 1 and incremented for each newline character + // encountered. + Line int + + // Column is the source code column where this position points, in + // unicode characters, with counting starting at 1. + // + // Column counts characters as they appear visually, so for example a + // latin letter with a combining diacritic mark counts as one character. + // This is intended for rendering visual markers against source code in + // contexts where these diacritics would be rendered in a single character + // cell. Technically speaking, Column is counting grapheme clusters as + // used in unicode normalization. + Column int + + // Byte is the byte offset into the file where the indicated character + // begins. This is a zero-based offset to the first byte of the first + // UTF-8 codepoint sequence in the character, and thus gives a position + // that can be resolved _without_ awareness of Unicode characters. + Byte int +} + +// Range represents a span of characters between two positions in a source +// file. +// +// This struct is usually used by value in types that represent AST nodes, +// but by pointer in types that refer to the positions of other objects, +// such as in diagnostics. +type Range struct { + // Filename is the name of the file into which this range's positions + // point. + Filename string + + // Start and End represent the bounds of this range. Start is inclusive + // and End is exclusive. + Start, End Pos +} + +// RangeBetween returns a new range that spans from the beginning of the +// start range to the end of the end range. +// +// The result is meaningless if the two ranges do not belong to the same +// source file or if the end range appears before the start range. +func RangeBetween(start, end Range) Range { + return Range{ + Filename: start.Filename, + Start: start.Start, + End: end.End, + } +} + +// RangeOver returns a new range that covers both of the given ranges and +// possibly additional content between them if the two ranges do not overlap. +// +// If either range is empty then it is ignored. The result is empty if both +// given ranges are empty. +// +// The result is meaningless if the two ranges to not belong to the same +// source file. +func RangeOver(a, b Range) Range { + if a.Empty() { + return b + } + if b.Empty() { + return a + } + + var start, end Pos + if a.Start.Byte < b.Start.Byte { + start = a.Start + } else { + start = b.Start + } + if a.End.Byte > b.End.Byte { + end = a.End + } else { + end = b.End + } + return Range{ + Filename: a.Filename, + Start: start, + End: end, + } +} + +// ContainsOffset returns true if and only if the given byte offset is within +// the receiving Range. +func (r Range) ContainsOffset(offset int) bool { + return offset >= r.Start.Byte && offset < r.End.Byte +} + +// Ptr returns a pointer to a copy of the receiver. This is a convenience when +// ranges in places where pointers are required, such as in Diagnostic, but +// the range in question is returned from a method. Go would otherwise not +// allow one to take the address of a function call. +func (r Range) Ptr() *Range { + return &r +} + +// String returns a compact string representation of the receiver. +// Callers should generally prefer to present a range more visually, +// e.g. via markers directly on the relevant portion of source code. +func (r Range) String() string { + if r.Start.Line == r.End.Line { + return fmt.Sprintf( + "%s:%d,%d-%d", + r.Filename, + r.Start.Line, r.Start.Column, + r.End.Column, + ) + } else { + return fmt.Sprintf( + "%s:%d,%d-%d,%d", + r.Filename, + r.Start.Line, r.Start.Column, + r.End.Line, r.End.Column, + ) + } +} + +func (r Range) Empty() bool { + return r.Start.Byte == r.End.Byte +} + +// CanSliceBytes returns true if SliceBytes could return an accurate +// sub-slice of the given slice. +// +// This effectively tests whether the start and end offsets of the range +// are within the bounds of the slice, and thus whether SliceBytes can be +// trusted to produce an accurate start and end position within that slice. +func (r Range) CanSliceBytes(b []byte) bool { + switch { + case r.Start.Byte < 0 || r.Start.Byte > len(b): + return false + case r.End.Byte < 0 || r.End.Byte > len(b): + return false + case r.End.Byte < r.Start.Byte: + return false + default: + return true + } +} + +// SliceBytes returns a sub-slice of the given slice that is covered by the +// receiving range, assuming that the given slice is the source code of the +// file indicated by r.Filename. +// +// If the receiver refers to any byte offsets that are outside of the slice +// then the result is constrained to the overlapping portion only, to avoid +// a panic. Use CanSliceBytes to determine if the result is guaranteed to +// be an accurate span of the requested range. +func (r Range) SliceBytes(b []byte) []byte { + start := r.Start.Byte + end := r.End.Byte + if start < 0 { + start = 0 + } else if start > len(b) { + start = len(b) + } + if end < 0 { + end = 0 + } else if end > len(b) { + end = len(b) + } + if end < start { + end = start + } + return b[start:end] +} + +// Overlaps returns true if the receiver and the other given range share any +// characters in common. +func (r Range) Overlaps(other Range) bool { + switch { + case r.Filename != other.Filename: + // If the ranges are in different files then they can't possibly overlap + return false + case r.Empty() || other.Empty(): + // Empty ranges can never overlap + return false + case r.ContainsOffset(other.Start.Byte) || r.ContainsOffset(other.End.Byte): + return true + case other.ContainsOffset(r.Start.Byte) || other.ContainsOffset(r.End.Byte): + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// Overlap finds a range that is either identical to or a sub-range of both +// the receiver and the other given range. It returns an empty range +// within the receiver if there is no overlap between the two ranges. +// +// A non-empty result is either identical to or a subset of the receiver. +func (r Range) Overlap(other Range) Range { + if !r.Overlaps(other) { + // Start == End indicates an empty range + return Range{ + Filename: r.Filename, + Start: r.Start, + End: r.Start, + } + } + + var start, end Pos + if r.Start.Byte > other.Start.Byte { + start = r.Start + } else { + start = other.Start + } + if r.End.Byte < other.End.Byte { + end = r.End + } else { + end = other.End + } + + return Range{ + Filename: r.Filename, + Start: start, + End: end, + } +} + +// PartitionAround finds the portion of the given range that overlaps with +// the reciever and returns three ranges: the portion of the reciever that +// precedes the overlap, the overlap itself, and then the portion of the +// reciever that comes after the overlap. +// +// If the two ranges do not overlap then all three returned ranges are empty. +// +// If the given range aligns with or extends beyond either extent of the +// reciever then the corresponding outer range will be empty. +func (r Range) PartitionAround(other Range) (before, overlap, after Range) { + overlap = r.Overlap(other) + if overlap.Empty() { + return overlap, overlap, overlap + } + + before = Range{ + Filename: r.Filename, + Start: r.Start, + End: overlap.Start, + } + after = Range{ + Filename: r.Filename, + Start: overlap.End, + End: r.End, + } + + return before, overlap, after +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c8f2df --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + + "" +) + +// RangeScanner is a helper that will scan over a buffer using a bufio.SplitFunc +// and visit a source range for each token matched. +// +// For example, this can be used with bufio.ScanLines to find the source range +// for each line in the file, skipping over the actual newline characters, which +// may be useful when printing source code snippets as part of diagnostic +// messages. +// +// The line and column information in the returned ranges is produced by +// counting newline characters and grapheme clusters respectively, which +// mimics the behavior we expect from a parser when producing ranges. +type RangeScanner struct { + filename string + b []byte + cb bufio.SplitFunc + + pos Pos // position of next byte to process in b + cur Range // latest range + tok []byte // slice of b that is covered by cur + err error // error from last scan, if any +} + +// Create a new RangeScanner for the given buffer, producing ranges for the +// given filename. +// +// Since ranges have grapheme-cluster granularity rather than byte granularity, +// the scanner will produce incorrect results if the given SplitFunc creates +// tokens between grapheme cluster boundaries. In particular, it is incorrect +// to use RangeScanner with bufio.ScanRunes because it will produce tokens +// around individual UTF-8 sequences, which will split any multi-sequence +// grapheme clusters. +func NewRangeScanner(b []byte, filename string, cb bufio.SplitFunc) *RangeScanner { + return &RangeScanner{ + filename: filename, + b: b, + cb: cb, + pos: Pos{ + Byte: 0, + Line: 1, + Column: 1, + }, + } +} + +func (sc *RangeScanner) Scan() bool { + if sc.pos.Byte >= len(sc.b) || sc.err != nil { + // All done + return false + } + + // Since we're operating on an in-memory buffer, we always pass the whole + // remainder of the buffer to our SplitFunc and set isEOF to let it know + // that it has the whole thing. + advance, token, err := sc.cb(sc.b[sc.pos.Byte:], true) + + // Since we are setting isEOF to true this should never happen, but + // if it does we will just abort and assume the SplitFunc is misbehaving. + if advance == 0 && token == nil && err == nil { + return false + } + + if err != nil { + sc.err = err + sc.cur = Range{ + Filename: sc.filename, + Start: sc.pos, + End: sc.pos, + } + sc.tok = nil + return false + } + + sc.tok = token + start := sc.pos + end := sc.pos + new := sc.pos + + // adv is similar to token but it also includes any subsequent characters + // we're being asked to skip over by the SplitFunc. + // adv is a slice covering any additional bytes we are skipping over, based + // on what the SplitFunc told us to do with advance. + adv := sc.b[sc.pos.Byte : sc.pos.Byte+advance] + + // We now need to scan over our token to count the grapheme clusters + // so we can correctly advance Column, and count the newlines so we + // can correctly advance Line. + advR := bytes.NewReader(adv) + gsc := bufio.NewScanner(advR) + advanced := 0 + gsc.Split(textseg.ScanGraphemeClusters) + for gsc.Scan() { + gr := gsc.Bytes() + new.Byte += len(gr) + new.Column++ + + // We rely here on the fact that \r\n is considered a grapheme cluster + // and so we don't need to worry about miscounting additional lines + // on files with Windows-style line endings. + if len(gr) != 0 && (gr[0] == '\r' || gr[0] == '\n') { + new.Column = 1 + new.Line++ + } + + if advanced < len(token) { + // If we've not yet found the end of our token then we'll + // also push our "end" marker along. + // (if advance > len(token) then we'll stop moving "end" early + // so that the caller only sees the range covered by token.) + end = new + } + advanced += len(gr) + } + + sc.cur = Range{ + Filename: sc.filename, + Start: start, + End: end, + } + sc.pos = new + return true +} + +// Range returns a range that covers the latest token obtained after a call +// to Scan returns true. +func (sc *RangeScanner) Range() Range { + return sc.cur +} + +// Bytes returns the slice of the input buffer that is covered by the range +// that would be returned by Range. +func (sc *RangeScanner) Bytes() []byte { + return sc.tok +} + +// Err can be called after Scan returns false to determine if the latest read +// resulted in an error, and obtain that error if so. +func (sc *RangeScanner) Err() error { + return sc.err +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..891257a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package hcl + +// BlockHeaderSchema represents the shape of a block header, and is +// used for matching blocks within bodies. +type BlockHeaderSchema struct { + Type string + LabelNames []string +} + +// AttributeSchema represents the requirements for an attribute, and is used +// for matching attributes within bodies. +type AttributeSchema struct { + Name string + Required bool +} + +// BodySchema represents the desired shallow structure of a body. +type BodySchema struct { + Attributes []AttributeSchema + Blocks []BlockHeaderSchema +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58257bf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,691 @@ +# HCL Syntax-Agnostic Information Model + +This is the specification for the general information model (abstract types and +semantics) for hcl. HCL is a system for defining configuration languages for +applications. The HCL information model is designed to support multiple +concrete syntaxes for configuration, each with a mapping to the model defined +in this specification. + +The two primary syntaxes intended for use in conjunction with this model are +[the HCL native syntax](./hclsyntax/ and [the JSON syntax](./json/ +In principle other syntaxes are possible as long as either their language model +is sufficiently rich to express the concepts described in this specification +or the language targets a well-defined subset of the specification. + +## Structural Elements + +The primary structural element is the _body_, which is a container representing +a set of zero or more _attributes_ and a set of zero or more _blocks_. + +A _configuration file_ is the top-level object, and will usually be produced +by reading a file from disk and parsing it as a particular syntax. A +configuration file has its own _body_, representing the top-level attributes +and blocks. + +An _attribute_ is a name and value pair associated with a body. Attribute names +are unique within a given body. Attribute values are provided as _expressions_, +which are discussed in detail in a later section. + +A _block_ is a nested structure that has a _type name_, zero or more string +_labels_ (e.g. identifiers), and a nested body. + +Together the structural elements create a heirarchical data structure, with +attributes intended to represent the direct properties of a particular object +in the calling application, and blocks intended to represent child objects +of a particular object. + +## Body Content + +To support the expression of the HCL concepts in languages whose information +model is a subset of HCL's, such as JSON, a _body_ is an opaque container +whose content can only be accessed by providing information on the expected +structure of the content. + +The specification for each syntax must describe how its physical constructs +are mapped on to body content given a schema. For syntaxes that have +first-class syntax distinguishing attributes and bodies this can be relatively +straightforward, while more detailed mapping rules may be required in syntaxes +where the representation of attributes vs. blocks is ambiguous. + +### Schema-driven Processing + +Schema-driven processing is the primary way to access body content. +A _body schema_ is a description of what is expected within a particular body, +which can then be used to extract the _body content_, which then provides +access to the specific attributes and blocks requested. + +A _body schema_ consists of a list of _attribute schemata_ and +_block header schemata_: + +* An _attribute schema_ provides the name of an attribute and whether its + presence is required. + +* A _block header schema_ provides a block type name and the semantic names + assigned to each of the labels of that block type, if any. + +Within a schema, it is an error to request the same attribute name twice or +to request a block type whose name is also an attribute name. While this can +in principle be supported in some syntaxes, in other syntaxes the attribute +and block namespaces are combined and so an an attribute cannot coexist with +a block whose type name is identical to the attribute name. + +The result of applying a body schema to a body is _body content_, which +consists of an _attribute map_ and a _block sequence_: + +* The _attribute map_ is a map data structure whose keys are attribute names + and whose values are _expressions_ that represent the corresponding attribute + values. + +* The _block sequence_ is an ordered sequence of blocks, with each specifying + a block _type name_, the sequence of _labels_ specified for the block, + and the body object (not body _content_) representing the block's own body. + +After obtaining _body content_, the calling application may continue processing +by evaluating attribute expressions and/or recursively applying further +schema-driven processing to the child block bodies. + +**Note:** The _body schema_ is intentionally minimal, to reduce the set of +mapping rules that must be defined for each syntax. Higher-level utility +libraries may be provided to assist in the construction of a schema and +perform additional processing, such as automatically evaluating attribute +expressions and assigning their result values into a data structure, or +recursively applying a schema to child blocks. Such utilities are not part of +this core specification and will vary depending on the capabilities and idiom +of the implementation language. + +### _Dynamic Attributes_ Processing + +The _schema-driven_ processing model is useful when the expected structure +of a body is known a priori by the calling application. Some blocks are +instead more free-form, such as a user-provided set of arbitrary key/value +pairs. + +The alternative _dynamic attributes_ processing mode allows for this more +ad-hoc approach. Processing in this mode behaves as if a schema had been +constructed without any _block header schemata_ and with an attribute +schema for each distinct key provided within the physical representation +of the body. + +The means by which _distinct keys_ are identified is dependent on the +physical syntax; this processing mode assumes that the syntax has a way +to enumerate keys provided by the author and identify expressions that +correspond with those keys, but does not define the means by which this is +done. + +The result of _dynamic attributes_ processing is an _attribute map_ as +defined in the previous section. No _block sequence_ is produced in this +processing mode. + +### Partial Processing of Body Content + +Under _schema-driven processing_, by default the given schema is assumed +to be exhaustive, such that any attribute or block not matched by schema +elements is considered an error. This allows feedback about unsupported +attributes and blocks (such as typos) to be provided. + +An alternative is _partial processing_, where any additional elements within +the body are not considered an error. + +Under partial processing, the result is both body content as described +above _and_ a new body that represents any body elements that remain after +the schema has been processed. + +Specifically: + +* Any attribute whose name is specified in the schema is returned in body + content and elided from the new body. + +* Any block whose type is specified in the schema is returned in body content + and elided from the new body. + +* Any attribute or block _not_ meeting the above conditions is placed into + the new body, unmodified. + +The new body can then be recursively processed using any of the body +processing models. This facility allows different subsets of body content +to be processed by different parts of the calling application. + +Processing a body in two steps — first partial processing of a source body, +then exhaustive processing of the returned body — is equivalent to single-step +processing with a schema that is the union of the schemata used +across the two steps. + +## Expressions + +Attribute values are represented by _expressions_. Depending on the concrete +syntax in use, an expression may just be a literal value or it may describe +a computation in terms of literal values, variables, and functions. + +Each syntax defines its own representation of expressions. For syntaxes based +in languages that do not have any non-literal expression syntax, it is +recommended to embed the template language from +[the native syntax](./hclsyntax/ e.g. as a post-processing step on +string literals. + +### Expression Evaluation + +In order to obtain a concrete value, each expression must be _evaluated_. +Evaluation is performed in terms of an evaluation context, which +consists of the following: + +* An _evaluation mode_, which is defined below. +* A _variable scope_, which provides a set of named variables for use in + expressions. +* A _function table_, which provides a set of named functions for use in + expressions. + +The _evaluation mode_ allows for two different interpretations of an +expression: + +* In _literal-only mode_, variables and functions are not available and it + is assumed that the calling application's intent is to treat the attribute + value as a literal. + +* In _full expression mode_, variables and functions are defined and it is + assumed that the calling application wishes to provide a full expression + language for definition of the attribute value. + +The actual behavior of these two modes depends on the syntax in use. For +languages with first-class expression syntax, these two modes may be considered +equivalent, with _literal-only mode_ simply not defining any variables or +functions. For languages that embed arbitrary expressions via string templates, +_literal-only mode_ may disable such processing, allowing literal strings to +pass through without interpretation as templates. + +Since literal-only mode does not support variables and functions, it is an +error for the calling application to enable this mode and yet provide a +variable scope and/or function table. + +## Values and Value Types + +The result of expression evaluation is a _value_. Each value has a _type_, +which is dynamically determined during evaluation. The _variable scope_ in +the evaluation context is a map from variable name to value, using the same +definition of value. + +The type system for HCL values is intended to be of a level abstraction +suitable for configuration of various applications. A well-defined, +implementation-language-agnostic type system is defined to allow for +consistent processing of configuration across many implementation languages. +Concrete implementations may provide additional functionality to lower +HCL values and types to corresponding native language types, which may then +impose additional constraints on the values outside of the scope of this +specification. + +Two values are _equal_ if and only if they have identical types and their +values are equal according to the rules of their shared type. + +### Primitive Types + +The primitive types are _string_, _bool_, and _number_. + +A _string_ is a sequence of unicode characters. Two strings are equal if +NFC normalization ([UAX#15]( +of each string produces two identical sequences of characters. +NFC normalization ensures that, for example, a precomposed combination of a +latin letter and a diacritic compares equal with the letter followed by +a combining diacritic. + +The _bool_ type has only two non-null values: _true_ and _false_. Two bool +values are equal if and only if they are either both true or both false. + +A _number_ is an arbitrary-precision floating point value. An implementation +_must_ make the full-precision values available to the calling application +for interpretation into any suitable number representation. An implementation +may in practice implement numbers with limited precision so long as the +following constraints are met: + +* Integers are represented with at least 256 bits. +* Non-integer numbers are represented as floating point values with a + mantissa of at least 256 bits and a signed binary exponent of at least + 16 bits. +* An error is produced if an integer value given in source cannot be + represented precisely. +* An error is produced if a non-integer value cannot be represented due to + overflow. +* A non-integer number is rounded to the nearest possible value when a + value is of too high a precision to be represented. + +The _number_ type also requires representation of both positive and negative +infinity. A "not a number" (NaN) value is _not_ provided nor used. + +Two number values are equal if they are numerically equal to the precision +associated with the number. Positive infinity and negative infinity are +equal to themselves but not to each other. Positive infinity is greater than +any other number value, and negative infinity is less than any other number +value. + +Some syntaxes may be unable to represent numeric literals of arbitrary +precision. This must be defined in the syntax specification as part of its +description of mapping numeric literals to HCL values. + +### Structural Types + +_Structural types_ are types that are constructed by combining other types. +Each distinct combination of other types is itself a distinct type. There +are two structural type _kinds_: + +* _Object types_ are constructed of a set of named attributes, each of which + has a type. Attribute names are always strings. (_Object_ attributes are a + distinct idea from _body_ attributes, though calling applications + may choose to blur the distinction by use of common naming schemes.) +* _Tuple tupes_ are constructed of a sequence of elements, each of which + has a type. + +Values of structural types are compared for equality in terms of their +attributes or elements. A structural type value is equal to another if and +only if all of the corresponding attributes or elements are equal. + +Two structural types are identical if they are of the same kind and +have attributes or elements with identical types. + +### Collection Types + +_Collection types_ are types that combine together an arbitrary number of +values of some other single type. There are three collection type _kinds_: + +* _List types_ represent ordered sequences of values of their element type. +* _Map types_ represent values of their element type accessed via string keys. +* _Set types_ represent unordered sets of distinct values of their element type. + +For each of these kinds and each distinct element type there is a distinct +collection type. For example, "list of string" is a distinct type from +"set of string", and "list of number" is a distinct type from "list of string". + +Values of collection types are compared for equality in terms of their +elements. A collection type value is equal to another if and only if both +have the same number of elements and their corresponding elements are equal. + +Two collection types are identical if they are of the same kind and have +the same element type. + +### Null values + +Each type has a null value. The null value of a type represents the absense +of a value, but with type information retained to allow for type checking. + +Null values are used primarily to represent the conditional absense of a +body attribute. In a syntax with a conditional operator, one of the result +values of that conditional may be null to indicate that the attribute should be +considered not present in that case. + +Calling applications _should_ consider an attribute with a null value as +equivalent to the value not being present at all. + +A null value of a particular type is equal to itself. + +### Unknown Values and the Dynamic Pseudo-type + +An _unknown value_ is a placeholder for a value that is not yet known. +Operations on unknown values themselves return unknown values that have a +type appropriate to the operation. For example, adding together two unknown +numbers yields an unknown number, while comparing two unknown values of any +type for equality yields an unknown bool. + +Each type has a distinct unknown value. For example, an unknown _number_ is +a distinct value from an unknown _string_. + +_The dynamic pseudo-type_ is a placeholder for a type that is not yet known. +The only values of this type are its null value and its unknown value. It is +referred to as a _pseudo-type_ because it should not be considered a type in +its own right, but rather as a placeholder for a type yet to be established. +The unknown value of the dynamic pseudo-type is referred to as _the dynamic +value_. + +Operations on values of the dynamic pseudo-type behave as if it is a value +of the expected type, optimistically assuming that once the value and type +are known they will be valid for the operation. For example, adding together +a number and the dynamic value produces an unknown number. + +Unknown values and the dynamic pseudo-type can be used as a mechanism for +partial type checking and semantic checking: by evaluating an expression with +all variables set to an unknown value, the expression can be evaluated to +produce an unknown value of a given type, or produce an error if any operation +is provably invalid with only type information. + +Unknown values and the dynamic pseudo-type must never be returned from +operations unless at least one operand is unknown or dynamic. Calling +applications are guaranteed that unless the global scope includes unknown +values, or the function table includes functions that return unknown values, +no expression will evaluate to an unknown value. The calling application is +thus in total control over the use and meaning of unknown values. + +The dynamic pseudo-type is identical only to itself. + +### Capsule Types + +A _capsule type_ is a custom type defined by the calling application. A value +of a capsule type is considered opaque to HCL, but may be accepted +by functions provided by the calling application. + +A particular capsule type is identical only to itself. The equality of two +values of the same capsule type is defined by the calling application. No +other operations are supported for values of capsule types. + +Support for capsule types in a HCL implementation is optional. Capsule types +are intended to allow calling applications to pass through values that are +not part of the standard type system. For example, an application that +deals with raw binary data may define a capsule type representing a byte +array, and provide functions that produce or operate on byte arrays. + +### Type Specifications + +In certain situations it is necessary to define expectations about the expected +type of a value. Whereas two _types_ have a commutative _identity_ relationship, +a type has a non-commutative _matches_ relationship with a _type specification_. +A type specification is, in practice, just a different interpretation of a +type such that: + +* Any type _matches_ any type that it is identical to. + +* Any type _matches_ the dynamic pseudo-type. + +For example, given a type specification "list of dynamic pseudo-type", the +concrete types "list of string" and "list of map" match, but the +type "set of string" does not. + +## Functions and Function Calls + +The evaluation context used to evaluate an expression includes a function +table, which represents an application-defined set of named functions +available for use in expressions. + +Each syntax defines whether function calls are supported and how they are +physically represented in source code, but the semantics of function calls are +defined here to ensure consistent results across syntaxes and to allow +applications to provide functions that are interoperable with all syntaxes. + +A _function_ is defined from the following elements: + +* Zero or more _positional parameters_, each with a name used for documentation, + a type specification for expected argument values, and a flag for whether + each of null values, unknown values, and values of the dynamic pseudo-type + are accepted. + +* Zero or one _variadic parameters_, with the same structure as the _positional_ + parameters, which if present collects any additional arguments provided at + the function call site. + +* A _result type definition_, which specifies the value type returned for each + valid sequence of argument values. + +* A _result value definition_, which specifies the value returned for each + valid sequence of argument values. + +A _function call_, regardless of source syntax, consists of a sequence of +argument values. The argument values are each mapped to a corresponding +parameter as follows: + +* For each of the function's positional parameters in sequence, take the next + argument. If there are no more arguments, the call is erroneous. + +* If the function has a variadic parameter, take all remaining arguments that + where not yet assigned to a positional parameter and collect them into + a sequence of variadic arguments that each correspond to the variadic + parameter. + +* If the function has _no_ variadic parameter, it is an error if any arguments + remain after taking one argument for each positional parameter. + +After mapping each argument to a parameter, semantic checking proceeds +for each argument: + +* If the argument value corresponding to a parameter does not match the + parameter's type specification, the call is erroneous. + +* If the argument value corresponding to a parameter is null and the parameter + is not specified as accepting nulls, the call is erroneous. + +* If the argument value corresponding to a parameter is the dynamic value + and the parameter is not specified as accepting values of the dynamic + pseudo-type, the call is valid but its _result type_ is forced to be the + dynamic pseudo type. + +* If neither of the above conditions holds for any argument, the call is + valid and the function's value type definition is used to determine the + call's _result type_. A function _may_ vary its result type depending on + the argument _values_ as well as the argument _types_; for example, a + function that decodes a JSON value will return a different result type + depending on the data structure described by the given JSON source code. + +If semantic checking succeeds without error, the call is _executed_: + +* For each argument, if its value is unknown and its corresponding parameter + is not specified as accepting unknowns, the _result value_ is forced to be an + unknown value of the result type. + +* If the previous condition does not apply, the function's result value + definition is used to determine the call's _result value_. + +The result of a function call expression is either an error, if one of the +erroenous conditions above applies, or the _result value_. + +## Type Conversions and Unification + +Values given in configuration may not always match the expectations of the +operations applied to them or to the calling application. In such situations, +automatic type conversion is attempted as a convenience to the user. + +Along with conversions to a _specified_ type, it is sometimes necessary to +ensure that a selection of values are all of the _same_ type, without any +constraint on which type that is. This is the process of _type unification_, +which attempts to find the most general type that all of the given types can +be converted to. + +Both type conversions and unification are defined in the syntax-agnostic +model to ensure consistency of behavior between syntaxes. + +Type conversions are broadly characterized into two categories: _safe_ and +_unsafe_. A conversion is "safe" if any distinct value of the source type +has a corresponding distinct value in the target type. A conversion is +"unsafe" if either the target type values are _not_ distinct (information +may be lost in conversion) or if some values of the source type do not have +any corresponding value in the target type. An unsafe conversion may result +in an error. + +A given type can always be converted to itself, which is a no-op. + +### Conversion of Null Values + +All null values are safely convertable to a null value of any other type, +regardless of other type-specific rules specified in the sections below. + +### Conversion to and from the Dynamic Pseudo-type + +Conversion _from_ the dynamic pseudo-type _to_ any other type always succeeds, +producing an unknown value of the target type. + +Conversion of any value _to_ the dynamic pseudo-type is a no-op. The result +is the input value, verbatim. This is the only situation where the conversion +result value is not of the the given target type. + +### Primitive Type Conversions + +Bidirectional conversions are available between the string and number types, +and between the string and boolean types. + +The bool value true corresponds to the string containing the characters "true", +while the bool value false corresponds to teh string containing the characters +"false". Conversion from bool to string is safe, while the converse is +unsafe. The strings "1" and "0" are alternative string representations +of true and false respectively. It is an error to convert a string other than +the four in this paragraph to type bool. + +A number value is converted to string by translating its integer portion +into a sequence of decimal digits (`0` through `9`), and then if it has a +non-zero fractional part, a period `.` followed by a sequence of decimal +digits representing its fractional part. No exponent portion is included. +The number is converted at its full precision. Conversion from number to +string is safe. + +A string is converted to a number value by reversing the above mapping. +No exponent portion is allowed. Conversion from string to number is unsafe. +It is an error to convert a string that does not comply with the expected +syntax to type number. + +No direct conversion is available between the bool and number types. + +### Collection and Structural Type Conversions + +Conversion from set types to list types is _safe_, as long as their +element types are safely convertable. If the element types are _unsafely_ +convertable, then the collection conversion is also unsafe. Each set element +becomes a corresponding list element, in an undefined order. Although no +particular ordering is required, implementations _should_ produce list +elements in a consistent order for a given input set, as a convenience +to calling applications. + +Conversion from list types to set types is _unsafe_, as long as their element +types are convertable. Each distinct list item becomes a distinct set item. +If two list items are equal, one of the two is lost in the conversion. + +Conversion from tuple types to list types permitted if all of the +tuple element types are convertable to the target list element type. +The safety of the conversion depends on the safety of each of the element +conversions. Each element in turn is converted to the list element type, +producing a list of identical length. + +Conversion from tuple types to set types is permitted, behaving as if the +tuple type was first converted to a list of the same element type and then +that list converted to the target set type. + +Conversion from object types to map types is permitted if all of the object +attribute types are convertable to the target map element type. The safety +of the conversion depends on the safety of each of the attribute conversions. +Each attribute in turn is converted to the map element type, and map element +keys are set to the name of each corresponding object attribute. + +Conversion from list and set types to tuple types is permitted, following +the opposite steps as the converse conversions. Such conversions are _unsafe_. +It is an error to convert a list or set to a tuple type whose number of +elements does not match the list or set length. + +Conversion from map types to object types is permitted if each map key +corresponds to an attribute in the target object type. It is an error to +convert from a map value whose set of keys does not exactly match the target +type's attributes. The conversion takes the opposite steps of the converse +conversion. + +Conversion from one object type to another is permitted as long as the +common attribute names have convertable types. Any attribute present in the +target type but not in the source type is populated with a null value of +the appropriate type. + +Conversion from one tuple type to another is permitted as long as the +tuples have the same length and the elements have convertable types. + +### Type Unification + +Type unification is an operation that takes a list of types and attempts +to find a single type to which they can all be converted. Since some +type pairs have bidirectional conversions, preference is given to _safe_ +conversions. In technical terms, all possible types are arranged into +a lattice, from which a most general supertype is selected where possible. + +The type resulting from type unification may be one of the input types, or +it may be an entirely new type produced by combination of two or more +input types. + +The following rules do not guarantee a valid result. In addition to these +rules, unification fails if any of the given types are not convertable +(per the above rules) to the selected result type. + +The following unification rules apply transitively. That is, if a rule is +defined from A to B, and one from B to C, then A can unify to C. + +Number and bool types both unify with string by preferring string. + +Two collection types of the same kind unify according to the unification +of their element types. + +List and set types unify by preferring the list type. + +Map and object types unify by preferring the object type. + +List, set and tuple types unify by preferring the tuple type. + +The dynamic pseudo-type unifies with any other type by selecting that other +type. The dynamic pseudo-type is the result type only if _all_ input types +are the dynamic pseudo-type. + +Two object types unify by constructing a new type whose attributes are +the union of those of the two input types. Any common attributes themselves +have their types unified. + +Two tuple types of the same length unify constructing a new type of the +same length whose elements are the unification of the corresponding elements +in the two input types. + +## Static Analysis + +In most applications, full expression evaluation is sufficient for understanding +the provided configuration. However, some specialized applications require more +direct access to the physical structures in the expressions, which can for +example allow the construction of new language constructs in terms of the +existing syntax elements. + +Since static analysis analyses the physical structure of configuration, the +details will vary depending on syntax. Each syntax must decide which of its +physical structures corresponds to the following analyses, producing error +diagnostics if they are applied to inappropriate expressions. + +The following are the required static analysis functions: + +* **Static List**: Require list/tuple construction syntax to be used and + return a list of expressions for each of the elements given. + +* **Static Map**: Require map/object construction syntax to be used and + return a list of key/value pairs -- both expressions -- for each of + the elements given. The usual constraint that a map key must be a string + must not apply to this analysis, thus allowing applications to interpret + arbitrary keys as they see fit. + +* **Static Call**: Require function call syntax to be used and return an + object describing the called function name and a list of expressions + representing each of the call arguments. + +* **Static Traversal**: Require a reference to a symbol in the variable + scope and return a description of the path from the root scope to the + accessed attribute or index. + +The intent of a calling application using these features is to require a more +rigid interpretation of the configuration than in expression evaluation. +Syntax implementations should make use of the extra contextual information +provided in order to make an intuitive mapping onto the constructs of the +underlying syntax, possibly interpreting the expression slightly differently +than it would be interpreted in normal evaluation. + +Each syntax must define which of its expression elements each of the analyses +above applies to, and how those analyses behave given those expression elements. + +## Implementation Considerations + +Implementations of this specification are free to adopt any strategy that +produces behavior consistent with the specification. This non-normative +section describes some possible implementation strategies that are consistent +with the goals of this specification. + +### Language-agnosticism + +The language-agnosticism of this specification assumes that certain behaviors +are implemented separately for each syntax: + +* Matching of a body schema with the physical elements of a body in the + source language, to determine correspondance between physical constructs + and schema elements. + +* Implementing the _dynamic attributes_ body processing mode by either + interpreting all physical constructs as attributes or producing an error + if non-attribute constructs are present. + +* Providing an evaluation function for all possible expressions that produces + a value given an evaluation context. + +* Providing the static analysis functionality described above in a manner that + makes sense within the convention of the syntax. + +The suggested implementation strategy is to use an implementation language's +closest concept to an _abstract type_, _virtual type_ or _interface type_ +to represent both Body and Expression. Each language-specific implementation +can then provide an implementation of each of these types wrapping AST nodes +or other physical constructs from the language parser. diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98ada87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "" +) + +type staticExpr struct { + val cty.Value + rng Range +} + +// StaticExpr returns an Expression that always evaluates to the given value. +// +// This is useful to substitute default values for expressions that are +// not explicitly given in configuration and thus would otherwise have no +// Expression to return. +// +// Since expressions are expected to have a source range, the caller must +// provide one. Ideally this should be a real source range, but it can +// be a synthetic one (with an empty-string filename) if no suitable range +// is available. +func StaticExpr(val cty.Value, rng Range) Expression { + return staticExpr{val, rng} +} + +func (e staticExpr) Value(ctx *EvalContext) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + return e.val, nil +} + +func (e staticExpr) Variables() []Traversal { + return nil +} + +func (e staticExpr) Range() Range { + return e.rng +} + +func (e staticExpr) StartRange() Range { + return e.rng +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b336f30 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "" +) + +// File is the top-level node that results from parsing a HCL file. +type File struct { + Body Body + Bytes []byte + + // Nav is used to integrate with the "hcled" editor integration package, + // and with diagnostic information formatters. It is not for direct use + // by a calling application. + Nav interface{} +} + +// Block represents a nested block within a Body. +type Block struct { + Type string + Labels []string + Body Body + + DefRange Range // Range that can be considered the "definition" for seeking in an editor + TypeRange Range // Range for the block type declaration specifically. + LabelRanges []Range // Ranges for the label values specifically. +} + +// Blocks is a sequence of Block. +type Blocks []*Block + +// Attributes is a set of attributes keyed by their names. +type Attributes map[string]*Attribute + +// Body is a container for attributes and blocks. It serves as the primary +// unit of heirarchical structure within configuration. +// +// The content of a body cannot be meaningfully intepreted without a schema, +// so Body represents the raw body content and has methods that allow the +// content to be extracted in terms of a given schema. +type Body interface { + // Content verifies that the entire body content conforms to the given + // schema and then returns it, and/or returns diagnostics. The returned + // body content is valid if non-nil, regardless of whether Diagnostics + // are provided, but diagnostics should still be eventually shown to + // the user. + Content(schema *BodySchema) (*BodyContent, Diagnostics) + + // PartialContent is like Content except that it permits the configuration + // to contain additional blocks or attributes not specified in the + // schema. If any are present, the returned Body is non-nil and contains + // the remaining items from the body that were not selected by the schema. + PartialContent(schema *BodySchema) (*BodyContent, Body, Diagnostics) + + // JustAttributes attempts to interpret all of the contents of the body + // as attributes, allowing for the contents to be accessed without a priori + // knowledge of the structure. + // + // The behavior of this method depends on the body's source language. + // Some languages, like JSON, can't distinguish between attributes and + // blocks without schema hints, but for languages that _can_ error + // diagnostics will be generated if any blocks are present in the body. + // + // Diagnostics may be produced for other reasons too, such as duplicate + // declarations of the same attribute. + JustAttributes() (Attributes, Diagnostics) + + // MissingItemRange returns a range that represents where a missing item + // might hypothetically be inserted. This is used when producing + // diagnostics about missing required attributes or blocks. Not all bodies + // will have an obvious single insertion point, so the result here may + // be rather arbitrary. + MissingItemRange() Range +} + +// BodyContent is the result of applying a BodySchema to a Body. +type BodyContent struct { + Attributes Attributes + Blocks Blocks + + MissingItemRange Range +} + +// Attribute represents an attribute from within a body. +type Attribute struct { + Name string + Expr Expression + + Range Range + NameRange Range +} + +// Expression is a literal value or an expression provided in the +// configuration, which can be evaluated within a scope to produce a value. +type Expression interface { + // Value returns the value resulting from evaluating the expression + // in the given evaluation context. + // + // The context may be nil, in which case the expression may contain + // only constants and diagnostics will be produced for any non-constant + // sub-expressions. (The exact definition of this depends on the source + // language.) + // + // The context may instead be set but have either its Variables or + // Functions maps set to nil, in which case only use of these features + // will return diagnostics. + // + // Different diagnostics are provided depending on whether the given + // context maps are nil or empty. In the former case, the message + // tells the user that variables/functions are not permitted at all, + // while in the latter case usage will produce a "not found" error for + // the specific symbol in question. + Value(ctx *EvalContext) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) + + // Variables returns a list of variables referenced in the receiving + // expression. These are expressed as absolute Traversals, so may include + // additional information about how the variable is used, such as + // attribute lookups, which the calling application can potentially use + // to only selectively populate the scope. + Variables() []Traversal + + Range() Range + StartRange() Range +} + +// OfType filters the receiving block sequence by block type name, +// returning a new block sequence including only the blocks of the +// requested type. +func (els Blocks) OfType(typeName string) Blocks { + ret := make(Blocks, 0) + for _, el := range els { + if el.Type == typeName { + ret = append(ret, el) + } + } + return ret +} + +// ByType transforms the receiving block sequence into a map from type +// name to block sequences of only that type. +func (els Blocks) ByType() map[string]Blocks { + ret := make(map[string]Blocks) + for _, el := range els { + ty := el.Type + if ret[ty] == nil { + ret[ty] = make(Blocks, 0, 1) + } + ret[ty] = append(ret[ty], el) + } + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24f4c91 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +package hcl + +import ( + "fmt" + + "" +) + +// A Traversal is a description of traversing through a value through a +// series of operations such as attribute lookup, index lookup, etc. +// +// It is used to look up values in scopes, for example. +// +// The traversal operations are implementations of interface Traverser. +// This is a closed set of implementations, so the interface cannot be +// implemented from outside this package. +// +// A traversal can be absolute (its first value is a symbol name) or relative +// (starts from an existing value). +type Traversal []Traverser + +// TraversalJoin appends a relative traversal to an absolute traversal to +// produce a new absolute traversal. +func TraversalJoin(abs Traversal, rel Traversal) Traversal { + if abs.IsRelative() { + panic("first argument to TraversalJoin must be absolute") + } + if !rel.IsRelative() { + panic("second argument to TraversalJoin must be relative") + } + + ret := make(Traversal, len(abs)+len(rel)) + copy(ret, abs) + copy(ret[len(abs):], rel) + return ret +} + +// TraverseRel applies the receiving traversal to the given value, returning +// the resulting value. This is supported only for relative traversals, +// and will panic if applied to an absolute traversal. +func (t Traversal) TraverseRel(val cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + if !t.IsRelative() { + panic("can't use TraverseRel on an absolute traversal") + } + + current := val + var diags Diagnostics + for _, tr := range t { + var newDiags Diagnostics + current, newDiags = tr.TraversalStep(current) + diags = append(diags, newDiags...) + if newDiags.HasErrors() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + } + return current, diags +} + +// TraverseAbs applies the receiving traversal to the given eval context, +// returning the resulting value. This is supported only for absolute +// traversals, and will panic if applied to a relative traversal. +func (t Traversal) TraverseAbs(ctx *EvalContext) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + if t.IsRelative() { + panic("can't use TraverseAbs on a relative traversal") + } + + split := t.SimpleSplit() + root := split.Abs[0].(TraverseRoot) + name := root.Name + + thisCtx := ctx + hasNonNil := false + for thisCtx != nil { + if thisCtx.Variables == nil { + thisCtx = thisCtx.parent + continue + } + hasNonNil = true + val, exists := thisCtx.Variables[name] + if exists { + return split.Rel.TraverseRel(val) + } + thisCtx = thisCtx.parent + } + + if !hasNonNil { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Variables not allowed", + Detail: "Variables may not be used here.", + Subject: &root.SrcRange, + }, + } + } + + suggestions := make([]string, 0, len(ctx.Variables)) + thisCtx = ctx + for thisCtx != nil { + for k := range thisCtx.Variables { + suggestions = append(suggestions, k) + } + thisCtx = thisCtx.parent + } + suggestion := nameSuggestion(name, suggestions) + if suggestion != "" { + suggestion = fmt.Sprintf(" Did you mean %q?", suggestion) + } + + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Unknown variable", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("There is no variable named %q.%s", name, suggestion), + Subject: &root.SrcRange, + }, + } +} + +// IsRelative returns true if the receiver is a relative traversal, or false +// otherwise. +func (t Traversal) IsRelative() bool { + if len(t) == 0 { + return true + } + if _, firstIsRoot := t[0].(TraverseRoot); firstIsRoot { + return false + } + return true +} + +// SimpleSplit returns a TraversalSplit where the name lookup is the absolute +// part and the remainder is the relative part. Supported only for +// absolute traversals, and will panic if applied to a relative traversal. +// +// This can be used by applications that have a relatively-simple variable +// namespace where only the top-level is directly populated in the scope, with +// everything else handled by relative lookups from those initial values. +func (t Traversal) SimpleSplit() TraversalSplit { + if t.IsRelative() { + panic("can't use SimpleSplit on a relative traversal") + } + return TraversalSplit{ + Abs: t[0:1], + Rel: t[1:], + } +} + +// RootName returns the root name for a absolute traversal. Will panic if +// called on a relative traversal. +func (t Traversal) RootName() string { + if t.IsRelative() { + panic("can't use RootName on a relative traversal") + + } + return t[0].(TraverseRoot).Name +} + +// SourceRange returns the source range for the traversal. +func (t Traversal) SourceRange() Range { + if len(t) == 0 { + // Nothing useful to return here, but we'll return something + // that's correctly-typed at least. + return Range{} + } + + return RangeBetween(t[0].SourceRange(), t[len(t)-1].SourceRange()) +} + +// TraversalSplit represents a pair of traversals, the first of which is +// an absolute traversal and the second of which is relative to the first. +// +// This is used by calling applications that only populate prefixes of the +// traversals in the scope, with Abs representing the part coming from the +// scope and Rel representing the remaining steps once that part is +// retrieved. +type TraversalSplit struct { + Abs Traversal + Rel Traversal +} + +// TraverseAbs traverses from a scope to the value resulting from the +// absolute traversal. +func (t TraversalSplit) TraverseAbs(ctx *EvalContext) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + return t.Abs.TraverseAbs(ctx) +} + +// TraverseRel traverses from a given value, assumed to be the result of +// TraverseAbs on some scope, to a final result for the entire split traversal. +func (t TraversalSplit) TraverseRel(val cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + return t.Rel.TraverseRel(val) +} + +// Traverse is a convenience function to apply TraverseAbs followed by +// TraverseRel. +func (t TraversalSplit) Traverse(ctx *EvalContext) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + v1, diags := t.TraverseAbs(ctx) + if diags.HasErrors() { + return cty.DynamicVal, diags + } + v2, newDiags := t.TraverseRel(v1) + diags = append(diags, newDiags...) + return v2, diags +} + +// Join concatenates together the Abs and Rel parts to produce a single +// absolute traversal. +func (t TraversalSplit) Join() Traversal { + return TraversalJoin(t.Abs, t.Rel) +} + +// RootName returns the root name for the absolute part of the split. +func (t TraversalSplit) RootName() string { + return t.Abs.RootName() +} + +// A Traverser is a step within a Traversal. +type Traverser interface { + TraversalStep(cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) + SourceRange() Range + isTraverserSigil() isTraverser +} + +// Embed this in a struct to declare it as a Traverser +type isTraverser struct { +} + +func (tr isTraverser) isTraverserSigil() isTraverser { + return isTraverser{} +} + +// TraverseRoot looks up a root name in a scope. It is used as the first step +// of an absolute Traversal, and cannot itself be traversed directly. +type TraverseRoot struct { + isTraverser + Name string + SrcRange Range +} + +// TraversalStep on a TraverseName immediately panics, because absolute +// traversals cannot be directly traversed. +func (tn TraverseRoot) TraversalStep(cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + panic("Cannot traverse an absolute traversal") +} + +func (tn TraverseRoot) SourceRange() Range { + return tn.SrcRange +} + +// TraverseAttr looks up an attribute in its initial value. +type TraverseAttr struct { + isTraverser + Name string + SrcRange Range +} + +func (tn TraverseAttr) TraversalStep(val cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + if val.IsNull() { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Attempt to get attribute from null value", + Detail: "This value is null, so it does not have any attributes.", + Subject: &tn.SrcRange, + }, + } + } + + ty := val.Type() + switch { + case ty.IsObjectType(): + if !ty.HasAttribute(tn.Name) { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Unsupported attribute", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("This object does not have an attribute named %q.", tn.Name), + Subject: &tn.SrcRange, + }, + } + } + + if !val.IsKnown() { + return cty.UnknownVal(ty.AttributeType(tn.Name)), nil + } + + return val.GetAttr(tn.Name), nil + case ty.IsMapType(): + if !val.IsKnown() { + return cty.UnknownVal(ty.ElementType()), nil + } + + idx := cty.StringVal(tn.Name) + if val.HasIndex(idx).False() { + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Missing map element", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("This map does not have an element with the key %q.", tn.Name), + Subject: &tn.SrcRange, + }, + } + } + + return val.Index(idx), nil + case ty == cty.DynamicPseudoType: + return cty.DynamicVal, nil + default: + return cty.DynamicVal, Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Unsupported attribute", + Detail: "This value does not have any attributes.", + Subject: &tn.SrcRange, + }, + } + } +} + +func (tn TraverseAttr) SourceRange() Range { + return tn.SrcRange +} + +// TraverseIndex applies the index operation to its initial value. +type TraverseIndex struct { + isTraverser + Key cty.Value + SrcRange Range +} + +func (tn TraverseIndex) TraversalStep(val cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + return Index(val, tn.Key, &tn.SrcRange) +} + +func (tn TraverseIndex) SourceRange() Range { + return tn.SrcRange +} + +// TraverseSplat applies the splat operation to its initial value. +type TraverseSplat struct { + isTraverser + Each Traversal + SrcRange Range +} + +func (tn TraverseSplat) TraversalStep(val cty.Value) (cty.Value, Diagnostics) { + panic("TraverseSplat not yet implemented") +} + +func (tn TraverseSplat) SourceRange() Range { + return tn.SrcRange +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f52946 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +package hcl + +// AbsTraversalForExpr attempts to interpret the given expression as +// an absolute traversal, or returns error diagnostic(s) if that is +// not possible for the given expression. +// +// A particular Expression implementation can support this function by +// offering a method called AsTraversal that takes no arguments and +// returns either a valid absolute traversal or nil to indicate that +// no traversal is possible. Alternatively, an implementation can support +// UnwrapExpression to delegate handling of this function to a wrapped +// Expression object. +// +// In most cases the calling application is interested in the value +// that results from an expression, but in rarer cases the application +// needs to see the the name of the variable and subsequent +// attributes/indexes itself, for example to allow users to give references +// to the variables themselves rather than to their values. An implementer +// of this function should at least support attribute and index steps. +func AbsTraversalForExpr(expr Expression) (Traversal, Diagnostics) { + type asTraversal interface { + AsTraversal() Traversal + } + + physExpr := UnwrapExpressionUntil(expr, func(expr Expression) bool { + _, supported := expr.(asTraversal) + return supported + }) + + if asT, supported := physExpr.(asTraversal); supported { + if traversal := asT.AsTraversal(); traversal != nil { + return traversal, nil + } + } + return nil, Diagnostics{ + &Diagnostic{ + Severity: DiagError, + Summary: "Invalid expression", + Detail: "A static variable reference is required.", + Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(), + }, + } +} + +// RelTraversalForExpr is similar to AbsTraversalForExpr but it returns +// a relative traversal instead. Due to the nature of HCL expressions, the +// first element of the returned traversal is always a TraverseAttr, and +// then it will be followed by zero or more other expressions. +// +// Any expression accepted by AbsTraversalForExpr is also accepted by +// RelTraversalForExpr. +func RelTraversalForExpr(expr Expression) (Traversal, Diagnostics) { + traversal, diags := AbsTraversalForExpr(expr) + if len(traversal) > 0 { + root := traversal[0].(TraverseRoot) + traversal[0] = TraverseAttr{ + Name: root.Name, + SrcRange: root.SrcRange, + } + } + return traversal, diags +} + +// ExprAsKeyword attempts to interpret the given expression as a static keyword, +// returning the keyword string if possible, and the empty string if not. +// +// A static keyword, for the sake of this function, is a single identifier. +// For example, the following attribute has an expression that would produce +// the keyword "foo": +// +// example = foo +// +// This function is a variant of AbsTraversalForExpr, which uses the same +// interface on the given expression. This helper constrains the result +// further by requiring only a single root identifier. +// +// This function is intended to be used with the following idiom, to recognize +// situations where one of a fixed set of keywords is required and arbitrary +// expressions are not allowed: +// +// switch hcl.ExprAsKeyword(expr) { +// case "allow": +// // (take suitable action for keyword "allow") +// case "deny": +// // (take suitable action for keyword "deny") +// default: +// diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ +// // ... "invalid keyword" diagnostic message ... +// }) +// } +// +// The above approach will generate the same message for both the use of an +// unrecognized keyword and for not using a keyword at all, which is usually +// reasonable if the message specifies that the given value must be a keyword +// from that fixed list. +// +// Note that in the native syntax the keywords "true", "false", and "null" are +// recognized as literal values during parsing and so these reserved words +// cannot not be accepted as keywords by this function. +// +// Since interpreting an expression as a keyword bypasses usual expression +// evaluation, it should be used sparingly for situations where e.g. one of +// a fixed set of keywords is used in a structural way in a special attribute +// to affect the further processing of a block. +func ExprAsKeyword(expr Expression) string { + type asTraversal interface { + AsTraversal() Traversal + } + + physExpr := UnwrapExpressionUntil(expr, func(expr Expression) bool { + _, supported := expr.(asTraversal) + return supported + }) + + if asT, supported := physExpr.(asTraversal); supported { + if traversal := asT.AsTraversal(); len(traversal) == 1 { + return traversal.RootName() + } + } + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e652e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "" +) + +type blockLabel struct { + Value string + Range hcl.Range +} + +func labelsForBlock(block *hcl.Block) []blockLabel { + ret := make([]blockLabel, len(block.Labels)) + for i := range block.Labels { + ret[i] = blockLabel{ + Value: block.Labels[i], + Range: block.LabelRanges[i], + } + } + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cf93fe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "" + "" +) + +func decode(body hcl.Body, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext, spec Spec, partial bool) (cty.Value, hcl.Body, hcl.Diagnostics) { + schema := ImpliedSchema(spec) + + var content *hcl.BodyContent + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + var leftovers hcl.Body + + if partial { + content, leftovers, diags = body.PartialContent(schema) + } else { + content, diags = body.Content(schema) + } + + val, valDiags := spec.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + diags = append(diags, valDiags...) + + return val, leftovers, diags +} + +func impliedType(spec Spec) cty.Type { + return spec.impliedType() +} + +func sourceRange(body hcl.Body, blockLabels []blockLabel, spec Spec) hcl.Range { + schema := ImpliedSchema(spec) + content, _, _ := body.PartialContent(schema) + + return spec.sourceRange(content, blockLabels) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23bfe54 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Package hcldec provides a higher-level API for unpacking the content of +// HCL bodies, implemented in terms of the low-level "Content" API exposed +// by the bodies themselves. +// +// It allows decoding an entire nested configuration in a single operation +// by providing a description of the intended structure. +// +// For some applications it may be more convenient to use the "gohcl" +// package, which has a similar purpose but decodes directly into native +// Go data types. hcldec instead targets the cty type system, and thus allows +// a cty-driven application to remain within that type system. +package hcldec diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2027cf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "encoding/gob" +) + +func init() { + // Every Spec implementation should be registered with gob, so that + // specs can be sent over gob channels, such as using + // with plugins that need to describe + // what shape of configuration they are expecting. + gob.Register(ObjectSpec(nil)) + gob.Register(TupleSpec(nil)) + gob.Register((*AttrSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*LiteralSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*ExprSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*BlockSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*BlockListSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*BlockSetSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*BlockMapSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*BlockLabelSpec)(nil)) + gob.Register((*DefaultSpec)(nil)) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d1f10a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "" + "" +) + +// Decode interprets the given body using the given specification and returns +// the resulting value. If the given body is not valid per the spec, error +// diagnostics are returned and the returned value is likely to be incomplete. +// +// The ctx argument may be nil, in which case any references to variables or +// functions will produce error diagnostics. +func Decode(body hcl.Body, spec Spec, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + val, _, diags := decode(body, nil, ctx, spec, false) + return val, diags +} + +// PartialDecode is like Decode except that it permits "leftover" items in +// the top-level body, which are returned as a new body to allow for +// further processing. +// +// Any descendent block bodies are _not_ decoded partially and thus must +// be fully described by the given specification. +func PartialDecode(body hcl.Body, spec Spec, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Body, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return decode(body, nil, ctx, spec, true) +} + +// ImpliedType returns the value type that should result from decoding the +// given spec. +func ImpliedType(spec Spec) cty.Type { + return impliedType(spec) +} + +// SourceRange interprets the given body using the given specification and +// then returns the source range of the value that would be used to +// fulfill the spec. +// +// This can be used if application-level validation detects value errors, to +// obtain a reasonable SourceRange to use for generated diagnostics. It works +// best when applied to specific body items (e.g. using AttrSpec, BlockSpec, ...) +// as opposed to entire bodies using ObjectSpec, TupleSpec. The result will +// be less useful the broader the specification, so e.g. a spec that returns +// the entirety of all of the blocks of a given type is likely to be +// _particularly_ arbitrary and useless. +// +// If the given body is not valid per the given spec, the result is best-effort +// and may not actually be something ideal. It's expected that an application +// will already have used Decode or PartialDecode earlier and thus had an +// opportunity to detect and report spec violations. +func SourceRange(body hcl.Body, spec Spec) hcl.Range { + return sourceRange(body, nil, spec) +} + +// ChildBlockTypes returns a map of all of the child block types declared +// by the given spec, with block type names as keys and the associated +// nested body specs as values. +func ChildBlockTypes(spec Spec) map[string]Spec { + ret := map[string]Spec{} + + // visitSameBodyChildren walks through the spec structure, calling + // the given callback for each descendent spec encountered. We are + // interested in the specs that reference attributes and blocks. + var visit visitFunc + visit = func(s Spec) { + if bs, ok := s.(blockSpec); ok { + for _, blockS := range bs.blockHeaderSchemata() { + ret[blockS.Type] = bs.nestedSpec() + } + } + + s.visitSameBodyChildren(visit) + } + + visit(spec) + + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b57bd96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "" +) + +// ImpliedSchema returns the *hcl.BodySchema implied by the given specification. +// This is the schema that the Decode function will use internally to +// access the content of a given body. +func ImpliedSchema(spec Spec) *hcl.BodySchema { + var attrs []hcl.AttributeSchema + var blocks []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema + + // visitSameBodyChildren walks through the spec structure, calling + // the given callback for each descendent spec encountered. We are + // interested in the specs that reference attributes and blocks. + var visit visitFunc + visit = func(s Spec) { + if as, ok := s.(attrSpec); ok { + attrs = append(attrs, as.attrSchemata()...) + } + + if bs, ok := s.(blockSpec); ok { + blocks = append(blocks, bs.blockHeaderSchemata()...) + } + + s.visitSameBodyChildren(visit) + } + + visit(spec) + + return &hcl.BodySchema{ + Attributes: attrs, + Blocks: blocks, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25cafcd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,998 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + + "" + "" + "" + "" +) + +// A Spec is a description of how to decode a hcl.Body to a cty.Value. +// +// The various other types in this package whose names end in "Spec" are +// the spec implementations. The most common top-level spec is ObjectSpec, +// which decodes body content into a cty.Value of an object type. +type Spec interface { + // Perform the decode operation on the given body, in the context of + // the given block (which might be null), using the given eval context. + // + // "block" is provided only by the nested calls performed by the spec + // types that work on block bodies. + decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) + + // Return the cty.Type that should be returned when decoding a body with + // this spec. + impliedType() cty.Type + + // Call the given callback once for each of the nested specs that would + // get decoded with the same body and block as the receiver. This should + // not descend into the nested specs used when decoding blocks. + visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) + + // Determine the source range of the value that would be returned for the + // spec in the given content, in the context of the given block + // (which might be null). If the corresponding item is missing, return + // a place where it might be inserted. + sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range +} + +type visitFunc func(spec Spec) + +// An ObjectSpec is a Spec that produces a cty.Value of an object type whose +// attributes correspond to the keys of the spec map. +type ObjectSpec map[string]Spec + +// attrSpec is implemented by specs that require attributes from the body. +type attrSpec interface { + attrSchemata() []hcl.AttributeSchema +} + +// blockSpec is implemented by specs that require blocks from the body. +type blockSpec interface { + blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema + nestedSpec() Spec +} + +// specNeedingVariables is implemented by specs that can use variables +// from the EvalContext, to declare which variables they need. +type specNeedingVariables interface { + variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal +} + +func (s ObjectSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + for _, c := range s { + cb(c) + } +} + +func (s ObjectSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + vals := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(s)) + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + for k, spec := range s { + var kd hcl.Diagnostics + vals[k], kd = spec.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + diags = append(diags, kd...) + } + + return cty.ObjectVal(vals), diags +} + +func (s ObjectSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + if len(s) == 0 { + return cty.EmptyObject + } + + attrTypes := make(map[string]cty.Type) + for k, childSpec := range s { + attrTypes[k] = childSpec.impliedType() + } + return cty.Object(attrTypes) +} + +func (s ObjectSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // This is not great, but the best we can do. In practice, it's rather + // strange to ask for the source range of an entire top-level body, since + // that's already readily available to the caller. + return content.MissingItemRange +} + +// A TupleSpec is a Spec that produces a cty.Value of a tuple type whose +// elements correspond to the elements of the spec slice. +type TupleSpec []Spec + +func (s TupleSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + for _, c := range s { + cb(c) + } +} + +func (s TupleSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + vals := make([]cty.Value, len(s)) + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + for i, spec := range s { + var ed hcl.Diagnostics + vals[i], ed = spec.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + diags = append(diags, ed...) + } + + return cty.TupleVal(vals), diags +} + +func (s TupleSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + if len(s) == 0 { + return cty.EmptyTuple + } + + attrTypes := make([]cty.Type, len(s)) + for i, childSpec := range s { + attrTypes[i] = childSpec.impliedType() + } + return cty.Tuple(attrTypes) +} + +func (s TupleSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // This is not great, but the best we can do. In practice, it's rather + // strange to ask for the source range of an entire top-level body, since + // that's already readily available to the caller. + return content.MissingItemRange +} + +// An AttrSpec is a Spec that evaluates a particular attribute expression in +// the body and returns its resulting value converted to the requested type, +// or produces a diagnostic if the type is incorrect. +type AttrSpec struct { + Name string + Type cty.Type + Required bool +} + +func (s *AttrSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node +} + +// specNeedingVariables implementation +func (s *AttrSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal { + attr, exists := content.Attributes[s.Name] + if !exists { + return nil + } + + return attr.Expr.Variables() +} + +// attrSpec implementation +func (s *AttrSpec) attrSchemata() []hcl.AttributeSchema { + return []hcl.AttributeSchema{ + { + Name: s.Name, + Required: s.Required, + }, + } +} + +func (s *AttrSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + attr, exists := content.Attributes[s.Name] + if !exists { + return content.MissingItemRange + } + + return attr.Expr.Range() +} + +func (s *AttrSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + attr, exists := content.Attributes[s.Name] + if !exists { + // We don't need to check required and emit a diagnostic here, because + // that would already have happened when building "content". + return cty.NullVal(s.Type), nil + } + + val, diags := attr.Expr.Value(ctx) + + convVal, err := convert.Convert(val, s.Type) + if err != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Incorrect attribute value type", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Inappropriate value for attribute %q: %s.", + s.Name, err.Error(), + ), + Subject: attr.Expr.StartRange().Ptr(), + Context: hcl.RangeBetween(attr.NameRange, attr.Expr.StartRange()).Ptr(), + }) + // We'll return an unknown value of the _correct_ type so that the + // incomplete result can still be used for some analysis use-cases. + val = cty.UnknownVal(s.Type) + } else { + val = convVal + } + + return val, diags +} + +func (s *AttrSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return s.Type +} + +// A LiteralSpec is a Spec that produces the given literal value, ignoring +// the given body. +type LiteralSpec struct { + Value cty.Value +} + +func (s *LiteralSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node +} + +func (s *LiteralSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return s.Value, nil +} + +func (s *LiteralSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return s.Value.Type() +} + +func (s *LiteralSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // No sensible range to return for a literal, so the caller had better + // ensure it doesn't cause any diagnostics. + return hcl.Range{ + Filename: "", + } +} + +// An ExprSpec is a Spec that evaluates the given expression, ignoring the +// given body. +type ExprSpec struct { + Expr hcl.Expression +} + +func (s *ExprSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node +} + +// specNeedingVariables implementation +func (s *ExprSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal { + return s.Expr.Variables() +} + +func (s *ExprSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + return s.Expr.Value(ctx) +} + +func (s *ExprSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + // We can't know the type of our expression until we evaluate it + return cty.DynamicPseudoType +} + +func (s *ExprSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + return s.Expr.Range() +} + +// A BlockSpec is a Spec that produces a cty.Value by decoding the contents +// of a single nested block of a given type, using a nested spec. +// +// If the Required flag is not set, the nested block may be omitted, in which +// case a null value is produced. If it _is_ set, an error diagnostic is +// produced if there are no nested blocks of the given type. +type BlockSpec struct { + TypeName string + Nested Spec + Required bool +} + +func (s *BlockSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body) +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema { + return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ + { + Type: s.TypeName, + LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested), + }, + } +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockSpec) nestedSpec() Spec { + return s.Nested +} + +// specNeedingVariables implementation +func (s *BlockSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal { + var childBlock *hcl.Block + for _, candidate := range content.Blocks { + if candidate.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + childBlock = candidate + break + } + + if childBlock == nil { + return nil + } + + return Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested) +} + +func (s *BlockSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + var childBlock *hcl.Block + for _, candidate := range content.Blocks { + if candidate.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + if childBlock != nil { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "Only one block of type %q is allowed. Previous definition was at %s.", + s.TypeName, childBlock.DefRange.String(), + ), + Subject: &candidate.DefRange, + }) + break + } + + childBlock = candidate + } + + if childBlock == nil { + if s.Required { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Missing %s block", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "A block of type %q is required here.", s.TypeName, + ), + Subject: &content.MissingItemRange, + }) + } + return cty.NullVal(s.Nested.impliedType()), diags + } + + if s.Nested == nil { + panic("BlockSpec with no Nested Spec") + } + val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false) + diags = append(diags, childDiags...) + return val, diags +} + +func (s *BlockSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return s.Nested.impliedType() +} + +func (s *BlockSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + var childBlock *hcl.Block + for _, candidate := range content.Blocks { + if candidate.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + childBlock = candidate + break + } + + if childBlock == nil { + return content.MissingItemRange + } + + return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested) +} + +// A BlockListSpec is a Spec that produces a cty list of the results of +// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec. +type BlockListSpec struct { + TypeName string + Nested Spec + MinItems int + MaxItems int +} + +func (s *BlockListSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body) +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockListSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema { + return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ + { + Type: s.TypeName, + LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested), + }, + } +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockListSpec) nestedSpec() Spec { + return s.Nested +} + +// specNeedingVariables implementation +func (s *BlockListSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal { + var ret []hcl.Traversal + + for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks { + if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...) + } + + return ret +} + +func (s *BlockListSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + if s.Nested == nil { + panic("BlockListSpec with no Nested Spec") + } + + var elems []cty.Value + var sourceRanges []hcl.Range + for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks { + if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false) + diags = append(diags, childDiags...) + elems = append(elems, val) + sourceRanges = append(sourceRanges, sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)) + } + + if len(elems) < s.MinItems { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient %s blocks", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("At least %d %q blocks are required.", s.MinItems, s.TypeName), + Subject: &content.MissingItemRange, + }) + } else if s.MaxItems > 0 && len(elems) > s.MaxItems { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Too many %s blocks", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("No more than %d %q blocks are allowed", s.MaxItems, s.TypeName), + Subject: &sourceRanges[s.MaxItems], + }) + } + + var ret cty.Value + + if len(elems) == 0 { + ret = cty.ListValEmpty(s.Nested.impliedType()) + } else { + ret = cty.ListVal(elems) + } + + return ret, diags +} + +func (s *BlockListSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return cty.List(s.Nested.impliedType()) +} + +func (s *BlockListSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type, + // since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range. + + var childBlock *hcl.Block + for _, candidate := range content.Blocks { + if candidate.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + childBlock = candidate + break + } + + if childBlock == nil { + return content.MissingItemRange + } + + return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested) +} + +// A BlockSetSpec is a Spec that produces a cty set of the results of +// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec. +type BlockSetSpec struct { + TypeName string + Nested Spec + MinItems int + MaxItems int +} + +func (s *BlockSetSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body) +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockSetSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema { + return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ + { + Type: s.TypeName, + LabelNames: findLabelSpecs(s.Nested), + }, + } +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockSetSpec) nestedSpec() Spec { + return s.Nested +} + +// specNeedingVariables implementation +func (s *BlockSetSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal { + var ret []hcl.Traversal + + for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks { + if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...) + } + + return ret +} + +func (s *BlockSetSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + if s.Nested == nil { + panic("BlockSetSpec with no Nested Spec") + } + + var elems []cty.Value + var sourceRanges []hcl.Range + for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks { + if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), ctx, s.Nested, false) + diags = append(diags, childDiags...) + elems = append(elems, val) + sourceRanges = append(sourceRanges, sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested)) + } + + if len(elems) < s.MinItems { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient %s blocks", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("At least %d %q blocks are required.", s.MinItems, s.TypeName), + Subject: &content.MissingItemRange, + }) + } else if s.MaxItems > 0 && len(elems) > s.MaxItems { + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Too many %s blocks", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("No more than %d %q blocks are allowed", s.MaxItems, s.TypeName), + Subject: &sourceRanges[s.MaxItems], + }) + } + + var ret cty.Value + + if len(elems) == 0 { + ret = cty.SetValEmpty(s.Nested.impliedType()) + } else { + ret = cty.SetVal(elems) + } + + return ret, diags +} + +func (s *BlockSetSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return cty.Set(s.Nested.impliedType()) +} + +func (s *BlockSetSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type, + // since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range. + + var childBlock *hcl.Block + for _, candidate := range content.Blocks { + if candidate.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + childBlock = candidate + break + } + + if childBlock == nil { + return content.MissingItemRange + } + + return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested) +} + +// A BlockMapSpec is a Spec that produces a cty map of the results of +// decoding all of the nested blocks of a given type, using a nested spec. +// +// One level of map structure is created for each of the given label names. +// There must be at least one given label name. +type BlockMapSpec struct { + TypeName string + LabelNames []string + Nested Spec +} + +func (s *BlockMapSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node ("Nested" does not use the same body) +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockMapSpec) blockHeaderSchemata() []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema { + return []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{ + { + Type: s.TypeName, + LabelNames: append(s.LabelNames, findLabelSpecs(s.Nested)...), + }, + } +} + +// blockSpec implementation +func (s *BlockMapSpec) nestedSpec() Spec { + return s.Nested +} + +// specNeedingVariables implementation +func (s *BlockMapSpec) variablesNeeded(content *hcl.BodyContent) []hcl.Traversal { + var ret []hcl.Traversal + + for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks { + if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + ret = append(ret, Variables(childBlock.Body, s.Nested)...) + } + + return ret +} + +func (s *BlockMapSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + var diags hcl.Diagnostics + + if s.Nested == nil { + panic("BlockSetSpec with no Nested Spec") + } + + elems := map[string]interface{}{} + for _, childBlock := range content.Blocks { + if childBlock.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + childLabels := labelsForBlock(childBlock) + val, _, childDiags := decode(childBlock.Body, childLabels[len(s.LabelNames):], ctx, s.Nested, false) + targetMap := elems + for _, key := range childBlock.Labels[:len(s.LabelNames)-1] { + if _, exists := targetMap[key]; !exists { + targetMap[key] = make(map[string]interface{}) + } + targetMap = targetMap[key].(map[string]interface{}) + } + + diags = append(diags, childDiags...) + + key := childBlock.Labels[len(s.LabelNames)-1] + if _, exists := targetMap[key]; exists { + labelsBuf := bytes.Buffer{} + for _, label := range childBlock.Labels { + fmt.Fprintf(&labelsBuf, " %q", label) + } + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Duplicate %s block", s.TypeName), + Detail: fmt.Sprintf( + "A block for %s%s was already defined. The %s labels must be unique.", + s.TypeName, labelsBuf.String(), s.TypeName, + ), + Subject: &childBlock.DefRange, + }) + continue + } + + targetMap[key] = val + } + + if len(elems) == 0 { + return cty.MapValEmpty(s.Nested.impliedType()), diags + } + + var ctyMap func(map[string]interface{}, int) cty.Value + ctyMap = func(raw map[string]interface{}, depth int) cty.Value { + vals := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(raw)) + if depth == 1 { + for k, v := range raw { + vals[k] = v.(cty.Value) + } + } else { + for k, v := range raw { + vals[k] = ctyMap(v.(map[string]interface{}), depth-1) + } + } + return cty.MapVal(vals) + } + + return ctyMap(elems, len(s.LabelNames)), diags +} + +func (s *BlockMapSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + ret := s.Nested.impliedType() + for _ = range s.LabelNames { + ret = cty.Map(ret) + } + return ret +} + +func (s *BlockMapSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // We return the source range of the _first_ block of the given type, + // since they are not guaranteed to form a contiguous range. + + var childBlock *hcl.Block + for _, candidate := range content.Blocks { + if candidate.Type != s.TypeName { + continue + } + + childBlock = candidate + break + } + + if childBlock == nil { + return content.MissingItemRange + } + + return sourceRange(childBlock.Body, labelsForBlock(childBlock), s.Nested) +} + +// A BlockLabelSpec is a Spec that returns a cty.String representing the +// label of the block its given body belongs to, if indeed its given body +// belongs to a block. It is a programming error to use this in a non-block +// context, so this spec will panic in that case. +// +// This spec only works in the nested spec within a BlockSpec, BlockListSpec, +// BlockSetSpec or BlockMapSpec. +// +// The full set of label specs used against a particular block must have a +// consecutive set of indices starting at zero. The maximum index found +// defines how many labels the corresponding blocks must have in cty source. +type BlockLabelSpec struct { + Index int + Name string +} + +func (s *BlockLabelSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + // leaf node +} + +func (s *BlockLabelSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if s.Index >= len(blockLabels) { + panic("BlockListSpec used in non-block context") + } + + return cty.StringVal(blockLabels[s.Index].Value), nil +} + +func (s *BlockLabelSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return cty.String // labels are always strings +} + +func (s *BlockLabelSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + if s.Index >= len(blockLabels) { + panic("BlockListSpec used in non-block context") + } + + return blockLabels[s.Index].Range +} + +func findLabelSpecs(spec Spec) []string { + maxIdx := -1 + var names map[int]string + + var visit visitFunc + visit = func(s Spec) { + if ls, ok := s.(*BlockLabelSpec); ok { + if maxIdx < ls.Index { + maxIdx = ls.Index + } + if names == nil { + names = make(map[int]string) + } + names[ls.Index] = ls.Name + } + s.visitSameBodyChildren(visit) + } + + visit(spec) + + if maxIdx < 0 { + return nil // no labels at all + } + + ret := make([]string, maxIdx+1) + for i := range ret { + name := names[i] + if name == "" { + // Should never happen if the spec is conformant, since we require + // consecutive indices starting at zero. + name = fmt.Sprintf("missing%02d", i) + } + ret[i] = name + } + + return ret +} + +// DefaultSpec is a spec that wraps two specs, evaluating the primary first +// and then evaluating the default if the primary returns a null value. +// +// The two specifications must have the same implied result type for correct +// operation. If not, the result is undefined. +type DefaultSpec struct { + Primary Spec + Default Spec +} + +func (s *DefaultSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + cb(s.Primary) + cb(s.Default) +} + +func (s *DefaultSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + val, diags := s.Primary.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + if val.IsNull() { + var moreDiags hcl.Diagnostics + val, moreDiags = s.Default.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + diags = append(diags, moreDiags...) + } + return val, diags +} + +func (s *DefaultSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + return s.Primary.impliedType() +} + +func (s *DefaultSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // We can't tell from here which of the two specs will ultimately be used + // in our result, so we'll just assume the first. This is usually the right + // choice because the default is often a literal spec that doesn't have a + // reasonable source range to return anyway. + return s.Primary.sourceRange(content, blockLabels) +} + +// TransformExprSpec is a spec that wraps another and then evaluates a given +// hcl.Expression on the result. +// +// The implied type of this spec is determined by evaluating the expression +// with an unknown value of the nested spec's implied type, which may cause +// the result to be imprecise. This spec should not be used in situations where +// precise result type information is needed. +type TransformExprSpec struct { + Wrapped Spec + Expr hcl.Expression + TransformCtx *hcl.EvalContext + VarName string +} + +func (s *TransformExprSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + cb(s.Wrapped) +} + +func (s *TransformExprSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + wrappedVal, diags := s.Wrapped.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + if diags.HasErrors() { + // We won't try to run our function in this case, because it'll probably + // generate confusing additional errors that will distract from the + // root cause. + return cty.UnknownVal(s.impliedType()), diags + } + + chiCtx := s.TransformCtx.NewChild() + chiCtx.Variables = map[string]cty.Value{ + s.VarName: wrappedVal, + } + resultVal, resultDiags := s.Expr.Value(chiCtx) + diags = append(diags, resultDiags...) + return resultVal, diags +} + +func (s *TransformExprSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + wrappedTy := s.Wrapped.impliedType() + chiCtx := s.TransformCtx.NewChild() + chiCtx.Variables = map[string]cty.Value{ + s.VarName: cty.UnknownVal(wrappedTy), + } + resultVal, _ := s.Expr.Value(chiCtx) + return resultVal.Type() +} + +func (s *TransformExprSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // We'll just pass through our wrapped range here, even though that's + // not super-accurate, because there's nothing better to return. + return s.Wrapped.sourceRange(content, blockLabels) +} + +// TransformFuncSpec is a spec that wraps another and then evaluates a given +// cty function with the result. The given function must expect exactly one +// argument, where the result of the wrapped spec will be passed. +// +// The implied type of this spec is determined by type-checking the function +// with an unknown value of the nested spec's implied type, which may cause +// the result to be imprecise. This spec should not be used in situations where +// precise result type information is needed. +// +// If the given function produces an error when run, this spec will produce +// a non-user-actionable diagnostic message. It's the caller's responsibility +// to ensure that the given function cannot fail for any non-error result +// of the wrapped spec. +type TransformFuncSpec struct { + Wrapped Spec + Func function.Function +} + +func (s *TransformFuncSpec) visitSameBodyChildren(cb visitFunc) { + cb(s.Wrapped) +} + +func (s *TransformFuncSpec) decode(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel, ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) { + wrappedVal, diags := s.Wrapped.decode(content, blockLabels, ctx) + if diags.HasErrors() { + // We won't try to run our function in this case, because it'll probably + // generate confusing additional errors that will distract from the + // root cause. + return cty.UnknownVal(s.impliedType()), diags + } + + resultVal, err := s.Func.Call([]cty.Value{wrappedVal}) + if err != nil { + // This is not a good example of a diagnostic because it is reporting + // a programming error in the calling application, rather than something + // an end-user could act on. + diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{ + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Transform function failed", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Decoder transform returned an error: %s", err), + Subject: s.sourceRange(content, blockLabels).Ptr(), + }) + return cty.UnknownVal(s.impliedType()), diags + } + + return resultVal, diags +} + +func (s *TransformFuncSpec) impliedType() cty.Type { + wrappedTy := s.Wrapped.impliedType() + resultTy, err := s.Func.ReturnType([]cty.Type{wrappedTy}) + if err != nil { + // Should never happen with a correctly-configured spec + return cty.DynamicPseudoType + } + + return resultTy +} + +func (s *TransformFuncSpec) sourceRange(content *hcl.BodyContent, blockLabels []blockLabel) hcl.Range { + // We'll just pass through our wrapped range here, even though that's + // not super-accurate, because there's nothing better to return. + return s.Wrapped.sourceRange(content, blockLabels) +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..427b0d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package hcldec + +import ( + "" +) + +// Variables processes the given body with the given spec and returns a +// list of the variable traversals that would be required to decode +// the same pairing of body and spec. +// +// This can be used to conditionally populate the variables in the EvalContext +// passed to Decode, for applications where a static scope is insufficient. +// +// If the given body is not compliant with the given schema, the result may +// be incomplete, but that's assumed to be okay because the eventual call +// to Decode will produce error diagnostics anyway. +func Variables(body hcl.Body, spec Spec) []hcl.Traversal { + schema := ImpliedSchema(spec) + + content, _, _ := body.PartialContent(schema) + + var vars []hcl.Traversal + + if vs, ok := spec.(specNeedingVariables); ok { + vars = append(vars, vs.variablesNeeded(content)...) + } + spec.visitSameBodyChildren(func(s Spec) { + if vs, ok := s.(specNeedingVariables); ok { + vars = append(vars, vs.variablesNeeded(content)...) + } + }) + + return vars +} diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d47f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/ @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +package hclparse + +import ( + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + + "" + "" + "" +) + +// NOTE: This is the public interface for parsing. The actual parsers are +// in other packages alongside this one, with this package just wrapping them +// to provide a unified interface for the caller across all supported formats. + +// Parser is the main interface for parsing configuration files. As well as +// parsing files, a parser also retains a registry of all of the files it +// has parsed so that multiple attempts to parse the same file will return +// the same object and so the collected files can be used when printing +// diagnostics. +// +// Any diagnostics for parsing a file are only returned once on the first +// call to parse that file. Callers are expected to collect up diagnostics +// and present them together, so returning diagnostics for the same file +// multiple times would create a confusing result. +type Parser struct { + files map[string]*hcl.File +} + +// NewParser creates a new parser, ready to parse configuration files. +func NewParser() *Parser { + return &Parser{ + files: map[string]*hcl.File{}, + } +} + +// ParseHCL parses the given buffer (which is assumed to have been loaded from +// the given filename) as a native-syntax configuration file and returns the +// hcl.File object representing it. +func (p *Parser) ParseHCL(src []byte, filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil { + return existing, nil + } + + file, diags := hclsyntax.ParseConfig(src, filename, hcl.Pos{Byte: 0, Line: 1, Column: 1}) + p.files[filename] = file + return file, diags +} + +// ParseHCLFile reads the given filename and parses it as a native-syntax HCL +// configuration file. An error diagnostic is returned if the given file +// cannot be read. +func (p *Parser) ParseHCLFile(filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil { + return existing, nil + } + + src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) + if err != nil { + return nil, hcl.Diagnostics{ + { + Severity: hcl.DiagError, + Summary: "Failed to read file", + Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The configuration file %q could not be read.", filename), + }, + } + } + + return p.ParseHCL(src, filename) +} + +// ParseJSON parses the given JSON buffer (which is assumed to have been loaded +// from the given filename) and returns the hcl.File object representing it. +func (p *Parser) ParseJSON(src []byte, filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil { + return existing, nil + } + + file, diags := json.Parse(src, filename) + p.files[filename] = file + return file, diags +} + +// ParseJSONFile reads the given filename and parses it as JSON, similarly to +// ParseJSON. An error diagnostic is returned if the given file cannot be read. +func (p *Parser) ParseJSONFile(filename string) (*hcl.File, hcl.Diagnostics) { + if existing := p.files[filename]; existing != nil { + return existing, nil + } + + file, diags := json.ParseFile(filename) + p.files[filename] = file + return file, diags +} + +// AddFile allows a caller to record in a parser a file that was parsed some +// other way, thus allowing it to be included in the registry of sources. +func (p *Parser) AddFile(filename string, file *hcl.File) { + p.files[filename] = file +} + +// Sources returns a map from filenames to the raw source code that was +// read from them. This is intended to be used, for example, to print +// diagnostics with contextual information. +// +// The arrays underlying the returned slices should not be modified. +func (p *Parser) Sources() map[string][]byte { + ret := make(map[string][]byte) + for fn, f := range p.files { + ret[fn] = f.Bytes + } + return ret +} + +// Files returns a map from filenames to the File objects produced from them. +// This is intended to be used, for example, to print diagnostics with +// contextual information. +// +// The returned map and all of the objects it refers to directly or indirectly +// must not be modified. +func (p *Parser) Files() map[string]*hcl.File { + return p.files +} -- cgit v1.2.3