path: root/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go
diff options
authorAlex Pilon <apilon@hashicorp.com>2019-02-22 18:24:37 -0500
committerAlex Pilon <apilon@hashicorp.com>2019-02-22 18:24:37 -0500
commit15c0b25d011f37e7c20aeca9eaf461f78285b8d9 (patch)
tree255c250a5c9d4801c74092d33b7337d8c14438ff /vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go
parent07971ca38143c5faf951d152fba370ddcbe26ad5 (diff)
deps: github.com/hashicorp/terraform@sdk-v0.11-with-go-modules
Updated via: go get github.com/hashicorp/terraform@sdk-v0.11-with-go-modules and go mod tidy
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c621ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/stream.go
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
2 *
3 * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 */
19package grpc
21import (
22 "bytes"
23 "errors"
24 "io"
25 "sync"
26 "time"
28 "golang.org/x/net/context"
29 "golang.org/x/net/trace"
30 "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
31 "google.golang.org/grpc/metadata"
32 "google.golang.org/grpc/peer"
33 "google.golang.org/grpc/stats"
34 "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
35 "google.golang.org/grpc/transport"
38// StreamHandler defines the handler called by gRPC server to complete the
39// execution of a streaming RPC.
40type StreamHandler func(srv interface{}, stream ServerStream) error
42// StreamDesc represents a streaming RPC service's method specification.
43type StreamDesc struct {
44 StreamName string
45 Handler StreamHandler
47 // At least one of these is true.
48 ServerStreams bool
49 ClientStreams bool
52// Stream defines the common interface a client or server stream has to satisfy.
53type Stream interface {
54 // Context returns the context for this stream.
55 Context() context.Context
56 // SendMsg blocks until it sends m, the stream is done or the stream
57 // breaks.
58 // On error, it aborts the stream and returns an RPC status on client
59 // side. On server side, it simply returns the error to the caller.
60 // SendMsg is called by generated code. Also Users can call SendMsg
61 // directly when it is really needed in their use cases.
62 // It's safe to have a goroutine calling SendMsg and another goroutine calling
63 // recvMsg on the same stream at the same time.
64 // But it is not safe to call SendMsg on the same stream in different goroutines.
65 SendMsg(m interface{}) error
66 // RecvMsg blocks until it receives a message or the stream is
67 // done. On client side, it returns io.EOF when the stream is done. On
68 // any other error, it aborts the stream and returns an RPC status. On
69 // server side, it simply returns the error to the caller.
70 // It's safe to have a goroutine calling SendMsg and another goroutine calling
71 // recvMsg on the same stream at the same time.
72 // But it is not safe to call RecvMsg on the same stream in different goroutines.
73 RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
76// ClientStream defines the interface a client stream has to satisfy.
77type ClientStream interface {
78 // Header returns the header metadata received from the server if there
79 // is any. It blocks if the metadata is not ready to read.
80 Header() (metadata.MD, error)
81 // Trailer returns the trailer metadata from the server, if there is any.
82 // It must only be called after stream.CloseAndRecv has returned, or
83 // stream.Recv has returned a non-nil error (including io.EOF).
84 Trailer() metadata.MD
85 // CloseSend closes the send direction of the stream. It closes the stream
86 // when non-nil error is met.
87 CloseSend() error
88 // Stream.SendMsg() may return a non-nil error when something wrong happens sending
89 // the request. The returned error indicates the status of this sending, not the final
90 // status of the RPC.
91 // Always call Stream.RecvMsg() to get the final status if you care about the status of
92 // the RPC.
93 Stream
96// NewClientStream creates a new Stream for the client side. This is called
97// by generated code.
98func NewClientStream(ctx context.Context, desc *StreamDesc, cc *ClientConn, method string, opts ...CallOption) (_ ClientStream, err error) {
99 if cc.dopts.streamInt != nil {
100 return cc.dopts.streamInt(ctx, desc, cc, method, newClientStream, opts...)
101 }
102 return newClientStream(ctx, desc, cc, method, opts...)
105func newClientStream(ctx context.Context, desc *StreamDesc, cc *ClientConn, method string, opts ...CallOption) (_ ClientStream, err error) {
106 var (
107 t transport.ClientTransport
108 s *transport.Stream
109 put func()
110 cancel context.CancelFunc
111 )
112 c := defaultCallInfo
113 mc := cc.GetMethodConfig(method)
114 if mc.WaitForReady != nil {
115 c.failFast = !*mc.WaitForReady
116 }
118 if mc.Timeout != nil {
119 ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, *mc.Timeout)
120 }
122 opts = append(cc.dopts.callOptions, opts...)
123 for _, o := range opts {
124 if err := o.before(&c); err != nil {
125 return nil, toRPCErr(err)
126 }
127 }
128 c.maxSendMessageSize = getMaxSize(mc.MaxReqSize, c.maxSendMessageSize, defaultClientMaxSendMessageSize)
129 c.maxReceiveMessageSize = getMaxSize(mc.MaxRespSize, c.maxReceiveMessageSize, defaultClientMaxReceiveMessageSize)
131 callHdr := &transport.CallHdr{
132 Host: cc.authority,
133 Method: method,
134 // If it's not client streaming, we should already have the request to be sent,
135 // so we don't flush the header.
136 // If it's client streaming, the user may never send a request or send it any
137 // time soon, so we ask the transport to flush the header.
138 Flush: desc.ClientStreams,
139 }
140 if cc.dopts.cp != nil {
141 callHdr.SendCompress = cc.dopts.cp.Type()
142 }
143 if c.creds != nil {
144 callHdr.Creds = c.creds
145 }
146 var trInfo traceInfo
147 if EnableTracing {
148 trInfo.tr = trace.New("grpc.Sent."+methodFamily(method), method)
149 trInfo.firstLine.client = true
150 if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
151 trInfo.firstLine.deadline = deadline.Sub(time.Now())
152 }
153 trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&trInfo.firstLine, false)
154 ctx = trace.NewContext(ctx, trInfo.tr)
155 defer func() {
156 if err != nil {
157 // Need to call tr.finish() if error is returned.
158 // Because tr will not be returned to caller.
159 trInfo.tr.LazyPrintf("RPC: [%v]", err)
160 trInfo.tr.SetError()
161 trInfo.tr.Finish()
162 }
163 }()
164 }
165 ctx = newContextWithRPCInfo(ctx)
166 sh := cc.dopts.copts.StatsHandler
167 if sh != nil {
168 ctx = sh.TagRPC(ctx, &stats.RPCTagInfo{FullMethodName: method, FailFast: c.failFast})
169 begin := &stats.Begin{
170 Client: true,
171 BeginTime: time.Now(),
172 FailFast: c.failFast,
173 }
174 sh.HandleRPC(ctx, begin)
175 defer func() {
176 if err != nil {
177 // Only handle end stats if err != nil.
178 end := &stats.End{
179 Client: true,
180 Error: err,
181 }
182 sh.HandleRPC(ctx, end)
183 }
184 }()
185 }
186 gopts := BalancerGetOptions{
187 BlockingWait: !c.failFast,
188 }
189 for {
190 t, put, err = cc.getTransport(ctx, gopts)
191 if err != nil {
192 // TODO(zhaoq): Probably revisit the error handling.
193 if _, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
194 return nil, err
195 }
196 if err == errConnClosing || err == errConnUnavailable {
197 if c.failFast {
198 return nil, Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "%v", err)
199 }
200 continue
201 }
202 // All the other errors are treated as Internal errors.
203 return nil, Errorf(codes.Internal, "%v", err)
204 }
206 s, err = t.NewStream(ctx, callHdr)
207 if err != nil {
208 if _, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); ok && put != nil {
209 // If error is connection error, transport was sending data on wire,
210 // and we are not sure if anything has been sent on wire.
211 // If error is not connection error, we are sure nothing has been sent.
212 updateRPCInfoInContext(ctx, rpcInfo{bytesSent: true, bytesReceived: false})
213 }
214 if put != nil {
215 put()
216 put = nil
217 }
218 if _, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); (ok || err == transport.ErrStreamDrain) && !c.failFast {
219 continue
220 }
221 return nil, toRPCErr(err)
222 }
223 break
224 }
225 // Set callInfo.peer object from stream's context.
226 if peer, ok := peer.FromContext(s.Context()); ok {
227 c.peer = peer
228 }
229 cs := &clientStream{
230 opts: opts,
231 c: c,
232 desc: desc,
233 codec: cc.dopts.codec,
234 cp: cc.dopts.cp,
235 dc: cc.dopts.dc,
236 cancel: cancel,
238 put: put,
239 t: t,
240 s: s,
241 p: &parser{r: s},
243 tracing: EnableTracing,
244 trInfo: trInfo,
246 statsCtx: ctx,
247 statsHandler: cc.dopts.copts.StatsHandler,
248 }
249 if cc.dopts.cp != nil {
250 cs.cbuf = new(bytes.Buffer)
251 }
252 // Listen on ctx.Done() to detect cancellation and s.Done() to detect normal termination
253 // when there is no pending I/O operations on this stream.
254 go func() {
255 select {
256 case <-t.Error():
257 // Incur transport error, simply exit.
258 case <-cc.ctx.Done():
259 cs.finish(ErrClientConnClosing)
260 cs.closeTransportStream(ErrClientConnClosing)
261 case <-s.Done():
262 // TODO: The trace of the RPC is terminated here when there is no pending
263 // I/O, which is probably not the optimal solution.
264 cs.finish(s.Status().Err())
265 cs.closeTransportStream(nil)
266 case <-s.GoAway():
267 cs.finish(errConnDrain)
268 cs.closeTransportStream(errConnDrain)
269 case <-s.Context().Done():
270 err := s.Context().Err()
271 cs.finish(err)
272 cs.closeTransportStream(transport.ContextErr(err))
273 }
274 }()
275 return cs, nil
278// clientStream implements a client side Stream.
279type clientStream struct {
280 opts []CallOption
281 c callInfo
282 t transport.ClientTransport
283 s *transport.Stream
284 p *parser
285 desc *StreamDesc
286 codec Codec
287 cp Compressor
288 cbuf *bytes.Buffer
289 dc Decompressor
290 cancel context.CancelFunc
292 tracing bool // set to EnableTracing when the clientStream is created.
294 mu sync.Mutex
295 put func()
296 closed bool
297 finished bool
298 // trInfo.tr is set when the clientStream is created (if EnableTracing is true),
299 // and is set to nil when the clientStream's finish method is called.
300 trInfo traceInfo
302 // statsCtx keeps the user context for stats handling.
303 // All stats collection should use the statsCtx (instead of the stream context)
304 // so that all the generated stats for a particular RPC can be associated in the processing phase.
305 statsCtx context.Context
306 statsHandler stats.Handler
309func (cs *clientStream) Context() context.Context {
310 return cs.s.Context()
313func (cs *clientStream) Header() (metadata.MD, error) {
314 m, err := cs.s.Header()
315 if err != nil {
316 if _, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); !ok {
317 cs.closeTransportStream(err)
318 }
319 }
320 return m, err
323func (cs *clientStream) Trailer() metadata.MD {
324 return cs.s.Trailer()
327func (cs *clientStream) SendMsg(m interface{}) (err error) {
328 if cs.tracing {
329 cs.mu.Lock()
330 if cs.trInfo.tr != nil {
331 cs.trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&payload{sent: true, msg: m}, true)
332 }
333 cs.mu.Unlock()
334 }
335 // TODO Investigate how to signal the stats handling party.
336 // generate error stats if err != nil && err != io.EOF?
337 defer func() {
338 if err != nil {
339 cs.finish(err)
340 }
341 if err == nil {
342 return
343 }
344 if err == io.EOF {
345 // Specialize the process for server streaming. SendMesg is only called
346 // once when creating the stream object. io.EOF needs to be skipped when
347 // the rpc is early finished (before the stream object is created.).
348 // TODO: It is probably better to move this into the generated code.
349 if !cs.desc.ClientStreams && cs.desc.ServerStreams {
350 err = nil
351 }
352 return
353 }
354 if _, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); !ok {
355 cs.closeTransportStream(err)
356 }
357 err = toRPCErr(err)
358 }()
359 var outPayload *stats.OutPayload
360 if cs.statsHandler != nil {
361 outPayload = &stats.OutPayload{
362 Client: true,
363 }
364 }
365 out, err := encode(cs.codec, m, cs.cp, cs.cbuf, outPayload)
366 defer func() {
367 if cs.cbuf != nil {
368 cs.cbuf.Reset()
369 }
370 }()
371 if err != nil {
372 return err
373 }
374 if cs.c.maxSendMessageSize == nil {
375 return Errorf(codes.Internal, "callInfo maxSendMessageSize field uninitialized(nil)")
376 }
377 if len(out) > *cs.c.maxSendMessageSize {
378 return Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "trying to send message larger than max (%d vs. %d)", len(out), *cs.c.maxSendMessageSize)
379 }
380 err = cs.t.Write(cs.s, out, &transport.Options{Last: false})
381 if err == nil && outPayload != nil {
382 outPayload.SentTime = time.Now()
383 cs.statsHandler.HandleRPC(cs.statsCtx, outPayload)
384 }
385 return err
388func (cs *clientStream) RecvMsg(m interface{}) (err error) {
389 var inPayload *stats.InPayload
390 if cs.statsHandler != nil {
391 inPayload = &stats.InPayload{
392 Client: true,
393 }
394 }
395 if cs.c.maxReceiveMessageSize == nil {
396 return Errorf(codes.Internal, "callInfo maxReceiveMessageSize field uninitialized(nil)")
397 }
398 err = recv(cs.p, cs.codec, cs.s, cs.dc, m, *cs.c.maxReceiveMessageSize, inPayload)
399 defer func() {
400 // err != nil indicates the termination of the stream.
401 if err != nil {
402 cs.finish(err)
403 }
404 }()
405 if err == nil {
406 if cs.tracing {
407 cs.mu.Lock()
408 if cs.trInfo.tr != nil {
409 cs.trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&payload{sent: false, msg: m}, true)
410 }
411 cs.mu.Unlock()
412 }
413 if inPayload != nil {
414 cs.statsHandler.HandleRPC(cs.statsCtx, inPayload)
415 }
416 if !cs.desc.ClientStreams || cs.desc.ServerStreams {
417 return
418 }
419 // Special handling for client streaming rpc.
420 // This recv expects EOF or errors, so we don't collect inPayload.
421 if cs.c.maxReceiveMessageSize == nil {
422 return Errorf(codes.Internal, "callInfo maxReceiveMessageSize field uninitialized(nil)")
423 }
424 err = recv(cs.p, cs.codec, cs.s, cs.dc, m, *cs.c.maxReceiveMessageSize, nil)
425 cs.closeTransportStream(err)
426 if err == nil {
427 return toRPCErr(errors.New("grpc: client streaming protocol violation: get <nil>, want <EOF>"))
428 }
429 if err == io.EOF {
430 if se := cs.s.Status().Err(); se != nil {
431 return se
432 }
433 cs.finish(err)
434 return nil
435 }
436 return toRPCErr(err)
437 }
438 if _, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); !ok {
439 cs.closeTransportStream(err)
440 }
441 if err == io.EOF {
442 if statusErr := cs.s.Status().Err(); statusErr != nil {
443 return statusErr
444 }
445 // Returns io.EOF to indicate the end of the stream.
446 return
447 }
448 return toRPCErr(err)
451func (cs *clientStream) CloseSend() (err error) {
452 err = cs.t.Write(cs.s, nil, &transport.Options{Last: true})
453 defer func() {
454 if err != nil {
455 cs.finish(err)
456 }
457 }()
458 if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
459 return nil
460 }
461 if _, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); !ok {
462 cs.closeTransportStream(err)
463 }
464 err = toRPCErr(err)
465 return
468func (cs *clientStream) closeTransportStream(err error) {
469 cs.mu.Lock()
470 if cs.closed {
471 cs.mu.Unlock()
472 return
473 }
474 cs.closed = true
475 cs.mu.Unlock()
476 cs.t.CloseStream(cs.s, err)
479func (cs *clientStream) finish(err error) {
480 cs.mu.Lock()
481 defer cs.mu.Unlock()
482 if cs.finished {
483 return
484 }
485 cs.finished = true
486 defer func() {
487 if cs.cancel != nil {
488 cs.cancel()
489 }
490 }()
491 for _, o := range cs.opts {
492 o.after(&cs.c)
493 }
494 if cs.put != nil {
495 updateRPCInfoInContext(cs.s.Context(), rpcInfo{
496 bytesSent: cs.s.BytesSent(),
497 bytesReceived: cs.s.BytesReceived(),
498 })
499 cs.put()
500 cs.put = nil
501 }
502 if cs.statsHandler != nil {
503 end := &stats.End{
504 Client: true,
505 EndTime: time.Now(),
506 }
507 if err != io.EOF {
508 // end.Error is nil if the RPC finished successfully.
509 end.Error = toRPCErr(err)
510 }
511 cs.statsHandler.HandleRPC(cs.statsCtx, end)
512 }
513 if !cs.tracing {
514 return
515 }
516 if cs.trInfo.tr != nil {
517 if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
518 cs.trInfo.tr.LazyPrintf("RPC: [OK]")
519 } else {
520 cs.trInfo.tr.LazyPrintf("RPC: [%v]", err)
521 cs.trInfo.tr.SetError()
522 }
523 cs.trInfo.tr.Finish()
524 cs.trInfo.tr = nil
525 }
528// ServerStream defines the interface a server stream has to satisfy.
529type ServerStream interface {
530 // SetHeader sets the header metadata. It may be called multiple times.
531 // When call multiple times, all the provided metadata will be merged.
532 // All the metadata will be sent out when one of the following happens:
533 // - ServerStream.SendHeader() is called;
534 // - The first response is sent out;
535 // - An RPC status is sent out (error or success).
536 SetHeader(metadata.MD) error
537 // SendHeader sends the header metadata.
538 // The provided md and headers set by SetHeader() will be sent.
539 // It fails if called multiple times.
540 SendHeader(metadata.MD) error
541 // SetTrailer sets the trailer metadata which will be sent with the RPC status.
542 // When called more than once, all the provided metadata will be merged.
543 SetTrailer(metadata.MD)
544 Stream
547// serverStream implements a server side Stream.
548type serverStream struct {
549 t transport.ServerTransport
550 s *transport.Stream
551 p *parser
552 codec Codec
553 cp Compressor
554 dc Decompressor
555 cbuf *bytes.Buffer
556 maxReceiveMessageSize int
557 maxSendMessageSize int
558 trInfo *traceInfo
560 statsHandler stats.Handler
562 mu sync.Mutex // protects trInfo.tr after the service handler runs.
565func (ss *serverStream) Context() context.Context {
566 return ss.s.Context()
569func (ss *serverStream) SetHeader(md metadata.MD) error {
570 if md.Len() == 0 {
571 return nil
572 }
573 return ss.s.SetHeader(md)
576func (ss *serverStream) SendHeader(md metadata.MD) error {
577 return ss.t.WriteHeader(ss.s, md)
580func (ss *serverStream) SetTrailer(md metadata.MD) {
581 if md.Len() == 0 {
582 return
583 }
584 ss.s.SetTrailer(md)
585 return
588func (ss *serverStream) SendMsg(m interface{}) (err error) {
589 defer func() {
590 if ss.trInfo != nil {
591 ss.mu.Lock()
592 if ss.trInfo.tr != nil {
593 if err == nil {
594 ss.trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&payload{sent: true, msg: m}, true)
595 } else {
596 ss.trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&fmtStringer{"%v", []interface{}{err}}, true)
597 ss.trInfo.tr.SetError()
598 }
599 }
600 ss.mu.Unlock()
601 }
602 }()
603 var outPayload *stats.OutPayload
604 if ss.statsHandler != nil {
605 outPayload = &stats.OutPayload{}
606 }
607 out, err := encode(ss.codec, m, ss.cp, ss.cbuf, outPayload)
608 defer func() {
609 if ss.cbuf != nil {
610 ss.cbuf.Reset()
611 }
612 }()
613 if err != nil {
614 return err
615 }
616 if len(out) > ss.maxSendMessageSize {
617 return Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "trying to send message larger than max (%d vs. %d)", len(out), ss.maxSendMessageSize)
618 }
619 if err := ss.t.Write(ss.s, out, &transport.Options{Last: false}); err != nil {
620 return toRPCErr(err)
621 }
622 if outPayload != nil {
623 outPayload.SentTime = time.Now()
624 ss.statsHandler.HandleRPC(ss.s.Context(), outPayload)
625 }
626 return nil
629func (ss *serverStream) RecvMsg(m interface{}) (err error) {
630 defer func() {
631 if ss.trInfo != nil {
632 ss.mu.Lock()
633 if ss.trInfo.tr != nil {
634 if err == nil {
635 ss.trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&payload{sent: false, msg: m}, true)
636 } else if err != io.EOF {
637 ss.trInfo.tr.LazyLog(&fmtStringer{"%v", []interface{}{err}}, true)
638 ss.trInfo.tr.SetError()
639 }
640 }
641 ss.mu.Unlock()
642 }
643 }()
644 var inPayload *stats.InPayload
645 if ss.statsHandler != nil {
646 inPayload = &stats.InPayload{}
647 }
648 if err := recv(ss.p, ss.codec, ss.s, ss.dc, m, ss.maxReceiveMessageSize, inPayload); err != nil {
649 if err == io.EOF {
650 return err
651 }
652 if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
653 err = Errorf(codes.Internal, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.Error())
654 }
655 return toRPCErr(err)
656 }
657 if inPayload != nil {
658 ss.statsHandler.HandleRPC(ss.s.Context(), inPayload)
659 }
660 return nil