path: root/vendor/github.com/hashicorp/hil/ast/ast.go
blob: c6350f8bbae3d955c227e63cfc9bf30a14419570 (plain) (tree)

package ast

import (

// Node is the interface that all AST nodes must implement.
type Node interface {
	// Accept is called to dispatch to the visitors. It must return the
	// resulting Node (which might be different in an AST transform).
	Accept(Visitor) Node

	// Pos returns the position of this node in some source.
	Pos() Pos

	// Type returns the type of this node for the given context.
	Type(Scope) (Type, error)

// Pos is the starting position of an AST node
type Pos struct {
	Column, Line int    // Column/Line number, starting at 1
	Filename     string // Optional source filename, if known

func (p Pos) String() string {
	if p.Filename == "" {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", p.Line, p.Column)
	} else {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", p.Filename, p.Line, p.Column)

// InitPos is an initiaial position value. This should be used as
// the starting position (presets the column and line to 1).
var InitPos = Pos{Column: 1, Line: 1}

// Visitors are just implementations of this function.
// The function must return the Node to replace this node with. "nil" is
// _not_ a valid return value. If there is no replacement, the original node
// should be returned. We build this replacement directly into the visitor
// pattern since AST transformations are a common and useful tool and
// building it into the AST itself makes it required for future Node
// implementations and very easy to do.
// Note that this isn't a true implementation of the visitor pattern, which
// generally requires proper type dispatch on the function. However,
// implementing this basic visitor pattern style is still very useful even
// if you have to type switch.
type Visitor func(Node) Node

//go:generate stringer -type=Type

// Type is the type of any value.
type Type uint32

const (
	TypeInvalid Type = 0
	TypeAny     Type = 1 << iota

	// This is a special type used by Terraform to mark "unknown" values.
	// It is impossible for this type to be introduced into your HIL programs
	// unless you explicitly set a variable to this value. In that case,
	// any operation including the variable will return "TypeUnknown" as the
	// type.

func (t Type) Printable() string {
	switch t {
	case TypeInvalid:
		return "invalid type"
	case TypeAny:
		return "any type"
	case TypeBool:
		return "type bool"
	case TypeString:
		return "type string"
	case TypeInt:
		return "type int"
	case TypeFloat:
		return "type float"
	case TypeList:
		return "type list"
	case TypeMap:
		return "type map"
	case TypeUnknown:
		return "type unknown"
		return "unknown type"