'use strict'
const debug_ = require('debug');
const debug = debug_('purs-loader');
const debugVerbose = debug_('purs-loader:verbose');
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const path = require('path')
const PsModuleMap = require('./purs-module-map');
const compile = require('./compile');
const bundle = require('./bundle');
const ide = require('./ide');
const toJavaScript = require('./to-javascript');
const dargs = require('./dargs');
const spawn = require('cross-spawn').sync
const eol = require('os').EOL
module.exports = function purescriptLoader(source, map) {
this.cacheable && this.cacheable();
const callback = this.async();
const webpackConfig = this.options;
const loaderOptions = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) || {};
const srcOption = (pscPackage => {
if (pscPackage) {
const pscPackageCommand = 'psc-package';
const pscPackageArgs = ['sources'];
debug('psc-package %s %o', pscPackageCommand, pscPackageArgs);
return spawn(pscPackageCommand, pscPackageArgs).stdout.toString().split(eol).filter(v => v != '').concat(
loaderOptions.src || [
path.join('src', '**', '*.purs'),
else {
return loaderOptions.src || [
path.join('bower_components', 'purescript-*', 'src', '**', '*.purs'),
path.join('src', '**', '*.purs'),
const options = Object.assign({
context: webpackConfig.context,
psc: null,
pscArgs: {},
pscBundle: null,
pscBundleArgs: {},
pscIde: false,
pscIdeColors: loaderOptions.psc === 'psa',
pscIdeArgs: {},
pscPackage: false,
bundleOutput: 'output/bundle.js',
bundleNamespace: 'PS',
bundle: false,
warnings: true,
watch: false,
output: 'output',
src: []
}, loaderOptions, {
src: srcOption
var cache = webpackConfig.purescriptLoaderCache = webpackConfig.purescriptLoaderCache || {
rebuild: false,
deferred: [],
bundleModules: [],
warnings: [],
errors: []
if (!webpackConfig.purescriptLoaderInstalled) {
debugVerbose('installing purs-loader with options: %O', options);
webpackConfig.purescriptLoaderInstalled = true
// invalidate loader cache when bundle is marked as invalid (in watch mode)
this._compiler.plugin('invalid', () => {
debugVerbose('invalidating loader cache');
cache = webpackConfig.purescriptLoaderCache = {
rebuild: options.pscIde,
deferred: [],
bundleModules: [],
ideServer: cache.ideServer,
psModuleMap: cache.psModuleMap,
warnings: [],
errors: []
// add psc warnings to webpack compilation warnings
this._compiler.plugin('after-compile', (compilation, callback) => {
cache.warnings.forEach(warning => {
cache.errors.forEach(error => {
const psModuleName = PsModuleMap.matchModule(source);
const psModule = {
name: psModuleName,
load: js => callback(null, js),
reject: error => callback(error),
srcPath: this.resourcePath,
srcDir: path.dirname(this.resourcePath),
jsPath: path.resolve(path.join(options.output, psModuleName, 'index.js')),
options: options,
cache: cache,
emitWarning: warning => {
if (options.warnings && warning.length) {
emitError: error => {
if (error.length) {
debug('loading %s', psModule.name);
if (options.bundle) {
if (cache.rebuild) {
const connect = () => {
if (!cache.ideServer) {
cache.ideServer = true;
return ide.connect(psModule)
.then(ideServer => {
cache.ideServer = ideServer;
return psModule;
.catch(error => {
if (cache.ideServer.kill) {
debug('ide failed to initially load modules, stopping the ide server process');
cache.ideServer = null;
return Promise.reject(error);
else {
return Promise.resolve(psModule);
const rebuild = () =>
ide.rebuild(psModule).catch(error => {
if (error instanceof ide.UnknownModuleError) {
if (!cache.compilationStarted) {
cache.compilationStarted = true;
return compile(psModule)
.then(() => {
cache.compilationFinished = true;
.then(() =>
PsModuleMap.makeMap(options.src).then(map => {
debug('rebuilt module map after unknown module forced a recompilation');
cache.psModuleMap = map;
.then(() => ide.load(psModule))
.then(() => psModule)
else {
return Promise.resolve(psModule);
else {
debug('ide rebuild failed due to an unhandled error: %o', error);
return Promise.reject(error);
else if (cache.compilationFinished) {
debugVerbose('compilation is already finished, loading module %s', psModule.name);
else {
// The compilation has not finished yet. We need to wait for
// compilation to finish before the loaders run so that references
// to compiled output are valid. Push the modules into the cache to
// be loaded once the complation is complete.
if (!cache.compilationStarted) {
cache.compilationStarted = true;
.then(() => {
cache.compilationFinished = true;
.then(() => {
if (options.bundle) {
return bundle(options, cache.bundleModules);
.then(() =>
PsModuleMap.makeMap(options.src).then(map => {
debug('rebuilt module map after compilation');
cache.psModuleMap = map;
.then(() =>
Promise.map(cache.deferred, psModule =>
.catch(error => {
cache.deferred.slice(1).forEach(psModule => {
psModule.reject(new Error('purs-loader failed'));
else {
// The complation has started. Nothing to do but wait until it is
// done before loading all of the modules.