'use strict'
const colors = require('chalk')
const debug = require('debug')('purs-loader')
const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils')
const globby = require('globby')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const path = require('path')
const retryPromise = require('promise-retry')
const psModuleRegex = /(?:^|\n)module\s+([\w\.]+)/i
const requireRegex = /require\(['"]\.\.\/([\w\.]+)['"]\)/g
module.exports = function purescriptLoader(source, map) {
const callback = this.async()
const config = this.options
const query = loaderUtils.parseQuery(this.query)
const webpackOptions = this.options.purescriptLoader || {}
const options = Object.assign({
context: config.context,
psc: 'psc',
pscArgs: {},
pscBundle: 'psc-bundle',
pscBundleArgs: {},
pscIdeColors: webpackOptions.psc === 'psa' || query.psc === 'psa',
pscIdeArgs: {},
bundleOutput: 'output/bundle.js',
bundleNamespace: 'PS',
bundle: false,
warnings: true,
output: 'output',
src: [
path.join('src', '**', '*.purs'),
path.join('bower_components', 'purescript-*', 'src', '**', '*.purs')
ffi: [
path.join('src', '**', '*.js'),
path.join('bower_components', 'purescript-*', 'src', '**', '*.js')
}, webpackOptions, query)
this.cacheable && this.cacheable()
let cache = config.purescriptLoaderCache = config.purescriptLoaderCache || {
rebuild: false,
deferred: [],
bundleModules: [],
if (!config.purescriptLoaderInstalled) {
config.purescriptLoaderInstalled = true
// invalidate loader cache when bundle is marked as invalid (in watch mode)
this._compiler.plugin('invalid', () => {
cache = config.purescriptLoaderCache = {
rebuild: true,
deferred: [],
ideServer: cache.ideServer
// add psc warnings to webpack compilation warnings
this._compiler.plugin('after-compile', (compilation, callback) => {
if (options.warnings && cache.warnings && cache.warnings.length) {
compilation.warnings.unshift(`PureScript compilation:\n${cache.warnings.join('')}`)
if (cache.errors && cache.errors.length) {
compilation.errors.unshift(`PureScript compilation:\n${cache.errors.join('\n')}`)
const psModuleName = match(psModuleRegex, source)
const psModule = {
name: psModuleName,
load: js => callback(null, js),
reject: error => callback(error),
srcPath: this.resourcePath,
srcDir: path.dirname(this.resourcePath),
jsPath: path.resolve(path.join(options.output, psModuleName, 'index.js')),
options: options,
cache: cache,
if (options.bundle) {
if (cache.rebuild) {
return connectIdeServer(psModule)
if (cache.compilation && cache.compilation.length) {
return toJavaScript(psModule).then(psModule.load).catch(psModule.reject)
// We need to wait for compilation to finish before the loaders run so that
// references to compiled output are valid.
if (!cache.compilation) {
return compile(psModule)
.then(() => Promise.map(cache.deferred, psModule => {
if (typeof cache.ideServer === 'object') cache.ideServer.kill()
return toJavaScript(psModule).then(psModule.load)
.catch(error => {
cache.deferred.slice(1).forEach(psModule => psModule.reject(true))
// The actual loader is executed *after* purescript compilation.
function toJavaScript(psModule) {
const options = psModule.options
const cache = psModule.cache
const bundlePath = path.resolve(options.bundleOutput)
const jsPath = cache.bundle ? bundlePath : psModule.jsPath
debug('loading JavaScript for', psModule.srcPath)
return Promise.props({
js: fs.readFileAsync(jsPath, 'utf8'),
psModuleMap: psModuleMap(options.src, cache)
}).then(result => {
let js = ''
if (options.bundle) {
// if bundling, return a reference to the bundle
js = 'module.exports = require("'
+ path.relative(psModule.srcDir, options.bundleOutput)
+ '")["' + psModule.name + '"]'
} else {
// replace require paths to output files generated by psc with paths
// to purescript sources, which are then also run through this loader.
const foreignRequire = 'require("' + path.resolve(
path.join(psModule.options.output, psModule.name, 'foreign.js')
) + '")'
js = result.js
.replace(requireRegex, (m, p1) => {
return 'require("' + result.psModuleMap[p1] + '")'
.replace(/require\(['"]\.\/foreign['"]\)/g, foreignRequire)
return js
function compile(psModule) {
const options = psModule.options
const cache = psModule.cache
const stderr = []
if (cache.compilation) return Promise.resolve(cache.compilation)
cache.compilation = []
cache.warnings = []
cache.errors = []
const args = dargs(Object.assign({
_: options.src,
ffi: options.ffi,
output: options.output,
}, options.pscArgs))
debug('spawning compiler %s %o', options.psc, args)
return (new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('\nCompiling PureScript...')
const compilation = spawn(options.psc, args)
compilation.stderr.on('data', data => stderr.push(data.toString()))
compilation.on('close', code => {
console.log('Finished compiling PureScript.')
if (code !== 0) {
cache.compilation = cache.errors = stderr
} else {
cache.compilation = cache.warnings = stderr
.then(compilerOutput => {
if (options.bundle) {
return bundle(options, cache).then(() => psModule)
return psModule
function rebuild(psModule) {
const options = psModule.options
const cache = psModule.cache
debug('attempting rebuild with psc-ide-client %s', psModule.srcPath)
const request = (body) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const args = dargs(options.pscIdeArgs)
const ideClient = spawn('psc-ide-client', args)
ideClient.stdout.once('data', data => {
const res = JSON.parse(data.toString())
if (!Array.isArray(res.result)) {
return res.resultType === 'success'
? resolve(psModule)
: reject(res)
Promise.map(res.result, (item, i) => {
return formatIdeResult(item, options, i, res.result.length)
.then(compileMessages => {
if (res.resultType === 'error') {
cache.errors = compileMessages
} else {
cache.warnings = compileMessages
ideClient.stderr.once('data', data => reject(data.toString()))
return request({
command: 'rebuild',
params: {
file: psModule.srcPath,
}).catch(res => {
if (res.resultType === 'error') {
if (res.result.some(item => item.errorCode === 'UnknownModule')) {
console.log('Unknown module, attempting full recompile')
return compile(psModule).then(() => request({ command: 'load' }))
return Promise.resolve(psModule)
function formatIdeResult(result, options, index, length) {
const srcPath = path.relative(options.context, result.filename)
const pos = result.position
const fileAndPos = `${srcPath}:${pos.startLine}:${pos.startColumn}`
let numAndErr = `[${index+1}/${length} ${result.errorCode}]`
numAndErr = options.pscIdeColors ? colors.yellow(numAndErr) : numAndErr
return fs.readFileAsync(result.filename, 'utf8').then(source => {
const lines = source.split('\n').slice(pos.startLine - 1, pos.endLine)
const endsOnNewline = pos.endColumn === 1 && pos.startLine !== pos.endLine
const up = options.pscIdeColors ? colors.red('^') : '^'
const down = options.pscIdeColors ? colors.red('v') : 'v'
let trimmed = lines.slice(0)
if (endsOnNewline) {
lines.splice(lines.length - 1, 1)
pos.endLine = pos.endLine - 1
pos.endColumn = lines[lines.length - 1].length || 1
// strip newlines at the end
if (endsOnNewline) {
trimmed = lines.reverse().reduce((trimmed, line, i) => {
if (i === 0 && line === '') trimmed.trimming = true
if (!trimmed.trimming) trimmed.push(line)
if (trimmed.trimming && line !== '') {
trimmed.trimming = false
return trimmed
}, []).reverse()
pos.endLine = pos.endLine - (lines.length - trimmed.length)
pos.endColumn = trimmed[trimmed.length - 1].length || 1
const spaces = ' '.repeat(String(pos.endLine).length)
let snippet = trimmed.map((line, i) => {
return ` ${pos.startLine + i} ${line}`
if (trimmed.length === 1) {
snippet += `\n ${spaces} ${' '.repeat(pos.startColumn - 1)}${up.repeat(pos.endColumn - pos.startColumn + 1)}`
} else {
snippet = ` ${spaces} ${' '.repeat(pos.startColumn - 1)}${down}\n${snippet}`
snippet += `\n ${spaces} ${' '.repeat(pos.endColumn - 1)}${up}`
return Promise.resolve(
`\n${numAndErr} ${fileAndPos}\n\n${snippet}\n\n${result.message}`
function bundle(options, cache) {
if (cache.bundle) return Promise.resolve(cache.bundle)
const stdout = []
const stderr = cache.bundle = []
const args = dargs(Object.assign({
_: [path.join(options.output, '*', '*.js')],
output: options.bundleOutput,
namespace: options.bundleNamespace,
}, options.pscBundleArgs))
cache.bundleModules.forEach(name => args.push('--module', name))
debug('spawning bundler %s %o', options.pscBundle, args.join(' '))
return (new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('Bundling PureScript...')
const compilation = spawn(options.pscBundle, args)
compilation.stdout.on('data', data => stdout.push(data.toString()))
compilation.stderr.on('data', data => stderr.push(data.toString()))
compilation.on('close', code => {
if (code !== 0) {
return reject(true)
cache.bundle = stderr
resolve(fs.appendFileAsync('output/bundle.js', `module.exports = ${options.bundleNamespace}`))
// map of PS module names to their source path
function psModuleMap(globs, cache) {
if (cache.psModuleMap) return Promise.resolve(cache.psModuleMap)
return globby(globs).then(paths => {
return Promise
.props(paths.reduce((map, file) => {
map[file] = fs.readFileAsync(file, 'utf8')
return map
}, {}))
.then(srcMap => {
cache.psModuleMap = Object.keys(srcMap).reduce((map, file) => {
const source = srcMap[file]
const psModuleName = match(psModuleRegex, source)
map[psModuleName] = path.resolve(file)
return map
}, {})
return cache.psModuleMap
function connectIdeServer(psModule) {
const options = psModule.options
const cache = psModule.cache
if (cache.ideServer) return Promise.resolve(psModule)
cache.ideServer = true
const connect = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const args = dargs(options.pscIdeArgs)
debug('attempting to connect to psc-ide-server', args)
const ideClient = spawn('psc-ide-client', args)
ideClient.stderr.on('data', data => {
cache.ideServer = false
ideClient.stdout.once('data', data => {
if (data.toString()[0] === '{') {
const res = JSON.parse(data.toString())
if (res.resultType === 'success') {
cache.ideServer = ideServer
} else {
cache.ideServer = ideServer
} else {
cache.ideServer = false
ideClient.stdin.write(JSON.stringify({ command: 'load' }))
const args = dargs(Object.assign({
outputDirectory: options.output,
}, options.pscIdeArgs))
debug('attempting to start psc-ide-server', args)
const ideServer = cache.ideServer = spawn('psc-ide-server', [])
ideServer.stderr.on('data', data => {
return retryPromise((retry, number) => {
return connect().catch(error => {
if (!cache.ideServer && number === 9) {
'failed to connect to or start psc-ide-server, ' +
'full compilation will occur on rebuild'
return Promise.resolve(psModule)
return retry(error)
}, {
retries: 9,
factor: 1,
minTimeout: 333,
maxTimeout: 333,
function match(regex, str) {
const matches = str.match(regex)
return matches && matches[1]
function dargs(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((args, key) => {
const arg = '--' + key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$&').toLowerCase();
const val = obj[key]
if (key === '_') val.forEach(v => args.push(v))
else if (Array.isArray(val)) val.forEach(v => args.push(arg, v))
else args.push(arg, obj[key])
return args
}, [])