module PursLoader.Loader
( Effects()
, loader
, loaderFn
) where
import Prelude (Unit(), ($), (<>), (>>=), (<$>), (++), bind, flip, id, pure, return, unit, show)
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), runAff)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (throwException, error, EXCEPTION())
import Data.Array ((!!), concat)
import Data.Function (Fn2(), mkFn2)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Data.String.Regex (Regex(), match, noFlags, regex, test)
import Data.Traversable (sequence)
import Data.Foreign (F())
import Data.Foreign.Class (read)
import PursLoader.ChildProcess (ChildProcess(), spawn)
import PursLoader.FS (FS(), writeFileUtf8, findFileUtf8)
import PursLoader.Glob (Glob(), globAll)
import PursLoader.LoaderRef (LoaderRef(), Loader(), async, cacheable, query, clearDependencies, addDependency, resourcePath)
import PursLoader.LoaderUtil (parseQuery)
import PursLoader.Options (loaderFFIOption, loaderSrcOption, pscOptions, Options(), output)
type Effects eff = (cp :: ChildProcess, fs :: FS, glob :: Glob, loader :: Loader, err :: EXCEPTION | eff)
moduleRegex :: Regex
moduleRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)module\\s+([\\w\\.]+)" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
foreignRegex :: Regex
foreignRegex = regex "(?:^|\\n)\\s*foreign import\\s+" noFlags { ignoreCase = true }
pscCommand :: String
pscCommand = "psc"
psciCommand :: String
psciCommand = "psci"
psciFilename :: String
psciFilename = ".psci"
(!!!) :: forall a. Int -> Array a -> Maybe a
(!!!) = flip (!!)
foreign import cwd :: String
foreign import relative :: String -> String -> String
foreign import resolve :: String -> String
foreign import dirname :: String -> String
foreign import joinPath :: String -> String -> String
mkPsci :: Array (Array String) -> Array (Array String) -> String
mkPsci srcs ffis = joinWith "\n" ((loadModule <$> concat srcs) <> (loadForeign <$> concat ffis))
loadModule :: String -> String
loadModule a = ":m " ++ relative cwd a
loadForeign :: String -> String
loadForeign a = ":f " ++ relative cwd a
findFFI :: forall eff. Array (Array String) -> String -> Aff (fs :: FS | eff) (Maybe String)
findFFI ffiss name = findFileUtf8 re (concat ffiss)
re = regex ("(?:^|\\n)//\\s*module\\s*" ++ name ++ "\\s*\\n") noFlags
loader' :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> Aff (Effects eff) (Maybe String)
loader' ref source = do
liftEff $ cacheable ref
let parsed = parseQuery $ query ref
srcs = fromMaybe [] (loaderSrcOption parsed)
ffis = fromMaybe [] (loaderFFIOption parsed)
case read parsed :: F Options of
Left e -> liftEff (throwException (error (show e)))
Right opts -> do
let pscOpts = pscOptions opts
srcss <- globAll srcs
ffiss <- globAll ffis
let psciFile = mkPsci srcss ffiss
writeFileUtf8 psciFilename psciFile
let moduleName = match moduleRegex source >>= (!!!) 1 >>= id
hasForeign = test foreignRegex source
outputDir = resolve (output opts)
resourceDir = dirname (resourcePath ref)
result = (\a -> "module.exports = require('" ++ relative resourceDir (joinPath outputDir a) ++ "');") <$> moduleName
liftEff do
clearDependencies ref
addDependency ref (resourcePath ref)
sequence $ (\src -> addDependency ref (resolve src)) <$> concat srcss
foreignPath <- if hasForeign
then fromMaybe (pure Nothing) (findFFI ffiss <$> moduleName)
else pure Nothing
fromMaybe (pure unit) ((\path -> liftEff (addDependency ref path)) <$> foreignPath)
spawn pscCommand (srcs <> pscOpts)
return result
loader :: forall eff. LoaderRef -> String -> Eff (Effects eff) Unit
loader ref source = do
callback <- async ref
runAff (\e -> callback (Just e) "")
(maybe (callback (Just (error "Loader has failed to run")) "")
(callback Nothing))
(loader' ref source)
loaderFn :: forall eff. Fn2 LoaderRef String (Eff (Effects eff) Unit)
loaderFn = mkFn2 loader