{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-| Module : Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal Copyright : (c) 2015 Julien Tanguy License : BSD3 Maintainer : julien.tanguy@jhome.fr Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module Crypto.Macaroon.Verifier.Internal where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Crypto.Hash import Data.Bool import Data.Byteable import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Either import Data.Either.Validation import Data.Foldable import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Crypto.Macaroon.Internal -- | Type representing different validation errors. -- Only 'ParseError' and 'ValidatorError' are exported, 'SigMismatch' and -- 'NoVerifier' are used internally and should not be used by the user data ValidationError = SigMismatch -- ^ Signatures do not match | NoVerifier -- ^ No verifier can handle a given caveat | ParseError String -- ^ A verifier had a parse error | ValidatorError String -- ^ A verifier failed deriving (Show,Eq) -- | The 'Monoid' instance is written so 'SigMismatch' is an annihilator, -- and 'NoVerifier' is the identity element instance Monoid ValidationError where mempty = NoVerifier NoVerifier `mappend` e = e e `mappend` NoVerifier = e SigMismatch `mappend` _ = SigMismatch _ `mappend` SigMismatch = SigMismatch (ValidatorError e) `mappend` (ParseError _) = ValidatorError e (ParseError _) `mappend` (ValidatorError e) = ValidatorError e -- | Check that the given macaroon has a correct signature verifySig :: Key -> Macaroon -> Either ValidationError Macaroon verifySig k m = bool (Left SigMismatch) (Right m) $ signature m == foldl' hash (toBytes (hmac derivedKey (identifier m) :: HMAC SHA256)) (caveats m) where hash s c = toBytes (hmac s (vid c `BS.append` cid c) :: HMAC SHA256) derivedKey = toBytes (hmac "macaroons-key-generator" k :: HMAC SHA256) -- | Given a list of verifiers, verify each caveat of the given macaroon verifyCavs :: MonadIO m => [Caveat -> m (Maybe (Either ValidationError ()))] -> Macaroon -> m (Either ValidationError Macaroon) verifyCavs verifiers m = gatherEithers <$> mapM validateCaveat (caveats m) where {- - validateCaveat :: Caveat -> m (Validation String Caveat) - We can use fromJust here safely since we use a `Just Failure` as a - starting value for the foldM. We are guaranteed to have a `Just something` - from it. -} validateCaveat c = fmap (const c) . fromJust <$> foldM (\res v -> mappend res . fmap eitherToValidation <$> v c) (defErr c) verifiers -- defErr :: Caveat -> Maybe (Validation String Caveat) defErr c = Just $ Failure NoVerifier -- gatherEithers :: [Validation String Caveat] -> Either String Caveat gatherEithers vs = case partitionEithers . map validationToEither $ vs of ([],_) -> Right m (errs,_) -> Left (mconcat errs)