{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ---- Machine generated code. ---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder module Text.Edifact.D96A.Simples.S3055 ( simple3055 ) where import Text.Edifact.Parsing import Text.Edifact.Types (Value) -- | Derived from this specification: -- -- > * 3055 Code list responsible agency, coded -- > -- > Desc: Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list. -- > -- > Repr: an..3 -- > -- > 1 CCC (Customs Co-operation Council) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 2 CEC (Commission of the European Communities) -- > Generic: see also 140, 141, 142, 162. -- > 3 IATA (International Air Transport Association) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 4 ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 6 UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 7 CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie -- > Chimique) -- > EDI project for chemical industry. -- > 8 EDIFICE -- > EDI Forum for companies with Interest in Computing and -- > Electronics (EDI project for EDP/ADP sector). -- > 9 EAN (International Article Numbering association) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 10 ODETTE -- > Organization for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission -- > in Europe (European automotive industry project). -- > 11 Lloyd's register of shipping -- > Self explanatory. -- > 12 UIC (International union of railways) -- > Western and Eastern European railways association (35 -- > networks). UIC with its legal body (CIT) produce codes -- > and reglementations that are internationally recognized -- > and accepted by all European railways and official -- > bodies. -- > 13 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 14 ICS (International Chamber of Shipping) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 15 RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance Network) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 16 DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 17 S.W.I.F.T. -- > Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial -- > Telecommunications s.c. -- > 18 Conventions on SAD and transit (EC and EFTA) -- > SAD = Single Administrative Document. -- > 19 FRRC (Federal Reserve Routing Code) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 21 Assigned by transport company -- > Codes assigned by a transport company. -- > 22 US, ISA (Information Systems Agreement) -- > Codes assigned by the ISA for use by its members. -- > 23 FR, EDITRANSPORT -- > French association developing EDI in transport logistics. -- > 24 AU, ROA (Railways of Australia) -- > Maintains code lists which are accepted by Australian -- > government railways. -- > 25 EDITEX (Europe) -- > EDI group for the textile and clothing industry. -- > 26 NL, Foundation Uniform Transport Code -- > Foundation Uniform Transport Code is the EDI organisation -- > for shippers, carriers and other logistic service -- > providers in the Netherlands. -- > 27 US, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) -- > U.S. food and drug administration. -- > 28 EDITEUR (European book sector electronic data interchange -- > group) -- > Code identifying the pan European user group for the book -- > industry as an organisation responsible for code values -- > in the book industry. -- > 29 GB, FLEETNET -- > Association of fleet vehicle hiring and leasing companies -- > in the UK. -- > 30 GB, ABTA (Association of British Travel Agencies) -- > ABTA, Association of British Travel Agencies. -- > 31 FI, Finish State Railway -- > Finish State Railway. -- > 32 PL, Polish State Railway -- > Polish State Railway. -- > 33 BG, Bulgaria State Railway -- > Bulgaria State Railway. -- > 34 RO, Rumanian State Railway -- > Rumanian State Railway. -- > 35 CZ, Tchechian State Railway -- > Tchechian State Railway. -- > 36 HU, Hungarian State Railway -- > Hungarian State Railway. -- > 37 GB, British Railways -- > British Railways. -- > 38 ES, Spanish National Railway -- > Spanish National Railway. -- > 39 SE, Swedish State Railway -- > Swedish State Railway. -- > 40 NO, Norwegian State Railway -- > Norwegian State Railway. -- > 41 DE, German Railway -- > German Railway. -- > 42 AT, Austrian Federal Railways -- > Austrian Federal Railways. -- > 43 LU, Luxembourg National Railway Company -- > Luxembourg National Railway Company. -- > 44 IT, Italian State Railways -- > Italian State Railways. -- > 45 NL, Netherlands Railways -- > Netherlands Railways. -- > 46 CH, Swiss Federal Railways -- > Swiss Federal Railways. -- > 47 DK, Danish State Railways -- > Danish State Railways. -- > 48 FR, French National Railway Company -- > French National Railway Company. -- > 49 BE, Belgian National Railway Company -- > Belgian National Railway Company. -- > 50 PT, Portuguese Railways -- > Portuguese Railways. -- > 51 SK, Slovacian State Railways -- > Slovacian State Railways. -- > 52 IE, Irish Transport Company -- > Irish Transport Company. -- > 53 FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders -- > Associations) -- > International Federation of Freight Forwarders -- > Associations. -- > 54 IMO (International Maritime Organisation) -- > International Maritime Organisation. -- > 55 US, DOT (United States Department of Transportation) -- > United States Department of Transportation. -- > | 56 TW, Trade-van -- > Trade-van is an EDI/VAN service centre for customs, -- > transport, and insurance in national and international -- > trade. -- > 57 TW, Chinese Taipei Customs -- > Customs authorities of Chinese Taipei responsible for -- > collecting import duties and preventing smuggling. -- > 58 EUROFER -- > European steel organisation - EDI project for the -- > European steel industry. -- > 59 DE, EDIBAU -- > National body responsible for the German codification in -- > the construction area. -- > + 60 Assigned by national trade agency -- > The code list is from a national agency. -- > + 61 Association Europeenne des Constructeurs de Materiel -- > Aerospatial (AECMA) -- > A code to identify the Association Europeenne des -- > Constructeurs de Materiel Aeropsatial (European -- > Association of Aerospace Products Manufacturers) as an -- > authorizing agency for code lists. -- > + 62 US, DIstilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) -- > United States DIstilled Spirits Council of the United -- > States (DISCUS). -- > + 63 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -- > A code to identify the North Atlantic Treaty Organization -- > (NATO) as an authorizing agency for code lists. -- > + 64 FR, EDIFRANCE -- > French association responsible for coordination and -- > promotion of EDI application in France. -- > + 65 FR, GENCOD -- > French organization responsible for EDI and Barcoding -- > application in the retail sector. -- > + 66 MY, Malaysian Customs and Excise -- > Malaysia Royal Customs and Excise. -- > + 67 MY, Malaysia Central Bank -- > Malaysia Central Bank is a regulatory body set up by the -- > government to charge with promoting economic monetary and -- > credit condition favourable to commercial and industrial -- > activity. -- > + 68 US, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) -- > United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms -- > (BATF). -- > + 69 US, National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) -- > United States National Alcohol Beverage Control -- > Association (NABCA). -- > + 70 MY, Dagang.Net -- > Malaysia, Dagang.Net is a national clearing house which -- > provide EDI/VAN service for customs, transport, retail -- > and financial and other industries in the national and -- > international trade. -- > 86 Assigned by party originating the message -- > Codes assigned by the party originating the message. -- > 87 Assigned by carrier -- > Codes assigned by the carrier. -- > 88 Assigned by owner of operation -- > Assigned by owner of operation (e.g. used in -- > construction). -- > 89 Assigned by distributor -- > Self explanatory. -- > 90 Assigned by manufacturer -- > Self explanatory. -- > 91 Assigned by seller or seller's agent -- > Self explanatory. -- > 92 Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent -- > Self explanatory. -- > 93 AT, Austrian Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 94 AT, Austrian PTT -- > Self explanatory. -- > 95 AU, Australian Customs Services -- > Self explanatory. -- > 96 CA, Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise -- > Self explanatory. -- > 97 CH, Administration federale des contributions -- > Indirect taxation (e.g. turn-over/sales taxes). -- > 98 CH, Direction generale des douanes -- > Customs (incl. ISO alpha 2 country code). -- > 99 CH, Division des importations et exportations, OFAEE -- > Import and export licences. -- > 100 CH, Entreprise des PTT -- > Telephone (voice/data) + telex numbers, postcodes, postal -- > account numbers. -- > 101 CH, Carbura -- > Centrale suisse pour l'importation de carburants et -- > combustibles liquides (Oil products). -- > 102 CH, Centrale suisse pour l'importation du charbon -- > Coal. -- > 103 CH, Office fiduciaire des importateurs de denrees -- > alimentaires -- > Foodstuff. -- > 104 CH, Association suisse code des articles -- > Swiss article numbering association. -- > 105 DK, Ministry of taxation, Central Customs and Tax -- > Administration -- > Danish Customs administration. -- > 106 FR, Direction generale des douanes et droits indirects -- > French Customs. -- > 107 FR, INSEE -- > Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes -- > Economiques. -- > 108 FR, Banque de France -- > Self explanatory. -- > 109 GB, H.M. Customs & Excise -- > Self explanatory. -- > 110 IE, Revenue Commissionners, Customs AEP project -- > Self explanatory. -- > 111 US, U.S. Customs Service -- > Self explanatory. -- > 112 US, U.S. Census Bureau -- > The Bureau of the Census of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. -- > 113 US, UPC (Uniform product code) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 114 US, ABA (American Bankers Association) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 115 US, DODAAC (Department Of Defense Active Agency Code) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 116 US, ANSI ASC X12 -- > American National Standards Institute ASC X12. -- > 117 AT, Geldausgabeautomaten-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. -- > Description to be provided. -- > 118 SE, Svenska Bankfoereningen -- > Swedish bankers association. -- > 119 IT, Associazione Bancaria Italiana -- > Self explanatory. -- > 120 IT, Socieata' Interbancaria per l'Automazione -- > Self explanatory. -- > 121 CH, Telekurs AG -- > Self explanatory. -- > 122 CH, Swiss Securities Clearing Corporation -- > Self explanatory. -- > 123 NO, Norwegian Interbank Research Organization -- > Self explanatory. -- > 124 NO, Norwegian Bankers Ass. -- > Self explanatory. -- > 125 FI, The Finnish Bankers' Association -- > Self explanatory. -- > 126 US, NCCMA (Account Analysis Codes) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 128 BE, Belgian Bankers' Association -- > Self explanatory. -- > 129 BE, Belgian Ministry of Finance -- > VAT numbers. -- > 130 DK, PBS (Pengainstitutternes Betalings Service) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 131 DE, German Bankers Association -- > Self explanatory. -- > 132 GB, BACS Limited -- > Self explanatory. -- > 133 GB, Association for Payment Clearing Services -- > Self explanatory. -- > 134 GB, CHAPS and Town Clearing Company Ltd. -- > Self explanatory. -- > 135 GB, The Clearing House -- > Self explanatory. -- > | 136 GB, Article Number Association (UK) Limited -- > EAN bar-coding. -- > 137 AT, Verband oesterreichischer Banken und Bankiers -- > Austrian bankers association. -- > 138 FR, CFONB (Comite francais d'organ. et de normalisation -- > bancaires) -- > National body responsible for the french codification in -- > banking activity. -- > 139 UPU (Universal Postal Union) -- > (a..3 country code). -- > 140 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-01 -- > (Computerization within Customs area). -- > 141 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-B-1 -- > Description to be provided. -- > 142 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXXIV -- > Statistical Office of the European Communities: e.g. -- > Geonomenclature. -- > 143 NZ, New Zealand Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 144 NL, Netherlands Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 145 SE, Swedish Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 146 DE, German Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 147 BE, Belgian Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 148 ES, Spanish Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 149 IL, Israel Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 150 HK, Hong Kong Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 151 JP, Japan Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 152 SA, Saudi Arabia Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 153 IT, Italian Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 154 GR, Greek Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 155 PT, Portuguese Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 156 LU, Luxembourg Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 157 NO, Norwegian Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 158 FI, Finnish Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 159 IS, Iceland Customs -- > Self explanatory. -- > 160 LI, Liechtenstein authority -- > (Identification of relevant responsible agency for e.g. -- > banking/financial matters still pending. For e.g. -- > Customs, currency, post/telephone: see relevant CH -- > entry). -- > 161 UNCTAD (United Nations - Conference on Trade And -- > Development) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 162 CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XIII-D-5 -- > (TEDIS - incl. CEBIS -, INSIS and CADDIA projects). -- > 163 US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 164 US, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 165 US, DCI (Distribution Codes, INC.) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association -- > Self explanatory. -- > 167 US, AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 168 US, FIPS (Federal Information Publishing Standard) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 169 CA, SCC (Standards Council of Canada) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 170 CA, CPA (Canadian Payment Association) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 171 NL, Bank Girocentrale BV -- > Self explanatory. -- > 172 NL, BEANET BV -- > Self explanatory. -- > 173 NO, NORPRO -- > Self explanatory. -- > 174 DE, DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung) -- > German standardization institute. -- > 175 FCI (Factors Chain International) -- > Self explanatory. -- > 176 BR, Banco Central do Brazil -- > Self-explanatory. -- > 177 AU, LIFA (Life Insurance Federation of Australia) -- > Life Insurance Federation of Australia. -- > 178 AU, SAA (Standards Association of Australia) -- > Standards Association of Australia. -- > 179 US, Air transport association of America -- > U.S. -based trade association representing the major -- > North American scheduled airlines. -- > 181 Edibuild -- > EDI organization for companies in the construction -- > industry. -- > 182 US, Standard Carrier Alpha Code (Motor) -- > Organisation maintaining the SCAC lists and -- > transportation operating in North America. -- > 183 US, American Petroleum Institute -- > US-based trade association representing oil and natural -- > gas producers, shippers, refineries, marketers, and major -- > suppliers to the industry. -- > 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) -- > Self explanatory. -- > ZZZ Mutually defined -- > Self explanatory. simple3055 :: Parser Value simple3055 = simple "3055" (alphaNumeric `upTo` 3)