{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ---- Machine generated code. ---- Output of edi-parser-scaffolder module Text.Edifact.D01B.Simples.S4451 ( simple4451 ) where import Text.Edifact.Parsing import Text.Edifact.Types (Value) -- | Derived from this specification: -- -- > * 4451 Text subject code qualifier [C] -- > -- > Desc: Code qualifying the subject of the text. -- > -- > Repr: an..3 -- > -- > AAA Goods description -- > [7002] Plain language description of the nature of the -- > goods sufficient to identify them at the level required -- > for banking, Customs, statistical or transport purposes, -- > avoiding unnecessary detail (Generic term). -- > -- > AAB Terms of payments -- > [4276] Conditions of payment between the parties to a -- > transaction (generic term). -- > -- > AAC Dangerous goods additional information -- > Additional information concerning dangerous goods. -- > -- > AAD Dangerous goods, technical name -- > Proper shipping name, supplemented as necessary with the -- > correct technical name, by which a dangerous substance -- > or article may be correctly identified or which is -- > sufficiently informative to permit identification by -- > reference to generally available literature. -- > -- > AAE Acknowledgement description -- > The content of an acknowledgement. -- > -- > AAF Rate additional information -- > Specific details applying to rates. -- > -- > AAG Party instructions -- > Indicates that the segment contains instructions to be -- > passed on to the identified party. -- > -- > AAH Customs information -- > [4034] Information entered by Customs on the CIM. -- > -- > AAI General information -- > The text contains general information. -- > -- > AAJ Additional conditions of sale/purchase -- > Additional conditions specific to this order or project. -- > -- > AAK Price conditions -- > Information on the price conditions that are expected or -- > given. -- > -- > AAL Goods dimensions in characters -- > Expression of a number in characters as length of ten -- > meters. -- > -- > AAM Equipment re-usage restrictions -- > Technical or commercial reasons why a piece of equipment -- > may not be re-used after the current transport -- > terminates. -- > -- > AAN Handling restriction -- > Restrictions in handling depending on the technical -- > characteristics of the piece of equipment or on the -- > nature of the goods. -- > -- > AAO Error description (free text) -- > Error described by a free text. -- > -- > AAP Response (free text) -- > Free text of the response to a communication. -- > -- > AAQ Package content's description -- > A description of the contents of a package. -- > -- > AAR Terms of delivery -- > (4053) Free text of the non Incoterms terms of delivery. -- > For Incoterms, use: 4053. -- > -- > AAS Bill of lading remarks -- > The remarks printed or to be printed on a bill of -- > lading. -- > -- > AAT Mode of settlement information -- > Free text information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate -- > means by which account is to be settled. -- > -- > AAU Consignment invoice information -- > Information pertaining to the invoice covering the -- > consignment. -- > -- > AAV Clearance invoice information -- > Information pertaining to the invoice covering clearance -- > of the cargo. -- > -- > AAW Letter of credit information -- > Information pertaining to the letter of credit. -- > -- > AAX License information -- > Information pertaining to a license. -- > -- > AAY Certification statements -- > The text contains certification statements. -- > -- > AAZ Additional export information -- > The text contains additional export information. -- > -- > ABA Tariff statements -- > Description of parameters relating to a tariff. -- > -- > ABB Medical history -- > Historical details of a patients medical events. -- > -- > ABC Conditions of sale or purchase -- > Additional information regarding terms and conditions -- > which apply to the transaction. -- > -- > ABD Nature of transaction -- > An indication for customs of the type of contract under -- > which goods are supplied. -- > -- > ABE Additional terms and/or conditions (documentary credit) -- > Additional terms and/or conditions to the documentary -- > credit. -- > -- > ABF Instructions or information about standby documentary -- > credit -- > Instruction or information about a standby documentary -- > credit. -- > -- > ABG Instructions or information about partial shipment(s) -- > Instructions or information about partial shipment(s). -- > -- > ABH Instructions or information about transhipment(s) -- > Instructions or information about transhipment(s). -- > -- > ABI Additional handling instructions documentary credit -- > Additional handling instructions for a documentary -- > credit. -- > -- > ABJ Domestic routing information -- > Information regarding the domestic routing. -- > -- > ABK Chargeable category of equipment -- > Equipment types are coded by category for financial -- > purposes. -- > -- > ABL Government information -- > Information pertaining to government. -- > -- > ABM Onward routing information -- > Self explanatory. -- > -- > ABN Accounting information -- > Self explanatory. -- > -- > ABO Discrepancy information -- > Free text or coded information to indicate a specific -- > discrepancy. -- > -- > ABP Confirmation instructions -- > Documentary credit confirmation instructions. -- > -- > ABQ Method of issuance -- > Method of issuance of documentary credit. -- > -- > ABR Documents delivery instructions -- > Delivery instructions for documents required under a -- > documentary credit. -- > -- > ABS Additional conditions -- > Additional conditions to the issuance of a documentary -- > credit. -- > -- > ABT Information/instructions about additional amounts covered -- > Additional amounts information/instruction. -- > -- > ABU Deferred payment termed additional -- > Additional terms concerning deferred payment. -- > -- > ABV Acceptance terms additional -- > Additional terms concerning acceptance. -- > -- > ABW Negotiation terms additional -- > Additional terms concerning negotiation. -- > -- > ABX Document name and documentary requirements -- > Document name and documentary requirements. -- > -- > X ABY Regulatory information -- > The free text contains information for regulatory -- > authority. -- > -- > Note: -- > 1. This code value will be removed effective with -- > directory D.02B. -- > -- > ABZ Instructions/information about revolving documentary credit -- > Instructions/information about a revolving documentary -- > credit. -- > -- > ACA Documentary requirements -- > Specification of the documentary requirements. -- > -- > ACB Additional information -- > The text contains additional information. -- > -- > ACC Factor assignment clause -- > Assignment based on an agreement between seller and -- > factor. -- > -- > ACD Reason -- > Reason for a request or response. -- > -- > ACE Dispute -- > A notice, usually from buyer to seller, that something -- > was found wrong with goods delivered or the services -- > rendered, or with the related invoice. -- > -- > ACF Additional attribute information -- > The text refers to information about an additional -- > attribute not otherwise specified. -- > -- > ACG Absence declaration -- > A declaration on the reason of the absence. -- > -- > ACH Aggregation statement -- > A statement on the way a specific variable or set of -- > variables has been aggregated. -- > -- > ACI Compilation statement -- > A statement on the compilation status of an array or -- > other set of figures or calculations. -- > -- > ACJ Definitional exception -- > An exception to the agreed definition of a term, -- > concept, formula or other object. -- > -- > ACK Privacy statement -- > A statement on the privacy or confidential nature of an -- > object. -- > -- > ACL Quality statement -- > A statement on the quality of an object. -- > -- > ACM Statistical description -- > The description of a statistical object such as a value -- > list, concept, or structure definition. -- > -- > ACN Statistical definition -- > The definition of a statistical object such as a value -- > list, concept, or structure definition. -- > -- > ACO Statistical name -- > The name of a statistical object such as a value list, -- > concept or structure definition. -- > -- > ACP Statistical title -- > The title of a statistical object such as a value list, -- > concept, or structure definition. -- > -- > ACQ Off-dimension information -- > Information relating to differences between the actual -- > transport dimensions and the normally applicable -- > dimensions. -- > -- > ACR Unexpected stops information -- > Information relating to unexpected stops during a -- > conveyance. -- > -- > ACS Principles -- > Text subject is principles section of the UN/EDIFACT -- > rules for presentation of standardized message and -- > directories documentation. -- > -- > ACT Terms and definition -- > Text subject is terms and definition section of the -- > UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized -- > message and directories documentation. -- > -- > ACU Segment name -- > Text subject is segment name. -- > -- > ACV Simple data element name -- > Text subject is name of simple data element. -- > -- > ACW Scope -- > Text subject is scope section of the UN/EDIFACT rules -- > for presentation of standardized message and directories -- > documentation. -- > -- > ACX Message type name -- > Text subject is name of message type. -- > -- > ACY Introduction -- > Text subject is introduction section of the UN/EDIFACT -- > rules for presentation of standardized message and -- > directories documentation. -- > -- > ACZ Glossary -- > Text subject is glossary section of the UN/EDIFACT rules -- > for presentation of standardized message and directories -- > documentation. -- > -- > ADA Functional definition -- > Text subject is functional definition section of the -- > UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of standardized -- > message and directories documentation. -- > -- > ADB Examples -- > Text subject is examples as given in the example(s) -- > section of the UN/EDIFACT rules for presentation of -- > standardized message and directories documentation. -- > -- > ADC Cover page -- > Text subject is cover page of the UN/EDIFACT rules for -- > presentation of standardized message and directories -- > documentation. -- > -- > ADD Dependency (syntax) notes -- > Denotes that the associated text is a dependency -- > (syntax) note. -- > -- > ADE Code value name -- > Text subject is name of code value. -- > -- > ADF Code list name -- > Text subject is name of code list. -- > -- > ADG Clarification of usage -- > Text subject is an explanation of the intended usage of -- > a segment or segment group. -- > -- > ADH Composite data element name -- > Text subject is name of composite data element. -- > -- > ADI Field of application -- > Text subject is field of application of the UN/EDIFACT -- > rules for presentation of standardized message and -- > directories documentation. -- > -- > ADJ Type of assets and liabilities -- > Information describing the type of assets and -- > liabilities. -- > -- > ADK Promotion information -- > The text contains information about a promotion. -- > -- > ADL Meter condition -- > Description of the condition of a meter. -- > -- > ADM Meter reading information -- > Information related to a particular reading of a meter. -- > -- > ADN Type of transaction reason -- > Information describing the type of the reason of -- > transaction. -- > -- > ADO Type of survey question -- > Type of survey question. -- > -- > ADP Carrier's agent counter information -- > Information for use at the counter of the carrier's -- > agent. -- > -- > ADQ Description of work item on equipment -- > Description or code for the operation to be executed on -- > the equipment. -- > -- > ADR Message definition -- > Text subject is message definition. -- > -- > ADS Booked item information -- > Information pertaining to a booked item. -- > -- > ADT Source of document -- > Text subject is source of document. -- > -- > ADU Note -- > Text subject is note. -- > -- > ADV Fixed part of segment clarification text -- > Text subject is fixed part of segment clarification -- > text. -- > -- > ADW Characteristics of goods -- > Description of the characteristics of goods in addition -- > to the description of the goods [7002]. -- > -- > ADX Additional discharge instructions -- > Special discharge instructions concerning the goods. -- > -- > ADY Container stripping instructions -- > Instructions regarding the stripping of container(s). -- > -- > ADZ CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information -- > Information on the CSC (Container Safety Convention) -- > plate that is attached to the container. -- > -- > AEA Cargo remarks -- > Additional remarks concerning the cargo. -- > -- > AEB Temperature control instructions -- > Instruction regarding the temperature control of the -- > cargo. -- > -- > AEC Text refers to expected data -- > Remarks refer to data that was expected. -- > -- > AED Text refers to received data -- > Remarks refer to data that was received. -- > -- > AEE Section clarification text -- > Text subject is section clarification text. -- > -- > AEF Information to the beneficiary -- > Information given to the beneficiary. -- > -- > AEG Information to the applicant -- > Information given to the applicant. -- > -- > AEH Instructions to the beneficiary -- > Instructions made to the beneficiary. -- > -- > AEI Instructions to the applicant -- > Instructions given to the applicant. -- > -- > AEJ Controlled atmosphere -- > Information about the controlled atmosphere. -- > -- > AEK Take off annotation -- > Additional information in plain text to support a take -- > off annotation. Taking off is the process of assessing -- > the quantity work from extracting the measurement from -- > construction documentation. -- > -- > AEL Price variation narrative -- > Additional information in plain language to support a -- > price variation. -- > -- > AEM Documentary credit amendment instructions -- > Documentary credit amendment instructions. -- > -- > AEN Standard method narrative -- > Additional information in plain language to support a -- > standard method. -- > -- > AEO Project narrative -- > Additional information in plain language to support the -- > project. -- > -- > AEP Radioactive goods, additional information -- > Additional information related to radioactive goods. -- > -- > AEQ Bank-to-bank information -- > Information given from one bank to another. -- > -- > AER Reimbursement instructions -- > Instructions given for reimbursement purposes. -- > -- > AES Reason for amending a message -- > Identification of the reason for amending a message. -- > -- > AET Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or -- > negotiating bank -- > Instructions to the paying and/or accepting and/or -- > negotiating bank. -- > -- > AEU Interest instructions -- > Instructions given about the interest. -- > -- > AEV Agent commission -- > Instructions about agent commission. -- > -- > AEW Remitting bank instructions -- > Instructions to the remitting bank. -- > -- > AEX Instructions to the collecting bank -- > Instructions to the bank, other than the remitting bank, -- > involved in processing the collection. -- > -- > AEY Collection amount instructions -- > Instructions about the collection amount. -- > -- > AEZ Internal auditing information -- > Text relating to internal auditing information. -- > -- > AFA Constraint -- > Denotes that the associated text is a constraint. -- > -- > AFB Comment -- > Denotes that the associated text is a comment. -- > -- > AFC Semantic note -- > Denotes that the associated text is a semantic note. -- > -- > AFD Help text -- > Denotes that the associated text is an item of help -- > text. -- > -- > AFE Legend -- > Denotes that the associated text is a legend. -- > -- > AFF Batch code structure -- > A description of the structure of a batch code. -- > -- > AFG Product application -- > A general description of the application of a product. -- > -- > AFH Customer complaint -- > Complaint of customer. -- > -- > AFI Probable cause of fault -- > The probable cause of fault. -- > -- > AFJ Defect description -- > Description of the defect. -- > -- > AFK Repair description -- > The description of the work performed during the repair. -- > -- > AFL Review comments -- > Comments relevant to a review. -- > -- > AFM Title -- > Denotes that the associated text is a title. -- > -- > AFN Description of amount -- > An amount description in clear text. -- > -- > AFO Responsibilities -- > Information describing the responsibilities. -- > -- > AFP Supplier -- > Information concerning suppliers. -- > -- > AFQ Purchase region -- > Information concerning the region(s) where purchases are -- > made. -- > -- > AFR Affiliation -- > Information concerning an association of one party with -- > another party(ies). -- > -- > AFS Borrower -- > Information concerning the borrower. -- > -- > AFT Line of business -- > Information concerning an entity's line of business. -- > -- > AFU Financial institution -- > Description of financial institution(s) used by an -- > entity. -- > -- > AFV Business founder -- > Information about the business founder. -- > -- > AFW Business history -- > Description of the business history. -- > -- > AFX Banking arrangements -- > Information concerning the general banking arrangements. -- > -- > AFY Business origin -- > Description of the business origin. -- > -- > AFZ Brand names' description -- > Description of the entity's brands. -- > -- > AGA Business financing details -- > Details about the financing of the business. -- > -- > AGB Competition -- > Information concerning an entity's competition. -- > -- > AGC Construction process details -- > Details about the construction process. -- > -- > AGD Construction specialty -- > Information concerning the line of business of a -- > construction entity. -- > -- > AGE Contract information -- > Details about contract(s). -- > -- > AGF Corporate filing -- > Details about a corporate filing. -- > -- > AGG Customer information -- > Description of customers. -- > -- > AGH Copyright notice -- > Information concerning the copyright notice. -- > -- > AGI Contingent debt -- > Details about the contingent debt. -- > -- > AGJ Conviction details -- > Details about the law or penal codes that resulted in -- > conviction. -- > -- > AGK Equipment -- > Description of equipment. -- > -- > AGL Workforce description -- > Comments about the workforce. -- > -- > AGM Exemption -- > Description about exemptions. -- > -- > AGN Future plans -- > Information on future plans. -- > -- > AGO Interviewee conversation information -- > Information concerning the interviewee conversation. -- > -- > AGP Intangible asset -- > Description of intangible asset(s). -- > -- > AGQ Inventory -- > Description of the inventory. -- > -- > AGR Investment -- > Description of the investments. -- > -- > AGS Intercompany relations information -- > Description of the intercompany relations. -- > -- > AGT Joint venture -- > Description of the joint venture. -- > -- > AGU Loan -- > Description of a loan. -- > -- > AGV Long term debt -- > Description of the long term debt. -- > -- > AGW Location -- > Description of a location. -- > -- > AGX Current legal structure -- > Details on the current legal structure. -- > -- > AGY Marital contract -- > Details on a marital contract. -- > -- > AGZ Marketing activities -- > Information concerning marketing activities. -- > -- > AHA Merger -- > Description of a merger. -- > -- > AHB Marketable securities -- > Description of the marketable securities. -- > -- > AHC Business debt -- > Description of the business debt(s). -- > -- > AHD Original legal structure -- > Information concerning the original legal structure. -- > -- > AHE Employee sharing arrangements -- > Information describing how a company uses employees from -- > another company. -- > -- > AHF Organization details -- > Description about the organization of a company. -- > -- > AHG Public record details -- > Information concerning public records. -- > -- > AHH Price range -- > Information concerning the price range of products made -- > or sold. -- > -- > AHI Qualifications -- > Information on the accomplishments fitting a party for a -- > position. -- > -- > AHJ Registered activity -- > Information concerning the registered activity. -- > -- > AHK Criminal sentence -- > Description of the sentence imposed in a criminal -- > proceeding. -- > -- > AHL Sales method -- > Description of the selling means. -- > -- > AHM Educational institution information -- > Free form description relating to the school(s) -- > attended. -- > -- > AHN Status details -- > Describes the status details. -- > -- > AHO Sales -- > Description of the sales. -- > -- > AHP Spouse information -- > Information about the spouse. -- > -- > AHQ Educational degree information -- > Details about the educational degree received from a -- > school. -- > -- > AHR Shareholding information -- > General description of shareholding. -- > -- > AHS Sales territory -- > Information on the sales territory. -- > -- > AHT Accountant's comments -- > Comments made by an accountant regarding a financial -- > statement. -- > -- > AHU Exemption law location -- > Description of the exemption provided to a location by a -- > law. -- > -- > AHV Share classifications -- > Information about the classes or categories of shares. -- > -- > AHW Forecast -- > Description of a prediction. -- > -- > AHX Event location -- > Description of the location of an event. -- > -- > AHY Facility occupancy -- > Information related to occupancy of a facility. -- > -- > AHZ Import and export details -- > Specific information provided about the importation and -- > exportation of goods. -- > -- > AIA Additional facility information -- > Additional information about a facility. -- > -- > AIB Inventory value -- > Description of the value of inventory. -- > -- > AIC Education -- > Description of the education of a person. -- > -- > AID Event -- > Description of a thing that happens or takes place. -- > -- > AIE Agent -- > Information about agents the entity uses. -- > -- > AIF Domestically agreed financial statement details -- > Details of domestically agreed financial statement. -- > -- > AIG Other current asset description -- > Description of other current asset. -- > -- > AIH Other current liability description -- > Description of other current liability. -- > -- > AII Former business activity -- > Description of the former line of business. -- > -- > AIJ Trade name use -- > Description of how a trading name is used. -- > -- > AIK Signing authority -- > Description of the authorized signatory. -- > -- > AIL Guarantee -- > Description of guarantee. -- > -- > AIM Holding company operation -- > Description of the operation of a holding company. -- > -- > AIN Consignment routing -- > Information on routing of the consignment. -- > -- > AIO Letter of protest -- > A letter citing any condition in dispute. -- > -- > AIP Question -- > A free text question. -- > -- > AIQ Party information -- > Free text information related to a party. -- > -- > AIR Area boundaries description -- > Description of the boundaries of a geographical area. -- > -- > AIS Advertisement information -- > The free text contains advertisement information. -- > -- > AIT Financial statement details -- > Details regarding the financial statement in free text. -- > -- > AIU Access instructions -- > Description of how to access an entity. -- > -- > AIV Liquidity -- > Description of an entity's liquidity. -- > -- > AIW Credit line -- > Description of the line of credit available to an -- > entity. -- > -- > AIX Warranty terms -- > Text describing the terms of warranty which apply to a -- > product or service. -- > -- > AIY Division description -- > Plain language description of a division of an entity. -- > -- > AIZ Reporting instruction -- > Instruction on how to report. -- > -- > AJA Examination result -- > The result of an examination. -- > -- > AJB Laboratory result -- > The result of a laboratory investigation. -- > -- > ALC Allowance/charge information -- > Information referring to allowance/charge. -- > -- > ALD X-ray result -- > The result of an X-ray examination. -- > -- > ALE Pathology result -- > The result of a pathology investigation. -- > -- > ALF Intervention description -- > Details of an intervention. -- > -- > ALG Summary of admittance -- > Summary description of admittance. -- > -- > ALH Medical treatment course detail -- > Details of a course of medical treatment. -- > -- > ALI Prognosis -- > Details of a prognosis. -- > -- > ALJ Instruction to patient -- > Instruction given to a patient. -- > -- > ALK Instruction to physician -- > Instruction given to a physician. -- > -- > ALL All documents -- > The note implies to all documents. -- > -- > ALM Medicine treatment -- > Details of medicine treatment. -- > -- > ALN Medicine dosage and administration -- > Details of medicine dosage and method of administration. -- > -- > ALO Availability of patient -- > Details of when and/or where the patient is available. -- > -- > ALP Reason for service request -- > Details of the reason for a requested service. -- > -- > ALQ Purpose of service -- > Details of the purpose of a service. -- > -- > ARR Arrival conditions -- > Conditions under which arrival takes place. -- > -- > ARS Service requester's comment -- > Comment by the requester of a service. -- > -- > AUT Authentication -- > Name, code, password etc. given for authentication -- > purposes. -- > -- > AUU Requested location description -- > The description of the location requested. -- > -- > AUV Medicine administration condition -- > The event or condition that initiates the administration -- > of a single dose of medicine or a period of treatment. -- > -- > AUW Patient information -- > Information concerning a patient. -- > -- > AUX Precautionary measure -- > Action to be taken to avert possible harmful affects. -- > -- > AUY Service characteristic -- > Free text description is related to a service -- > characteristic. -- > -- > AUZ Planned event comment -- > Comment about an event that is planned. -- > -- > AVA Expected delay comment -- > Comment about the expected delay. -- > -- > AVB Transport requirements comment -- > Comment about the requirements for transport. -- > -- > BLC Bill of lading clause -- > Clause on the bill of lading regarding the cargo being -- > shipped. -- > -- > BLD Instruction to prepare the patient -- > Instruction with the purpose of preparing the patient. -- > -- > BLE Medicine treatment comment -- > Comment about treatment with medicine. -- > -- > BLF Examination result comment -- > Comment about the result of an examination. -- > -- > BLG Service request comment -- > Comment about the requested service. -- > -- > BLH Prescription reason -- > Details of the reason for a prescription. -- > -- > BLI Prescription comment -- > Comment concerning a specified prescription. -- > -- > BLJ Clinical investigation comment -- > Comment concerning a clinical investigation. -- > -- > BLK Medicinal specification comment -- > Comment concerning the specification of a medicinal -- > product. -- > -- > BLL Economic contribution comment -- > Comment concerning economic contribution. -- > -- > BLM Status of a plan -- > Comment about the status of a plan. -- > -- > BLN Random sample test information -- > Information regarding a random sample test. -- > -- > + BLO Period of time -- > Text subject is a period of time. -- > -- > BLR Transport document remarks -- > Remarks concerning the complete consignment to be -- > printed on the bill of lading. -- > -- > CCI Customs clearance instructions -- > Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and -- > carrier regarding the declaration of the goods. -- > -- > CEX Customs clearance instructions export -- > Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and -- > carrier regarding the export declaration of the goods. -- > -- > CHG Change information -- > Note contains change information. -- > -- > CIP Customs clearance instruction import -- > Any coded or clear instruction agreed by customer and -- > carrier regarding the import declaration of the goods. -- > -- > CLP Clearance place requested -- > Name of the place where Customs clearance is asked to be -- > executed as requested by the consignee/consignor. -- > -- > CLR Loading remarks -- > Instructions concerning the loading of the container. -- > -- > COI Order information -- > Additional information related to an order. -- > -- > CUR Customer remarks -- > Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services. -- > -- > CUS Customs declaration information -- > Note contains customs declaration information. -- > -- > DAR Damage remarks -- > Remarks concerning damage on the cargo. -- > -- > DCL Declaration -- > [4020] Text of a declaration made by the issuer of the -- > document (CIM 12). -- > -- > DEL Delivery information -- > Information about delivery. -- > -- > DIN Delivery instructions -- > Instructions regarding the delivery of the cargo. -- > -- > DOC Documentation instructions -- > Instructions pertaining to the documentation. -- > -- > DUT Duty declaration -- > The text contains a statement constituting a duty -- > declaration. -- > -- > EUR Effective used routing -- > Physical route effectively used for the movement of the -- > means of transport. -- > -- > FBC First block to be printed on the transport contract -- > The first block of text to be printed on the transport -- > contract. -- > -- > GBL Government bill of lading information -- > Free text information on a transport document to -- > indicate payment information by Government Bill of -- > Lading. -- > -- > GEN Entire transaction set -- > Note is general in nature, applies to entire transaction -- > segment. -- > -- > GS7 Further information concerning GGVS par. 7 -- > Special permission for road transport of certain goods -- > in the German dangerous goods regulation for road -- > transport. -- > -- > HAN Handling instructions -- > [4078] Instructions on how specified goods, packages or -- > containers should be handled. -- > -- > HAZ Hazard information -- > Information pertaining to a hazard. -- > -- > ICN Information for consignee -- > [4070] Any remark given for the information of the -- > consignee (CIM 21). -- > -- > IIN Insurance instructions -- > Instructions regarding the cargo insurance. -- > -- > IMI Invoice mailing instructions -- > Instructions as to which freight and charges components -- > have to be mailed to whom. -- > -- > IND Commercial invoice item description -- > Free text describing goods on a commercial invoice line. -- > -- > INS Insurance information -- > Specific note contains insurance information. -- > -- > INV Invoice instruction -- > Note contains invoice instructions. -- > -- > IRP Information for railway purpose -- > [4090] Date entered by railway stations when required, -- > e.g. specified trains, additional sheets for freight -- > calculations, special measures, etc. (CIM 8). -- > -- > ITR Inland transport details -- > Information concerning the pre-carriage to the port of -- > discharge if by other means than a vessel. -- > -- > ITS Testing instructions -- > Instructions regarding the testing that is required to -- > be carried out on the items in the transaction. -- > -- > LIN Line item -- > Note contains line item information. -- > -- > LOI Loading instruction -- > Instructions where specified packages or containers are -- > to be loaded on a means of transport. -- > -- > MCO Miscellaneous charge order -- > Free text accounting information on an IATA Air Waybill -- > to indicate payment information by Miscellaneous charge -- > order. -- > -- > MKS Additional marks/numbers information -- > Additional information regarding the marks and numbers. -- > -- > ORI Order instruction -- > Free text contains order instructions. -- > -- > OSI Other service information -- > General information created by the sender of general or -- > specific value. -- > -- > PAC Packing/marking information -- > Information regarding the packaging and/or marking of -- > goods. -- > -- > PAI Payment instructions information -- > The free text contains payment instructions information -- > relevant to the message. -- > -- > PAY Payables information -- > Note contains payables information. -- > -- > PKG Packaging information -- > Note contains packaging information. -- > -- > PKT Packaging terms information -- > The text contains packaging terms information. -- > -- > PMD Payment detail/remittance information -- > The free text contains payment details. -- > -- > PMT Payment information -- > Note contains payments information. -- > -- > PRD Product information -- > The text contains product information. -- > -- > PRF Price calculation formula -- > Additional information regarding the price formula used -- > for calculating the item price. -- > -- > PRI Priority information -- > Note contains priority information. -- > -- > PUR Purchasing information -- > Note contains purchasing information. -- > -- > QIN Quarantine instructions -- > Instructions regarding quarantine, i.e. the period -- > during which an arriving vessel, including its -- > equipment, cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry -- > or carrying a contagious disease is detained in strict -- > isolation to prevent the spread of such a disease. -- > -- > QQD Quality demands/requirements -- > Specification of the quality/performance expectations or -- > standards to which the items must conform. -- > -- > QUT Quotation instruction/information -- > Note contains quotation information. -- > -- > RAH Risk and handling information -- > Information concerning risks induced by the goods and/or -- > handling instruction. -- > -- > REG Regulatory information -- > The free text contains information for regulatory -- > authority. -- > -- > RET Return to origin information -- > Free text information on an IATA Air Waybill to indicate -- > consignment returned because of non delivery. -- > -- > REV Receivables -- > The text contains receivables information. -- > -- > RQR Requested routes/routing instructions -- > [3074] Names of places via which the consignor requests -- > a consignment to be routed. -- > -- > RQT Tariffs and route requested -- > [4120] Stipulation of the tariffs to be applied showing, -- > where applicable, special-agreement numbers or -- > references; indication of routes by frontier points or -- > by frontier stations and, when necessary, by transit -- > stations between. -- > -- > SAF Safety information -- > The text contains safety information. -- > -- > SIC Sender's instruction to carrier -- > [4284] Instructions given and declarations made by the -- > sender to the carrier concerning Customs, insurance, and -- > other formalities. -- > -- > SIN Special instructions -- > Special instructions like licence no, high value, handle -- > with care, glass. -- > -- > SLR Ship line requested -- > Shipping line requested to be used for traffic between -- > European continent and U.K. for Ireland. -- > -- > SPA Special permission for transport, generally -- > Statement that a special permission has been obtained -- > for the transport (and/or routing) in general, and -- > reference to such permission. -- > -- > SPG Special permission concerning the goods to be transported -- > Statement that a special permission has been obtained -- > for the transport (and/or routing) of the goods -- > specified, and reference to such permission. -- > -- > SPH Special handling -- > Note contains special handling information. -- > -- > SPP Special permission concerning package -- > Statement that a special permission has been obtained -- > for the packaging, and reference to such permission. -- > -- > SPT Special permission concerning transport means -- > Statement that a special permission has been obtained -- > for the use of the means transport, and reference to -- > such permission. -- > -- > SRN Subsidiary risk number (IATA/DGR) -- > Number(s) of subsidiary risks, induced by the goods, -- > according to the valid classification. -- > -- > SSR Special service request -- > Request for a special service concerning the transport -- > of the goods. -- > -- > SUR Supplier remarks -- > Remarks from or for a supplier of goods or services. -- > -- > TCA Tariff applied -- > [5430] Specification of the tariff applied. -- > -- > TDT Transport details remarks -- > Additional information related to transport details. -- > -- > TRA Transportation information -- > General information regarding the transport of the -- > cargo. -- > -- > TRR Requested tariff -- > Stipulation of the tariffs to be applied showing, where -- > applicable, special agreement numbers or references. -- > -- > TXD Tax declaration -- > The text contains a statement constituting a tax -- > declaration. -- > -- > WHI Warehouse instruction/information -- > Note contains warehouse information. -- > -- > ZZZ Mutually defined -- > Note contains information mutually defined by trading -- > partners. simple4451 :: Parser Value simple4451 = simple "4451" (alphaNumeric `upTo` 3)