-- | This is a collection of HTML benchmarks for BlazeMarkup.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
module Benchmarks.BlazeTBenchmarks where
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mconcat, mappend)
import Prelude hiding (div, id,map)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Text.BlazeT
import Text.BlazeT.Html5
import qualified Text.BlazeT.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.BlazeT.Html5.Attributes as A
-- | Description of an HTML benchmark
data HtmlBenchmark = forall a. HtmlBenchmark
String -- ^ Name.
(a -> Html) -- ^ Rendering function.
a -- ^ Data.
Html -- ^ Longer description.
-- | List containing all benchmarks.
benchmarks :: [HtmlBenchmark]
benchmarks =
[ HtmlBenchmark "bigTable" bigTable bigTableData $
let h = toHtml $ length bigTableData
w = toHtml $ length $ P.head bigTableData
in (string "Rendering of a big (") >> h >> (string "x") >> w >> ") HTML table"
, HtmlBenchmark "basic" basic basicData
"A simple, small basic template with a few holes to fill in"
, HtmlBenchmark "wideTree" wideTree wideTreeData $
(string "A very wide tree (") >> toHtml (length wideTreeData) >> " elements)"
, HtmlBenchmark "wideTreeEscaping" wideTree wideTreeEscapingData $ do
(string "A very wide tree (") >> toHtml (length wideTreeData) >> (string " elements)")
" with lots of escaping"
, HtmlBenchmark "deepTree" deepTree deepTreeData $ do
(string "A really deep tree (") >> toHtml deepTreeData >> " nested templates)"
, HtmlBenchmark "manyAttributes" manyAttributes manyAttributesData $ do
(string "A single element with ") >> toHtml (length manyAttributesData)
" attributes."
, HtmlBenchmark "customAttribute" customAttributes customAttributesData $
"Creating custom attributes"
rows :: Int
rows = 1000
bigTableData :: [[Int]]
bigTableData = replicate rows [1..10]
{-# NOINLINE bigTableData #-}
basicData :: (String, String, [String])
basicData = ("Just a test", "joe", items)
{-# NOINLINE basicData #-}
items :: [String]
items = fmap (("Number " `mappend`) . show) [1 :: Int .. 14]
{-# NOINLINE items #-}
wideTreeData :: [String]
wideTreeData = take 5000 $
cycle ["λf.(λx.fxx)(λx.fxx)", "These old days", "Foobar", "lol", "x ∈ A"]
{-# NOINLINE wideTreeData #-}
wideTreeEscapingData :: [String]
wideTreeEscapingData = take 1000 $
cycle ["<><>", "\"lol\"", "<&>", "'>>'"]
{-# NOINLINE wideTreeEscapingData #-}
deepTreeData :: Int
deepTreeData = 1000
{-# NOINLINE deepTreeData #-}
manyAttributesData :: [String]
manyAttributesData = wideTreeData
customAttributesData :: [(String, String)]
customAttributesData = zip wideTreeData wideTreeData
-- | Render the argument matrix as an HTML table.
bigTable :: [[Int]] -- ^ Matrix.
-> Html -- ^ Result.
bigTable t = table $ mconcat $ fmap row t
row r = tr $ mconcat $ fmap (td . toHtml) r
-- | Render a simple HTML page with some data.
basic :: (String, String, [String]) -- ^ (Title, User, Items)
-> Html -- ^ Result.
basic (title', user, items') = html $ do
H.head $ title $ toHtml title'
body $ do
div ! A.id "header" $ (h1 $ toHtml title')
p $ "Hello, " `mappend` toHtml user `mappend` "!"
p $ "Hello, me!"
p $ "Hello, world!"
h2 $ "loop"
ol $ mconcat $ fmap (li . toHtml) items'
div ! A.id "footer" $ mempty
-- | A benchmark producing a very wide but very shallow tree.
wideTree :: [String] -- ^ Text to create a tree from.
-> Html -- ^ Result.
wideTree = div . mapM_ ((p ! A.id "foo") . toHtml)
-- | Create a very deep tree.
deepTree :: Int -- ^ Depth of the tree.
-> Html -- ^ Result.
deepTree 0 = "foo"
deepTree n = p $ table $ tr $ td $ div $ deepTree (n - 1)
-- | Create an element with many attributes.
manyAttributes :: [String] -- ^ List of attribute values.
-> Html -- ^ Result.
manyAttributes = foldl setAttribute img
setAttribute html' value' = html' ! A.id (toValue value')
{-# INLINE setAttribute #-}
customAttributes :: [(String, String)] -- ^ List of attribute name, value pairs
-> Html -- ^ Result
customAttributes = foldl setAttribute img
setAttribute html' (name, value') =
html' ! customAttribute (stringTag name) (toValue value')