blob: b5f4ea1afb2fbe26443977c29581f457b3c5a1e6 (
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## PostgreSQL Ansible role [![Build Status](](
Ansible role which installs and configures PostgreSQL clusters, databases and users.
#### Installation
This role has been tested on Ansible 2.3.0 and higher.
To install:
ansible-galaxy install trainline-eu.ansible_postgresql_role
#### Dependencies
No dependencies
Recommended dependencies:
- trainline-eu.ansible_barman_role
#### Compatibility matrix
This table lists the tested version of OS/PostgreSQL couples.
| Distribution / PostgreSQL | 9.1 | 9.4 | 9.5 | 9.6 | 10 | 11 |
| ------------------------- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| Debian 8.x | :no_entry: :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:|
| Debian 9.x | :no_entry: :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:| :white_check_mark:|
- :white_check_mark: - tested, works fine
- :grey_question: - will work in the future (help out if you can)
- :interrobang: - maybe works, not tested
- :no_entry: - PostgreSQL has reached EOL
#### Variables
# Basic settings
postgres_listen_addresses: [ '' ] # Optional
postgres_log_dir: '/home/postgres-logs' # Optional
postgres_data_dir: '/home/postgres' # Optional
postgres_clusters: # Mandatory
- version: 11 # Mandatory
name: 'main' # Mandatory
port: 5432 # Mandatory
checksums: True # Optional
fsync_enabled: False # Optional
archive_enabled: False # Optional
# List of users to be created (optional)
- username: 'replicator' # Mandatory
password: 'SuperSecret' # Mandatory
permissions: 'REPLICATION' # Mandatory
# List of databases to be created (optional)
- dbname: my_database # Mandatory
owner: john # Mandatory
# Postgres config (Optional)
postgres_log_line_prefix: '%m [%p] database: %d host: %h user: %u '
postgres_datestyle: 'iso, dmy'
postgres_locale_formats: fr_FR.UTF-8
postgres_text_search_config: pg_catalog.french
# Postgres pg_hba config (optional)
- user: all
- user: replicator
#### Testing
This project comes with a `test/main.yml` testing playbook. It uses `Docker` to provision containers locally and sets up a 3 node postgresql cluster with a barman server.
Coverage of this playbook is probably not complete but at least it's there.
If you are contributing, please first test your changes in a new playbook in the `test/` directory within docker containers, (using the targeted distribution), and if possible, ensure your change is covered in the tests found in [.travis.yml](./.travis.yml).
#### License
Licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file for details.
#### Thanks
- [Gaëtan Duchaussois](
- [Théophile Helleboid](
- [Paul Bonaud](
- [Théophile Helleboid](
- [Paul Bonaud](
#### Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...
Are [welcome](!