PostgreSQL Ansible role 
Ansible role which installs and configures PostgreSQL clusters, databases and users.
See role page on Ansible Galaxy.
This role has been tested on Ansible 2.5.0 and higher.
To install:
ansible-galaxy install trainline-eu.ansible_postgresql_role
No dependencies
Recommended dependencies: - trainline-eu.ansible_barman_role
Compatibility matrix
This table lists the tested version of OS/PostgreSQL couples.
Distribution / PostgreSQL | 9.1 | 9.4 | 9.5 | 9.6 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Debian 8.x | :no_entry: :white_check_mark: | :no_entry: :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
Debian 9.x | :no_entry: :white_check_mark: | :no_entry: :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
- :white_check_mark: - tested, works fine
- :grey_question: - will work in the future (help out if you can)
- :interrobang: - maybe works, not tested
- :no_entry: - PostgreSQL has reached EOL
# Basic settings
postgres_listen_addresses: [ '' ] # Optional
postgres_log_dir: '/home/postgres-logs' # Optional
postgres_data_dir: '/home/postgres' # Optional
postgres_clusters: # Mandatory
- version: 11 # Mandatory
name: 'main' # Mandatory
port: 5432 # Mandatory
checksums: True # Optional
fsync_enabled: False # Optional
archive_enabled: False # Optional
wal_level: 'logical' # Optional
max_replication_slots: 10 # Optional
barman_directory: None # Optional
# Define cluster as a standby server
primary: # Optional
host: '' # Mandatory
port: 5433 # Mandatory
replication_user: 'replicator' # Mandatory
replication_password: 'SuperSecret' # Mandatory
restore_command: None # Optional
restore_barman_directory: None # Optional
# List of users to be created (optional)
- username: 'replicator' # Mandatory
password: 'SuperSecret' # Mandatory
permissions: 'REPLICATION' # Mandatory
# List of databases to be created (optional)
- dbname: my_database # Mandatory
owner: john # Mandatory
extensions: # Optional
- names: [ 'postgis', 'postgis_topology' ]
apt_deps: [ 'postgresql-11-postgis' ]
# Postgres config (Optional)
postgres_log_line_prefix: '%m [%p] database: %d host: %h user: %u '
postgres_datestyle: 'iso, dmy'
postgres_locale_formats: fr_FR.UTF-8
postgres_text_search_config: pg_catalog.french
# Postgres pg_hba config (optional)
- user: all
- user: replicator
# Ansible related Configuration
postgres_become_method: su # Optional
# Barman connectivity
postgres_barman_server: # Required if at least one server has archive_enabled enabled
postgres_barman_rsync_enabled: False # Optional
postgres_barman_rsync_options: '' # Optional
postgres_barman_remote_user: barman # Optional
postgres_barman_path_prefix: '~' # Optional, required if using rsync
This project comes with a test/main.yml
testing playbook. It uses Docker
to provision containers locally and sets up a 3 node postgresql cluster with a barman server.
Coverage of this playbook is probably not complete but at least it's there.
If you are contributing, please first test your changes in a new playbook in the test/
directory within docker containers, (using the targeted distribution), and if possible, ensure your change is covered in the tests found in .travis.yml.
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Creators: - Gaëtan Duchaussois - Théophile Helleboid - Paul Bonaud
Maintainers: - Théophile Helleboid - Paul Bonaud
Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...
Are welcome!