- name: Get plugins uri: url: "{{ server.kong_app_admin_url }}/services/{{ service.name }}/plugins" method: GET validate_certs: no headers: apikey: "{{ server.kong_app_admin_apikey }}" register: kong_app_service_plugins_check - name: Setup plugin uri: url: "{{ server.kong_app_admin_url }}/{{ exists_plugin | ternary(create_url, update_url) }}" method: "{{ exists_plugin | ternary ('POST', 'PATCH') }}" body: "{{ plugin | combine(current_body) | to_json }}" headers: apikey: "{{ server.kong_app_admin_apikey }}" Content-Type: application/json status_code: 200,201 with_items: "{{ service.plugins | default([]) }}" loop_control: loop_var: plugin vars: create_url: "services/{{ service.name }}/plugins" update_url: "plugins/{{ current_config.id }}" plugins_list: "{{ kong_app_service_plugins_check.json.data }}" current_config: "{{ plugins_list | selectattr('name', 'equalto', plugin.name) | first |default({\"id\": ''}) }}" current_id_hash: id: "{{ current_config.id }}" current_body: "{{ not current_id_hash.id | ternary({}, current_id_hash) }}" exists_plugin: "{{ not current_id_hash.id }}" when: not kong_app_service_plugins_check is skipped ignore_errors: true no_log: true register: kong_plugin_update_st - name: Retry failed (deletion) uri: url: "{{ url }}" method: "DELETE" headers: "{{ headers }}" status_code: 204 loop: "{{ kong_plugin_update_st.results }}" loop_control: loop_var: result label: "{{ label_name }}" vars: method: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.method }}" url: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.url }}" headers: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.headers }}" label_name: "{{ result.plugin.name }}" when: - kong_plugin_update_st is failed - result is failed - method == "PATCH" no_log: true - name: Retry failed (recreation) uri: url: "{{ server.kong_app_admin_url }}/services/{{ service.name }}/plugins" method: "POST" body: "{{ body }}" headers: "{{ headers }}" status_code: 200,201 loop: "{{ kong_plugin_update_st.results }}" loop_control: loop_var: result label: "{{ label_name }}" vars: method: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.method }}" headers: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.headers }}" body: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.body }}" label_name: "{{ result.plugin.name }}" when: - kong_plugin_update_st is failed - result is failed - method == "PATCH" no_log: true - name: Fail otherwise fail: msg: "This plugin {{ result.plugin.name }} failed to be created" loop: "{{ kong_plugin_update_st.results }}" loop_control: loop_var: result label: "{{ label_name }}" vars: method: "{{ result.invocation.module_args.method }}" label_name: "{{ result.plugin.name }}" when: - kong_plugin_update_st is failed - result is failed - method == "POST" no_log: true