<template> <div id="app" v-if="config" :class="[ `theme-${config.theme}`, isDark ? 'is-dark' : 'is-light', !config.footer ? 'no-footer' : '', ]" > <DynamicTheme :themes="config.colors" /> <div id="bighead"> <section v-if="config.header" class="first-line"> <div v-cloak class="container"> <div class="logo"> <a href="#"> <img v-if="config.logo" :src="config.logo" alt="dashboard logo" /> </a> <i v-if="config.icon" :class="config.icon"></i> </div> <div class="dashboard-title"> <span class="headline">{{ config.subtitle }}</span> <h1>{{ config.title }}</h1> </div> </div> </section> <Navbar :open="showMenu" :links="config.links" @navbar-toggle="showMenu = !showMenu" > <DarkMode @updated="isDark = $event" /> <SettingToggle @updated="vlayout = $event" name="vlayout" icon="fa-list" iconAlt="fa-columns" /> <SearchInput class="navbar-item is-inline-block-mobile" @input="filterServices" @search-focus="showMenu = true" @search-open="navigateToFirstService" @search-cancel="filterServices" /> </Navbar> </div> <section id="main-section" class="section"> <div v-cloak class="container"> <ConnectivityChecker v-if="config.connectivityCheck" @network-status-update="offline = $event" /> <div v-if="!offline"> <!-- Optional messages --> <Message :item="config.message" /> <!-- Horizontal layout --> <div v-if="!vlayout || filter" class="columns is-multiline"> <template v-for="group in services"> <h2 v-if="group.name" class="column is-full group-title"> <i v-if="group.icon" :class="['fa-fw', group.icon]"></i> <div v-else-if="group.logo" class="group-logo media-left"> <figure class="image is-48x48"> <img :src="group.logo" :alt="`${group.name} logo`" /> </figure> </div> {{ group.name }} </h2> <Service v-for="(item, index) in group.items" :key="index" v-bind:item="item" :class="['column', `is-${12 / config.columns}`]" /> </template> </div> <!-- Vertical layout --> <div v-if="!filter && vlayout" class="columns is-multiline layout-vertical" > <div :class="['column', `is-${12 / config.columns}`]" v-for="group in services" :key="group.name" > <h2 v-if="group.name" class="group-title"> <i v-if="group.icon" :class="['fa-fw', group.icon]"></i> <div v-else-if="group.logo" class="group-logo media-left"> <figure class="image is-48x48"> <img :src="group.logo" :alt="`${group.name} logo`" /> </figure> </div> {{ group.name }} </h2> <Service v-for="(item, index) in group.items" :key="index" v-bind:item="item" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer class="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="content has-text-centered" v-if="config.footer" v-html="config.footer" ></div> </div> </footer> </div> </template> <script> const jsyaml = require("js-yaml"); const merge = require("lodash.merge"); import Navbar from "./components/Navbar.vue"; import ConnectivityChecker from "./components/ConnectivityChecker.vue"; import Service from "./components/Service.vue"; import Message from "./components/Message.vue"; import SearchInput from "./components/SearchInput.vue"; import SettingToggle from "./components/SettingToggle.vue"; import DarkMode from "./components/DarkMode.vue"; import DynamicTheme from "./components/DynamicTheme.vue"; import defaultConfig from "./assets/defaults.yml"; export default { name: "App", components: { Navbar, ConnectivityChecker, Service, Message, SearchInput, SettingToggle, DarkMode, DynamicTheme, }, data: function () { return { config: null, services: null, offline: false, filter: "", vlayout: true, isDark: null, showMenu: false, }; }, created: async function () { this.buildDashboard(); window.onhashchange = this.buildDashboard; }, methods: { buildDashboard: async function () { const defaults = jsyaml.load(defaultConfig); let config; try { config = await this.getConfig(); const path = window.location.hash.substring(1) != "" ? window.location.hash.substring(1) : null; if (path) { let pathConfig = await this.getConfig(`assets/${path}.yml`); // the slash (/) is included in the pathname config = Object.assign(config, pathConfig); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); config = this.handleErrors("⚠️ Error loading configuration", error); } this.config = merge(defaults, config); this.services = this.config.services; document.title = this.config.documentTitle || `${this.config.title} | ${this.config.subtitle}`; if (this.config.stylesheet) { let stylesheet = ""; for (const file of this.config.stylesheet) { stylesheet += `@import "${file}";`; } this.createStylesheet(stylesheet); } }, getConfig: function (path = "assets/config.yml") { return fetch(path).then((response) => { if (response.redirected) { // This allows to work with authentication proxies. window.location.href = response.url; return; } if (!response.ok) { throw Error(`${response.statusText}: ${response.body}`); } const that = this; return response .text() .then((body) => { return jsyaml.load(body); }) .then(function (config) { if (config.externalConfig) { return that.getConfig(config.externalConfig); } return config; }); }); }, matchesFilter: function (item) { return ( item.name.toLowerCase().includes(this.filter) || (item.subtitle && item.subtitle.toLowerCase().includes(this.filter)) || (item.tag && item.tag.toLowerCase().includes(this.filter)) ); }, navigateToFirstService: function (target) { try { const service = this.services[0].items[0]; window.open(service.url, target || service.target || "_self"); } catch (error) { console.warning("fail to open service"); } }, filterServices: function (filter) { this.filter = filter; if (!filter) { this.services = this.config.services; return; } const searchResultItems = []; for (const group of this.config.services) { for (const item of group.items) { if (this.matchesFilter(item)) { searchResultItems.push(item); } } } this.services = [ { name: filter, icon: "fas fa-search", items: searchResultItems, }, ]; }, handleErrors: function (title, content) { return { message: { title: title, style: "is-danger", content: content, }, }; }, createStylesheet: function (css) { let style = document.createElement("style"); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.head.appendChild(style); }, }, }; </script>