path: root/docs/troubleshooting.md
blob: 33b8fb7b9d196fa8febb52895ba17a1545ccb166 (plain) (tree)







# Troubleshooting

## My docker container refuse to start / is stuck at restarting.

You might be facing a permission issue. First of all, check your container logs (adjust the container name if necessary): 

$ docker logs homer
Assets directory not writable. Check assets directory permissions & docker user or skip default assets install by setting the INIT_ASSETS env var to 0

In this case you need to make sure your mounted assests directory have the same GID / UID the container user have (default 1000:1000), and that the read and write permission is granted for the user or the group.

You can either: 
- Update your assets directory permissions (ex: `chown -R 1000:1000 /your/assets/folder/`, `chmod -R u+rw /your/assets/folder/`)
- Change the docker user by using the `--user` arguments with docker cli or `user: 1000:1000` with docker compose.

⚠️ Notes: 

- **Do not** use env var to set the GID / UID of the user running container. Use the Docker `user` option.
- **Do not** use 0:0 as a user value, it would be a security risk, and it's not guaranty to work.

Check this [thread](https://github.com/bastienwirtz/homer/issues/459) for more information about debugging
permission issues.

## My custom service card doesn't work, nothing appears or offline status is displayed (pi-hole, sonarr, ping, ...)

You might be facing a [CORS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) (Cross Origin Request Sharing) issue.
It happens when the targeted service is hosted on a different domain or port.
Web browsers will not allow to fetch information from a different site without explicit permissions (the targeted service
must include a special `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` HTTP headers).
If this happens your web console (`ctrl+shift+i` or `F12`) will be filled with this kind of errors:

Access to fetch at 'https://<target-service>' from origin 'https://<homer>' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

To resolve this, you can either:

* Host all your target service under the same domain & port.
* Modify the target server configuration so that the response of the server included following header- `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` (<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#simple_requests>). It might be an option in the targeted service, otherwise depending on how the service is hosted, the proxy or web server can seamlessly add it.
* Use a cors proxy server like [`cors-container`](https://github.com/imjacobclark/cors-container), [`cors-anywhere`](https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere) or many others.

## I am using an authentication proxy and homer says I am offline

This should be a configuration issue.
* Make sure the option `connectivityCheck` is set to `true` in configuration.
* Check your proxy configuration, the expected behavior is to redirect user using a 302 to the login page when user is not authenticated.