# Database / Postgres service configuration POSTGRES_USER=<MY POSTGRES USERNAME> POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<MY POSTGRES PASSWORD> # Postgres database name "peertube" POSTGRES_DB=peertube # The database name used by PeerTube will be PEERTUBE_DB_NAME (only if set) *OR* 'peertube'+PEERTUBE_DB_SUFFIX #PEERTUBE_DB_NAME=<MY POSTGRES DB NAME> #PEERTUBE_DB_SUFFIX=_prod # Database username and password used by PeerTube must match Postgres', so they are copied: PEERTUBE_DB_USERNAME=$POSTGRES_USER PEERTUBE_DB_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD PEERTUBE_DB_SSL=false # Default to Postgres service name "postgres" in docker-compose.yml PEERTUBE_DB_HOSTNAME=postgres # PeerTube server configuration # If you test PeerTube in local: use "peertube.localhost" and add this domain to your host file resolving on PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_HOSTNAME=<MY DOMAIN> # If you just want to test PeerTube on local #PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_PORT=9000 #PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_HTTPS=false # If you need more than one IP as trust_proxy # pass them as a comma separated array: PEERTUBE_TRUST_PROXY=["", "loopback", ""] # Generate one using `openssl rand -hex 32` PEERTUBE_SECRET=<MY PEERTUBE SECRET> # E-mail configuration # If you use a Custom SMTP server #PEERTUBE_SMTP_USERNAME= #PEERTUBE_SMTP_PASSWORD= # Default to Postfix service name "postfix" in docker-compose.yml # May be the hostname of your Custom SMTP server PEERTUBE_SMTP_HOSTNAME=postfix PEERTUBE_SMTP_PORT=25 PEERTUBE_SMTP_FROM=noreply@<MY DOMAIN> PEERTUBE_SMTP_TLS=false PEERTUBE_SMTP_DISABLE_STARTTLS=false PEERTUBE_ADMIN_EMAIL=<MY EMAIL ADDRESS> # Postfix service configuration POSTFIX_myhostname=<MY DOMAIN> # If you need to generate a list of sub/DOMAIN keys # pass them as a whitespace separated string <DOMAIN>=<selector> OPENDKIM_DOMAINS=<MY DOMAIN>=peertube # see https://github.com/wader/postfix-relay/pull/18 OPENDKIM_RequireSafeKeys=no # /!\ Prefer to use the PeerTube admin interface to set the following configurations /!\ #PEERTUBE_SIGNUP_ENABLED=true #PEERTUBE_TRANSCODING_ENABLED=true #PEERTUBE_CONTACT_FORM_ENABLED=true