parameters: id: name: id in: path required: true type: string description: 'The video id or uuid' thumbnailfile: name: thumbnailfile in: formData type: file description: 'Video thumbnail file' previewfile: name: previewfile in: formData type: file description: 'Video preview file' category: name: category in: formData type: number description: 'Video category' licence: name: licence in: formData type: number description: 'Video licence' language: name: language in: formData type: string description: 'Video language' description: name: description in: formData type: string description: 'Video description' waitTranscoding: name: waitTranscoding in: formData type: boolean description: 'Whether or not we wait transcoding before publish the video' support: name: support in: formData type: string description: 'Text describing how to support the video uploader' nsfw: name: nsfw in: formData type: boolean description: 'Whether or not this video contains sensitive content' name: name: name in: formData type: string description: 'Video name' tags: name: tags in: formData type: string[] description: 'Video tags' commentsEnabled: name: commentsEnabled in: formData type: boolean description: 'Enable or disable comments for this video' downloadingEnabled: name: downloadingEnabled in: formData type: boolean description: 'Enable or disable downloading for this video' privacy: name: privacy in: formData type: string enum: [Public, Unlisted] description: 'Video privacy' scheduleUpdate: name: scheduleUpdate in: formData required: false description: 'Schedule an update at a specific datetime' properties: updateAt: type: dateTime description: 'When to update the video' required: true privacy: type: string enum: [Public, Unlisted] description: 'Video privacy target'