@use '_variables' as *; @use '_mixins' as *; .root { margin-bottom: 45px; } .first-row { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .active-filters { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .filters { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-top: 25px; border-bottom: 1px solid $separator-border-color; input[type=radio] + label { font-weight: $font-regular; } .form-group > label:first-child { display: block; &.with-description { margin-bottom: 0; } &:not(.with-description) { margin-bottom: 10px; } } .form-group { @include margin-right(30px); } } .pastille { @include margin-right(15px); border-radius: 24px; padding: 4px 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; cursor: pointer; &:focus-visible { outline: pvar(--mainColor) auto 1px; } } .filters-toggle { border: 2px solid pvar(--mainForegroundColor); my-global-icon { @include margin-left(5px); } &.active my-global-icon { position: relative; top: -1px; } &:not(.active) { my-global-icon ::ng-deep svg { transform: rotate(180deg); } } } // Than have an icon .filters-toggle, .active-filter.can-remove { padding: 4px 11px 4px 15px; } .active-filter { background-color: pvar(--channelBackgroundColor); display: flex; align-items: center; &:not(.can-remove) { cursor: default; } &.can-remove:hover { opacity: 0.9; } my-global-icon { @include margin-left(10px); width: 16px; color: pvar(--greyForegroundColor); } } .sort { min-width: 250px; max-width: 300px; height: min-content; ::ng-deep { .ng-select-container { height: 33px !important; } .ng-value strong { @include margin-left(5px); } } } my-select-languages, my-select-categories { width: 300px; display: inline-block; } .label-description { font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-bottom: 10px; a { color: pvar(--mainColor); } } @media screen and (max-width: $small-view) { .first-row { flex-direction: column; } }