From b6a43e2aa3eaeb9bc07c5386d76216b24ede12bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Milo Ivir Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2022 14:59:49 +0000 Subject: Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 98.7% (2044 of 2070 strings) Translation: PeerTube/angular Translate-URL: --- client/src/locale/ | 201 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-) diff --git a/client/src/locale/ b/client/src/locale/ index 3b9162105..ac490c461 100644 --- a/client/src/locale/ +++ b/client/src/locale/ @@ -471,57 +471,57 @@ PeerTube uses the BitTorrent protocol to share bandwidth between users by default to help lower the load on the server, but ultimately leaves you the choice to switch back to regular streaming exclusively from the server of the video. What follows applies only if you want to keep using the P2P mode of PeerTube. - + PeerTube standardno koristi BitTorrent protokol za dijeljenje propusnosti između korisnika kako bi se smanjilo opterećenje poslužitelja, ali ti u konačnici ostavlja izbor da se vratiš na regularni prijenos isključivo s poslužitelja videa. Ono što slijedi vrijedi samo ako želiš nastaviti koristiti P2P modus PeerTubea. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html69 The main threat to your privacy induced by BitTorrent lies in your IP address being stored in the instance's BitTorrent tracker as long as you download or watch the video. - + Glavna prijetnja za tvoju privatnost izazvana BitTorrentom je spremanje tvoje IP adrese u BitTorrent alatu za praćenje instance, dok preuzimaš ili gledaš video. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html75 What are the consequences? - + Koje su posljedice? src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html80 In theory, someone with enough technical skills could create a script that tracks which IP is downloading which video. In practice, this is much more difficult because: - + U teoriji, netko s dovoljno tehničkih vještina mogao bi izraditi skript koji prati koja IP adresa preuzima koji video. U praksi je to puno teže jer: src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html82 An HTTP request has to be sent on each tracker for each video to spy. If we want to spy all PeerTube's videos, we have to send as many requests as there are videos (so potentially a lot) - + HTTP zahtjev se mora poslati na svakom alatu za praćenje za svaki špijunirani video. Ako želimo špijunirati sva PeerTubeova videa, moramo poslati onoliko zahtjeva koliko ima videa (dakle potencijalno puno) src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html88 For each request sent, the tracker returns random peers at a limited number. For instance, if there are 1000 peers in the swarm and the tracker sends only 20 peers for each request, there must be at least 50 requests sent to know every peer in the swarm - + Za svaki poslani zahtjev, alat a praćenje vraća ograničen broj slučajno odabranih sudionika. Na primjer, ako postoji 1.000 sudionika u gomili i alat a praćenje šalje samo 20 sudionika za svaki zahtjev, mora se poslati najmanje 50 zahtjeva da bi se poznao svaki sudionik u gomili src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html93 Those requests have to be sent regularly to know who starts/stops watching a video. It is easy to detect that kind of behaviour - + Ti se zahtjevi moraju redovito slati kako bi se znalo tko počinje/prestaje gledati video. Lako je otkriti takvo ponašanje src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html99 If an IP address is stored in the tracker, it doesn't mean that the person behind the IP (if this person exists) has watched the video - + Ako je IP adresa spremljena u alatu za praćenje, to ne znači da je osoba tog IP-a (ako ta osoba postoji) pogledala video src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html103 The IP address is a vague information: usually, it regularly changes and can represent many persons or entities - + IP adresa je nejasna informacija: obično se redovito mijenja i može predstavljati mnoge osobe ili entitete src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html108 Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See this document for more information - + Web sudionici nisu javno dostupni: budući da koristimo websocket transport, protokol se razlikuje od klasičnog BitTorrent trackera. Kad se nalaziš u web-pregledniku, šalješ signal koji sadrži tvoju IP adresu alatu za praćenje koji će nasumično odabrati druge korisnike kojima će proslijediti informacije. Pogledaj ovaj dokument za više informacija src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html112 The worst-case scenario of an average person spying on their friends is quite unlikely. There are much more effective ways to get that kind of information. - + Najgori mogući scenarij prosječne osobe da špijunira svoje prijatelje je malo vjerojatno. Postoje puno učinkovitiji načini za dobivanje te vrste informacije. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html120 @@ -531,47 +531,47 @@ The threats to privacy with YouTube are different from PeerTube's. In YouTube's case, the platform gathers a huge amount of your personal information (not only your IP) to analyze them and track you. Moreover, YouTube is owned by Google/Alphabet, a company that tracks you across many websites (via AdSense or Google Analytics). - + Prijetnje privatnosti na YouTubeu razlikuju se od PeerTube prijetnji. U slučaju YouTubea, platforma prikuplja ogromnu količinu tvojih osobnih podataka (ne samo tvoj IP) kako bi ih analizirala i kako bi te pratila. Štoviše, YouTube je u vlasništvu Google/Alphabeta, tvrtke koja te prati na mnogim web-stranicama (preko AdSensea ili Google Analyticsa). src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html127 What can I do to limit the exposure of my IP address? - + Što mogu učiniti da ograničim izloženost svoje IP adrese? src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html133 Your IP address is public so every time you consult a website, there is a number of actors (in addition to the final website) seeing your IP in their connection logs: ISP/routers/trackers/CDN and more. PeerTube is transparent about it: we warn you that if you want to keep your IP private, you must use a VPN or Tor Browser. Thinking that removing P2P from PeerTube will give you back anonymity doesn't make sense. - + Tvoja IP adresa je javna, tako da svaki put kad posjetiš web-stranicu, postoji niz aktera (pored konačne web-stranice) koji vide tvoju IP adresu u svojim zapisima povezivanja: ISP/usmjerivači/alati za praćenje/CDN i više. PeerTube je transparentan u vezi s tim: upozoravamo da ako želiš zadržati privatnost svoje IP adrese, moraš koristiti VPN ili Tor preglednik. Misliti da će ti uklanjanje P2P-a s PeerTubea vratiti anonimnost nema smisla. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html135 What will be done to mitigate this problem? - + Što će se učiniti da se ovaj problem smanji? src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html142 PeerTube wants to deliver the best countermeasures possible, to give you more choice and render attacks less likely. Here is what we put in place so far: - + PeerTube želi pružiti najbolje moguće protumjere kako bi pružio više izbora i smanjio vjerojatnost napada. Evo što smo do sada postavili: src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html144 We set a limit to the number of peers sent by the tracker - + Postavili smo ograničenje broja sudionika koje šalje alat za praćenje src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html150 We set a limit on the request frequency received by the tracker - + Postavili smo ograničenje za učestalost zahtjeva koje prima alat za praćenje src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html151 Allow instance admins to disable P2P from the administration interface - + Dopusti administratorima instance da isključe P2P u sučelju administracije src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html152 Ultimately, remember you can always disable P2P by toggling it in the video player, or just by disabling WebRTC in your browser. - + U konačnici, zapamti da P2P uvijek možeš isključiti u video playeru ili jednostavno isključi WebRTC u svom pregledniku. src/app/+about/about-peertube/about-peertube.component.html155 @@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ Hot videos - + Najzanimljivija videa src/app/+admin/config/edit-custom-config/edit-basic-configuration.component.html47 @@ -2651,12 +2651,12 @@ Your instance doesn't mirror any video. - + Tvoja instanca ne replicira nijedan video. src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html80 Your instance has no mirrored videos. - + Tvoja instanca ne sadrži replicirana videa. src/app/+admin/follows/video-redundancies-list/video-redundancies-list.component.html81 @@ -3230,6 +3230,7 @@ Anti brute force system could be overzealous + Sustav protiv grube sile mogao bi biti pretjeran src/app/+admin/system/debug/debug.component.html 9 @@ -6174,6 +6175,7 @@ has been created using PeerTube, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. Framasoft is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools + Instanca je storena koristeći PeerTube, platformu za izradu videa koju je stvorila organizacija Framasoft. Framasoft je francuska neprofitna organizacija koja nudi alternative za digitalne alate velikih tehnoloških poduzeća src/app/+signup/+register/steps/register-step-about.component.html 34,37 @@ -6497,6 +6499,7 @@ Concatenate a file at the beginning of the video. + Poveži datoteku na početak videa. src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 26,28 @@ -6504,6 +6507,7 @@ Select the intro video file + Odaberi datoteku uvodnog dijela videa src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 30,31 @@ -6519,6 +6523,7 @@ Concatenate a file at the end of the video. + Poveži datoteku na kraj videa. src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 40,42 @@ -6526,6 +6531,7 @@ Select the outro video file + Odaberi datoteku završnog dijela videa src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 44,45 @@ -6541,6 +6547,7 @@ Add a watermark image to the video. + Dodaj sliku vodenog žiga videu. src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 54,56 @@ -6548,6 +6555,7 @@ Select watermark image file + Odaberi datoteku vodenog žiga src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 58,59 @@ -6555,6 +6563,7 @@ Run video edition + Pokreni izdanje videa src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 66 @@ -6562,6 +6571,7 @@ Video before edition + Video prije izdanja src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 75,76 @@ -6569,6 +6579,7 @@ Edition tasks: + Radnje izdanja: src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.html 80,82 @@ -6581,18 +6592,22 @@ The current video will be overwritten by this edited video and <strong>you won't be able to recover it</strong>.<br /><br /> + Trenutačni video će se prepisati ovim uređenim videom i <strong>neće se moći obnoviti</strong>.<br /><br /> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts77 As a reminder, the following tasks will be executed: <ol></ol> + Kao podsjetnik, sljedeći zadaci će se izvršiti: <ol></ol> src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts78 Edition tasks created. + Radnje izdanja stvorene. src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts91 (extensions: ) + (sufiksi: ) src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts107 src/app/+video-studio/edit/video-studio-edit.component.ts111 @@ -7535,7 +7550,7 @@ Paste magnet URI - Umetni magnetski URI + Umetni magnet URI src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html 16 @@ -7543,7 +7558,7 @@ You can import any torrent file that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. - + Možeš uvesti bilo koju torrent datoteku koja upućuje na medijsku datoteku. Provjeri je li imaš prava za širenje sadržaja na koji upućuje, inače to može prouzročiti pravne probleme tebi i tvojoj instanci. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-torrent.component.html 20,22 @@ -7584,7 +7599,7 @@ You can import any URL supported by youtube-dl or URL that points to a media file. You should make sure you have diffusion rights over the content it points to, otherwise it could cause legal trouble to yourself and your instance. - + Možeš uvesti bilo koji URL koji podržava youtube-dl ili URL koji upućuje na medijsku datoteku. Provjeri je li imaš prava za širenje sadržaja na koji upućuje, inače to može prouzročiti pravne probleme tebi i tvojoj instanci. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html 11,14 @@ -7592,7 +7607,7 @@ Congratulations, the video behind will be imported! You can already add information about this video. - Čestitamo, video s adrese će biti uvezen! Već možeš dodati informacije o ovom videu. + Čestitamo, video s adrese će se uvesti! Već možeš dodati informacije o ovom videu. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-import-url.component.html49 @@ -7671,6 +7686,7 @@ Upload on hold + Prijenos na čekanju src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add-components/video-upload.component.ts176 @@ -7724,7 +7740,7 @@ We recommend you to not use the root user to publish your videos, since it's the super-admin account of your instance. Instead, create a dedicated account to upload your videos. - + Preporučujemo da ne koristiš root korisnika za objavljivanje tvojih videa, budući da je to račun super-administratora tvoje instance. Umjesto toga, otvori zaseban račun za prijenos svojih videa. src/app/+videos/+video-edit/video-add.component.html34 @@ -7819,7 +7835,7 @@ You are one step away from commenting - + Još jedan korak za komentiranje src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/comment/video-comment-add.component.html59 @@ -8148,7 +8164,7 @@ the sharing system used for this video implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers. - + sustav dijeljenja koji se koristi za ovaj video implicira da se neke tehničke informacije o tvom sustavu (kao što je javna IP adresa) mogu poslati drugim sudionicima. src/app/+videos/+video-watch/shared/information/privacy-concerns.component.html5 @@ -8319,7 +8335,7 @@ Autoplay is suspended - + Automatska reprodukcija je obustavljena src/app/+videos/+video-watch/video-watch.component.ts451 @@ -9701,32 +9717,32 @@ Max live duration is required. - + Maks. trajanje prijenosa uživo se mora navesti. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts80 Max live duration should be greater or equal to -1. - + Maks. trajanje prijenosa uživo mora biti veće ili jednako -1. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts81 Max instance lives is required. - + Maks. broj prijenosa uživo instance se mora navesti. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts88 Max instance lives should be greater or equal to -1. - + Maks. broj prijenosa uživo instance mora biti veći ili jednak -1. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts89 Max user lives is required. - + Maks. broj prijenosa uživo korisnika se mora navesti. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts96 Max user lives should be greater or equal to -1. - + Maks. broj prijenosa uživo korisnika mora biti veći ili jednak -1. src/app/shared/form-validators/custom-config-validators.ts97 @@ -10927,7 +10943,7 @@ Max parallel lives - + Maks. broj istovremenih prijenosa uživo src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-features-table.component.html 85 @@ -11165,6 +11181,7 @@ hosted video + raspoloživ video src/app/shared/shared-instance/instance-statistics.component.html 51 @@ -11224,7 +11241,7 @@ extensions - proširenja + datotečni nastavci src/app/shared/shared-actor-image-edit/actor-avatar-edit.component.ts47 @@ -11454,7 +11471,7 @@ Open syndication dropdown - + Otvori padajući izbornik pretplata src/app/shared/shared-main/feeds/feed.component.html 3 @@ -11462,6 +11479,7 @@ Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a banner, an avatar and a description. + Neki tvoji kanali nisu potpuno postavljeni. Objasni što objavljuješ dodavanjem natpisa, avatara i opisa. src/app/shared/shared-main/misc/channels-setup-message.component.html 5 @@ -11568,7 +11586,7 @@ A new video abuse has been created on video - + Nova zlouptreba videa je stvorena za video src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 49 @@ -11576,7 +11594,7 @@ A new comment abuse has been created on video - + Nova zlouptreba komentara je stvorena za video src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 53 @@ -11584,7 +11602,7 @@ A new account abuse has been created on account - + Nova zlouptreba računa je stvorena za račun src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 57 @@ -11592,7 +11610,7 @@ A new abuse has been created - + Stvorena je nova zlouptreba src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 62,63 @@ -11600,7 +11618,7 @@ Your abuse has been acceptedrejected - + Tvoja zloupotreba je prihvaćenaodbijena src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 70,72 @@ -11608,7 +11626,7 @@ Abuse has a new message - + Zlouptreba sadrži novu poruku src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 80,81 @@ -11677,12 +11695,12 @@ Your instance has a new follower () awaiting your approval - + Tvoja instanca ima novog pratitelja () koji čeka na tvoje odobrenje src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html180 Your instance automatically followed - + Tvoja je instanca automatski pratila src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html189 @@ -11695,6 +11713,7 @@ A new version of PeerTube is available: + Nova PeerTube verzija je dostupna: src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 206,207 @@ -11702,6 +11721,7 @@ Your video edition has finished + Tvoje video izdanje je gotovo src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html 213,215 @@ -11709,7 +11729,7 @@ The notification points to content now unavailable - + Obavijest ukazuje na sadržaj koji sada nije dostupan src/app/shared/shared-main/users/user-notifications.component.html221 @@ -11816,17 +11836,17 @@ Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server. - + Sve što nije gore navedeno, a krši uvjete usluge, pravila ponašanja ili opća pravila koja vrijede na poslužitelju. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts153 The above can only be seen in thumbnails. - + Navedeno se može vidjeti samo u minijaturama. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts162 The above can only be seen in captions (please describe which). - + Navedeno se može vidjeti samo u titlovima za nagluhe (opiši koje). src/app/shared/shared-moderation/abuse.service.ts167 @@ -11928,7 +11948,7 @@ What is the issue? - + U čemu je problem? src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html13 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html12 @@ -11941,7 +11961,7 @@ Please describe the issue... - + Opiši problem … src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html41 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/report.component.html41 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/report-modals/video-report.component.html72 @@ -12021,13 +12041,13 @@ Instance unmuted. - + Isključen zvuk instanci . src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts45 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts177 Instance unmuted by your instance. - + Tvoja instanca je isključila zvuk instanci . src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts 46 @@ -12035,13 +12055,13 @@ Instance muted. - Isključen zvuk domeni . + Isključen zvuk instanci . src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts68 src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts163 Instance muted by your instance. - + Tvoja instanca je isključila zvuk instanci . src/app/shared/shared-moderation/server-blocklist.component.ts 69 @@ -12060,6 +12080,7 @@ Mute to also hide videos/comments + Isključi zvuk i za skrivanje videa/komentara src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-ban-modal.component.html 27 @@ -12124,6 +12145,7 @@ If you remove this user, you won't be able to create another user or channel with <strong></strong> username! + Ako ukloniš ovog korisnika, nećeš moći stvoriti drugog korisnika ili kanal s <strong></strong> korisničkim imenom! src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 104 @@ -12189,6 +12211,7 @@ My account moderation + Moderiranje mog računa src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 291,290 @@ -12227,7 +12250,7 @@ Hide any content from that user from you. - + Sakrij sav sadržaj tog korisnika od sebe. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts297 @@ -12249,7 +12272,7 @@ Hide any content from that instance for you. - + Sakrij sav sadržaj s te instance za tebe. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts309 @@ -12274,7 +12297,7 @@ Hide any content from that user from you, your instance and its users. - + Sakrij bilo koji sadržaj od tog korisnika od sebe, svoje instance i njenih korisnika. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts375 @@ -12284,12 +12307,12 @@ Hide any content from that instance from you, your instance and its users. - + Sakrij bilo koji sadržaj od te instance od sebe, svoje instance i njenih korisnika. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts393 Unmute the instance by your instance - + Uključi zvuk instance tvojom instancom src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts398 @@ -12309,6 +12332,7 @@ Instance moderation + Moderiranje instance src/app/shared/shared-moderation/user-moderation-dropdown.component.ts 419 @@ -12329,12 +12353,12 @@ Block live "" - + Blokiraj prijenos uživo videa "" src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html9 Please describe the reason... - + Opiši razlog … src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html20 @@ -12347,6 +12371,7 @@ This will ask remote instances to delete local videos + Ovo će od udaljenih instanci zatražiti brisanje lokalnih videa src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html 34 @@ -12354,6 +12379,7 @@ This will ask remote instances to delete this video + Ovo će od udaljenih instanci zatražiti brisanje ovog videa src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html 35 @@ -12361,6 +12387,7 @@ Blocking a live will automatically terminate the live stream. + Blokiranje prijenosa uživo automatski će prekinuti prijenos uživo. src/app/shared/shared-moderation/video-block.component.html 40,42 @@ -12400,6 +12427,7 @@ This playlist is private so you won't be able to share it with external users + Ova playlista je privatna, stoga je nećeš moći dijeliti s vanjskim korisnicima src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html 14 @@ -12407,6 +12435,7 @@ Update playlist privacy + Aktualiziraj privatnost playliste src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html 16,18 @@ -12426,7 +12455,7 @@ The url is not secured (no HTTPS), so the embed video won't work on HTTPS websites (web browsers block non secured HTTP requests on HTTPS websites). - + URL nije osiguran (nema HTTPS), stoga ugrađeni video neće raditi na HTTPS web-stranicama (web-preglednici blokiraju nesigurne HTTP zahtjeve na HTTPS web-stranicama). src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html53 src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html130 @@ -12454,6 +12483,7 @@ This video is private so you won't be able to share it with external users + Ovaj video je privatan, stoga ga nećeš moći dijeliti s vanjskim korisnicima src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html 91 @@ -12461,6 +12491,7 @@ Update video privacy + Aktualiziraj privatnost videa src/app/shared/shared-share-modal/video-share.component.html 93,95 @@ -12545,7 +12576,7 @@ Add to watch later - + Dodaj u kasnije gledanje src/app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts 29 @@ -12553,7 +12584,7 @@ Remove from watch later - + Ukloni iz kasnijeg gledanja src/app/shared/shared-thumbnail/video-thumbnail.component.ts 30 @@ -12604,7 +12635,7 @@ The sharing system implies that some technical information about your system (such as a public IP address) can be sent to other peers, but greatly helps to reduce server load. - + Sustav dijeljenja implicira da se neke tehničke informacije o tvom sustavu (kao što je javna IP adresa) mogu poslati drugim sudionicima, ali uvelike pomaže smanjiti opterećenje poslužitelja. src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.html45 @@ -12639,12 +12670,12 @@ Video settings updated. - + Postavke videa su aktualizirane. src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts121 Display/Video settings updated. - + Postavke videa/prikaza su aktualizirane. src/app/shared/shared-user-settings/user-video-settings.component.ts130 @@ -12688,7 +12719,7 @@ channels subscribed - + pretplaćeni kanali src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html 13 @@ -12706,12 +12737,12 @@ Open subscription dropdown - + Otvori padajući izbornik pretplata src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html40 Using an ActivityPub account - + Koristeći ActivityPub račun src/app/shared/shared-user-subscription/subscribe-button.component.html48 @@ -12794,7 +12825,7 @@ Live information - + Informacije prijenosa uživo src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html 3 @@ -12858,7 +12889,7 @@ Update live settings - + Aktualiziraj postavke prijenosa uživo src/app/shared/shared-video-live/live-stream-information.component.html55 @@ -12923,6 +12954,7 @@ Scope + Opseg src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters.model.ts 123 @@ -12963,13 +12995,13 @@ Cannot load more videos. Try again later. - + Nije moguće učitati više videa. Pokušaj kasnije ponovo. src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-list.component.ts247 src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/videos-selection.component.ts130 Open video actions - + Otvori video radnje src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.html 4 @@ -12977,6 +13009,7 @@ Do you really want to unblock ? It will be available again in the videos list. + Stvarno želiš deblokirati ? Ponovo će biti dostupan u popisu videa. src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts 208 @@ -13155,7 +13188,7 @@ Mirror - Zrcali + Replikacija src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-actions-dropdown.component.ts371 @@ -13168,6 +13201,7 @@ The following link contains a private token and should not be shared with anyone. + Sljedeća poveznica sadrži privatni token i ne bi se trebao dijeliti s drugima. src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-download.component.html 19,20 @@ -13373,6 +13407,7 @@ Sort by "Hot" + Razvrstaj po „Najzanimljivija” src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 50 @@ -13412,6 +13447,7 @@ Scope: + Opseg: src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-filters-header.component.html 82 @@ -13522,6 +13558,7 @@ To edit + Za uređivanje src/app/shared/shared-video-miniature/video-miniature.component.ts 202 @@ -13564,7 +13601,7 @@ Timestamps updated - + Vremenska oznaka aktualizirana src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts277 src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.ts116 @@ -13576,7 +13613,7 @@ Video added in at timestamps - + Video dodan u pri vremenskoj oznaci src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-add-to-playlist.component.ts379 @@ -13591,7 +13628,7 @@ Edit starts/stops at - + Uredi pokretanja/prekide pri src/app/shared/shared-video-playlist/video-playlist-element-miniature.component.html62 -- cgit v1.2.3