path: root/support/doc/client/code.md
blob: c1a5c1c5f62737bb2b14a934c4d8e8b138dc8c8e (plain) (tree)












# Client code documentation

The client is a HTML/CSS/JavaScript web application (single page application -> SPA) developed with [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/)/[Angular](https://angular.io/).

## Technologies

  * [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) -> Language
  * [Angular](https://angular.io) -> JavaScript framework
  * [SASS](http://sass-lang.com/) -> CSS framework
  * [Webpack](https://webpack.github.io/docs/) -> Source builder (compile TypeScript, SASS files, bundle them...)
  * [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) -> CSS framework
  * [WebTorrent](https://webtorrent.io/) -> JavaScript library to make P2P in the browser
  * [VideoJS](http://videojs.com/) -> JavaScript player framework

## Files

The client files are in the `client` directory. The Webpack 2 configurations files are in `client/config` and the source files in `client/src`.
The client modules description are in the [client/package.json](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/master/client/package.json). There are many modules that are used to compile the web application in development or production mode.
Here is the description of the useful `client` files directory:

    tslint.json   -> TypeScript linter rules
    tsconfig.json -> TypeScript configuration for the compilation
    .bootstraprc  -> Bootstrap configuration file (which module we need)
    config        -> Webpack configuration files
    |__ app          -> TypeScript files for Angular application
    |__ assets       -> static files (images...)
    |__ sass         -> SASS files that are global for the application
    |__ standalone   -> files outside the Angular application (embed HTML page...)
    |__ index.html   -> root HTML file for our Angular application
    |__ main.ts      -> Main TypeScript file that boostraps our Angular application
    |__ polyfills.ts -> Polyfills imports (ES 2015...)
    |__ vendor.ts    -> Vendor imports (Angular, Bootstrap...)

Details of the Angular application file structure. It tries to follow [the official Angular styleguide](https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.html).

    |__ account                      -> Account components (password change...)
    |__ admin                        -> Admin components (friends, users...)
    |__ core                         -> Core components/services
    |__ login                        -> Login component
    |__ shared                       -> Shared components/services (search component, REST services...)
    |__ videos                       -> Video components (list, watch, upload...)
    |__ app.component.{html,scss,ts} -> Main application component
    |__ app.module.ts                -> Angular root module that imports all submodules we need

## Conventions

Uses [TSLint](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/) for TypeScript linting and [Angular styleguide](https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.html).

## Developing

  * Install [the dependencies](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube#dependencies)
  * Run `npm install` at the root directory to install all the dependencies
  * Run PostgreSQL and create the database `peertube_dev`.
  * Run `npm run dev` to compile the client and automatically run the server. Then the server will watch and compile the client files automatically. You just need to refresh the browser to see your modifications.

In a Angular application, we create components that we put together. Each component is defined by an HTML structure, a TypeScript file and optionnaly a SASS file.
If you are not familiar with Angular I recommend you to read the [quickstart guide](https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/quickstart.html).

## Components tree

![Components tree](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/master/support/doc/client/components-tree.png)

## Newcomers

The main client component is `app.component.ts`. You can begin to look at this file. Then you could navigate in the different submodules to see how components are built.