path: root/server/tests/plugins/filter-hooks.ts
blob: e82aa3bfb36d8b5b09ca76d48aa97f71f1043621 (plain) (tree)






















































































































/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */

import 'mocha'
import * as chai from 'chai'
import { HttpStatusCode } from '@shared/core-utils'
import {
} from '@shared/extra-utils'
import { VideoDetails, VideoImportState, VideoPlaylist, VideoPlaylistPrivacy, VideoPrivacy } from '@shared/models'

const expect = chai.expect

describe('Test plugin filter hooks', function () {
  let servers: ServerInfo[]
  let videoUUID: string
  let threadId: number

  before(async function () {

    servers = await flushAndRunMultipleServers(2)
    await setAccessTokensToServers(servers)
    await setDefaultVideoChannel(servers)
    await doubleFollow(servers[0], servers[1])

    await servers[0].pluginsCommand.install({ path: PluginsCommand.getPluginTestPath() })
    await servers[0].pluginsCommand.install({ path: PluginsCommand.getPluginTestPath('-filter-translations') })

    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      await servers[0].videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'default video ' + i } })

    const { data } = await servers[0].videosCommand.list()
    videoUUID = data[0].uuid

    await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({
      newConfig: {
        live: { enabled: true },
        signup: { enabled: true },
        import: {
          videos: {
            http: { enabled: true },
            torrent: { enabled: true }

  it('Should run filter:api.videos.list.params', async function () {
    const { data } = await servers[0].videosCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 2 })

    // 2 plugins do +1 to the count parameter

  it('Should run filter:api.videos.list.result', async function () {
    const { total } = await servers[0].videosCommand.list({ start: 0, count: 0 })

    // Plugin do +1 to the total result

  it('Should run filter:api.accounts.videos.list.params', async function () {
    const { data } = await servers[0].videosCommand.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root', start: 0, count: 2 })

    // 1 plugin do +1 to the count parameter

  it('Should run filter:api.accounts.videos.list.result', async function () {
    const { total } = await servers[0].videosCommand.listByAccount({ accountName: 'root', start: 0, count: 2 })

    // Plugin do +2 to the total result

  it('Should run filter:api.video-channels.videos.list.params', async function () {
    const { data } = await servers[0].videosCommand.listByChannel({ videoChannelName: 'root_channel', start: 0, count: 2 })

    // 1 plugin do +3 to the count parameter

  it('Should run filter:api.video-channels.videos.list.result', async function () {
    const { total } = await servers[0].videosCommand.listByChannel({ videoChannelName: 'root_channel', start: 0, count: 2 })

    // Plugin do +3 to the total result

  it('Should run filter:api.user.me.videos.list.params', async function () {
    const { data } = await servers[0].videosCommand.listMyVideos({ start: 0, count: 2 })

    // 1 plugin do +4 to the count parameter

  it('Should run filter:api.user.me.videos.list.result', async function () {
    const { total } = await servers[0].videosCommand.listMyVideos({ start: 0, count: 2 })

    // Plugin do +4 to the total result

  it('Should run filter:api.video.get.result', async function () {
    const video = await servers[0].videosCommand.get({ id: videoUUID })

  it('Should run filter:api.video.upload.accept.result', async function () {
    await servers[0].videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video with bad word' }, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 })

  it('Should run filter:api.live-video.create.accept.result', async function () {
    const attributes = {
      name: 'video with bad word',
      privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
      channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id

    await servers[0].liveCommand.create({ fields: attributes, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 })

  it('Should run filter:api.video.pre-import-url.accept.result', async function () {
    const attributes = {
      name: 'normal title',
      privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
      channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id,
      targetUrl: ImportsCommand.getGoodVideoUrl() + 'bad'
    await servers[0].importsCommand.importVideo({ attributes, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 })

  it('Should run filter:api.video.pre-import-torrent.accept.result', async function () {
    const attributes = {
      name: 'bad torrent',
      privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
      channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id,
      torrentfile: 'video-720p.torrent' as any
    await servers[0].importsCommand.importVideo({ attributes, expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403 })

  it('Should run filter:api.video.post-import-url.accept.result', async function () {

    let videoImportId: number

      const attributes = {
        name: 'title with bad word',
        privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
        channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id,
        targetUrl: ImportsCommand.getGoodVideoUrl()
      const body = await servers[0].importsCommand.importVideo({ attributes })
      videoImportId = body.id

    await waitJobs(servers)

      const body = await servers[0].importsCommand.getMyVideoImports()
      const videoImports = body.data

      const videoImport = videoImports.find(i => i.id === videoImportId)


  it('Should run filter:api.video.post-import-torrent.accept.result', async function () {

    let videoImportId: number

      const attributes = {
        name: 'title with bad word',
        privacy: VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC,
        channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id,
        torrentfile: 'video-720p.torrent' as any
      const body = await servers[0].importsCommand.importVideo({ attributes })
      videoImportId = body.id

    await waitJobs(servers)

      const { data: videoImports } = await servers[0].importsCommand.getMyVideoImports()

      const videoImport = videoImports.find(i => i.id === videoImportId)


  it('Should run filter:api.video-thread.create.accept.result', async function () {
    await servers[0].commentsCommand.createThread({
      videoId: videoUUID,
      text: 'comment with bad word',
      expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403

  it('Should run filter:api.video-comment-reply.create.accept.result', async function () {
    const created = await servers[0].commentsCommand.createThread({ videoId: videoUUID, text: 'thread' })
    threadId = created.id

    await servers[0].commentsCommand.addReply({
      videoId: videoUUID,
      toCommentId: threadId,
      text: 'comment with bad word',
      expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403
    await servers[0].commentsCommand.addReply({
      videoId: videoUUID,
      toCommentId: threadId,
      text: 'comment with good word',
      expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.OK_200

  it('Should run filter:api.video-threads.list.params', async function () {
    const { data } = await servers[0].commentsCommand.listThreads({ videoId: videoUUID, start: 0, count: 0 })

    // our plugin do +1 to the count parameter

  it('Should run filter:api.video-threads.list.result', async function () {
    const { total } = await servers[0].commentsCommand.listThreads({ videoId: videoUUID, start: 0, count: 0 })

    // Plugin do +1 to the total result

  it('Should run filter:api.video-thread-comments.list.params')

  it('Should run filter:api.video-thread-comments.list.result', async function () {
    const thread = await servers[0].commentsCommand.getThread({ videoId: videoUUID, threadId })

    expect(thread.comment.text.endsWith(' <3')).to.be.true

  describe('Should run filter:video.auto-blacklist.result', function () {

    async function checkIsBlacklisted (id: number | string, value: boolean) {
      const video = await servers[0].videosCommand.getWithToken({ id })

    it('Should blacklist on upload', async function () {
      const { uuid } = await servers[0].videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video please blacklist me' } })
      await checkIsBlacklisted(uuid, true)

    it('Should blacklist on import', async function () {

      const attributes = {
        name: 'video please blacklist me',
        targetUrl: ImportsCommand.getGoodVideoUrl(),
        channelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id
      const body = await servers[0].importsCommand.importVideo({ attributes })
      await checkIsBlacklisted(body.video.uuid, true)

    it('Should blacklist on update', async function () {
      const { uuid } = await servers[0].videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video' } })
      await checkIsBlacklisted(uuid, false)

      await servers[0].videosCommand.update({ id: uuid, attributes: { name: 'please blacklist me' } })
      await checkIsBlacklisted(uuid, true)

    it('Should blacklist on remote upload', async function () {

      const { uuid } = await servers[1].videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'remote please blacklist me' } })
      await waitJobs(servers)

      await checkIsBlacklisted(uuid, true)

    it('Should blacklist on remote update', async function () {

      const { uuid } = await servers[1].videosCommand.upload({ attributes: { name: 'video' } })
      await waitJobs(servers)

      await checkIsBlacklisted(uuid, false)

      await servers[1].videosCommand.update({ id: uuid, attributes: { name: 'please blacklist me' } })
      await waitJobs(servers)

      await checkIsBlacklisted(uuid, true)

  describe('Should run filter:api.user.signup.allowed.result', function () {

    it('Should run on config endpoint', async function () {
      const body = await servers[0].configCommand.getConfig()

    it('Should allow a signup', async function () {
      await servers[0].usersCommand.register({ username: 'john', password: 'password' })

    it('Should not allow a signup', async function () {
      const res = await servers[0].usersCommand.register({
        username: 'jma',
        password: 'password',
        expectedStatus: HttpStatusCode.FORBIDDEN_403

      expect(res.body.error).to.equal('No jma')

  describe('Download hooks', function () {
    const downloadVideos: VideoDetails[] = []

    before(async function () {

      await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({
        newConfig: {
          transcoding: {
            webtorrent: {
              enabled: true
            hls: {
              enabled: true

      const uuids: string[] = []

      for (const name of [ 'bad torrent', 'bad file', 'bad playlist file' ]) {
        const uuid = (await servers[0].videosCommand.quickUpload({ name: name })).uuid

      await waitJobs(servers)

      for (const uuid of uuids) {
        downloadVideos.push(await servers[0].videosCommand.get({ id: uuid }))

    it('Should run filter:api.download.torrent.allowed.result', async function () {
      const res = await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[0].files[0].torrentDownloadUrl, 403)
      expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Liu Bei')

      await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[1].files[0].torrentDownloadUrl, 200)
      await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[2].files[0].torrentDownloadUrl, 200)

    it('Should run filter:api.download.video.allowed.result', async function () {
        const res = await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[1].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 403)
        expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Cao Cao')

        await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[0].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 200)
        await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[2].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 200)

        const res = await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[2].streamingPlaylists[0].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 403)
        expect(res.body.error).to.equal('Sun Jian')

        await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[2].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 200)

        await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[0].streamingPlaylists[0].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 200)
        await makeRawRequest(downloadVideos[1].streamingPlaylists[0].files[0].fileDownloadUrl, 200)

  describe('Embed filters', function () {
    const embedVideos: VideoDetails[] = []
    const embedPlaylists: VideoPlaylist[] = []

    before(async function () {

      await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({
        newConfig: {
          transcoding: {
            enabled: false

      for (const name of [ 'bad embed', 'good embed' ]) {
          const uuid = (await servers[0].videosCommand.quickUpload({ name: name })).uuid
          embedVideos.push(await servers[0].videosCommand.get({ id: uuid }))

          const attributes = { displayName: name, videoChannelId: servers[0].videoChannel.id, privacy: VideoPlaylistPrivacy.PUBLIC }
          const { id } = await servers[0].playlistsCommand.create({ attributes })

          const playlist = await servers[0].playlistsCommand.get({ playlistId: id })

    it('Should run filter:html.embed.video.allowed.result', async function () {
      const res = await makeRawRequest(servers[0].url + embedVideos[0].embedPath, 200)
      expect(res.text).to.equal('Lu Bu')

    it('Should run filter:html.embed.video-playlist.allowed.result', async function () {
      const res = await makeRawRequest(servers[0].url + embedPlaylists[0].embedPath, 200)
      expect(res.text).to.equal('Diao Chan')

  describe('Search filters', function () {

    before(async function () {
      await servers[0].configCommand.updateCustomSubConfig({
        newConfig: {
          search: {
            searchIndex: {
              enabled: true,
              isDefaultSearch: false,
              disableLocalSearch: false

    it('Should run filter:api.search.videos.local.list.{params,result}', async function () {
      await servers[0].searchCommand.advancedVideoSearch({
        search: {
          search: 'Sun Quan'

      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.videos.local.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.videos.local.list.result', 1)

    it('Should run filter:api.search.videos.index.list.{params,result}', async function () {
      await servers[0].searchCommand.advancedVideoSearch({
        search: {
          search: 'Sun Quan',
          searchTarget: 'search-index'

      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.videos.local.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.videos.local.list.result', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.videos.index.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.videos.index.list.result', 1)

    it('Should run filter:api.search.video-channels.local.list.{params,result}', async function () {
      await servers[0].searchCommand.advancedChannelSearch({
        search: {
          search: 'Sun Ce'

      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-channels.local.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-channels.local.list.result', 1)

    it('Should run filter:api.search.video-channels.index.list.{params,result}', async function () {
      await servers[0].searchCommand.advancedChannelSearch({
        search: {
          search: 'Sun Ce',
          searchTarget: 'search-index'

      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-channels.local.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-channels.local.list.result', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-channels.index.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-channels.index.list.result', 1)

    it('Should run filter:api.search.video-playlists.local.list.{params,result}', async function () {
      await servers[0].searchCommand.advancedPlaylistSearch({
        search: {
          search: 'Sun Jian'

      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-playlists.local.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-playlists.local.list.result', 1)

    it('Should run filter:api.search.video-playlists.index.list.{params,result}', async function () {
      await servers[0].searchCommand.advancedPlaylistSearch({
        search: {
          search: 'Sun Jian',
          searchTarget: 'search-index'

      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-playlists.local.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-playlists.local.list.result', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-playlists.index.list.params', 1)
      await servers[0].serversCommand.waitUntilLog('Run hook filter:api.search.video-playlists.index.list.result', 1)

  after(async function () {
    await cleanupTests(servers)