'use strict'
const eachSeries = require('async/eachSeries')
const express = require('express')
const waterfall = require('async/waterfall')
const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
const middlewares = require('../../../middlewares')
const secureMiddleware = middlewares.secure
const validators = middlewares.validators.remote
const logger = require('../../../helpers/logger')
const router = express.Router()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = router
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function remoteVideos (req, res, next) {
const requests = req.body.data
const fromPod = res.locals.secure.pod
// We need to process in the same order to keep consistency
// TODO: optimization
eachSeries(requests, function (request, callbackEach) {
const videoData = request.data
switch (request.type) {
case 'add':
addRemoteVideo(videoData, fromPod, callbackEach)
case 'update':
updateRemoteVideo(videoData, fromPod, callbackEach)
case 'remove':
removeRemoteVideo(videoData, fromPod, callbackEach)
logger.error('Unkown remote request type %s.', request.type)
}, function (err) {
if (err) logger.error('Error managing remote videos.', { error: err })
// We don't need to keep the other pod waiting
return res.type('json').status(204).end()
function addRemoteVideo (videoToCreateData, fromPod, finalCallback) {
logger.debug('Adding remote video "%s".', videoToCreateData.name)
function startTransaction (callback) {
db.sequelize.transaction().asCallback(function (err, t) {
return callback(err, t)
function findOrCreateAuthor (t, callback) {
const name = videoToCreateData.author
const podId = fromPod.id
// This author is from another pod so we do not associate a user
const userId = null
db.Author.findOrCreateAuthor(name, podId, userId, t, function (err, authorInstance) {
return callback(err, t, authorInstance)
function findOrCreateTags (t, author, callback) {
const tags = videoToCreateData.tags
db.Tag.findOrCreateTags(tags, t, function (err, tagInstances) {
return callback(err, t, author, tagInstances)
function createVideoObject (t, author, tagInstances, callback) {
const videoData = {
name: videoToCreateData.name,
remoteId: videoToCreateData.remoteId,
extname: videoToCreateData.extname,
infoHash: videoToCreateData.infoHash,
description: videoToCreateData.description,
authorId: author.id,
duration: videoToCreateData.duration,
createdAt: videoToCreateData.createdAt,
updatedAt: videoToCreateData.updatedAt
const video = db.Video.build(videoData)
return callback(null, t, tagInstances, video)
function generateThumbnail (t, tagInstances, video, callback) {
db.Video.generateThumbnailFromData(video, videoToCreateData.thumbnailData, function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot generate thumbnail from data.', { error: err })
return callback(err)
return callback(err, t, tagInstances, video)
function insertVideoIntoDB (t, tagInstances, video, callback) {
const options = {
transaction: t
video.save(options).asCallback(function (err, videoCreated) {
return callback(err, t, tagInstances, videoCreated)
function associateTagsToVideo (t, tagInstances, video, callback) {
const options = { transaction: t }
video.setTags(tagInstances, options).asCallback(function (err) {
return callback(err, t)
], function (err, t) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot insert the remote video.')
// Abort transaction?
if (t) t.rollback()
return finalCallback(err)
// Commit transaction
return finalCallback()
function updateRemoteVideo (videoAttributesToUpdate, fromPod, finalCallback) {
logger.debug('Updating remote video "%s".', videoAttributesToUpdate.name)
function startTransaction (callback) {
db.sequelize.transaction().asCallback(function (err, t) {
return callback(err, t)
function findVideo (t, callback) {
db.Video.loadByHostAndRemoteId(fromPod.host, videoAttributesToUpdate.remoteId, function (err, videoInstance) {
if (err || !videoInstance) {
logger.error('Cannot load video from host and remote id.', { error: err.message })
return callback(err)
return callback(null, t, videoInstance)
function findOrCreateTags (t, videoInstance, callback) {
const tags = videoAttributesToUpdate.tags
db.Tag.findOrCreateTags(tags, t, function (err, tagInstances) {
return callback(err, t, videoInstance, tagInstances)
function updateVideoIntoDB (t, videoInstance, tagInstances, callback) {
const options = { transaction: t }
videoInstance.set('name', videoAttributesToUpdate.name)
videoInstance.set('description', videoAttributesToUpdate.description)
videoInstance.set('infoHash', videoAttributesToUpdate.infoHash)
videoInstance.set('duration', videoAttributesToUpdate.duration)
videoInstance.set('createdAt', videoAttributesToUpdate.createdAt)
videoInstance.set('updatedAt', videoAttributesToUpdate.updatedAt)
videoInstance.set('extname', videoAttributesToUpdate.extname)
videoInstance.save(options).asCallback(function (err) {
return callback(err, t, videoInstance, tagInstances)
function associateTagsToVideo (t, videoInstance, tagInstances, callback) {
const options = { transaction: t }
videoInstance.setTags(tagInstances, options).asCallback(function (err) {
return callback(err, t)
], function (err, t) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot update the remote video.')
// Abort transaction?
if (t) t.rollback()
return finalCallback(err)
// Commit transaction
return finalCallback()
function removeRemoteVideo (videoToRemoveData, fromPod, callback) {
// We need the instance because we have to remove some other stuffs (thumbnail etc)
db.Video.loadByHostAndRemoteId(fromPod.host, videoToRemoveData.remoteId, function (err, video) {
if (err || !video) {
logger.error('Cannot load video from host and remote id.', { error: err.message })
return callback(err)
logger.debug('Removing remote video %s.', video.remoteId)