path: root/client/src/standalone/player/player.ts
blob: 9fc648d258ec6f19228acc0186ba2d5f95174f1d (plain) (tree)

import * as Channel from 'jschannel'
import { EventRegistrar } from './events'
import { EventHandler, PlayerEventType, PeerTubeResolution } from './definitions'

  'pause', 'play', 

 * Allows for programmatic control of a PeerTube embed running in an <iframe> 
 * within a web page.
export class PeerTubePlayer {
   * Construct a new PeerTubePlayer for the given PeerTube embed iframe.
   * Optionally provide a `scope` to ensure that messages are not crossed 
   * between multiple PeerTube embeds. The string passed here must match the 
   * `scope=` query parameter on the embed URL.
   * @param embedElement 
   * @param scope 
    private embedElement : HTMLIFrameElement, 
    private scope? : string
  ) {


  private eventRegistrar : EventRegistrar = new EventRegistrar()
  private channel : Channel.MessagingChannel
  private readyPromise : Promise<void>

   * Destroy the player object and remove the associated player from the DOM.
  destroy() {

   * Listen to an event emitted by this player.
   * @param event One of the supported event types
   * @param handler A handler which will be passed an event object (or undefined if no event object is included)
  addEventListener(event : PlayerEventType, handler : EventHandler<any>): boolean {
    return this.eventRegistrar.addListener(event, handler)

   * Remove an event listener previously added with addEventListener().
   * @param event The name of the event previously listened to
   * @param handler 
  removeEventListener(event : PlayerEventType, handler : EventHandler<any>): boolean {
    return this.eventRegistrar.removeListener(event, handler)
   * Promise resolves when the player is ready.
  get ready(): Promise<void> {
    return this.readyPromise

   * Tell the embed to start/resume playback
  async play() {
    await this.sendMessage('play')

   * Tell the embed to pause playback.
  async pause() {
    await this.sendMessage('pause')

   * Tell the embed to change the audio volume
   * @param value A number from 0 to 1
  async setVolume(value : number) {
    await this.sendMessage('setVolume', value)

   * Get the current volume level in the embed.
   * @param value A number from 0 to 1
  async getVolume(): Promise<number> {
    return await this.sendMessage<void, number>('setVolume')

   * Tell the embed to seek to a specific position (in seconds)
   * @param seconds 
  async seek(seconds : number) {
    await this.sendMessage('seek', seconds)

   * Tell the embed to switch resolutions to the resolution identified
   * by the given ID.
   * @param resolutionId The ID of the resolution as found with getResolutions()
  async setResolution(resolutionId : any) {
    await this.sendMessage('setResolution', resolutionId)

   * Retrieve a list of the available resolutions. This may change later, listen to the 
   * `resolutionUpdate` event with `addEventListener` in order to be updated as the available
   * resolutions change.
  async getResolutions(): Promise<PeerTubeResolution[]> {
    return await this.sendMessage<void, PeerTubeResolution[]>('getResolutions')

   * Retrieve a list of available playback rates. 
  async getPlaybackRates() : Promise<number[]> {
    return await this.sendMessage<void, number[]>('getPlaybackRates')
   * Get the current playback rate. Defaults to 1 (1x playback rate).
  async getPlaybackRate() : Promise<number> {
    return await this.sendMessage<void, number>('getPlaybackRate')

   * Set the playback rate. Should be one of the options returned by getPlaybackRates().
   * Passing 0.5 means half speed, 1 means normal, 2 means 2x speed, etc.
   * @param rate 
  async setPlaybackRate(rate : number) {
    await this.sendMessage('setPlaybackRate', rate)

  private constructChannel() {
    this.channel = Channel.build({
      window: this.embedElement.contentWindow,
      origin: '*',
      scope: this.scope || 'peertube'
  private prepareToBeReady() {
    let readyResolve, readyReject
    this.readyPromise = new Promise<void>((res, rej) => {
      readyResolve = res
      readyReject = rej
    this.channel.bind('ready', success => success ? readyResolve() : readyReject())
      method: 'isReady',
      success: isReady => isReady ? readyResolve() : null

  private sendMessage<TIn, TOut>(method : string, params? : TIn): Promise<TOut> {
    return new Promise<TOut>((resolve, reject) => {
        method, params,
        success: result => resolve(result),
        error: error => reject(error)

// put it on the window as well as the export
window['PeerTubePlayer'] = PeerTubePlayer