import { VideoFile } from '../../../../shared/models/videos'
import 'videojs-hotkeys'
import 'videojs-dock'
import 'videojs-contextmenu'
import 'videojs-contextmenu-ui'
import './peertube-link-button'
import './resolution-menu-button'
import './settings-menu-button'
import './webtorrent-info-button'
import './peertube-videojs-plugin'
import './peertube-load-progress-bar'
import './theater-button'
import { VideoJSCaption, videojsUntyped } from './peertube-videojs-typings'
import { buildVideoEmbed, buildVideoLink, copyToClipboard } from './utils'
import { getCompleteLocale, getShortLocale, is18nLocale, isDefaultLocale } from '../../../../shared/models/i18n/i18n'
// Change 'Playback Rate' to 'Speed' (smaller for our settings menu)
videojsUntyped.getComponent('PlaybackRateMenuButton').prototype.controlText_ = 'Speed'
// Change Captions to Subtitles/CC
videojsUntyped.getComponent('CaptionsButton').prototype.controlText_ = 'Subtitles/CC'
// We just want to display 'Off' instead of 'captions off', keep a space so the variable == true (hacky I know)
videojsUntyped.getComponent('CaptionsButton').prototype.label_ = ' '
function getVideojsOptions (options: {
autoplay: boolean,
playerElement: HTMLVideoElement,
videoViewUrl: string,
videoDuration: number,
videoFiles: VideoFile[],
enableHotkeys: boolean,
inactivityTimeout: number,
peertubeLink: boolean,
poster: string,
startTime: number | string
theaterMode: boolean,
videoCaptions: VideoJSCaption[],
language?: string,
controls?: boolean,
muted?: boolean,
loop?: boolean
}) {
const videojsOptions = {
// We don't use text track settings for now
textTrackSettings: false,
controls: options.controls !== undefined ? options.controls : true,
muted: options.controls !== undefined ? options.muted : false,
loop: options.loop !== undefined ? options.loop : false,
poster: options.poster,
autoplay: false,
inactivityTimeout: options.inactivityTimeout,
playbackRates: [ 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 ],
plugins: {
peertube: {
autoplay: options.autoplay, // Use peertube plugin autoplay because we get the file by webtorrent
videoCaptions: options.videoCaptions,
videoFiles: options.videoFiles,
playerElement: options.playerElement,
videoViewUrl: options.videoViewUrl,
videoDuration: options.videoDuration,
startTime: options.startTime
controlBar: {
children: getControlBarChildren(options)
if (options.enableHotkeys === true) {
Object.assign(videojsOptions.plugins, {
hotkeys: {
enableVolumeScroll: false,
enableModifiersForNumbers: false
if (options.language && !isDefaultLocale(options.language)) {
Object.assign(videojsOptions, { language: options.language })
return videojsOptions
function getControlBarChildren (options: {
peertubeLink: boolean
theaterMode: boolean,
videoCaptions: VideoJSCaption[]
}) {
const settingEntries = []
// Keep an order
if (options.videoCaptions.length !== 0) settingEntries.push('captionsButton')
const children = {
'playToggle': {},
'currentTimeDisplay': {},
'timeDivider': {},
'durationDisplay': {},
'liveDisplay': {},
'flexibleWidthSpacer': {},
'progressControl': {
children: {
'seekBar': {
children: {
'peerTubeLoadProgressBar': {},
'mouseTimeDisplay': {},
'playProgressBar': {}
'webTorrentButton': {},
'muteToggle': {},
'volumeControl': {},
'settingsButton': {
setup: {
maxHeightOffset: 40
entries: settingEntries
if (options.peertubeLink === true) {
Object.assign(children, {
'peerTubeLinkButton': {}
if (options.theaterMode === true) {
Object.assign(children, {
'theaterButton': {}
Object.assign(children, {
'fullscreenToggle': {}
return children
function addContextMenu (player: any, videoEmbedUrl: string) {
content: [
label: player.localize('Copy the video URL'),
listener: function () {
label: player.localize('Copy the video URL at the current time'),
listener: function () {
const player = this
label: player.localize('Copy embed code'),
listener: () => {
label: player.localize('Copy magnet URI'),
listener: function () {
const player = this
function loadLocaleInVideoJS (serverUrl: string, videojs: any, locale: string) {
const path = getLocalePath(serverUrl, locale)
// It is the default locale, nothing to translate
if (!path) return Promise.resolve(undefined)
const completeLocale = getCompleteLocale(locale)
return fetch(path + '/player.json')
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => videojs.addLanguage(getShortLocale(completeLocale), json))
function getServerTranslations (serverUrl: string, locale: string) {
const path = getLocalePath(serverUrl, locale)
// It is the default locale, nothing to translate
if (!path) return Promise.resolve(undefined)
return fetch(path + '/server.json')
.then(res => res.json())
// ############################################################################
export {
// ############################################################################
function getLocalePath (serverUrl: string, locale: string) {
const completeLocale = getCompleteLocale(locale)
if (!is18nLocale(completeLocale) || isDefaultLocale(completeLocale)) return undefined
return serverUrl + '/client/locales/' + completeLocale