import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, LOCALE_ID, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core'
import { User } from '../users'
import { Video } from './video.model'
import { ServerService } from '@app/core'
import { VideoPrivacy, VideoState } from '../../../../../shared'
import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill'
import { VideoActionsDisplayType } from '@app/shared/video/video-actions-dropdown.component'
import { ScreenService } from '@app/shared/misc/screen.service'
export type OwnerDisplayType = 'account' | 'videoChannel' | 'auto'
export type MiniatureDisplayOptions = {
date?: boolean
views?: boolean
by?: boolean
privacyLabel?: boolean
privacyText?: boolean
state?: boolean
blacklistInfo?: boolean
nsfw?: boolean
selector: 'my-video-miniature',
styleUrls: [ './video-miniature.component.scss' ],
templateUrl: './video-miniature.component.html',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class VideoMiniatureComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() user: User
@Input() video: Video
@Input() ownerDisplayType: OwnerDisplayType = 'account'
@Input() displayOptions: MiniatureDisplayOptions = {
date: true,
views: true,
by: true,
privacyLabel: false,
privacyText: false,
state: false,
blacklistInfo: false
@Input() displayAsRow = false
@Input() displayVideoActions = true
@Output() videoBlacklisted = new EventEmitter()
@Output() videoUnblacklisted = new EventEmitter()
@Output() videoRemoved = new EventEmitter()
videoActionsDisplayOptions: VideoActionsDisplayType = {
playlist: true,
download: false,
update: true,
blacklist: true,
delete: true,
report: true
showActions = false
private ownerDisplayTypeChosen: 'account' | 'videoChannel'
constructor (
private screenService: ScreenService,
private serverService: ServerService,
private i18n: I18n,
@Inject(LOCALE_ID) private localeId: string
) { }
get isVideoBlur () {
return, this.serverService.getConfig())
ngOnInit () {
// We rely on mouseenter to lazy load actions
if (this.screenService.isInTouchScreen()) {
displayOwnerAccount () {
return this.ownerDisplayTypeChosen === 'account'
displayOwnerVideoChannel () {
return this.ownerDisplayTypeChosen === 'videoChannel'
isUnlistedVideo () {
return === VideoPrivacy.UNLISTED
isPrivateVideo () {
return === VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE
getStateLabel (video: Video) {
if (!video.state) return ''
if ( !== VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE && === VideoState.PUBLISHED) {
return this.i18n('Published')
if (video.scheduledUpdate) {
const updateAt = new Date(video.scheduledUpdate.updateAt.toString()).toLocaleString(this.localeId)
return this.i18n('Publication scheduled on ') + updateAt
if ( === VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE && video.waitTranscoding === true) {
return this.i18n('Waiting transcoding')
if ( === VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE) {
return this.i18n('To transcode')
if ( === VideoState.TO_IMPORT) {
return this.i18n('To import')
return ''
loadActions () {
if (this.displayVideoActions) this.showActions = true
onVideoBlacklisted () {
onVideoUnblacklisted () {
onVideoRemoved () {
private setUpBy () {
if (this.ownerDisplayType === 'account' || this.ownerDisplayType === 'videoChannel') {
this.ownerDisplayTypeChosen = this.ownerDisplayType
// If the video channel name an UUID (not really displayable, we changed this behaviour in v1.0.0-beta.12)
// -> Use the account name
if ( === `${}_channel` ||^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/)
) {
this.ownerDisplayTypeChosen = 'account'
} else {
this.ownerDisplayTypeChosen = 'videoChannel'