import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'
import { RedirectService, ServerService } from '@app/core'
import { UserService } from '@app/shared'
import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications'
import { ModalDirective } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal'
import { AuthService } from '../core'
import { FormReactive } from '../shared'
import { I18n } from '@ngx-translate/i18n-polyfill'
import { FormValidatorService } from '@app/shared/forms/form-validators/form-validator.service'
import { LoginValidatorsService } from '@app/shared/forms/form-validators/login-validators.service'
selector: 'my-login',
templateUrl: './login.component.html',
styleUrls: [ './login.component.scss' ]
export class LoginComponent extends FormReactive implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('forgotPasswordModal') forgotPasswordModal: ModalDirective
@ViewChild('forgotPasswordEmailInput') forgotPasswordEmailInput: ElementRef
error: string = null
forgotPasswordEmail = ''
constructor (
protected formValidatorService: FormValidatorService,
private loginValidatorsService: LoginValidatorsService,
private authService: AuthService,
private userService: UserService,
private serverService: ServerService,
private redirectService: RedirectService,
private notificationsService: NotificationsService,
private i18n: I18n
) {
get signupAllowed () {
return this.serverService.getConfig().signup.allowed === true
ngOnInit () {
username: this.loginValidatorsService.LOGIN_USERNAME,
password: this.loginValidatorsService.LOGIN_PASSWORD
login () {
this.error = null
const { username, password } = this.form.value
this.authService.login(username, password)
() => this.redirectService.redirectToHomepage(),
err => {
if (err.message.indexOf('credentials are invalid') !== -1) this.error = this.i18n('Incorrect username or password.')
else if (err.message.indexOf('blocked') !== -1) this.error = this.i18n('You account is blocked.')
else this.error = err.message
askResetPassword () {
res => {
const message = this.i18n(
'An email with the reset password instructions will be sent to {{email}}.',
{ email: this.forgotPasswordEmail }
this.notificationsService.success(this.i18n('Success'), message)
err => this.notificationsService.error(this.i18n('Error'), err.message)
onForgotPasswordModalShown () {
openForgotPasswordModal () {
hideForgotPasswordModal () {