blob: c875d5854d69252b377fbad613e4663711fc5627 (
plain) (
import { browser, by, element, ElementFinder, ExpectedConditions } from 'protractor'
import { browserSleep, isMobileDevice } from '../utils'
export class VideoWatchPage {
async goOnVideosList (isMobileDevice: boolean, isSafari: boolean) {
let url: string
// We did not upload a file on a mobile device
if (isMobileDevice === true || isSafari === true) {
url = ''
} else {
url = '/videos/recently-added'
await browser.get(url, 20000)
// Waiting the following element does not work on Safari...
if (isSafari) return browserSleep(3000)
const elem = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name')).first()
return browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(elem))
getVideosListName () {
return element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name'))
.then((texts: any) => any) => t.trim()))
waitWatchVideoName (videoName: string, isMobileDevice: boolean, isSafari: boolean) {
if (isSafari) return browserSleep(5000)
// On mobile we display the first node, on desktop the second
const index = isMobileDevice ? 0 : 1
const elem = element.all(by.css('.video-info .video-info-name')).get(index)
return browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(elem, videoName))
getVideoName () {
return this.getVideoNameElement().getText()
async goOnAssociatedEmbed () {
let url = await browser.getCurrentUrl()
url = url.replace('/w/', '/videos/embed/')
url = url.replace(':3333', ':9001')
return browser.get(url)
async goOnP2PMediaLoaderEmbed () {
return browser.get('')
async goOnP2PMediaLoaderPlaylistEmbed () {
return browser.get('')
async clickOnVideo (videoName: string) {
const video = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name'))
.filter(e => e.getText().then(t => t === videoName ))
await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(video))
await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.urlContains('/w/'))
async clickOnFirstVideo () {
const video = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-thumbnail')).first()
const videoName = element.all(by.css('.videos .video-miniature .video-miniature-name')).first()
// Don't know why but the expectation fails on Safari
await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(video))
const textToReturn = videoName.getText()
await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.urlContains('/w/'))
return textToReturn
async clickOnUpdate () {
const dropdown = element(by.css('my-video-actions-dropdown .action-button'))
const items: ElementFinder[] = await element.all(by.css(' .dropdown-item'))
for (const item of items) {
const href = await item.getAttribute('href')
if (href && href.includes('/update/')) {
async clickOnSave () {
return element(by.css('.action-button-save')).click()
async createPlaylist (name: string) {
await element(by.css('.new-playlist-button')).click()
await element(by.css('#displayName')).sendKeys(name)
return element(by.css('.new-playlist-block input[type=submit]')).click()
async saveToPlaylist (name: string) {
return element.all(by.css('my-video-add-to-playlist .playlist'))
.filter(p => p.getText().then(t => t === name))
waitUntilVideoName (name: string, maxTime: number) {
const elem = this.getVideoNameElement()
return browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElement(elem, name), maxTime)
private getVideoNameElement () {
// We have 2 video info name block, pick the first that is not empty
return element.all(by.css('.video-info-first-row .video-info-name'))
.filter(e => e.getText().then(t => !!t))