################################# ##### General configuration ##### ## Keep in mind that in-line option override these #option listed here are the default options. config: # debug info debug: false # languages. Available: fr, en language: fr # path to the musics. music_path: . # The awful red message that shows up when you lose the focus focus_warning: true # built-in mixing, try this if your system can't mix the musics by itself builtin_mixing: false # Device used for playing musics. Default value depends on your system # device: # Advanced parameters: use at your own risk! (your computer probably won't explode, though) latency: high blocksize: 0 frame_rate: 44100 sample_width: 2 channels: 2 ################### ##### Aliases ##### aliases: # for files music1: file: "short_blues.mp3" music2: file: "to_the_Fantasy_war.mp3" noise: file: "croco.mp3" # aliases for colors blue: color: [50, 50, 255] orange: color: [255, 126, 0] yellow: color: [250, 250, 0] red: color: [255, 20, 20] light_blue: color: [100, 150, 255] green: color: [50, 180, 50] light_green: color: [150, 255, 100] purple: color: [190, 110, 236] pink: color: [255, 50, 255] #################################################### ##### Music properties: name and general gain ###### music_properties: "short_blues.mp3": name: Short Blues (music 1) "to_the_Fantasy_war.mp3": name: To the Fantasy War (music 2) "croco.mp3": name: Crocodile noise gain: 1.2 ############################################################################### ##### Key properties: how do the key look like, and some other properties ##### key_properties: 'common': repeat_delay: 1 include: blue 'a': description: - - Music 1 include: light_blue 'z': description: - - Music 2 include: light_blue 'e': description: - - Noise include: light_blue 't': description: - - Crossfade - music 2 include: green repeat_delay: 5 'y': description: - - Stop wait - music 2 include: green 'u': description: - - Noise - + Music 2 include: green 'g': description: - - Music 1 - Seek 30/60 include: purple 'i': description: - - Noise - +low vol include: green 'h': description: - - Noise - 3 times include: purple repeat_delay: 2 'm': description: - - Musics - 1 & 2 include: purple 'n': description: - - Low vol - Up vol include: green 'ù': description: - - stop - wait 'home': description: - - vlc include: orange ## Some general useful keys 'ESC': description: - "!" - STOP! include: red repeat_delay: 0 'F5': description: - "||" - PAUSE include: light_green repeat_delay: 0 'F6': description: - ">" - UNPAUSE include: light_green repeat_delay: 0 'F1': description: - - Stop - fade include: orange repeat_delay: 0 'F2': description: - - Stop - actions include: orange repeat_delay: 0 'F4': description: - - Skip - wait include: pink repeat_delay: 0 'F8': description: - - Pause - wait 'F9': description: - - Unpause - wait 'F10': description: - - Reset - wait 'F12': description: - - vol+ include: yellow repeat_delay: 0 'F11': description: - - "vol-" include: yellow repeat_delay: 0 'right': description: - - +10s include: blue repeat_delay: 0 'left': description: - - -10s include: blue repeat_delay: 0 ################################################################# ##### Keys: what do the key actually do when you press them ##### keys: # Play the songs 'a': - play: include: music1 'z': - play: include: music2 'e': - play: include: noise # Crossfade from any music to music 2 't': - stop: fade_out: 5 - play: include: music2 fade_in: 5 # Fade out, then wait and start music 2 'y': - stop: fade_out: 3 wait: true - wait: duration: 3 - play: include: music2 # Play the noise, stop music 1, wait a bit then start music 2 'u': - play: include: noise - wait: duration: 0.2 - stop: include: music1 - wait: duration: 3 - play: include: music2 # Play music 1, starting at 30 seconds then seeks at 60 after 5 seconds 'g': - play: include: music1 start_at: 30 - wait: duration: 5 - seek: include: music1 delta: false value: 60 # Play music 1 and 2, after stopping all musics with a fade_out (and wait for this fade out) 'm': - stop: fade_out: 2 wait: true - play: include: music1 - wait: include: music1 set_wait_id: m - play: include: music2 # skip waiting for the end of music1 'ù': - interrupt_wait: wait_id: m # Lowers the volume of music 1 and 2 (if playing), during the duration of noise + 1 second 'i': - volume: include: music1 value: 50 - volume: include: music2 value: 50 - play: include: noise - wait: include: noise duration: 1 - volume: include: music1 value: 100 fade: 1 - volume: include: music2 value: 100 fade: 1 # Lowers the volume of music 1 and 2 (if playing) down to 10% with a 5 seconds fade, then back to 100% 'n' : - volume: include: music1 value: 10 fade: 5 - volume: include: music2 value: 10 fade: 5 - wait: duration: 5 - volume: include: music1 value: 100 fade: 5 - volume: include: music2 value: 100 fade: 5 # Stops all musics, then plays noise repeated twice (3 times) 'h': - stop: fade_out: 0.5 - play: include: noise loop: 2 'home': - run_command: command: vlc *.mp3 wait: true ##### Useful keys (good to have them all the time) # Emergency stop! 'ESC': - stop_all_actions: other_only: true - stop: # Pause and unpause 'F5': - pause: 'F6': - unpause: # Stopping all musics, with a short fade (sounds natural) 'F1': - stop: fade_out: 1 # Stopping all actions 'F2': - stop_all_actions: # Skip wait 'F4': - interrupt_wait: 'F8': - pause_wait: 'F9': - unpause_wait: 'F10': - reset_wait: # Changing volume 'F12': - volume: delta: true value: +10 fade: 0.5 'F11': - volume: delta: true value: -10 fade: 0.5 # Seek +- 10 seconds 'right': - seek: value: 10 delta: true 'left': - seek: value: -10 delta: true