# Puppet configuration repository for immae.eu's services This repository has the aim to help automate the installation of servers planned for a specific task, with the help of Puppet. The host are supposed to be listed in an LDAP-like database, which will contain the necessary credentials, variable configuration and secrets for each server. ## Structure The repository is structured along Puppet modules (`modules/` directory). Each machine has one or several `role`, which determine the set of programs and configuration to install. Each role may be standalone, or require a set of `profile`, which is seen as a reusable component. (The structure is inspired from the tutorial at [https://www.craigdunn.org/2012/05/239/](https://www.craigdunn.org/2012/05/239/) ) ## TODO - Complete documentation - Add some monitoring: - modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/ssl.pp (check postgresql certificate) - modules/profile/manifests/postgresql/backup\_pgbouncer.pp (check pgbouncer works) - modules/profile/manifests/mail.pp (check e-mails are going through) - modules/profile/manifests/redis.pp (check redis is running) - modules/role/manifests/cryptoportfolio (role-specific checks) - Add redis replication and dumps - Restore backups for cryptoportfolio - Ensure latest by default for packages - try to do a mkfs.ext4 for cloud vps