#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; /* global describe */ /* global before */ /* global after */ /* global it */ var execSync = require('child_process').execSync, expect = require('expect.js'), path = require('path'), util = require('util'), superagent = require('superagent'), { Builder, By, until } = require('selenium-webdriver'), { Options } = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome'); if (!process.env.USERNAME || !process.env.PASSWORD) { console.log('USERNAME and PASSWORD env vars need to be set'); process.exit(1); } describe('Application life cycle test', function () { this.timeout(0); const EXEC_ARGS = { cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'), stdio: 'inherit' }; const LOCATION = 'test'; const TEST_TIMEOUT = 10000; const TEST_FILE_NAME_0 = 'index.html'; const TEST_FILE_NAME_1 = 'test.txt'; var app; var browser; before(function () { browser = new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').setChromeOptions(new Options().windowSize({ width: 1280, height: 1024 })).build(); }); after(function () { browser.quit(); }); function getAppInfo() { var inspect = JSON.parse(execSync('cloudron inspect')); app = inspect.apps.filter(function (a) { return a.location === LOCATION; })[0]; expect(app).to.be.an('object'); } function waitForElement(elem) { return browser.wait(until.elementLocated(elem), TEST_TIMEOUT).then(function () { return browser.wait(until.elementIsVisible(browser.findElement(elem)), TEST_TIMEOUT); }); } // tests which are used more than once function login(done) { browser.manage().deleteAllCookies(); browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/_admin'); waitForElement(By.id('loginUsernameInput')).then(function () { browser.findElement(By.id('loginUsernameInput')).sendKeys(process.env.USERNAME); browser.findElement(By.id('loginPasswordInput')).sendKeys(process.env.PASSWORD); browser.findElement(By.id('loginSubmitButton')).click(); waitForElement(By.id('burgerMenuButton')).then(function () { done(); }); }); } function logout(done) { browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/_admin'); waitForElement(By.id('burgerMenuButton')).then(function () { browser.findElement(By.id('burgerMenuButton')).click(); // wait for open animation browser.sleep(5000); waitForElement(By.id('logoutButton')).then(function () { browser.findElement(By.id('logoutButton')).click(); waitForElement(By.id('loginUsernameInput')).then(function () { done(); }); }); }); } function checkFileIsListed(name, done) { browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/_admin'); waitForElement(By.xpath('//*[text()="' + name + '"]')).then(function () { done(); }); } function checkFileIsPresent(done) { browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/' + TEST_FILE_NAME_0); waitForElement(By.xpath('//*[text()="test"]')).then(function () { done(); }); } function checkIndexFileIsServedUp(done) { browser.get('https://' + app.fqdn); waitForElement(By.xpath('//*[text()="test"]')).then(function () { done(); }); } function checkFileIsGone(name, done) { superagent.get('https://' + app.fqdn + '/' + name).end(function (error, result) { expect(error).to.be.an('object'); expect(error.response.status).to.equal(404); expect(result).to.be.an('object'); done(); }); } function cliLogin(done) { execSync(util.format('%s login %s --username %s --password %s', path.join(__dirname, '/../cli/surfer.js'), app.fqdn, process.env.USERNAME, process.env.PASSWORD), { stdio: 'inherit' } ); done(); } function uploadFile(name, done) { // File upload can't be tested with selenium, since the file input is not visible and thus can't be interacted with :-( execSync(path.join(__dirname, '/../cli/surfer.js') + ' put ' + path.join(__dirname, name) + ' /', { stdio: 'inherit' } ); done(); } xit('build app', function () { execSync('cloudron build', EXEC_ARGS); }); it('install app', function () { execSync(`cloudron install --location ${LOCATION}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can login', login); it('can cli login', cliLogin); it('can upload file', uploadFile.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is listed', checkFileIsListed.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is served up', checkFileIsPresent); it('file is served up', checkIndexFileIsServedUp); it('can upload second file', uploadFile.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_1)); it('file is listed', checkFileIsListed.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_1)); it('can delete second file with cli', function () { execSync(path.join(__dirname, '/../cli/surfer.js') + ' del ' + TEST_FILE_NAME_1, { stdio: 'inherit' } ); }); it('second file is gone', checkFileIsGone.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_1)); it('can logout', logout); it('backup app', function () { execSync(`cloudron backup create --app ${app.id}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('restore app', function () { execSync(`cloudron restore --app ${app.id}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can login', login); it('file is listed', checkFileIsListed.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is served up', checkFileIsPresent); it('file is served up', checkIndexFileIsServedUp); it('second file is still gone', checkFileIsGone.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_1)); it('can logout', logout); it('move to different location', function (done) { browser.manage().deleteAllCookies(); // ensure we don't hit NXDOMAIN in the mean time browser.get('about:blank').then(function () { execSync(`cloudron configure --location ${LOCATION}2 --app ${app.id}`, EXEC_ARGS); getAppInfo(); done(); }); }); it('can login', login); it('file is listed', checkFileIsListed.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is served up', checkFileIsPresent); it('file is served up', checkIndexFileIsServedUp); it('can logout', logout); it('uninstall app', function (done) { // ensure we don't hit NXDOMAIN in the mean time browser.get('about:blank').then(function () { execSync(`cloudron uninstall --app ${app.id}`, EXEC_ARGS); done(); }); }); // test update it('can install app', function () { execSync(`cloudron install --appstore-id io.cloudron.surfer --location ${LOCATION}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can get app information', getAppInfo); it('can login', login); it('can cli login', cliLogin); it('can upload file', uploadFile.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is listed', checkFileIsListed.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is served up', checkFileIsPresent); it('file is served up', checkIndexFileIsServedUp); it('can logout', logout); it('can update', function () { execSync(`cloudron update --app ${LOCATION}`, EXEC_ARGS); }); it('can login', login); it('file is listed', checkFileIsListed.bind(null, TEST_FILE_NAME_0)); it('file is served up', checkFileIsPresent); it('file is served up', checkIndexFileIsServedUp); it('can logout', logout); it('uninstall app', function (done) { // ensure we don't hit NXDOMAIN in the mean time browser.get('about:blank').then(function () { execSync(`cloudron uninstall --app ${app.id}`, EXEC_ARGS); done(); }); }); });