{ env, ruby_2_5, bundlerEnv, defaultGemConfig, fetchedGithub, stdenv, writeText, pkgs, cacert }: let varDir = "/var/lib/mastodon_immae"; socketsDir = "/run/mastodon"; gems = bundlerEnv { name = "mastodon-env"; ruby = ruby_2_5; gemset = ./gemset.nix; gemdir = (fetchedGithub ./mastodon.json).src; groups = [ "default" "production" "test" "development" ]; gemConfig = defaultGemConfig // { cld3 = attrs: { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ protobuf protobufc pkgconfig ]; }; idn-ruby = attrs: { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ libidn ]; }; rpam2 = attrs: { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ pam ]; }; }; }; mastodon = stdenv.mkDerivation (fetchedGithub ./mastodon.json // rec { __noChroot = true; buildPhase = '' yarn install --pure-lockfile patchShebangs node_modules ''; installPhase = '' cp -a . $out ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ gems pkgs.yarn pkgs.python2 pkgs.nodejs ]; }); config = writeText "mastodon_environment" '' REDIS_HOST=localhost REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_DB=13 DB_HOST=/run/postgresql DB_USER=mastodon DB_NAME=mastodon DB_PASS=${env.postgresql.password} DB_PORT=5432 LOCAL_DOMAIN=mastodon.immae.eu LOCAL_HTTPS=true ALTERNATE_DOMAINS=immae.eu PAPERCLIP_SECRET=${env.paperclip_secret} SECRET_KEY_BASE=${env.secret_key_base} OTP_SECRET=${env.otp_secret} VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY=${env.vapid.private} VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY=${env.vapid.public} SMTP_SERVER=mail.immae.eu SMTP_PORT=587 SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS=notifications@mastodon.immae.eu SMTP_DELIVERY_METHOD=smtp PAPERCLIP_ROOT_PATH=${varDir} STREAMING_CLUSTER_NUM=1 # LDAP authentication (optional) LDAP_ENABLED=true LDAP_HOST=ldap.immae.eu LDAP_PORT=636 LDAP_METHOD=simple_tls LDAP_BASE="dc=immae,dc=eu" LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=mastodon,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu" LDAP_PASSWORD="${env.ldap.password}" LDAP_UID="uid" LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER="(&(%{uid}=%{email})(memberOf=cn=users,cn=mastodon,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu))" ''; railsRoot = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "mastodon_immae"; inherit config mastodon; builder = writeText "build_mastodon_immae" '' source $stdenv/setup set -a source $config set +a cp -a $mastodon $out cd $out chmod u+rwX . node_modules public RAILS_ENV=production ${gems}/bin/rails assets:precompile rm -rf tmp/cache ln -sf ../../../../../../../${varDir}/tmp/cache tmp ''; buildInputs = [ gems pkgs.nodejs pkgs.yarn ]; }; in { inherit railsRoot config varDir socketsDir gems; nodeSocket = "${socketsDir}/live_immae_node.sock"; railsSocket = "${socketsDir}/live_immae_puma.sock"; }