{ lib, pkgs, config, mypackages-lib, ... }: let www_root = ./_www; theme_root = (mypackages-lib.apache-theme {}).theme; apacheConfig = { shutdownconfig = { # Only give 5 seconds to workers to finish their work extraConfig = '' GracefulShutdownTimeout 5 ''; }; cache = { # This setting permits to ignore time-based cache for files in the # nix store: # If a client requires an If-Modified-Since from timestamp 1, then # this header is removed, and if the response contains a # too old Last-Modified tag, then it is removed too extraConfig = '' RequestHeader unset If-Modified-Since Header unset Last-Modified "expr=%{LAST_MODIFIED} < 19991231235959" ''; }; gzip = { modules = [ "deflate" "filter" ]; extraConfig = '' AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript ''; }; macros = { modules = [ "macro" ]; }; stats = { extraConfig = '' Alias /webstats ${config.services.webstats.dataDir}/%{domain} DirectoryIndex index.html AllowOverride None Require all granted Use LDAPConnect Require ldap-group cn=%{domain},ou=stats,cn=httpd,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu ''; }; ldap = { modules = [ "ldap" "authnz_ldap" ]; extraConfig = '' LDAPSharedCacheSize 500000 LDAPCacheEntries 1024 LDAPCacheTTL 600 LDAPOpCacheEntries 1024 LDAPOpCacheTTL 600 Include ${config.secrets.fullPaths."apache-ldap"} ''; }; global = { extraConfig = '' ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 501 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 502 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 504 /maintenance_immae.html Alias /maintenance_immae.html ${www_root}/maintenance_immae.html ProxyPass /maintenance_immae.html ! AliasMatch "(.*)/googleb6d69446ff4ca3e5.html" ${www_root}/googleb6d69446ff4ca3e5.html AllowOverride None Require all granted ''; }; apaxy = { extraConfig = (mypackages-lib.apache-theme { inherit theme_root; }).apacheConfig; }; http2 = { modules = [ "http2" ]; extraConfig = '' Protocols h2 http/1.1 ''; }; customLog = { extraConfig = '' LogFormat "%{Host}i:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combinedVhost ''; }; }; makeModules = lib.lists.flatten (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.modules or []) apacheConfig); makeExtraConfig = (builtins.filter (x: x != null) (lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.extraConfig or null) apacheConfig)); moomin = let lines = lib.splitString "\n" (lib.fileContents ./moomin.txt); pad = width: str: let padWidth = width - lib.stringLength str; padding = lib.concatStrings (lib.genList (lib.const "0") padWidth); in lib.optionalString (padWidth > 0) padding + str; in lib.imap0 (i: e: ''Header always set "X-Moomin-${pad 2 (builtins.toString i)}" "${e}"'') lines; in { imports = [ ./immae/production.nix ./immae/release.nix # Tools ./assets ./cloud ./cloud/farm.nix ./cryptpad ./cryptpad/farm.nix ./commento ./dav ./vpn ./db ./diaspora ./ether ./git ./im ./mastodon ./mgoblin ./peertube ./performance ./tools ./mail ./stats ./visio ./kanboard/farm.nix # Games ./games/codenames ./games/terraforming-mars ]; options.myServices.websites.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable websites"; config = lib.mkIf config.myServices.websites.enable { myServices.dns.zones."immae.eu".subdomains = with config.myServices.dns.helpers; { games = ips servers.eldiron.ips.main; nossl = ips servers.eldiron.ips.main; }; myServices.chatonsProperties.hostings.web = { file.datetime = "2022-08-22T01:30:00"; hosting = { name = "Hébergement Web"; description = "Service d'hébergement web avec php/mysql/postgresql"; website = "https://www.immae.eu"; status.level = "OK"; status.description = "OK"; registration.load = "OPEN"; install.type = "PACKAGE"; }; software = { name = "Apache Httpd"; website = "https://httpd.apache.org/"; license.url = "https://www.apache.org/licenses/"; license.name = "Apache License Version 2"; version = pkgs.apacheHttpd.version; source.url = "https://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi"; modules = "openssh,pure-ftpd"; }; }; users.users.wwwrun.extraGroups = [ "keys" ]; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; secrets.keys."apache-ldap" = { user = "wwwrun"; group = "wwwrun"; permissions = "0400"; text = '' AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldap.immae.eu:389/dc=immae,dc=eu STARTTLS AuthLDAPBindDN cn=httpd,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu AuthLDAPBindPassword "${config.myEnv.httpd.ldap.password}" AuthType Basic AuthName "Authentification requise (Acces LDAP)" AuthBasicProvider ldap ''; }; system.activationScripts = { httpd = '' install -d -m 0755 /var/lib/acme/acme-challenges install -d -m 0750 -o wwwrun -g wwwrun /var/lib/php/sessions ''; }; services.phpfpm = { phpOptions = '' session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/sessions" post_max_size = 20M ; 15 days (seconds) session.gc_maxlifetime = 1296000 ; 30 days (minutes) session.cache_expire = 43200 ''; settings = { log_level = "notice"; }; }; services.websites.env.production = { enable = true; moduleType = "container"; adminAddr = "httpd@immae.eu"; bindMounts."/var/lib/ftp" = {}; # FIXME: Bind directly the needed files bindMounts."/var/secrets" = {}; bindMounts."/var/lib/goaccess" = {}; bindMounts."/var/lib/acme" = {}; bindMounts."/run/phpfpm" = {}; ips = let ips = config.myEnv.servers.eldiron.ips.production; in (ips.ip4 or []) ++ (ips.ip6 or []); modules = makeModules; extraConfig = makeExtraConfig; fallbackVhost = { certName = "eldiron"; hosts = ["eldiron.immae.eu" ]; root = www_root; extraConfig = [ "DirectoryIndex index.htm" ]; }; }; services.websites.env.integration = { enable = true; moduleType = "container"; adminAddr = "httpd@immae.eu"; bindMounts."/var/lib/ftp" = {}; bindMounts."/var/secrets" = {}; bindMounts."/var/lib/goaccess" = {}; bindMounts."/var/lib/acme" = {}; bindMounts."/run/phpfpm" = {}; ips = let ips = config.myEnv.servers.eldiron.ips.integration; in (ips.ip4 or []) ++ (ips.ip6 or []); modules = makeModules; extraConfig = makeExtraConfig ++ moomin; fallbackVhost = { certName = "integration"; hosts = ["eldiron.immae.eu" ]; root = www_root; extraConfig = [ "DirectoryIndex index.htm" ]; }; watchPaths = [ config.secrets.fullPaths."apache-ldap" ]; }; services.websites.env.tools = { enable = true; moduleType = "main"; adminAddr = "httpd@immae.eu"; ips = let ips = config.myEnv.servers.eldiron.ips.main; in (ips.ip4 or []) ++ (ips.ip6 or []); modules = makeModules; extraConfig = makeExtraConfig ++ [ '' RedirectMatch ^/licen[cs]es?_et_tip(ping)?$ https://www.immae.eu/licences_et_tip.html RedirectMatch ^/licen[cs]es?_and_tip(ping)?$ https://www.immae.eu/licenses_and_tipping.html RedirectMatch ^/licen[cs]es?$ https://www.immae.eu/licenses_and_tipping.html RedirectMatch ^/tip(ping)?$ https://www.immae.eu/licenses_and_tipping.html RedirectMatch ^/(mentions|mentions_legales|legal)$ https://www.immae.eu/mentions.html RedirectMatch ^/CGU$ https://www.immae.eu/CGU '' ]; nosslVhost = { enable = true; host = "nossl.immae.eu"; root = ./nossl; }; fallbackVhost = { certName = "eldiron"; hosts = ["eldiron.immae.eu" ]; root = www_root; extraConfig = [ "DirectoryIndex index.htm" ]; }; watchPaths = [ config.secrets.fullPaths."apache-ldap" ]; }; myServices.websites = { immae = { production.enable = true; release.enable = true; }; tools.assets.enable = true; tools.cloud.enable = true; tools.commento.enable = true; tools.cryptpad.enable = true; tools.dav.enable = true; tools.db.enable = true; tools.diaspora.enable = true; tools.etherpad-lite.enable = true; tools.git.enable = true; tools.mastodon.enable = true; tools.mediagoblin.enable = true; tools.peertube.enable = true; tools.performance.enable = true; tools.tools.enable = true; tools.email.enable = true; tools.stats.enable = false; tools.visio.enable = true; games.codenames.enable = true; games.terraforming-mars.enable = true; }; }; }