{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.myServices.databases.redis; in { options.myServices.databases.redis = { enable = lib.mkOption { default = false; example = true; description = "Whether to enable redis database"; type = lib.types.bool; }; socketsDir = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; default = "/run/redis"; description = '' The directory where Redis puts sockets. ''; }; # Output variables sockets = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.path; default = { redis = "${cfg.socketsDir}/redis.sock"; }; readOnly = true; description = '' Redis sockets ''; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { users.users.redis.uid = config.ids.uids.redis; users.groups.redis.gid = config.ids.gids.redis; services.redis.servers."" = { enable = true; bind = ""; unixSocket = cfg.sockets.redis; unixSocketPerm = 777; maxclients = 1024; }; systemd.services.redis.serviceConfig.Slice = "redis.slice"; systemd.services.redis.serviceConfig.RuntimeDirectoryMode = lib.mkForce "0755"; services.redis.servers."php-sessions" = { enable = true; maxclients = 1024; unixSocketPerm = 777; user = "wwwrun"; }; services.spiped = { enable = true; config.redis = { decrypt = true; source = ""; target = "/run/redis/redis.sock"; keyfile = config.secrets.fullPaths."redis/spiped_keyfile"; }; }; systemd.services.spiped_redis = { description = "Secure pipe 'redis'"; after = [ "network.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Slice = "redis.slice"; Restart = "always"; User = "spiped"; PermissionsStartOnly = true; SupplementaryGroups = "keys"; }; script = "exec ${pkgs.spiped}/bin/spiped -F `cat /etc/spiped/redis.spec`"; }; #services.filesWatcher.predixy = { # restart = true; # paths = [ config.secrets.fullPaths."redis/predixy.conf" ]; #}; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 16379 ]; secrets.keys = { #"redis/predixy.conf" = { # user = "redis"; # group = "redis"; # permissions = "0400"; # text = '' # Name Predixy # Bind # ClientTimeout 300 # WorkerThreads 1 # Authority { # Auth "${config.myEnv.databases.redis.predixy.read}" { # Mode read # } # } # StandaloneServerPool { # Databases 16 # RefreshMethod fixed # Group shard001 { # + ${config.myEnv.databases.redis.socket} # } # } # ''; #}; "redis/spiped_keyfile" = { user = "spiped"; group = "spiped"; permissions = "0400"; text = config.myEnv.databases.redis.spiped_key; }; }; systemd.slices.redis = { description = "Redis slice"; }; #systemd.services.predixy = { # description = "Redis proxy"; # wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; # after = [ "redis.service" ]; # serviceConfig = { # Slice = "redis.slice"; # User = "redis"; # Group = "redis"; # SupplementaryGroups = "keys"; # Type = "simple"; # ExecStart = "${pkgs.predixy}/bin/predixy ${config.secrets.fullPaths."redis/predixy.conf"}"; # }; #}; }; }