{ config, pkgs, lib, name, openldap, monitoring, ... }: let hostFQDN = config.hostEnv.fqdn; emailCheck = monitoring.lib.emailCheck config.myEnv.monitoring.email_check; in { config.myServices.monitoring.activatedPlugins = [ "memory" "command" "bandwidth" "file_date" "mysql" "openldap" "redis" "emails" "notify-secondary"]; config.myServices.monitoring.objects = lib.mkMerge [ (monitoring.lib.objectsCommon { inherit hostFQDN; hostName = name; master = false; processWarn = "60"; processAlert = "70"; loadWarn = "4.0"; loadAlert = "6.0"; load15Warn = "1.0"; load15Alert = "1.0"; interface = builtins.head (builtins.attrNames config.networking.interfaces); }) { service = [ (emailCheck "backup-2" hostFQDN // { __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-email"; }) { service_description = "Size on /backup2 partition"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_local_disk" "10%" "5%" "/backup2"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-resources"; } { service_description = "Last backup in /backup2/phare is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/phare" "14" "backup"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-backup"; } { service_description = "Last backup in /backup2/dilion is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/dilion" "14" "backup"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-backup"; } { service_description = "Last backup in /backup2/ulminfo is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/ulminfo" "14" "backup"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-backup"; } { service_description = "Last postgresql dump in /backup2/eldiron/postgresql_backup is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/eldiron/postgresql_backup" "7" "postgres"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases,webstatus-backup"; } { service_description = "Redis replication for eldiron is up to date"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_redis_replication" "/run/redis_eldiron/redis.sock"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases"; } { service_description = "Last redis dump in /backup2/eldiron/redis_backup is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/eldiron/redis_backup" "7" "redis"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases,webstatus-backup"; } { service_description = "Mysql replication for eldiron is up to date"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_mysql_replication" "/run/mysqld_eldiron/mysqld.sock" config.secrets.fullPaths."mysql_replication/eldiron/client"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases"; } { service_description = "Last mysql dump in /backup2/eldiron/mysql_backup is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/eldiron/mysql_backup" "7" "mysql"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases,webstatus-backup"; } { service_description = "Openldap replication for eldiron is up to date"; use = "local-service"; check_command = let name = "eldiron"; hcfg = config.myServices.databasesReplication.openldap.hosts.eldiron; base = config.myServices.databasesReplication.openldap.base; ldapConfig = pkgs.writeText "slapd.conf" '' include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/core.schema include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/cosine.schema include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/inetorgperson.schema include ${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/nis.schema include ${openldap.immae-schema} moduleload back_mdb backend mdb database mdb suffix "${hcfg.base}" directory ${base}/${name}/openldap ''; in [ "check_openldap_replication" hcfg.url hcfg.dn config.secrets.fullPaths."openldap_replication/eldiron/replication_password" hcfg.base "${ldapConfig}" ]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases"; } { service_description = "Last openldap dump in /backup2/eldiron/openldap_backup is not too old"; use = "local-service"; check_command = ["check_last_file_date" "/backup2/eldiron/openldap_backup" "7" "openldap"]; __passive_servicegroups = "webstatus-databases,webstatus-backup"; } ]; } ]; }