{ stdenv, runCommand, writeScriptBin, buildBowerComponents, pythonPackages, libsass, python, fetchurl, jq, yarn, nodejs-10_x, yarn2nix-moretea, sources }: let yarn2nix-moretea' = yarn2nix-moretea.override({ yarn = yarn.override({ nodejs = nodejs-10_x; }); nodejs = nodejs-10_x; }); buildslist_src = sources.buildbot-plugin-buildslist; packagejson = runCommand "package.json" { buildInputs = [ jq ]; } '' cat ${buildslist_src}/package.json | jq -r '.version = "${pythonPackages.buildbot-pkg.version}"|.license= "MIT"' > $out ''; nodeHeaders = fetchurl { url = "https://nodejs.org/download/release/v${nodejs-10_x.version}/node-v${nodejs-10_x.version}-headers.tar.gz"; sha256 = "15hkcbs328d3rc1s14rmky8lh8d3rr86l8k0bia0ggxzwl23lj9c"; }; buildslist_yarn = yarn2nix-moretea'.mkYarnModules rec { name = "buildslist-yarn-modules"; pname = name; inherit (pythonPackages.buildbot-pkg) version; packageJSON = packagejson; yarnLock = "${buildslist_src}/yarn.lock"; yarnNix = ./yarn-packages.nix; pkgConfig = { node-sass = { buildInputs = [ libsass python ]; postInstall = '' node scripts/build.js --tarball=${nodeHeaders} ''; }; }; }; buildslist_bower = buildBowerComponents { name = "buildslist"; generated = ./bower.nix; src = "${buildslist_src}/guanlecoja/"; }; # the buildbot-pkg calls yarn and screws up everything... fakeYarn = writeScriptBin "yarn" '' #!${stdenv.shell} if [ "$1" = "--version" ]; then echo "1.17" fi ''; in pythonPackages.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "buildbot-buildslist"; inherit (pythonPackages.buildbot-pkg) version; preConfigure = '' export HOME=$PWD ln -s ${buildslist_yarn}/node_modules . cp -a ${buildslist_bower}/bower_components ./libs PATH=${buildslist_yarn}/node_modules/.bin:$PATH chmod -R u+w libs ''; propagatedBuildInputs = with pythonPackages; [ (klein.overridePythonAttrs(old: { checkPhase = ""; })) buildbot-pkg ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ fakeYarn nodejs-10_x ]; buildInputs = [ buildslist_yarn buildslist_bower ]; doCheck = false; src = buildslist_src; }