{ session_key ? "/etc/etherpad-lite/SESSIONKEY.txt" , api_key ? "/etc/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt" , stdenv, mylibs, cacert, nodejs, python, fetchurl }: let jquery = fetchurl { url = https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js; sha256 = "0h4dk67yc9d0kadqxb6b33585f3x3559p6qmp70l00qwq030vn3v"; }; withModules = modules: package.overrideAttrs(old: { buildPhase = old.buildPhase + builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (n: "npm install ${n}; touch node_modules/${n}/.ep_initialized") modules); # FIXME: ln -s don’t seem to work, etherpad seems # unable to "touch" them after initialization passthru = old.passthru // { inherit modules; withModules = moreModules: old.withModules (moreModules ++ modules); }; }); package = stdenv.mkDerivation (mylibs.fetchedGithub ./etherpad-lite.json // rec { __noChroot = true; patches = [ ./libreoffice_patch.diff ]; buildPhase = '' export GIT_SSL_CAINFO=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt export SSL_CERT_FILE=${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt export HOME=$PWD touch src/.ep_initialized cp -v src/static/custom/js.template src/static/custom/index.js cp -v src/static/custom/js.template src/static/custom/pad.js cp -v src/static/custom/js.template src/static/custom/timeslider.js cp -v src/static/custom/css.template src/static/custom/index.css cp -v src/static/custom/css.template src/static/custom/pad.css cp -v src/static/custom/css.template src/static/custom/timeslider.css sed -i 's/var\/dirty.db/\/var\/lib\/etherpad-lite\/dirty.db/g' \ settings.json.template mkdir -v node_modules ln -s ../src node_modules/ep_etherpad-lite node bin/doc/generate doc/index.md --format=html \ --template=doc/template.html > documentation.html cd src npm install cd .. ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out install -t $out/src/ -vDm 644 src/.ep_initialized cp -a node_modules $out/ cp -a src/* $out/src/ ln -sf ${session_key} $out/SESSIONKEY.txt ln -sf ${api_key} $out/APIKEY.txt cp ${jquery} $out/src/static/js/jquery.js mkdir $out/doc install -t "$out/doc/" \ -vDm 644 {CHANGELOG,CONTRIBUTING,README}.md \ -vDm 644 documentation.html ''; buildInputs = [ nodejs python ]; passthru = { modules = []; inherit withModules; }; }); in package