{ lib, pkgs, config, mylibs, myconfig, ... }: let cfg = config.services.myWebsites; makeService = name: cfg: let toVhost = vhostConf: { enableSSL = true; sslServerCert = "/var/lib/acme/${vhostConf.certName}/cert.pem"; sslServerKey = "/var/lib/acme/${vhostConf.certName}/key.pem"; sslServerChain = "/var/lib/acme/${vhostConf.certName}/fullchain.pem"; logFormat = "combinedVhost"; listen = [ { ip = cfg.ip; port = 443; } ]; hostName = builtins.head vhostConf.hosts; serverAliases = builtins.tail vhostConf.hosts or []; documentRoot = vhostConf.root; extraConfig = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" vhostConf.extraConfig; }; redirectVhost = { # Should go last, catchall http -> https redirect listen = [ { ip = cfg.ip; port = 80; } ]; hostName = "redirectSSL"; serverAliases = [ "*" ]; enableSSL = false; logFormat = "combinedVhost"; documentRoot = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge"; extraConfig = '' RewriteEngine on RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "!^/\.well-known" RewriteRule ^(.+) https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301] # To redirect in specific "VirtualHost *:80", do # RedirectMatch 301 ^/((?!\.well-known.*$).*)$ https://host/$1 # rather than rewrite ''; }; fallbackVhost = toVhost { # Should go first, default choice certName = "eldiron"; hosts = ["eldiron.immae.eu" ]; root = ../../www; extraConfig = [ "DirectoryIndex index.htm" ]; }; in rec { enable = true; listen = [ { ip = cfg.ip; port = 443; } ]; stateDir = "/run/httpd_${name}"; logPerVirtualHost = true; multiProcessingModule = "worker"; adminAddr = "httpd@immae.eu"; logFormat = "combinedVhost"; extraModules = pkgs.lib.lists.unique (pkgs.lib.lists.flatten cfg.modules); extraConfig = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.extraConfig; virtualHosts = [ fallbackVhost ] ++ (pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: toVhost v) cfg.vhostConfs) ++ [ redirectVhost ]; }; makeServiceOptions = name: ip: { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable websites in ${name}"; ip = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.string; default = ip; description = "${name} ip to listen to"; }; modules = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.str); default = []; }; extraConfig = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.lines); default = []; }; vhostConfs = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule { options = { certName = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.string; }; hosts = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.string; }; root = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.path; }; extraConfig = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.lines; default = []; }; }; }); }; }; makeModules = cfg: pkgs.lib.lists.flatten (pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.modules or []) cfg.apacheConfig); makeExtraConfig = cfg: (builtins.filter (x: x != null) (pkgs.lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.extraConfig or null) cfg.apacheConfig)); in { imports = [ ./chloe ./ludivine ./aten ./piedsjaloux ./connexionswing ./tellesflorian ./emilia ./capitaines ./ftp/jerome.nix ./ftp/nassime.nix ./ftp/florian.nix ./ftp/denisejerome.nix ./ftp/immae.nix ./ftp/release.nix ./ftp/temp.nix ./tools/db ./tools/tools ./tools/dav ./tools/cloud ./tools/git ./tools/mastodon ./tools/mediagoblin ./tools/diaspora ./tools/ether # built using: # sed -e "s/services\.httpd/services\.httpdProd/g" .nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/apache-httpd/default.nix # Removed allGranted # And removed users / groups ./apache/httpd_prod.nix ./apache/httpd_inte.nix # except for this one for users/groups ./apache/httpd_tools.nix # Adapted from base phpfpm ./phpfpm ]; options.services.myWebsites = { production = makeServiceOptions "production" myconfig.ips.production; integration = makeServiceOptions "integration" myconfig.ips.integration; tools = makeServiceOptions "tools" myconfig.ips.main; apacheConfig = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule { options = { modules = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.str); default = []; }; extraConfig = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.lines; default = null; }; }; }); default = {}; description = "Extra global config"; }; }; config = { networking = { firewall = { enable = true; allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; }; interfaces."eth0".ipv4.addresses = [ # declared in nixops -> infra / tools { address = myconfig.ips.production; prefixLength = 32; } { address = myconfig.ips.integration; prefixLength = 32; } ]; }; nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = oldpkgs: rec { php = php72; php72 = (oldpkgs.php72.override { mysql.connector-c = pkgs.mariadb; config.php.mysqlnd = false; config.php.mysqli = false; }).overrideAttrs(old: rec { # Didn't manage to build with mysqli + mysql_config connector configureFlags = old.configureFlags ++ [ "--with-mysqli=shared,mysqlnd" ]; # preConfigure = (old.preConfigure or "") + '' # export CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${pkgs.mariadb}/include/mysql/server"; # sed -i -e 's/#include "mysqli_priv.h"/#include "mysqli_priv.h"\n#include /' \ # ext/mysqli/mysqli.c ext/mysqli/mysqli_prop.c # ''; }); phpPackages = oldpkgs.php72Packages.override { inherit php; }; composerEnv = import ./commons/composer-env.nix { inherit (pkgs) stdenv writeTextFile fetchurl php unzip; }; }; services.myWebsites.tools.databases.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.tools.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.dav.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.cloud.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.git.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.mastodon.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.mediagoblin.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.diaspora.enable = true; services.myWebsites.tools.etherpad-lite.enable = true; services.myWebsites.Chloe.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Ludivine.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Aten.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.PiedsJaloux.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Connexionswing.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Jerome.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Nassime.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Florian.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.DeniseJerome.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Emilia.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Capitaines.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Immae.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Release.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Temp.production.enable = cfg.production.enable; services.myWebsites.Chloe.integration.enable = cfg.integration.enable; services.myWebsites.Ludivine.integration.enable = cfg.integration.enable; services.myWebsites.Aten.integration.enable = cfg.integration.enable; services.myWebsites.PiedsJaloux.integration.enable = cfg.integration.enable; services.myWebsites.Connexionswing.integration.enable = cfg.integration.enable; services.myWebsites.TellesFlorian.integration.enable = true; services.myWebsites.Florian.integration.enable = true; services.myWebsites.apacheConfig = { gzip = { modules = [ "deflate" "filter" ]; extraConfig = '' AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/javascript ''; }; macros = { modules = [ "macro" ]; }; stats = { extraConfig = '' Alias /awstats /var/lib/goaccess/%{domain} DirectoryIndex index.html AllowOverride None Require all granted Use LDAPConnect Require ldap-group cn=%{domain},ou=stats,cn=httpd,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu ''; }; ldap = { modules = [ "ldap" "authnz_ldap" ]; extraConfig = '' LDAPSharedCacheSize 500000 LDAPCacheEntries 1024 LDAPCacheTTL 600 LDAPOpCacheEntries 1024 LDAPOpCacheTTL 600 AuthLDAPURL ldap://ldap.immae.eu:389/dc=immae,dc=eu STARTTLS AuthLDAPBindDN cn=httpd,ou=services,dc=immae,dc=eu AuthLDAPBindPassword "${myconfig.env.httpd.ldap.password}" AuthType Basic AuthName "Authentification requise (Acces LDAP)" AuthBasicProvider ldap ''; }; global = { extraConfig = '' ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 501 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 502 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance_immae.html ErrorDocument 504 /maintenance_immae.html Alias /maintenance_immae.html ${../../www}/maintenance_immae.html ProxyPass /maintenance_immae.html ! AliasMatch "(.*)/googleb6d69446ff4ca3e5.html" ${../../www}/googleb6d69446ff4ca3e5.html ''; }; apaxy = { extraConfig = '' Alias /theme ${./apache/theme} Options -Indexes AllowOverride None Require all granted # mod_autoindex Options Indexes AllowOverride None Require all granted # Inspired from Apaxy by @adamwhitcroft IndexOptions +Charset=UTF-8 +FancyIndexing +IgnoreCase +FoldersFirst +XHTML +HTMLTable +SuppressRules +SuppressDescription +NameWidth=* +IconsAreLinks +ShowForbidden IndexHeadInsert "" IndexIgnoreReset ON IndexIgnore /theme .htaccess %{ignored} AddIcon /theme/icons/blank.png ^^BLANKICON^^ AddIcon /theme/icons/folder.png ^^DIRECTORY^^ AddIcon /theme/icons/folder-home.png .. AddIconByType (TXT,/theme/icons/text.png) text/* AddIconByType (IMG,/theme/icons/image.png) image/* AddIconByType (SND,/theme/icons/audio.png) audio/* AddIconByType (VID,/theme/icons/video.png) video/* AddIcon /theme/icons/archive.png .7z .bz2 .cab .gz .tar AddIcon /theme/icons/audio.png .aac .aif .aifc .aiff .ape .au .flac .iff .m4a .mid .mp3 .mpa .ra .wav .wma .f4a .f4b .oga .ogg .xm .it .s3m .mod AddIcon /theme/icons/bin.png .bin .hex AddIcon /theme/icons/bmp.png .bmp AddIcon /theme/icons/c.png .c AddIcon /theme/icons/calc.png .xlsx .xlsm .xltx .xltm .xlam .xlr .xls .csv AddIcon /theme/icons/cd.png .iso AddIcon /theme/icons/cpp.png .cpp AddIcon /theme/icons/css.png .css .sass .scss AddIcon /theme/icons/deb.png .deb AddIcon /theme/icons/doc.png .doc .docx .docm .dot .dotx .dotm .log .msg .odt .pages .rtf .tex .wpd .wps AddIcon /theme/icons/draw.png .svg .svgz AddIcon /theme/icons/eps.png .ai .eps AddIcon /theme/icons/exe.png .exe AddIcon /theme/icons/gif.png .gif AddIcon /theme/icons/h.png .h AddIcon /theme/icons/html.png .html .xhtml .shtml .htm .URL .url AddIcon /theme/icons/ico.png .ico AddIcon /theme/icons/java.png .jar AddIcon /theme/icons/jpg.png .jpg .jpeg .jpe AddIcon /theme/icons/js.png .js .json AddIcon /theme/icons/markdown.png .md AddIcon /theme/icons/package.png .pkg .dmg AddIcon /theme/icons/pdf.png .pdf AddIcon /theme/icons/php.png .php .phtml AddIcon /theme/icons/playlist.png .m3u .m3u8 .pls .pls8 AddIcon /theme/icons/png.png .png AddIcon /theme/icons/ps.png .ps AddIcon /theme/icons/psd.png .psd AddIcon /theme/icons/py.png .py AddIcon /theme/icons/rar.png .rar AddIcon /theme/icons/rb.png .rb AddIcon /theme/icons/rpm.png .rpm AddIcon /theme/icons/rss.png .rss AddIcon /theme/icons/script.png .bat .cmd .sh AddIcon /theme/icons/sql.png .sql AddIcon /theme/icons/tiff.png .tiff .tif AddIcon /theme/icons/text.png .txt .nfo AddIcon /theme/icons/video.png .asf .asx .avi .flv .mkv .mov .mp4 .mpg .rm .srt .swf .vob .wmv .m4v .f4v .f4p .ogv AddIcon /theme/icons/xml.png .xml AddIcon /theme/icons/zip.png .zip DefaultIcon /theme/icons/default.png HeaderName /theme/header.html ReadmeName /theme/footer.html IndexStyleSheet /theme/style.css ''; }; http2 = { modules = [ "http2" ]; extraConfig = '' Protocols h2 http/1.1 ''; }; customLog = { extraConfig = '' LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combinedVhost ''; }; }; system.activationScripts = { httpd = '' install -d -m 0755 /var/lib/acme/acme-challenge install -d -m 0750 -o wwwrun -g wwwrun /var/lib/php/sessions install -d -m 0750 -o wwwrun -g wwwrun /var/lib/php/sessions/adminer install -d -m 0750 -o wwwrun -g wwwrun /var/lib/php/sessions/mantisbt install -d -m 0750 -o wwwrun -g wwwrun /var/lib/php/sessions/davical ''; }; services.myPhpfpm = { phpPackage = pkgs.php; phpOptions = '' session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/sessions" session.gc_maxlifetime = 60*60*24*15 session.cache_expire = 60*24*30 ''; extraConfig = '' log_level = notice ''; }; services.httpdProd = makeService "production" config.services.myWebsites.production; services.myWebsites.production.modules = makeModules cfg; services.myWebsites.production.extraConfig = makeExtraConfig cfg; services.httpdInte = makeService "integration" config.services.myWebsites.integration; services.myWebsites.integration.modules = makeModules cfg; services.myWebsites.integration.extraConfig = makeExtraConfig cfg; services.httpdTools = makeService "tools" config.services.myWebsites.tools; services.myWebsites.tools.modules = makeModules cfg; services.myWebsites.tools.extraConfig = makeExtraConfig cfg ++ [ '' RedirectMatch ^/licen[cs]es?_et_tip(ping)?$ https://www.immae.eu/licences_et_tip.html RedirectMatch ^/licen[cs]es?_and_tip(ping)?$ https://www.immae.eu/licenses_and_tipping.html RedirectMatch ^/licen[cs]es?$ https://www.immae.eu/licenses_and_tipping.html RedirectMatch ^/tip(ping)?$ https://www.immae.eu/licenses_and_tipping.html RedirectMatch ^/(mentions|mentions_legales|legal)$ https://www.immae.eu/mentions.html RedirectMatch ^/CGU$ https://www.immae.eu/CGU '' ] ; }; }