{ lib, pkgs, config, mylibs, ... }: let name = "goaccess"; cfg = config.services.webstats; in { options.services.webstats = { dataDir = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.path; default = "/var/lib/${name}"; description = '' The directory where Goaccess stores its data. ''; }; sites = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.submodule { options = { conf = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.path; default = null; description = '' use custom goaccess configuration file instead of the default one. ''; }; name = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.string; description = '' Domain name. Corresponds to the Apache file name and the folder name in which the state will be saved. ''; }; }; }); default = []; description = "Sites to generate stats"; }; }; config = lib.mkIf (builtins.length cfg.sites > 0) { users.users.root.packages = [ pkgs.goaccess ]; services.cron = { enable = true; systemCronJobs = let stats = domain: conf: let config = if builtins.isNull conf then pkgs.runCommand "goaccess.conf" { dbPath = "${cfg.dataDir}/${domain}"; } "substituteAll ${./goaccess.conf} $out" else conf; d = pkgs.writeScriptBin "stats-${domain}" '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} set -e shopt -s nullglob date_regex=$(LC_ALL=C date -d yesterday +'%d\/%b\/%Y') TMPFILE=$(mktemp) trap "rm -f $TMPFILE" EXIT mkdir -p ${cfg.dataDir}/${domain} cat /var/log/httpd/access_log-${domain} | sed -n "/\\[$date_regex/ p" > $TMPFILE for i in /var/log/httpd/access_log-${domain}*.gz; do zcat "$i" | sed -n "/\\[$date_regex/ p" >> $TMPFILE done ${pkgs.goaccess}/bin/goaccess $TMPFILE --no-progress -o ${cfg.dataDir}/${domain}/index.html -p ${config} ''; in "${d}/bin/stats-${domain}"; allStats = sites: pkgs.writeScript "stats" '' #!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} mkdir -p ${cfg.dataDir} ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (v: stats v.name v.conf) sites)} ''; in [ "5 0 * * * root ${allStats cfg.sites}" ]; }; }; }