#!/usr/bin/env bash # $1 = service/host # $2 = type (PROBLEM RECOVERY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FLAPPINGSTART FLAPPINGSTOP FLAPPINGDISABLED DOWNTIMESTART DOWNTIMESTOP DOWNTIMECANCELLED) # http://www.naemon.org/documentation/usersguide/macrolist.html#notificationtype # $3 = host alias # $4 = date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) # $5 = E-mail NOTIFICATION_TYPE="$2" HOST_ALIAS="$3" DATE="$4" CONTACT="$5" message="" if [ "$1" = "host" ]; then message=$(printf "%b" "***** Naemon *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATION_TYPE\n\nHost: $HOST_ALIAS\nState: $HOSTSTATE\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT\n\nDate/Time: $DATE\n") subject="** $NOTIFICATION_TYPE Host Alert: $HOST_ALIAS is $HOSTSTATE **" else message=$(printf "%b" "***** Naemon *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATION_TYPE\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC\nHost: $HOST_ALIAS\nState: $SERVICESTATE\n\nDate/Time: $DATE\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT\n") subject="** $NOTIFICATION_TYPE Service Alert: $HOST_ALIAS/$SERVICEDESC is $SERVICESTATE **" fi # sendwait waits for sendmail to finish its job, otherwise it continues in the # background and gets killed too early echo "$message" | MAILRC=/dev/null mail -r "naemon@immae.eu" -n -Ssendwait -s "$subject" "$CONTACT"