{ config, myconfig, pkgs, lib, name, hostFQDN, ... }: let myplugins = pkgs.runCommand "buildplugins" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper pkgs.perl ]; } '' mkdir $out cp ${./plugins}/* $out/ patchShebangs $out wrapProgram $out/check_command --prefix PATH : ${config.security.wrapperDir} wrapProgram $out/send_nrdp.sh --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.curl pkgs.jq ]} wrapProgram $out/check_mem.sh --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.gnugrep pkgs.gawk pkgs.procps-ng ]} wrapProgram $out/check_postgres_replication --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.postgresql ]} ''; defaultObjects = let specific_file = ./conf + "/specific_" + name + ".cfg"; in builtins.readFile ./conf/local_services.cfg + builtins.readFile ./conf/timeperiods.cfg + builtins.readFile ./conf/services.cfg + builtins.readFile ./conf/contacts.cfg + builtins.readFile ./conf/hosts.cfg + '' define command { command_line ${myplugins}/send_nrdp.sh -u "$USER200$" -t "$USER201$" -H "$HOSTADDRESS$" -s "$SERVICEDESC$" -S "$SERVICESTATEID$" -o "$SERVICEOUTPUT$" command_name notify-master } define service { service_description No mdadm array is degraded use local-service check_command check_command_output!${pkgs.mdadm}/bin/mdadm --monitor --scan -1!^$!-s 0 -r root } define service { name local-service use generic-service host_name ${hostFQDN} check_interval 5 max_check_attempts 4 register 0 retry_interval 1 } define host { host_name ${hostFQDN} alias ${hostFQDN} address ${hostFQDN} use linux-server } '' + lib.strings.optionalString (builtins.pathExists specific_file) (builtins.readFile specific_file); in { options = { myServices.monitoring = { enable = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.bool; default = false; description = '' Whether to enable monitoring. ''; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf config.myServices.monitoring.enable { services.duplyBackup.profiles.monitoring = { rootDir = config.services.naemon.varDir; }; security.sudo.extraRules = [ { commands = [ { command = "${pkgs.mdadm}/bin/mdadm --monitor --scan -1"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } { command = "${pkgs.postfix}/bin/mailq"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } ]; users = [ "naemon" ]; runAs = "root"; } { commands = [ { command = "${myplugins}/check_postgres_replication *"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } { command = "${myplugins}/check_last_file_date /backup2/*"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } ]; users = [ "naemon" ]; runAs = "postgres"; } { commands = [ { command = "${myplugins}/check_last_file_date /backup2/*"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; } ]; users = [ "naemon" ]; runAs = "backup"; } ]; environment.etc."mdadm.conf" = { enable = true; mode = "0644"; user = "root"; text = "MAILADDR ${myconfig.env.monitoring.email}"; }; # needed since extraResource is not in the closure systemd.services.naemon.path = [ myplugins ]; services.naemon = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' broker_module=${pkgs.naemon-livestatus}/lib/naemon-livestatus/livestatus.so ${config.services.naemon.runDir}/live use_syslog=1 log_initial_states=1 date_format=iso8601 admin_email=${myconfig.env.monitoring.email} obsess_over_services=1 ocsp_command=notify-master ''; extraResource = '' $USER2$=${myplugins} $USER200$=${myconfig.env.monitoring.status_url} $USER201$=${myconfig.env.monitoring.status_token} ''; objectDefs = defaultObjects; }; }; }