let nixpkgs_unstable = import (builtins.fetchTarball { # FIXME: upgrade to nixpkgs 19 when stable and stick to stable # versions name = "nixos-unstable-2018-12-08"; url = https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/61c3169a0e17d789c566d5b241bfe309ce4a6275.tar.gz; sha256 = "0qbycg7wkb71v20rchlkafrjfpbk2fnlvvbh3ai9pyfisci5wxvq"; }) {}; in with nixpkgs_unstable; { inherit nixpkgs_unstable; fetchedGithub = path: let json = lib.importJSON path; in rec { version = json.tag; name = "${json.meta.name}-${version}"; src = fetchFromGitHub json.github; }; fetchedGit = path: let json = lib.importJSON path; in rec { version = json.tag; name = "${json.meta.name}-${version}"; src = fetchgit json.git; }; }