{ pkgs }: with pkgs; rec { yarn2nixPackage = let src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "moretea"; repo = "yarn2nix"; rev = "780e33a07fd821e09ab5b05223ddb4ca15ac663f"; sha256 = "1f83cr9qgk95g3571ps644rvgfzv2i4i7532q8pg405s4q5ada3h"; fetchSubmodules = true; }; in (callPackage src {}) // { inherit src; }; nodeEnv = import ./lib/node-env.nix; fetchedGithub = path: let json = lib.importJSON path; in rec { version = json.tag; name = "${json.meta.name}-${version}"; src = fetchFromGitHub json.github; }; fetchedGit = path: let json = lib.importJSON path; in rec { version = json.tag; name = "${json.meta.name}-${version}"; src = fetchgit json.git; }; fetchedGitPrivate = path: let json = lib.importJSON path; in rec { version = json.tag; name = "${json.meta.name}-${version}"; src = fetchgitPrivate json.git; }; wrap = { paths ? [], vars ? {}, file ? null, script ? null, name ? "wrap" }: assert file != null || script != null || abort "wrap needs 'file' or 'script' argument"; with rec { set = n: v: "--set ${pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg n} " + "${pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg v}"; args = (map (p: "--prefix PATH : ${p}/bin") paths) ++ (builtins.attrValues (pkgs.lib.mapAttrs set vars)); }; runCommand name { f = if file == null then writeScript name script else file; buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; } '' makeWrapper "$f" "$out" ${toString args} ''; # This adds header colors to the builds, but it rebuilds the whole # world from scratch, so only use it to debug! # add it as postHook in derivations immaePostHook = '' header() { echo -ne "\033[1;36m" echo -n "$1" echo -e "\033[0m" } echoCmd() { printf "\033[1;34m%s:\033[0m" "$1" shift printf ' %q' "$@" echo } ''; } // (if builtins.pathExists ./lib/private then import ./lib/private else {})