#!/usr/bin/env bash # You can execute this file to install wallabag # eg: `sh install.sh prod` IGNORE_ROOT_ARG="--ignore-root-warning" IGNORE_ROOT=0 while :; do case $1 in $IGNORE_ROOT_ARG) IGNORE_ROOT=1 ;; *[a-zA-Z]) ENV=$1 ;; *) break ;; esac shift done # Abort running this script if root if [ "$IGNORE_ROOT" -eq 0 ] && [ "$EUID" == "0" ]; then echo "Do not run this script as root!" >&2 echo "Use $IGNORE_ROOT_ARG to ignore this error." >&2 exit 1 fi COMPOSER_COMMAND='composer' REQUIRE_FILE='scripts/require.sh' if [ ! -f "$REQUIRE_FILE" ]; then echo "Cannot find $REQUIRE_FILE" exit 1 fi . "$REQUIRE_FILE" TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) git checkout $TAG SYMFONY_ENV=$ENV $COMPOSER_COMMAND install --no-dev -o --prefer-dist php bin/console wallabag:install --env=$ENV