* @copyright 2013 * @license http://www.wtfpl.net/ see COPYING file */ include dirname(__FILE__).'/inc/config.php'; $db = new db(DB_PATH); $action = (isset ($_GET['action'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['action']) : ''; $view = (isset ($_GET['view'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['view']) : ''; $id = (isset ($_GET['id'])) ? htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']) : ''; switch ($action) { case 'add': $url = (isset ($_GET['url'])) ? $_GET['url'] : ''; if ($url == '') continue; $url = html_entity_decode(trim($url)); // We remove the annoying parameters added by FeedBurner and GoogleFeedProxy (?utm_source=...) // from shaarli, by sebsauvage $i=strpos($url,'&utm_source='); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i); $i=strpos($url,'?utm_source='); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i); $i=strpos($url,'#xtor=RSS-'); if ($i!==false) $url=substr($url,0,$i); $title = $url; if (!preg_match('!^https?://!i', $url)) $url = 'http://' . $url; $html = Encoding::toUTF8(get_external_file($url,15)); if (isset($html) and strlen($html) > 0) { $r = new Readability($html, $url); if($r->init()) { $title = $r->articleTitle->innerHTML; } } $query = $db->getHandle()->prepare('INSERT INTO entries ( url, title ) VALUES (?, ?)'); $query->execute(array($url, $title)); break; case 'delete': $sql_action = "DELETE FROM entries WHERE id=?"; $params_action = array($id); break; default: break; } try { # action query if (isset($sql_action)) { $query = $db->getHandle()->prepare($sql_action); $query->execute($params_action); } } catch (Exception $e) { die('query error : '.$e->getMessage()); } switch ($view) { case 'archive': $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE is_read=? ORDER BY id desc"; $params = array(-1); break; case 'fav' : $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE is_fav=? ORDER BY id desc"; $params = array(-1); break; default: $sql = "SELECT * FROM entries WHERE is_read=? ORDER BY id desc"; $params = array(0); $view = 'index'; break; } # view query try { $query = $db->getHandle()->prepare($sql); $query->execute($params); $entries = $query->fetchAll(); } catch (Exception $e) { die('query error : '.$e->getMessage()); } ?> poche, a read it later open source system

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