container = $container; } private function getTable($tableName) { return $this->container->getParameter('database_table_prefix').$tableName; } /** * @param Schema $schema */ public function up(Schema $schema) { $this->skipIf($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() == 'sqlite', 'Migration can only be executed safely on \'mysql\' or \'postgresql\'.'); // remove all FK from entry_tag switch ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName()) { case 'mysql': $query = $this->connection->query(" SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE TABLE_NAME = '".$this->getTable('entry_tag')."' AND CONSTRAINT_NAME LIKE 'FK_%' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$this->connection->getDatabase()."'" ); $query->execute(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $fk) { $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('entry_tag').' DROP FOREIGN KEY '.$fk['CONSTRAINT_NAME']); } break; case 'postgresql': // $query = $this->connection->query(" SELECT conrelid::regclass AS table_from ,conname ,pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.connamespace WHERE contype = 'f' AND conrelid::regclass::text = '".$this->getTable('entry_tag')."' AND n.nspname = 'public';" ); $query->execute(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $fk) { $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('entry_tag').' DROP CONSTRAINT '.$fk['conname']); } break; } $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('entry_tag').' ADD CONSTRAINT FK_entry_tag_entry FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES '.$this->getTable('entry').' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('entry_tag').' ADD CONSTRAINT FK_entry_tag_tag FOREIGN KEY (tag_id) REFERENCES '.$this->getTable('tag').' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); // remove entry FK from annotation switch ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName()) { case 'mysql': $query = $this->connection->query(" SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE TABLE_NAME = '".$this->getTable('annotation')."' AND CONSTRAINT_NAME LIKE 'FK_%' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'entry_id' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '".$this->connection->getDatabase()."'" ); $query->execute(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $fk) { $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('annotation').' DROP FOREIGN KEY '.$fk['CONSTRAINT_NAME']); } break; case 'postgresql': // $query = $this->connection->query(" SELECT conrelid::regclass AS table_from ,conname ,pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.connamespace WHERE contype = 'f' AND conrelid::regclass::text = '".$this->getTable('annotation')."' AND n.nspname = 'public' AND pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) LIKE '%entry_id%';" ); $query->execute(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $fk) { $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('annotation').' DROP CONSTRAINT '.$fk['conname']); } break; } $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE '.$this->getTable('annotation').' ADD CONSTRAINT FK_annotation_entry FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES '.$this->getTable('entry').' (id) ON DELETE CASCADE'); } /** * @param Schema $schema */ public function down(Schema $schema) { throw new SkipMigrationException('Too complex ...'); } }